Ben Roethlisberger

Beefcake the Mighty said:
Don Wassall said:
<div>Thanks so much for registering so you can lecture me with your first post. I'm in awe of your knowledge and wisdom.
<div>Hey, no problem at all. I'm curious, though, if you agree with me. Namely, without Jews, </div>
<div>there would be no "Cultural Marxism" (whatever that is)? Sorry if you find me obnoxious, </div>
<div>but I'm a little puzzled that a website which speaks frankly admirably about racial issues </div>
<div>shies away from the main racial issue facing us. It's easy to talk about black sociopathy, </div>
<div>apparently abitharder to talk about who's enabling them.</div>

Get lost troll!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Beefcake, just check out the Happy Hour section. This topic has been addressed at length on many different occasions.
whiteathlete33 said:
Get lost troll!!!!!!!!!!!

Troll, huh? Thanks, that's productive. Not quite as productive as stating for the 10,000th
time that if TO (or Chad Johnson, or whomever) were white he would be drummed out of
the league (an observation that takes place quite often here), but hey, I'll take it.
Beefcake the Mighty said:
FootballDad said:
Hey Beefcake, just check out the Happy Hour section. This topic has been addressed at length on many different occasions.

OK, thanks, I will.

Yes, it's generally advisable to familiarize oneself with a site before presuming to speak authoritatively about what's discussed and what isn't on it.
Beefcake Boy, how did you suppose your critical comments towards the architect of this website would be taken (on your very first post)?

If you're actually suggesting that this site is pro-yiddish, well, that may be the single strangest declaration ever made by a CF troll. You seem pro-white"¦so please start acting the part. No, wait, like-minded white men can't even get along on internet discussion forums. It's all about "me, me, me."Â￾
Don Wassall Yes said:
Spare me. I'm quite familiar with this site, which I generally think very highly of, this is simply my first time posting here.

At any rate, the issue is not what others herethink about the Jewish question, but rather why YOU, the site moderator, choose to use liberal-friendly terms like "cultural marxist" rather than talking plainly (and accurately). Sounds like, on this issue at least, you're letting your opponents dictate the terms of debate, and that's surely a losing strategy.
Beefcake the Mighty said:
Don Wassall <div></div> <div>Yes said:
<div>Spare me. I'm quite familiar with this site, which I generally think very highly of, this is simply my first time posting here.</div>
<div>At any rate, the issue is not what others herethink about the Jewish question, but rather why YOU, the site moderator, choose to use liberal-friendly terms like "cultural marxist" rather than talking plainly (and accurately). Sounds like, on this issue at least, you're letting your opponents dictate the terms of debate, and that's surely a losing strategy.</div>

I suspected you were a troll from the beginning. My suspicions were correct. I believe you are that same troll who keeps popping in here every so often only this time you have taken a different approach. You actually remind me of Nevada.
Congratulations, you are making quite the first impression! Rest assured that we're all in awe of your inherent ability to identify the Jewish Problem that we all realized ages ago. Nit-picking another pro-white person's linguistics, especially on your first handful of posts, is also exceptionally admirable. Please, brilliant preacher, cleanse us of all our sins.

So, to be clear, you "think highly"Â￾ of the site"¦yet instead of imparting fellow posters with facts, articles, anecdotes, etc, you choose to become incredibly hostile whilst debating the inconsequential subject of if this site is "allowed"Â￾ (by you, Mr. Veteran Lurker) to say "Cultural Marxist"Â￾ or "Jewish Supremacist"Â￾"¦on a Ben Roethlisberger forum. We all just love you, can't you tell?
Beefcake the Mighty, it's obvious you are as unfamiliar with the historical development ofCultural Marxism and its nuances in usage as you are with my views and how I relate them.

No, the issue here is that you don't know how to conduct yourself on a discussion forum as a brand newbie. On the chance that you mean well you can have a mulligan for today and start over as a productive member of the board. It's up to you.
The Steelers have had no shortage of wife/gf beaters and other thugs on their team. After all, despite their until recent "squeaky clean" image -- purely a media created sop because of the "hallowed" status of the ultra-liberal Rooney family -- this was a team whose most prominent spokesmen in recent years had been Greg Lloyd and Joey Porter (and also everyone's favorite, The Bus, who was accused of rape in an incident that was quickly forgiven and forgotten). Oh, and there was that chair-throwing gang fight in the locker room a few years ago.

But as usual, all the wrath and hatred of the DWFs is focused on a white player, the one without whom the team would not even be a playoff contender. In spite of his two Super Bowl wins, Big Ben has always had a ready army of critics who blame him for all the hits he takes trying to make plays instead of the wretched sumo o-line that can't protect him. There were actually fans two seasons ago clamoring for Byron Leftwich to be the starter -- presumably the same ones who used to proudly wear Kordell Stewart jerseys everywhere. Somebody nominated Chicago's DWFs as the nation's worst the other day, but Pittsburgh's can hold their own with any. And this is the area singled out during the last presidential campaign as one of the most "racist" in the country. Ha ha ha!

Charles Robinson of Yahoo Sports tweets that the Steelers may be at their "tipping point" with Ben Roethlisberger. A tipping point is defined as "the culmination of a buildup of small changes that effects a big change." A source tells Robinson that Steelers ownership is "shaken" by the onslaught of fan discontent with Big Ben. While we don't see a Roethlisberger trade as likely, it's well known that coach Mike Tomlin believes Dennis Dixon has a future as a starting quarterback in the NFL. The Steelers may listen to offers for Big Ben leading up to and during the draft.
Don Wassall said:
The Steelers have had no shortage of wife/gf beaters and other thugs on their team.  After all, despite their until recent "squeaky clean" image -- purely a media created sop because of the "hallowed" status of the ultra-liberal Rooney family -- this was a team whose most prominent spokesmen in recent years had been Greg Lloyd and Joey Porter (and also everyone's favorite, The Bus, who was accused of rape in an incident that was quickly forgiven and forgotten).  Oh, and there was that chair-throwing gang fight in the locker room a few years ago. 
<div> </div>
<div>But as usual, all the wrath and hatred of the DWFs is focused on a white player, the one without whom the team would not even be a playoff contender.  In spite of his two Super Bowl wins, Big Ben has always had a ready army of critics who blame him for all the hits he takes trying to make plays instead of the wretched sumo o-line that can't protect him.  There were actually fans two seasons ago clamoring for Byron Leftwich to be the starter -- presumably the same ones who used to proudly wear Kordell Stewart jerseys everywhere.  Somebody nominated Chicago's DWFs as the nation's worst the other day, but Pittsburgh's can hold their own with any.  And this is the area singled out during the last presidential campaign as one of the most "racist" in the country.  Ha ha ha!</div>
<div> </div>
<div>Charles Robinson of Yahoo Sports tweets that the Steelers may be at their "tipping point" with Ben Roethlisberger. A tipping point is defined as "the culmination of a buildup of small changes that effects a big change." A source tells Robinson that Steelers ownership is "shaken" by the onslaught of fan discontent with Big Ben. While we don't see a Roethlisberger trade as likely, it's well known that coach Mike Tomlin believes Dennis Dixon has a future as a starting quarterback in the NFL. The Steelers may listen to offers for Big Ben leading up to and during the draft.</div>

Do you recall the Ernie "Fats" Holmes incident in 1973? He was a member of the original Steel Curtain. Holmes was on an Ohio highway when he became "depressed" over marital problems. He took out a shotgun and started shooting at passing cars. When the highway patrol arrived, Holmes ran for the woods. He shot at police helicopters and hit one officer in the foot.

Holmes then help up his hands and surrendered. He called the Rooneys, who gave him attorneys. Holmes received no jail time, only probation. He was back in the Steeler starting lineup that fall.

As an old-line football fan, it is somewhat amusing to see the Steelers described as having a "squeaky clean image."
I remember it, Sport Historian. The general reaction was one of sympathy for Holmes. He had other "incidents" in his life before dying at a young age. Dwight White, another member of the "Steel Curtain," also died young. Joe Greene was an early prototype of the surly, anti-white black athlete of today. He spit in the face of white sportswriter Pat Livingston, who was then in his 60s and was a highly regarded gentleman and journalist.

I believe 1973 was also the year the book "Three Bricks Shy of a Load" came out, about the Steelers, which noted how Chuck Noll had two standards for treating players -- a tough one for white players and a much more forgiving one for blacks, another early example of how the NFL was trending as the Caste System began to take solid hold. Edited by: Don Wassall
Ron Cook is as anti-White as they get. As I've mentioned before, he wrote dozens of columns condemning John Rocker, including some years after Rocker's Crimes Against Cultural Marxism. This is excerpted from his latest column. This is definitely a "racial issue" now; Big Ben is going to be "punished" even though he hasn't even been accused of a crime:

The NFL has no such limitations. Nor do the Steelers. It is up to one or the other to do the right thing and suspend Roethlisberger for at least two games. His immature, reprehensible behavior has done great harm to the league's brand and to the Steelers' reputation.

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Saying "sorry" isn't enough.
NFL commissioner Roger Goodell is scheduled to meet with Roethlisberger this week. There is tremendous pressure on Goodell -- some of it racial pressure -- to take a tough position with Roethlisberger. The commissioner has earned something of a reputation for being a hanging judge in his disciplinary dealings with black players such as Michael Vick and Adam "Pac-Man" Jones. He has to know how it would look if he turns soft with a star, two-time Super Bowl-winning, white quarterback, who, clearly, has violated the league's Personal Conduct Policy.
Certainly, the league's black players will be watching closely how Goodell handles the Roethlisberger situation.
There also is pressure on the Steelers -- again, some of it racial -- to come down hard on Roethlisberger. There's no disputing that the team was tough with Holmes, a black wide receiver. A former No. 1 pick and the MVP of the Steelers' win in Super Bowl XLIII, Holmes was traded Sunday night to the New York Jets for a fifth-round draft choice. It's obvious the Steelers had tired of his equally loutish off-the-field behavior, which included four incidents involving police intervention since he was drafted in 2006, some absurd tweets on his Twitter account recently and the four-game suspension. The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette's Ed Bouchette reported the team was so disgusted with Holmes that it would have released him if it hadn't found a trade partner.
Certainly, the Steelers' black players will be watching closely how management handles the Roethlisberger situation.
Don, the book "Three Bricks Shy of a Load," covered the 1973 season and was published in 1974. Roy Blount wrote once in SI, I recall, that he wished the book had been about the 1974 Super Bowl-winning team.
Pro-caste crapola!

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
This is unbelievable. As charges are actually dropped, they are now considering disciplinary actions? In the meantime, multiple offenders and actually convicted affletes are the toast of the NFL. Brandon Marshal just got a huge contract - never mind that he is linked to a murder and has had dozens of run-ins with the law. And Michael Vick walked out of prison right onto an NFL team. This is really ridiculous.

We all agree that the deck is stacked against White players, but in the case of this White player, his being disciplined may be of some help to him. That is one of the reasons for disciplining someone. To help them through punishment. I have to stand for punishment here that fits the crime (I understand he's not being charged). But in Ben's case, some punishment might be called for. Hopefully, it will be correct and not like the "punishment" handed down to Matt Jones.

Tom Iron...
This has turned into a full blown racial thing. Once a few blacks started complaining about the league not punishing everyone equally (and you know what they meant by THAT), Big Ben was doomed. As if on cue, all the jock sniffers in the media started basically demanding that he be punished.

This whole incident serves as another reminder of just how "loyal" the black teammates and peers of EVERY white player in the league are. Even a star of the magnitude of Big Ben will be thrown under the bus by black players, with all the white jock sniffers lining up behind them. Rest assured there will be no black players speaking out publicly in support of Ben, as there undoubtedly would be plenty of wimpy white players sticking up for a black star in a similar situation.

I don't feel too sorry for Big Ben, however. He may very well have done something wrong- as in all cases involving athletes and other celebrities, the law becomes uncharacteristically lenient, with few if any convictions for any offense. At the very least, he seems to be guilty of consistently bad judgment.

Either way, whether he did anything wrong or not, he will not escape punishment from his team and/or league. With all the black athletes being arrested on a regular basis, any white athlete who can be lumped in with them, unfairly or not, will be. Must have that diversity.
Good post BigUnreal. You are correct that whites players consistently stick up for their afflete teammates while affletes never stick up for white teammates. Just take a look at the criminal activity that these affletes are involved in. Ray Lewis got away with murder, Jamal Lewis set up a drug deal, Pacman Jones left a man crippled for life, and idiot Marvin Harrison's gun charge. These are all extremely serious crimes yet white players like Jared Allen( a few DUI's), Matt Jones(drinking a beer) and Big Ben(picking up women) will always be compared to these affletes. It's done this way to satisfy blacks so they won't play the race card. Anyone who needs proof that blacks are the most racist people on the planet needs to look no further than situations like this. When a black player demands a white be punished his racism shows clearly. Just like a couple of years ago when Joey Porter complained like a little b-tch regarding Matt Jones.
To make this clear:

Ben followed a women - a likely loathsome "party girl" - into a bathroom. He isn't being criticized for heterosexuality! He isn't being condemned for asking a woman out for a nice evening!

Blacks and browns are notorious for wanting the company of dumb/drunk/incompetent women -- but White men need to be MEN and set higher-standards for themselves. Don't be pitifully "needy"... Let the women come TO YOU!

Frankly, I'd rather hang around with a middle-aged feminist than your average bird-brained "party girl"... Does that make me less than a man?
So Ben gets about half the suspension sentence ConVick received. Nice!
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