Black men taking our women

May 20, 2007
What can be done about this?

Many white women seem to prefer the "danger" and "uncertainty" offered to them by blacks.

This is an epidemic as far as I am concerned, and black athletes are as guilty as anyone.

I have many Toronto CFL players as my friends on Facebook, all the pictures posted are of the black ones at parties or night clubs drinking or dancing with smoking hot white women.

MAKE IT STOP! Keep our race pure and do not take our women!

Whenever I got to the club one of the first things I notice is a long row of black guys posted on a wall with white girls happily grinding on their dicks. This sickens me but what makes me even more angry is that the girls are more than happy to do it.

Most people in Canada are liberal and say that I should not be upset that white girl's are into black guys because race doesn't matter and should be ignored. I guess that only applies when its beneficial to black people, since obviously these girls don't get frowned upon for choosing these guys, just because they are black. Or is their depth of character that they are attracted to?Edited by: TorontoArgos

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
I believe raising racially conscious children is our most effective tool. But there in lies the problem. The white nationalist demographic isn't looking too good. We need to increase our numbers in a very real way or retreat.

Is it now impossible to watch any TV show without some sort of interracial promotion? or without having the white male getting the 'pie in the face'?

As far as something for white nationalists to hold on to, I believe there is absolutely nothing that the msm offers that is acceptable.

We have our message boards and that's it. In other words, It's over. They won. We lost. The Zionists have taken this country from the white man just as throughly as the white man had taken it from the native tribes.

My recommendation is that we seek out each other and establish new communities. We really need to start small and work our way up. A WN worrying about presidential politics is just plain silly. I can assure you, the white national is the last thing any candidate is worried about, even Dr. Paul.
May 20, 2007
C Darwin said:
I believe raising racially conscious children is our most effective tool. But there in lies the problem. The white nationalist demographic isn't looking too good. We need to increase our numbers in a very real way or retreat.

Is it now impossible to watch any TV show without some sort of interracial promotion? or without having the white male getting the 'pie in the face'?

As far as something for white nationalists to hold on to, I believe there is absolutely nothing that the msm offers that is acceptable.

We have our message boards and that's it. In other words, It's over. They won. We lost. The Zionists have taken this country from the white man just as throughly as the white man had taken it from the native tribes.

My recommendation is that we seek out each other and establish new communities. We really need to start small and work our way up. A WN worrying about presidential politics is just plain silly. I can assure you, the white national is the last thing any candidate is worried about, even Dr. Paul.
I am with you man.

As a 16 year old, I have been trying to do my part. I often point out racial double standards and have more than a few friends who have begun to understand. I am incredibly proud when I see those friends whom I introduced to the Caste System and Cultural Marxism pointing out racial injustices to me or to other people.

We need more people to recruit to the cause, but in order to do so successfully we cannot come across as lunatics. Personally, I am liberal in most of my political views, listen to rap music, and embrace 'urban' culture. So people actually listen when I talk about these things.

Edited by: TorontoArgos


Mar 2, 2008
Westwood, California
I agree with you that at times seeing white women with black men is annoying (but only if the girl is on the attractive side), since it seems like such a "waste."

But on closer contemplation it really isn't any of my business what these women do, it's their life, and if they want to slum it in that way then whatever -- the white race is better for having lost them.

Not all white girls who date black guys are slumming it though because a lot of black guys are cool, but if some chick is dating some ghetto thug then it says more about her than about him.

He's just out to get his, and if she's trashy enough to be putting out, then he'd be stupid to not take her up on it.

I think you get a wrong idea about white women in general if you judge by what you see at night clubs.

It's a well-known fact that dance clubs are filled with attention-whores and narcissists and you're not going to find a very high standard of human being at most of them, most of the time.

Dance clubs are pretty much high schools for grown ups, since they haven't grown up yet.

And that brings me to my main point -- I can't tell you how many times I've seen white chicks (ugly and pretty) throw themselves at black guys and live that way for a while -- maybe one year, maybe five years, maybe ten years -- but then finally they grow up and realize that there's more to life than going to clubs and trying to act like a whore and getting random guys to buy them drinks and take them home.

Unfortunately by the time they get tired of being treated like a piece of garbage by black men, the good white men have already chosen someone else.

Take heart my man, not all hot white girls are club sluts. In fact, if you talk to any random ten hot CLASSY white girls, you'll find that easily more than half of them would be repulsed by the very idea with grinding on some "homie".

And take heart with this, also -- white men are easily the most desirable alternative choice to females looking to date outside their own race.

Have you ever been the tall, good-looking white boy in the hip hop club? OH DAMN.

You'll have sistahs lining up on your jock all night, dude.

And that's real.
May 20, 2007
GiovaniMarcon said:
I agree with you that at times seeing white women with black men is annoying (but only if the girl is on the attractive side), since it seems like such a "waste."

But on closer contemplation it really isn't any of my business what these women do, it's their life, and if they want to slum it in that way then whatever -- the white race is better for having lost them.

Not all white girls who date black guys are slumming it though because a lot of black guys are cool, but if some chick is dating some ghetto thug then it says more about her than about him.

He's just out to get his, and if she's trashy enough to be putting out, then he'd be stupid to not take her up on it.

I think you get a wrong idea about white women in general if you judge by what you see at night clubs.

It's a well-known fact that dance clubs are filled with attention-whores and narcissists and you're not going to find a very high standard of human being at most of them, most of the time.

Dance clubs are pretty much high schools for grown ups, since they haven't grown up yet.

And that brings me to my main point -- I can't tell you how many times I've seen white chicks (ugly and pretty) throw themselves at black guys and live that way for a while -- maybe one year, maybe five years, maybe ten years -- but then finally they grow up and realize that there's more to life than going to clubs and trying to act like a whore and getting random guys to buy them drinks and take them home.

Unfortunately by the time they get tired of being treated like a piece of garbage by black men, the good white men have already chosen someone else.

Take heart my man, not all hot white girls are club sluts. In fact, if you talk to any random ten hot CLASSY white girls, you'll find that easily more than half of them would be repulsed by the very idea with grinding on some "homie".

And take heart with this, also -- white men are easily the most desirable alternative choice to females looking to date outside their own race.

Have you ever been the tall, good-looking white boy in the hip hop club? OH DAMN.

You'll have sistahs lining up on your jock all night, dude.

And that's real.
True story:

I was at a subway station when a black guy asks me for a ticket, I open my wallet and give him one. A black chick who was with him sees how much money I had in my wallet (well over $700) and followed me onto my subway car and was hitting on me for the entire ride.

And I agree that most white girls aren't like that. Just a pity for the ones who are. And yes most of them do grow up but I am a teen and unfortunately at my age it is quite common for a girl to experiment with new things.


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
Being another teen, toronto argos where did you get all the cash? Im happy if i have 25 bucks in my wallet
May 20, 2007
celticdb15 said:
Being another teen, toronto argos where did you get all the cash? Im happy if i have 25 bucks in my wallet
many ways...but i got robbed and lost it all.Edited by: TorontoArgos


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007

White Power

Feb 25, 2007
Race mixing will unfortunately continue for the forseeable future especially if Obama is elected. I'll tell you why the war on poverty and the civil rights movement ruined this country. Not to mention the oppostion to the Vietnam war and all the free love and sex and drugs of the 60's. This country is doomed to fall apart with all of this race mixing and the tainting and dumbing down of white society. I have children of my own they are young and they already know who to play with and who not to play with need I say more. It starts at home with the parents. Who have to teach their children to keep the race pure without sounding outwordly racist. I just told my kids to watch the black children and that was all it took for them to realize that they are not like us. Most parents don't do this for fear of being branded racists. Take a country like Russia vey few blacks and very little race mixing they will one day dominate the world with the european white population. If only we had leaders who would stand up and say the truth then maybe we could over come the dumbing down of this countries population. This is a subject that is very dear to me we must reverse this trend or truly America will fall without a single shot being fired from the outside. I hope that I personally won't be a witness to this travesty.  Edited by: White Power
Apr 22, 2005
At an AAU basketball tournament this wknd (where my only all-white team won its age group, not easy when you're the only white team to make it into bracket play, and there's not a white ref in the bldg), I witnessed this slightly heartening scene when I was waiting between games:

Some black players from, I think, Ohio, were talking to two younger girls, one black, about 10, one white, about 13, and asked the white one if she had a sister. Yeah, she said, she's sitting right over there -- watching her boyfriend play. The kid asked, which one is he? She pointed to the only white player on the court, a future DI guard from one of the better teams in Michigan. So, this clown laughs and goes over to the sister/girlfriend to work his ghetto charm. She just looked straight ahead, with just a trace of a sneer, until the kid left her alone, shuffling back to be harassed by his teammates. Edited by: GreatLakeState
Nov 8, 2006
GreatLakeState's story illustrates a valuable point: it's up to us as white men to make ourselves strong and desirable. Imagine if her white boyfriend had been a typical drunken fan instead of a future D-1 player!

At this point there's not a lot I can do about the synagogue in most living rooms. What I can do is improve myself. Too many white men are sitting in front of the idiot box growing a beer belly while cheering for the super-human negro. What kind of message does that send to our women?

My recommendation would be participate in sports yourself, join a gym, wear nice clothes, learn how to make good impressions when meeting people and, of course, keep cheering for white athletes!

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
As best I can tell from over a quarter of a century of observing and studying the phenomenon, the black male/white female thing peaked some years back and is now in decline. I'm sure there's still plenty of situations where it appears endemic -- certain clubs and certain areas of many cities for example-- but that doesn't represent the bigger picture.

As pointed out above,"dating" blacksis often just a phase for young white girls, especially middle class ones. The white girls who tend to end up (get stuck) with black males for their entire lives (usually having mixed race children) are those in poorer urban areas where their families are unable to move. Lower class urban whites tend to get swallowed up whole by the dominant "hip hop" culture. Not putting them down,that's justthe way it is.

In spite of all the race mixing propaganda, the vast majority of white females still naturally stick to their own kind. This holds true even more so the older they get. Evidence? Take a look at internet dating sites and see how few white women specify black males for dating. The vast majority specifiy white men only,with lesser numbers listingwhite and Asian, or white, Asian and hispanic. It's quite noticeable how many completely exclude blacks.

If this country becomes strongly miscegenated, it will be white men/Asian women couples leading the way, as is happening. But the most likely cause still remains massive legal and illegal non-white immigration, which is fast overwhelming the white population far more than intermarriage.Edited by: Don Wassall


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I'll never forget, in a college class no less, about 4 years ago when a 50-60 year old black female student said something about the size myth. She said "I don't care what they say, there ain't no size difference between white men and black men. Men is men, thats all there is to it." Seeing as how the class was 50/50, the reactions were varied, but nobody contradicted her.


Apr 4, 2007
Outside North America
by us prostitution is legal.I remember this from TV it was like a year ago_On tv a black interviewster did go to the red light destriction and said something like black man have big penis seize right? to a prostitutue during interview she said: no it very depends on the person but erect whites have on average a little bigger than blacks and asians are on smaller than whites and blacks.A prostitute musst know it i think, so why is this myth comming from? or dutch whites musst be much bigger than other whites but i don't take that as likely

after the prostitute said that she told that whites are on average a little bigger than blacks the interviewerster was Quiet


Apr 14, 2005
Yeah I guess for some of these young white women the black thing is just a phase. I also have an example. I grew up with two half white/half black twins. Well when I went to their house for the first time years back I met their younger brother...who was 100% white(technically their half brother). So I guess my friends' mom realized that black is wack & white is right. Who says once you go black you never go back.
What a bunch of MSM garbage!

To this day my friends' mom is still happily married to her white husband. While their black father I still have never met or seen.

Also I want to say that from years' experiences working with a lot of black guys over the years I have one reason as to how they pick up the white chicks. They talk a lotta sh*t!! and AREN'T AFRAID to talk to women! These black guys just don't give a flying fu*k what comes out of their mouth. They just keep runnin and runnin their mouths off to whatever girl will listen. Unfortunately I must say from personal experience I've met way more white guys who were afraid or shy to go and start a conversation with the opposite sex. The bottom line is that the aggressive confident male more than likely always gets the chick. More white guys need to stop being computer geeks and get some game with the ladies. They need to take more chances like the brothers and stop caring if they strike out with the girl or not.
May 20, 2007
whiteCB said:
Also I want to say that from years' experiences working with a lot of black guys over the years I have one reason as to how they pick up the white chicks. They talk a lotta sh*t!! and AREN'T AFRAID to talk to women! These black guys just don't give a flying fu*k what comes out of their mouth. They just keep runnin and runnin their mouths off to whatever girl will listen. Unfortunately I must say from personal experience I've met way more white guys who were afraid or shy to go and start a conversation with the opposite sex. The bottom line is that the aggressive confident male more than likely always gets the chick. More white guys need to stop being computer geeks and get some game with the ladies. They need to take more chances like the brothers and stop caring if they strike out with the girl or not.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
White cb said it as good as anyone can. I have never had problems meeting the ladies. It all comes down to confidence. I have even seen fat and average to ugly white guys who had alot of game. Personality and confidence is huge! On the average, they are more smooth talkers and they also love to dance. If you want to meet more young, attractive ladies, get some confidence and also learn to dance. Ladies always like to dance whether it's country, salsa, ballroom or hip hop. If you can talk and move, they will chase you. Trust me on this. I know from experience!


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
whiteCB said:
Also I want to say that from years' experiences working with a lot of black guys over the years I have one reason as to how they pick up the white chicks. They talk a lotta sh*t!! and AREN'T AFRAID to talk to women! These black guys just don't give a flying fu*k what comes out of their mouth. They just keep runnin and runnin their mouths off to whatever girl will listen. Unfortunately I must say from personal experience I've met way more white guys who were afraid or shy to go and start a conversation with the opposite sex. The bottom line is that the aggressive confident male more than likely always gets the chick. More white guys need to stop being computer geeks and get some game with the ladies. They need to take more chances like the brothers and stop caring if they strike out with the girl or not.

Yeah, some of these black guys at the bar and clubs remind me of my one friend from Canada. This particular friend of mine, I wouldn't call him a close friend because I respect him the least out of my big group of friends, is a complete ladies man. He's by far the best in the group at picking up girls (actually the two nicest guys in the group are horrible picking up girls).

I never got why a girl would be interested in him. He is 110% about himself and very shallow. This kid wouldn't do anything to help a friend if it would hurt him in any way. However, he is very confident and knows how to make himself look like the dominant one in the group (the alpha male). He also knows how to seduce girls or make them feel important. He also is pretty funny and knows how to tell BS stories. He is completely unafraid to walk up to a group of girls, or even a group of girls and guys, at a bar with an opener and start a conversation. I don't know how many times I've seen him get girls numbers that are 5-10 years younger than him and go home with them.

However, this guy is a real ass hole. I was talking with a girl I used to hang with, who he's told me he doesn't like, which isn't surpising because she's one of the nicest people I've ever met. I ended up making friends with her friend, who was average looking, but a real nice girl also and got her number.

I got done talking to them because they left and was saving the girl's number in my phone and he grabs the phone out of my hands and shuts it. I was "very" pissed because I never used to get girls numbers at bars and almost punched him in the face. He then turned the whole thing around and "claimed" he did this the girl I knew isn't part of our group and he can't stand the girl because she gossips about him and that the girl who's number I got was ugly anyway. Not surprisingly the "followers" in the group believed his BS story.

So basically, I've found guys like him (and a lot of young black guys fit into this category; at least the confidence and bullsh*t story telling part) may pick up a lot of girls at the bar, but they aren't classy women. The girls that are interested in him might want a one night stand and figure he'd be good in the sack because he's a hot shot. This guy is a year older than me. He's almost 30 and has never had a good relationship in his life as far as I could tell.

My best friend set me up on a blind date with my current girlfriend and we fell in love. My gf is a real classy and kind hearted girl and doesn't like the bar scene. Even though she's 6 years younger than me she is very mature. And she has told me that she likes most of my friends a lot, but doesn't like my aforementioned friend because "he's shallow, all about himself and thinks he's hot stuff."

Yet my gf dated a black guy for a little over a year starting when she was a sophomore in college. She told me he was actually a real nice guy and picked her up because he was really sociable. But this black guy left her for a hot mullato girl partly because she wasn't ready to marry him and refused to have sex before marriage. So this guys loss is my gain. Or you could say his loss of a white woman is my gain of a white woman, or at least a mostly white woman.

The classy mature girls aren't the ones that are grinding on these black guys at the club. That's why I was so surprised to find out my girl dated a black guy, b/c she doesn't seem like she fits the black guy dating profile at all. But this guy was a "classy" black guy apparently.

Kind of funny right before I left Canada late last summer to move to NJ my hotshot friend told me while we were playing golf "I wish I could find a girl like your girl." This was the first time ever that this guy had "ever" shared anything negative about himself. It was also the first time in my life I actually felt bad for him. I had always lived my life thinking that his life was much better than mine. Well now I guess it's the other way around.

So if you're sick of unclassy girls grinding on the black guys at clubs, don't try to find your girl in a club. This is the kind of girl this hot shot gets. He's almost 30 years old and still is going to the bar (now with less people because his friends are getting engaged and moving on with their lives) and picking up 19 year olds, but he apparently is jealous of his friends now!
Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins


Apr 14, 2005
white lightning said:
White cb said it as good as anyone can. I have never had problems meeting the ladies. It all comes down to confidence. I have even seen fat and average to ugly white guys who had alot of game. Personality and confidence is huge! On the average, they are more smooth talkers and they also love to dance. If you want to meet more young, attractive ladies, get some confidence and also learn to dance. Ladies always like to dance whether it's country, salsa, ballroom or hip hop. If you can talk and move, they will chase you. Trust me on this. I know from experience!

OH yeah being able to dance is fu*kin huge! I can personally attest to that! Ladies absolutely love a guy who can grind with em'. I'm not one to brag but I can pretty much tear sh*t up on the floor and leave the brothers speechless and that's a fact.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
I think it pretty much has to do with the media making it "cool" to be black these days. Thats why white women swallow up the whole idea of dating black guys. They also get attracted to thug attitudes through the moronic media. What happens in most cases is the black abuses the white woman and leaves her after the kid is born. Such a sad story every time.
Apr 22, 2005
A few years ago, one of my sisters, who had moved to California who who knows what was in her head, said she might date this black guy she met. Outrage from older brother ensued. But, she protested, he doesn't even act black -- he golfs all the time!

So did O.J., I told her.

Disaster averted.


Mar 8, 2005
United States
If the girl is from a good family she won't date outside her race. There are exceptions to that but it's still very much in the minority. You don't see too many valedictorians dating black guys. It's usually the girl that has been passed around since she was 13 that dates the black guy. Right, cause, I don't see a lot of black men dating pretty white women. I see them dating the fat chick with no chance of ever finding a partner, but as far as I'm concerned, its good eugenics. They are taking the worst of our race and making it negro.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
..he is very confident and knows how to make himself look like the dominant one in the group (the alpha male). He also knows how to seduce girls or make them feel important. He also is pretty funny and knows how to tell BS stories. He is completely unafraid to walk up to a group of girls, or even a group of girls and guys, at a bar with an opener and start a conversation. I don't know how many times I've seen him get girls numbers that are 5-10 years younger than him and go home with them.

From your story, it doesn't seem like he just 'looks like' the dominant male in your group.