Ben Roethlisberger

We all know if he didn't get suspended or got a one or two game suspension all the affletes in the NFL would be whining like little bi-ches. Anytime they feel whitey got away with something or off too easy their racism comes through full force.
Wow! The NFL came down hard on Ben. After reading Goodell's statement I had to laugh. What a hypocrite! If the Affletes were held to the same standards as Ben ... 85% of them would be suspended. How severe would he have been punished if he had been convicted of a crime?;_ylt=A9G_XHppds9LB5QAMi9DubYF?slug=ap-roethlisberger-suspension


Commissioner Roger Goodell handed down the punishment a week after prosecutors decided not to charge Roethlisberger in a case involving a 20-year-old college student who accused him of sexually assaulting her in a Georgia nightclub in March.

Goodell said the league's conduct policy gave him the right to impose discipline regardless of whether he broke the law.

"My decision today is not based on a finding that you violated Georgia law, or on a conclusion that differs from that of the local prosecutor. That said, you are held to a higher standard as an NFL player, and there is nothing about your conduct in Milledgeville that can remotely be described as admirable, responsible, or consistent with either the values of the league or the expectations of our fans."Â￾

Roethlisberger must undergo a "comprehensive behavioral evaluation by medical professionals"Â￾ and may not attend any team offseason activities until that evaluation is completed.

(snip)Edited by: Bart
Bart said:
Wow! The NFL came down hard on Ben. After reading Goodell's statement I had to laugh. What a hypocrite! If the Affletes were held to the same standards as Ben ... 85% of them would be suspended. How severe would he have been punished if he had been convicted of a crime?

Roethlisberger must undergo a "comprehensive behavioral evaluation by medical professionals"Â￾ and may not attend any team offseason activities until that evaluation is completed.

I'll bet he's the first player suspended without even being charged with a crime. The black players and DWFs should be appeased by this.

And the Soviet style "comprehensive behavioral evaluation"? Icing on the (chocolate) cake.Edited by: Don Wassall
While it was obvious that Goodall would have to do a tit for tat type suspension. I think a BYU honor code should be adopted by various teams(obviously watered down a bit), this could drum out the extreme end of thugs in this league. If this is the end of Ben's problems then this is too harsh. But if he is a White version of Pac Man Jones then he is getting of light IMO. Edited by: white is right
Roethlisberger might be immoral and guilty of bad judgment (did the girl go into this "public" restroom with him willingly for sex with his bodyguards blocking others from entering?) but I agree with you guys that there is a clear double standard here between blacks and whites who commit wrongdoing. IE. Michael Vick, Chris Henry (could have been a role model by tool bag MJD lol), Pac-Man, Ray Lewis vs. Matt Jones and Kobe vs. Big Ben. The suspension seems rather long and arguably no suspension is warranted at all since he wasn't charged. Other afroletes routinely pick up party girls. I think there's been a few afroletes accused of rape who weren't charged as well.

Charges "WERE" originally filed against Kobe Bryant for rape (did he give her personal check to "shut up"?)- and in order for the case to be dropped he admitted that he was guilty of sexual misconduct in a statement saying something like "I didn't rape her, but I could see how she thought I did".

The only way I could see his statement making sense is if the girl was out of it- "staggering" drunk and "kind of" gave Kobe the O.K and then Kobe quickly jumped on "thhat" and rough sexed her up. I guess that's "sort of" rape. Did Kobe get suspended by the NBA? Does he still get loads of endorsement deals?

Now Big Ben gets "accused" by two girls in a short period of time. Charges are "NOT" filed. One of them was originally suing him for money instead of criminally and the other could possibly be wanting money for their accusation as well. And now Big Ben is the new face of the league for philandering "playas" or in his case- being white- he's not a playa, but a male slut. How can he be- smoking gun- a rapist when charges were never "philed"?. There's another double standard and play on words for you.
What a joke. Such an obvious case of "guilty of being White". Just like there is little margin for error for White players on-the-field, the same goes for off-the-field.

I guess having two other black quarterbacks on staff (Dennis Dixon and Charlie Batch) just weren't enough for the they have three since they picked up Byron Leftwich today:


Edited by: Highlander
Roethlisberger has no one to blame but himself. Why did he think going into a restroom with a drunken female was a good idea? I remember Paul Hornung and Alex Karras being suspened for the entire 1963 season for betting on their own teams. Neither was formally charged with a crime.

If a prominent white QB had done this in 1963, he would have been a big embarassment to the league and probably would have been suspended. On the other hand, did any white QB in those days have the childish stupidity Roethlisberger demonstrates?

There is now precedent for the next black pro football player who does something worse than this to get heavy punishment.
Say hello to the 2010 Jacksonville Jag... I mean 2010 Pittsburgh Steelers.

Tomlin and Colbert suck, I hate this caste whores more than Cowturd. At least Cowher lightned up a little near the end of his reign.Edited by: Jack Lambert
Actually, I agree with sport historian. If you are going to give Ben this sort of punishment without him being charged with any crimes, then the next black thug who screws up (and it will happen) will surely have to be judged on this new standard. So, this is the only silver lining I'm taking from this.
foobar75 said:
Actually, I agree with sport historian. If you are going to give Ben this sort of punishment without him being charged with any crimes, then the next black thug who screws up (and it will happen) will surely have to be judged on this new standard. So, this is the only silver lining I'm taking from this.

You know they wont be though and that is the kicker. Blacks have literally gotten away with murder and other violent crimes and not only get slaps on the wrist, they are adored by the media. It sounds to me like the true reason behind this to me is getting another black quarterback a chance to start. It couldn't reek of dirty tricks more if it tried. Black Head coach thinks black black quarterback has a future as a starter(surprise surprise). Should read, wants a black starting black quarterback on his team, has three black black quarterbacks on his roster, own franchise throws star White QB (one of the top in the league) under the bus and doesn't even pretend to come to his aid even though he was not found guilty of ANY CRIME! Roger, "I am the tough commish" comes down hard and gives a lecture for "bad behavior". Yeah sure! You would have to be willfully blind to not see what is going on here. It is an excuse to give Dixon a chance to be a starter and continue the black black quarterback parade in the face of all the failure and lack of incoming black franchise prospects. Edited by: Bear Backer
Bear Backer I somewhat agree, but I think DWFs may start to question there being a double standard if a black player does something very stupid (ie. drinking and fighting, or accusations of being clearly publicly intoxicated "seen by loads of people" & hitting a woman, or driving drunk, or being a "playa" dirtbag who doesn't pay child support, or filming a porno, or being accused of rape, or sex with a girl under 18 in a state where the age of consent is lower than 18 etc.) and charges are dropped and/or they don't get punished. Not all DWFs have an IQ under 80.

It would be a huge shock to me if Dixon turns out as good as Big Ben for the Steelers, but Dixon does do somethings well and we won't know if he will be a true "failure" until he plays.
This has become a truly incredible story. I haven't seen the jock sniffers turn on such a successful athlete (and one of the few white ones who had at least decent press prior to this) so quickly in all the years I've been following sports. And for what? This guy wasn't even charged with anything. They are treating him as if he defintely did sexually assault two women.

The only sane voice I heard yesterday on ESPN was Tim Hasselback's. I thought he was becoming a reliable Caste clown, but he simply couldn't hide his shock and disgust at the incredibly harsh sentence given to Big Ben. The DWFs, however, are falling in line like the mindless cattle they are. I heard the local (D.C.) jock sniffers scoff at the notion that the Steelers could get a first round pick for Big Ben. Am I missing something here? How is a two time Super Bowl winning QB, with impressive career numbers, and still in the prime of his career, not worth a mere first round pick? These draft picks command tons of money and are busts about half the time. A guy who was considered one of the superstars of the game just a few months ago is now not wanted by anyone in the league?

It's amazing enough that the Steelers appear to want to give their best player away. I've heard that the DWFs in Pittsburgh want Big Ben gone, even if it means cutting him. That's just incredible. Look for him to be booed more than Mike/Michael Vick, Killer Ray Lewis, Chris Henry, Lawrence Phillips. PacMan Jones, Donte Stallworth and Leonard Little were combined after their far more serious charges (actually, since Big Ben never was charged with anything, that isn't an accurate comparison).

As Don noted, this became a full blown racial issue, and once that happened, the result was very predictable. Big Ben was offered up as a scapegoat, a convenient white face to place alongside all those countless black thugs who pile up arrests almost as frequently as they drop passes, miss tackles and celebrate routine plays. Edited by: bigunreal
The reason Ben received such severe punishment despite not being charged with a crime is to keep blacks quiet. The constant pandering to blacks makes me sick to my stomach. If Big Ben got anything less we would never hear the end of it from black players in the NFL.
Let's assume that Ben didn't commit any crimes and that BOTH women (in Georgia and in Vegas) completely fabricated their respective allegations"¦he's still guilty of exhibiting drunken wigger behavior comparable to that of so many black athletes (which we all loathe) and their time-honored "night life."Â￾

I'm always quick to throw out the "wigger"Â￾ label, but this certainly seems appropriate. For instance, if someone were to listen to an audio tape of Big Ben speaking without the video, they'd likely think they were listening to a black man. I wholeheartedly agree that the unrelenting media attention is radically unwarranted, especially for an speculative "allegation,"Â￾ however; I think that white athletes (and white men in general) SHOULD be held to a much higher standard"¦simply because they are undoubtedly a higher form of human being.

You'd think that the NFL, what with its totalitarian implementation of all things African, would absolutely love Ben's wigger accent and supposedly violent behavior towards women.Instead they see his current situation as golden opportunity for the Professional Jock Sniffers at ESPN and NFL Network to finally compare the idiocy of a white football player to the hundreds of blacks who are perennially arrested.

Call me "old fashioned"Â￾ or "conservative,"Â￾ but why would I, as a white nationalist, be pleased that a 28-year old white man is still pissing away his life getting wasted with his "posse"Â￾ and chasing college-aged women? I, as a white nationalist, wish that every white man would get married, have children, and build a wholesome family with their white wives. What is more worthy of "conserving"Â￾ than the white family structure and the white race? Nothing, nothing whatsoever.

Yes, he is a great QB. Yes, a black player would be treated completely differently by the fans, media, and "hard-ass"Â￾ commissioner Goodell. Whatever, I'm done with this buffoon and his uncanny ability to drag our race through the mud.Edited by: Thrashen
Thing is, if he was falsely accused,he hasn'tdone anything wrong. What we're seeing as much as the racial element (which is very very strong), is the misandry element, the assumption that because he was accused of sexual assault not once but twice then he must be guilty or "close to guilty"as there's no way two different women would accuse him of the same thing. Think again.

He's a single man, in the off-season, enjoying a night out. Seriously, what's wrong with that? I guess he should be wearing a Puritan hat and churning cheese during the offseason.It may not be everyone's lifestyle, but so what? And if the girl was underage, that's on the club that let her in, not Big Ben. Unless his critics also believe he should have been carding any customers he talked to himself.

The way the family laws and divorce laws are written and enforced, it's simply not advisable for men to marry any more, especially in a society in which white men are literally despised. And the reality is that more and more white men are putting off marriage, especially the more astute ones. Not saying Ben is one of those, I wouldn't be surprised if he has a below average IQ. But quality White men are not going to start marrying and reproducing in large numbers in the present matriarchy.

Ben's been thrown under the bus to appease blacks and DWFs, as bigunreal aptly summarized it, and to also satisfy the feminist ethos we live under, in which white men are guilty until proven innocent when accused of anything by a woman. Edited by: Don Wassall
Great post Don! I will say though- that I think Deadlift is right. Roethlisberger should be smarter about the woman he mangles/"tangles" with. He's guilty of bad discernment and acting on a strong sex drive in a sex crazed age where the majority of men have sex with more than one girl during their lives. For all we know he's guilty of nothing more and there was not enough evidence to bring charges. Certainly lots of black athletes have done more than this and gotten off scot free.
Just heard ESPN declare that in a poll today, 61% of Pittsburgh fans want Big Ben traded. If that doesn't reflect the Caste system, I don't know what does.

There are few things in life that DWFs respect more than a "winner." I don't know how many DWFs I've heard over the years say that "I don't care what he does off the field, as long as he can help us win!" Of course, that was usually in response to the predictable shenanigans of various black affletes.

As always, Thrashen makes some great points, but I agree with everything Don said. What's interesting to me is the response to Ben's supposed behavior, not the behavior itself. It appears that the DWFs now hate white players more than they love "winners." Edited by: bigunreal
Don and Bigunreal, good posts.

I have also heard the obligatory recital of the sacred words"¦"I don't care what he does off the field, as long as he can help us win!" after each and every black crime.

Aside from the utterly predictable African-jock huffing (which has run rampant for decades), possibly the most disgusting inclination of DWF-America is the habitual usage of terms such as "us,"Â￾ "we,"Â￾ and "them"Â￾ when referring to NFL teams. When these sort of lowly creatures are to be considered "men,"Â￾ the apparent de-evolution into a female-dominated society (spiraling to hell) isn't unanticipated.

We'll see if the Steelers trade Ben (likely to the Rams or Raiders) tonight and select a QB due to the legions of Steeler fans who are burning him in effigy"¦.funny, they didn't seem to care when James Harrison beat his girlfriend last year (or when one of his rabid pitbulls attacked his infant son).
Don Wassall said:
Thing is, if he was falsely accused, he hasn't done anything wrong.  What we're seeing as much as the racial element (which is very very strong), is the misandry element, the assumption that because he was accused of sexual assault not once but twice then he must be guilty or "close to guilty" as there's no way two different women would accuse him of the same thing.  Think again. 
<div> </div>
<div>He's a single man, in the off-season, enjoying a night out.  Seriously, what's wrong with that?  I guess he should be wearing a Puritan hat and churning cheese during the offseason. It may not be everyone's lifestyle, but so what?  And if the girl was underage, that's on the club that let her in, not Big Ben.  Unless his critics also believe he should have been carding any customers he talked to himself. </div>
<div> </div>
<div>The way the family laws and divorce laws are written and enforced, it's simply not advisable for men to marry any more, especially in a society in which white men are literally despised.  And the reality is that more and more white men are putting off marriage, especially the more astute ones.  Not saying Ben is one of those, I wouldn't be surprised if he has a below average IQ.  But quality White men are not going to start marrying and reproducing in large numbers in the present matriarchy. </div>
<div> </div>
<div>Ben's been thrown under the bus to appease blacks and DWFs, as bigunreal aptly summarized it, and to also satisfy the feminist ethos we live under, in which white men are guilty until proven innocent when accused of anything by a woman.  </div>
The way modern North American society has changed in the past 50 years a situation like this wouldn't have been possible circa 1960. Even college ages young women never attended bars alone or got isolated with drunken older men. If you go back 100 years, people of certain social status never went on dates. The male suitor courted at the prospective father in laws house and there was always somebody watching over the suitor. Even among poor people this happened in the country side. If a guy was too "randy" to wait he visited "professionals" at various bordellos located in tonier areas of the city. As for divorce judges have taken extreme feminist views on the division of assets. I have seen instances where multi-millionaires/billionaires have had to give half of their companies to their wives on the grounds that half the company belonged to them. Meanwhile the wife might not know the difference between a widget and the product/service that his company developed. We live in strange times.....
Edited by: white is right
bigunreal said:
There are few things in life that DWFs respect more than a "winner." I don't know how many DWFs I've heard over the years say that "I don't care what he does off the field, as long as he can help us win!" Of course, that was usually in response to the predictable shenanigans of various black affletes.

Man, is that the truth!White fans will say, "I don't care what he does in his private life, we need football players not choir boys."

And yes, that attitude is reserved for blacks.

I'm sure I must have heard Ben speak, but I just can't remember if he sounds wiggerish. If so, he may be adopting too many traits of his fellow afflete teammates. To jump right back into the frying pan after escaping by the skin of his teeth once before tells me he may not be too bright.

From what I've read females were hanging all over him. Certainly he could have avoided potentially ugly situations if he exercised just a little bit of discretion.

Just a personal thing with me that most of you may not agree with. I hate the look of a baseball cap worn backwards. Ben does that and it makes him look stupid.
Great posts Don, bigunreal and thrashen. You all bring up excellent points.

The thing I find most concerning is this growing trend of guilty until proven innocent. This Un-American idea has become more and more pervasive in society and no one seems to mind. Freedom surely is evaporating.

In the past we've joked that Tomlin and Rooney would love to have an all black team with the exception of winner and most important player Big Ben. Now they have the excuse to justify trading him. With 3 black quarterbacks now on the roster, Rooney can further his sick racial agenda against all things white. The only silver lining I can see from this is the Steelers becoming a cellar dwelling team under the "leadership" of a black QB and the DWF's of Pittsburgh realizing how important Big Ben is (was?).Edited by: Freethinker
Good input here fellas. The most troublesome thing here is the double-standard. As many have alluded to, if an "afflete" pulled this crap...the DWFs would be quick to let it go (as would the caste media). However, (as Don alluded to) this is being done to appease the afroletes (for PC PR). I think Ben exercise piss-poor judgment, but doesn't deserve any dadgum 6 game suspension (maybe a fine). He needs some common sense & to grow up...not this (PR/PC/BS) punishment.
I don't think it's a coincidence that Fat Albert has been brought in now to make it a completely black QB roster in Ben's absence. The heaven forbid if one of these black quarterbacks plays a little well to start the season. Ben will never get his old job back in this case.

I think the best outcome would be for Ben to be traded away somewhere to get a fresh start and for Pittsburgh to become one of the worst teams in the NFL for years to come.

The Rooney family are without any question one of the worst enemies of the white race, and doing everything in their power to promote their pro-black agenda.
There has always been a significant number of DWFs in Pittsburgh quick to criticize Ben. All those hits he takes? His fault, not the fault of the o-line that rarely gives him good protection.

Fat Albert played the second half of a game a couple of seasons ago and made a few plays, and of course DWFs began clamoring for him to be the starter over Roethlisberger.

As I've mentioned before I'll put Pittsburgh's DWFs up against any; I still have PTSS from Bill Cowher's Great Eight Year Kordell Stewart Experiment. The number of middle-aged white men walking around wearing that weirdo's jersey during thatera was enough to sicken any racially aware white person for life. And they're just as bad when it comes to baseball, as the thread in that forum shows.
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