Black men taking our women

LOL Good Clip JD.

I would tend to agree with Don Wassal on this. I think that the white women's interest has peaked in regards to the African male. Anyway, In my opinion (some here may disagree with me and that is fine) once a white women accepts a black man into her, whether she falls pregnant or not she is dirty from within. I know that alot of people may disagree with me on this site for saying that. However it is my honest opinion. My wife, who is a Serb Greek mix actually convinced of that upon a long discussion that we had. When a woman takes a man into her body she is surrendering everything that is her while simultaneously accepting everything that is him. That being said, A white woman who sleeps with a African becomes tainted. If intercourse has not happened then maybe they can be salvaged. But once African seed has entered their innermost parts I truly believe that they are permanently transformed and no longer fit to raise, or care for any white children whom they may conceive at a later date "After their fling is over". Edited by: aussieaussie31
The funny thing about this is I hear blacks bragging all over youtube about how many white women they had. It makes me sick to my stomach. They really think they get one over on the white race with this crap.
aussieaussie31 said:
LOL Good Clip JD.

I would tend to agree with Don Wassal on this. I think that the white women's interest has peaked in regards to the African male. Anyway, In my opinion (some here may disagree with me and that is fine) once a white women accepts a black man into her, whether she falls pregnant or not she is dirty from within. I know that alot of people may disagree with me on this site for saying that. However it is my honest opinion. My wife, who is a Serb Greek mix actually convinced of that upon a long discussion that we had. When a woman takes a man into her body she is surrendering everything that is her while simultaneously accepting everything that is him. That being said, A white woman who sleeps with a African becomes tainted. If intercourse has not happened then maybe they can be salvaged. But once African seed has entered their innermost parts I truly believe that they are permanently transformed and no longer fit to raise, or care for any white children whom they may conceive at a later date "After their fling is over".

What if a white woman is raped by a black? Kick her to the curb?
whiteathlete33 said:
The funny thing about this is I hear blacks bragging all over youtube about how many white women they had. It makes me sick to my stomach. They really think they get one over on the white race with this crap.

I've heard black men say they go after white women to take revenge on white men. I knew one black man in his late 20s who would sleep with teenage white girls and then not speak to them afterwards. He would pursue them relentlessly, but once he had sex, would then pretend they didn't exist. Somehow he felt by doing this, he was winning a victory over the "crackers".

Black people never seem to realize that they have white men to thank for their quality of life. All the inventions they enjoy - automobiles, TVs, computers, aircraft - would not exist if not for the creative intelligence of white men.

The quality of life for black people in the US and other western countries is much better than in countries ruled by black men. Rhodesia prospered under white rule, but now has become one of the poorest countries in the world. The blacks in Haiti killed all the whites in 1804, and since then it has been one of the poorest and most violent places on earth.

Too bad white girls learn about black men from TV and movies, where negroes are portrayed in an unrealistically positive way. They are shown to be intelligent, fair, courageous, trustworthy, and honest. It started in the 60s with movies like "To Sir With Love" and "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" and has continued until the present day.
Edited by: JD1986
JD1986 said:
whiteathlete33 said:
The funny thing about this is I hear blacks bragging all over youtube about how many white women they had. It makes me sick to my stomach. They really think they get one over on the white race with this crap.

I've heard black men say they go after white women to take revenge on white men. I knew one black man in his late 20s who would sleep with teenage white girls and then not speak to them afterwards. He would pursue them relentlessly, but once he had sex, would then pretend they didn't exist. Somehow he felt by doing this, he was winning a victory over the "crackers".

Black people never seem to realize that they have white men to thank for their quality of life. All the inventions they enjoy - automobiles, TVs, computers, aircraft - would not exist if not for the creative intelligence of white men.

The quality of life for black people in the US and other western countries is much better than in countries ruled by black men. Rhodesia prospered under white rule, but now has become one of the poorest countries in the world. The blacks in Haiti killed all the whites in 1804, and since then it has been one of the poorest and most violent places on earth.

Too bad white girls learn about black men from TV and movies, where negroes are portrayed in an unrealistically positive way. They are shown to be intelligent, fair, courageous, trustworthy, and honest. It started in the 60s with movies like "To Sir With Love" and "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" and has continued until the present day.

I too have heard something of that nature about getting even with white men. Blacks in the US are the wealthiest per capita of any other black country. They couldn't have it any better but they whine and whine. Whites give in too much to their demands and when "Big Bad Al" gets involved it just makes my blood boil.
Good points and anecdotes everybody, and thanks for the clip of Vlad destroying Byrd!

Just some observations, mostly echoing what some have already said.

1) I agree that most black man-white woman couples you see in public involve white woman of below average attractiveness. This should give us hope...we should point out this fact frequently to the boastful black man or his white admirer.

2) white woman who are attracted to black men are attracted for these reasons.

a) a sort of sympathy for them, since it has been drilled into whites that the blacks have been the "poor downtrodden class." this brings out the sympathetic maternal streak in women. For other historical parallels see the Indian movie "Langan" where the white aristocratic women sympathize with the Indian underclass.

b) as an act of rebellion against traditional white middle class mores. This motivation was more true pre-1965


c) conversely, as an act of conformity or keeping up with today's "progressive standards" according to which either "race doesn't matter" or (more likely) "blacks are cool" (ie. "race does matter"!)

related to this is the:

d) the sheer constant (and I mean constant) propaganda blitz in favor of black men. Commercials, sports, movies, music. Add to that

e) the deliberate underreporting and lack of comment about negative black behavior (esp. the heavy black on white rape/violence statistics).

f) we can add to this all of the sexual prowess myths promoted about blacks over the last 100 years. It would be interesting to document where these myths started and how these opinions came to be treated (ridiculously) as "common knowledge."

I agree that many black men pursue white women

(a) as revenge against whitey

(b) as a sign that they have "arrived," by 'merging" with the ruling class of society. sometimes this is accompanied by an admiration for white society, more likely it is accompanied by a defensiveness and a looking for negative attitudes on the part of whitey,so that he can confirm that he has indeed 'stuck it to whitey."

(c) whites provide the stucture and the stability which blacks desire but cannot obtain in the black community.

(d) white women *really are* more beautiful/intellgent/desirable on the whole than black women.

(e) contempt for black women.

(f) if you are black man who is unlikely to make a lot of money, attain honors, status, one quick way to enhance your self-esteem is to sleep with women who are accounted successful beautiful, etc.

(g) black men take advantage of the ambiguity of the social situation. what is really an attempt at racial one upmanship can easily be portrayed by the black as an honest request for a date. which is why its important for whites--when the black man is obviously bothering the white woman--to call him out on this.
Excellent post, Solomon Kane!
I'm glad to see some younger fellas on CF. Ya'll are wise beyond your years.

The Globalist Elite have long funded and enabled the downfall of our Constitutional Republic and the moral foundation that made us great. The demonization of the White man was initially gradual (circa the 1960s) and has now reached warp-speed (as was always intended). The caste media is just one facet of the Elite's empire. The total attack on the White man is executed on multiple levels (goverment schools, MSM, Sheepletainment industry). Miscegnegation is a choice "weapon" in the assault of the Elite.
I suppose I should have distinguished between rape, and consensual sex. I actually thought to distinguish the 2 at the end of my last post. Anyway, obviously noone can fault a woman for being raped. Any woman that has to endure such a savage thing as rape should indeed be comforted, and helped to the umth degree. Whether it be counseling or what have you. I would not consider any woman that has been raped to be dirty as they would have had no choice in the matter. In my own personal opinion I believe rape should be a crime that is dealt with by way of capital punishment. In my last post I was speaking in regards to white women that intentionally date black men with the intent of throwing it in "the man's" face.
Now, during my time on the South Side of Chicago I have known 3 white women that have dated, or had offspring with black men. Of the 3 I have known personally ALL THREE only had very derogatory things to say about white men whenever racially charged discussions took place. Now that is three for three my man. The way I see it, white women that have relations with black men at the very least loathe the white man on some level. Now, I have never been one to like someone who does not like me. I think that is only natural. So you see, when I see a white women with her African buck (Which I have only seen 1 time in over four years in Australia and she was from England)I think it would be pretty safe to assume that at the very least she has some resentment for the whiteman. How much? I suppose that may vary from one tramp to the next. Now, say if a white girl is getting used and abused by Africans from the age of 18 to 25 of her own free will. Now she gets to the age of 26 and wants to find a good white man after her clubbing days are over. Bulls*it. She does not have the moral compass to raise a white son when she was little more than a whore for Africans throughout the early part of her life. I have seen many women of other races that appealed to me. Primarily Mexican as I have no physical attraction to asians. Yet the thought of doing something that would purposefully bring shame to a white woman has never occurred to me. In my opinion the western white women has been living in a dream wonderland since the end of the second world war. They have the chance to live in a first world society that the wretched white man has built and continues to maintain while at the same time telling that same white man that he is somehow not good enough at this or that. The truth is, any white female who freely gives herself to Africans is for all intensive purposes a lost cause. In closing I'll say that I do not like to be considered second best at anything. And a white women who wastes her youth showing Africans a good time while bringing no enjoyment to her own men should not under any circumstances be welcomed by white men in their inner circle. They should be ignored and made to feel irrelevant when among us. In closing I will say this. At one time I was a avid reader of the bible. That goes for the old testament as well as the new. I cannot quote the scripture but I do know for a fact that somewhere in the book it refers to a man and a woman becoming one during intercourse. That says it all if your a Christian.
aussie, that would be Genesis 2:24, and I agree with you.
Also, the clip of Klitschko beating Byrd is a good one. Byrd's white woman is very loud and annoying. I almost feel sorry for him having to put up with that, almost.
Colonel_Reb said:
Also, the clip of Klitschko beating Byrd is a good one. Byrd's white woman is very loud and annoying. I almost feel sorry for him having to put up with that, almost.

I personally don't care who dates who and who marries who but I predict that Chris Byrd's wife won't be with him much longer. As anybody who saw Byrd's last fight can attest, he is a shot fighter and her meal ticket will be dried up in no more than a couple of years. I guess we will all see if she is really in love with him.
Wasn't there a huge story about a negro in the CFL giving aids to women in Canada? And yet, there's still a plethora of white trash whores spreading their legs for the beasts. Disgusting.Edited by: Deacon
Parody said:
There's a media-created myth that black men are better endowed than white.

There was this dumpy-looking 5'8" middle-aged black man, pot-bellied with bad teeth who worked for the same company as myself, some ten years ago.

Several white men whom I worked with were without a wife/girlfriend, despite being physically fit and younger than this negro. The age 45 black man had a very attractive white girlfriend, about age 28-30, who drove him to work, picked him up to take him home and treated him like gold.

Despite having such a nice woman, the black guy would frequently try to arrange sexual encounters with the young women at our workplace.

Some of us joked that he must have a big penis, because there was absolutely no reason otherwise why this dumpy-looking black man with bad teeth would have such a beautiful girlfriend who loves him so much.

We have a nude beach here in Vancouver, "Wreck Beach". One day I was relaxing in the sun, and this black man from work and his beautiful girlfriend walked by. I was surprised to see he had a small penis!

The Jewish-controlled entertainment industry has portrayed black men in a positive light, including the myth about penis size, while creating a negative image of white men. This is the primary reason so many white women give themselves to undeserving negroes.
Great points and a great story. I will also say that knowing some black guys over the years, I have learned some things. They like to do what is called turning a girl out. It basically means to take her from a good girl to a slut. Make her just want to f**k all the time. They also like to brain wash them. They constantly talk down about most white people. It eventually rubs off on the women and they start to hate white guys. They also think that white guys are nerds from hearing it from the black guys, their friends and off course the media. The media has pushed this for a long time.

One last thing. One black guy I know who is a ladies man and always bragging how good he is. A blonde he used to date/srew or what ever you want to call it approached me one night. She told me and a few of my friends that he was the worst screw of her life. He had trouble getting it up and also was very small. Needless to say it was very funny to me and my friends as this guy thinks he is the sh**. What a liar. The crazy thing is that he still gets some good looking women. All because they are brainwashed into thinking he is the ultimate catch because of the color of his skin. On top of that he has many kids from many different women. I swear that alot of white women are very stupid when it comes to dating. They will learn the hard way!
Most white girls want a white guy, and without the prior sexual "experimentation" with blacks that the media pounds into our ideas. It took me a painfully long time to understand this.
The more this happens, the fewer women there will be for whites. Do you notice how all the people in the media who promote this already have their nice looking white woman? I see Asians and Mexicans with white women also. I saw this fat Mexican man with boobs with this nice looking white woman. It is infuriating. I also saw a fat black guy with a decent looking white woman. When you don't have a white woman at the moment, it is almost unbearable.
Wow. this is a very racially charged discussion. You guys want to keep white women around? Beat the black guys at their own game. If they act like hot sh*t, let them. Just demand respect. I dont mean go out and be a c*cky d**chebag but dont let anyone make you feel inferior. Someone messes with you, u push right back. Women are attracted to confidence, no denying that. If a white woman wants to be with a black guy, who are we to tell them no? Sooner or later theyll find out whether that guy is a real man, or someone who only talks a big game and will leave them.

Edited by: Taco
Europe said:
The more this happens, the fewer women there will be for whites. Do you notice how all the people in the media who promote this already have their nice looking white woman? I see Asians and Mexicans with white women also. I saw this fat Mexican man with boobs with this nice looking white woman. It is infuriating. I also saw a fat black guy with a decent looking white woman. When you don't have a white woman at the moment, it is almost unbearable.

One thing I think is crucially important is to avoid thinking of beautiful white women in terms of scarcity. There are plenty of pretty white women for all of us. Yes, ultimately some people may be left out, but that is a choice. If we are confident, successful, and in good shape, we do not have enough time to spend with all the white women who would want to be with us. Ironically, the men who fume about not have a girl are even less likely to get one. It's a brutal form of human nature. Women can smell nervousness and anxiety from a mile away, and they usually want no part of it (some ultra male dominating types might like that, but they are few and far between).

Trust me, a few years back I was in a similar situation where I was angry and my lack of success with women. I didn't realize that doing that was killing my chances of meeting, hanging out with, dating, and uh... ya know... (wink, wink) with the ladies
. I too would get upset at the site of black men with white women (and I still do), and compare them to myself and not understand how that could happen. You start to get very bad and negative thoughts and beliefs.

But then I just stood back and thought about it. All of my white friends did well with girls. I came to the realization that there was no good reason for me to be alone. I finally realized I wasn't being punished, that black men weren't reducing my chances with white women, and observed and soaked in what my white friends where doing. I also read some great material, if you'd like to know please send me a PM I'd like for you to get a chance to read it. Once I did this, the ball started rolling slightly in my favor. I made friends with girls, and would hang out with them. The more you are around women, even if they are just friends, the more other women see this and will think more highly of you. The more care-free you become, the more women will want to be around you. Pretty soon I got a couple dates, even with some high status type girls at my school. These didn't work out well, but it gave me much needed experience. Once I finally got over the hump so to speak, it was all smooth sailing from there. Now I have no problem meeting women who are total strangers and getting their number, usually them just giving it to me, within five minutes. I don't really have a problem anymore with girls wanting to cancel on me. If I want to hang out, I just say the time and place and now they say ok. If they don't, I forget them, delete their number from my phonebook, and go find some other girls! Not to get too detailed, but things have worked out well for me. There's something different in my attitude and they can see that. Of course I still get scared of approaching women, but everyone does. That's life and it will never go away.

I'm not trying to say I'm not disgusted when a white women is with a black man. Of course I am and we all should be. We just shouldn't let that affect our well being, and we have to truly believe they are not taking anyone away from us or hurting our chances. Only we can hurt our own chances. There are too many beautiful white women who are just wating for a fun, relaxed, and confident white man to meet them. There's more than enough of them than you could ever hope or dream to go through!
Edited by: Electric Slide
Excellent post Electric Slide!

A lot of ladies like to read. A library can be a good place to meet a cool gal.
I agree. Being confident is the biggest key to meeting women. It takes practice but you will get better at it as you get older. Don't use one liners, just be yourself and be confident. Make eye contact, and joking around is always good. It eases the tension and relaxes both people. One last thing. Within 10 minutes at the most, go for the number. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. I'm still single but I never have trouble meeting ladies. It's so easy to get phone numbers.

Don't get discouraged. Start off slow and little by little you will get there. Good luck to all of us single guys at Castefootball. Your all my brothers.Edited by: white lightning
I continue to believe the black male/white female thing is in decline. Maybe 1 white woman in 20 truly prefers black males, if that. And many of them that do are less than a threat to win a beauty contest, if you know what I mean. Be uplifted by the fact that the vast majority of our women stay within the racein spite of 40 years of propaganda encouraging them not to do so.
Don Wassall said:
I continue to believe the black male/white female thing is in decline.  Maybe 1 white woman in 20 truly prefers black males, if that.  And many of them that do are less than a threat to win a beauty contest, if you know what I mean.  Be uplifted by the fact that the vast majority of our women stay within the race in spite of 40 years of propaganda encouraging them not to do so.

In 1994, I went to Decatur AL to take a new job. I saw more black/white couples in that area than before or since. It was at the time of the O.J. Simpson trial, which made it especially noticeable. In some cases, the women were of a very low quality. Once, I saw an attractive middle-class looking white woman with a mixed race child.

The numbers didn't increase after the first year I was in Decatur. When I left in 2006, there seemed to be fewer of them. You still see it, but there doesn't seem to be an increase in numbers.
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