Artur Beterbiev

Not sure why he signed with Haymond, perhaps to secure nationally shown cards such as last night. All he has to do is keep winning and sign only short term contracts such as 2 yr deals.
I have Artur Beterbiev's personal facebook as a friend on my own facebook.

I've never met him personally, but I do know that he is a practising Muslim, regularly recites Quranic verses on his facebook, and seems to be ultra religious. I suspect that is why he is currently growing his beard. He seems like a very clean, wholesome, great man. An absolute terror in the ring as well.

I agree that it would have been better if he signed with another promoter. Main Events could have done great with him.
Think it's too soon for him to face Kovalev, but I like his chances against Stevenson. Hopefully Hymen could at least make it happen now that they're both advised by him.

Artur Beterbiev 174.6 vs. Enrico Koelling 174.4
(IBF light heavyweight title)
Watched the highlights on this one. Beterbiev stopped Koelling late in the 12th with a barrage of body shots. Koelling isn't too impressive on paper(although I've not seen him fight) and I would have expected Beterbiev to get him out of there much sooner, but tough fights like this can be good learning experiences. I still would like to see Kovalev-Beterbiev in the future, especially if Kovalev gets back on track!
Kovalev vs Beterbiev is the fight to see! Both are better than Ward with all his Las Vegas assistants, bent refs and bent judges. I understand B beat K in the amateurs. I'll be rooting for Krusher.
Was watching some vids of him training. Wow, can this guy whack!! I hope him and Kovalev don't fight. I would rather see those two guys beating up soul brothers rather than each other.

Wow lots of innovative training methods! Back in my day we used to just pick up an auroch and then put it back down and then eat raw meat with a lot of beer. And myrrh.
Wow lots of innovative training methods! Back in my day we used to just pick up an auroch and then put it back down and then eat raw meat with a lot of beer. And myrrh.

Other than the ball cap we've been using all of these exercises right here long before I was born. And that was a long time ago.

Regardless of how much he varies his workout regimen, if you watch closely he still attacks in straight lines with a still head. That trainer of his doing the mitt work does nothing to correct this. Though anyone standing in front of him has a slim chance of winning.
Other than the ball cap we've been using all of these exercises right here long before I was born. And that was a long time ago.

Regardless of how much do in 500 AD or wha varies his workout regimen, if you watch closely he still attacks in straight lines with a still head. That trainer of his doing the mitt work does nothing to correct this. Though anyone standing in front of him has a slim chance of winning.

Later I'll go over the videos and note down the exercises I never saw before. Admittedly, though, I always prefer to work out on my own outdoors in the sunshine and fresh air and hate gymnasiums, and hate newfangled exercises too, like the one that young whippersnapper, Milo of Croton, used to do in the 6th century, lifting up a calf everyday until it grew up to be a bull. That stuff is for the fancy health club clothing and juice bar set.

As for your second paragraph I'll have to watch some videos of his fights to refresh my memory.
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Ambrose - i made a list of exercises i saw Beterbiev doing in the second video that i have never done. Should i make a seperate thread for it, perhaps on the health & fitness board or whatever it's called, where there are some threads, or just pu it here? I'm not good at decisions.
Ambrose - i made a list of exercises i saw Beterbiev doing in the second video that i have never done. Should i make a seperate thread for it, perhaps on the health & fitness board or whatever it's called, where there are some threads, or just pu it here? I'm not good at decisions.

Put them here -no? None seem to read the fitness threads.
OK. Here are the exercises that Beterbiev is doing in the second video that I never did:

I did the big bag of course but not a funny shaped one like he is using, narrow on the bottom fat on the top.

Bench presses with dumbbells but raising the db's alternately. I never did it like that.

Same thing with alternate db rowing. I just did them together. What weight db is he using in those exercises? 50 or 60 lbs.? They're rubber db's so they are not nearly as heavy as a solid iron db of the same size

Jump rope. Well of course I've seen it, but he's great at it, and I, being such a manly man, don't know how to do that girl's game. I tried it once and...well, never mind...

Low bar body rowing - a favorite of mine especially since I stopped doing chinups, but he does it with an added weight thing on his chest

Situps on incline bar while simultaneously pressing up a heavy medicine ball

Punching the little bouncy ball thing attached on the top and bottom by wire (who knows, maybe I did that or something like it and forgot. I never paid much attention to boring subjects like defense and light bags. My mind wandered...)

Those little pushup handles that he uses to bounce his whole body off the floor. I never saw them. They must be something new.

Bouncing off the ground pushups (without the handles) alternating various hand positions when he lands

Hand clap pushups but using the wheely things on his feet so he moves along the floor as he does them . I liked the wheely things for my hands and did a lot of those for the abs along with situps and ab isometrics etc. I tried the foot wheely things (yeah yeah I know they have a real name only i don't remember it) but never in combo with hand clap pu's which i also did a lot of, but separately (I'm not good at doing more than one thing at a time, like walking or chewing gum and thinking), along with one arm pu's and hands together pu's etc.

Reflex practice catching ball bounced off the wall that his trainer throws behind him to varying spots

Lifting barbell to chin (These lifts have names but I'm not good at remembering them either) while jumping with alternate legs forward and back

So which of those exercises were you already familiar with, Ambrose? Well, I know u knew about jumpropes. I'll commentate on vid #1 next.
OK. Here are the exercises that Beterbiev is doing in the second video that I never did:

I did the big bag of course but not a funny shaped one like he is using, narrow on the bottom fat on the top.

Bench presses with dumbbells but raising the db's alternately. I never did it like that.

Same thing with alternate db rowing. I just did them together. What weight db is he using in those exercises? 50 or 60 lbs.? They're rubber db's so they are not nearly as heavy as a solid iron db of the same size

Jump rope. Well of course I've seen it, but he's great at it, and I, being such a manly man, don't know how to do that girl's game. I tried it once and...well, never mind...

Low bar body rowing - a favorite of mine especially since I stopped doing chinups, but he does it with an added weight thing on his chest

Situps on incline bar while simultaneously pressing up a heavy medicine ball

Punching the little bouncy ball thing attached on the top and bottom by wire (who knows, maybe I did that or something like it and forgot. I never paid much attention to boring subjects like defense and light bags. My mind wandered...)

Those little pushup handles that he uses to bounce his whole body off the floor. I never saw them. They must be something new.

Bouncing off the ground pushups (without the handles) alternating various hand positions when he lands

Hand clap pushups but using the wheely things on his feet so he moves along the floor as he does them . I liked the wheely things for my hands and did a lot of those for the abs along with situps and ab isometrics etc. I tried the foot wheely things (yeah yeah I know they have a real name only i don't remember it) but never in combo with hand clap pu's which i also did a lot of, but separately (I'm not good at doing more than one thing at a time, like walking or chewing gum and thinking), along with one arm pu's and hands together pu's etc.

Reflex practice catching ball bounced off the wall that his trainer throws behind him to varying spots

Lifting barbell to chin (These lifts have names but I'm not good at remembering them either) while jumping with alternate legs forward and back

So which of those exercises were you already familiar with, Ambrose? Well, I know u knew about jumpropes. I'll commentate on vid #1 next.

You're a funny guy there Wolfman :). Like I wrote above, all of the exercises in the video I have used and we have been using in American and Canadian boxing gyms for decades except the ball cap. I've been in boxing gyms for a very long time now. You have some funny names for things so if you don't mind I'll give you the correct ones.

The "big bag" is a heavy bag;

the "funny shaped one like he is using" is bigger on top than on bottom so a fighter can practice uppercuts;

the "Punching the little bouncy ball thing attached on the top and bottom by wire" is an end-to-end bag; the trend since the EE boys showed up is to use very small ones to improve accuracy (hand-eye);

the "the wheely things" is an ab wheel; before the ab wheel rolling dumbells were used; Willie Pep used these;

there has been so many variants of the push up handle I can't keep track; they're used everywhere; the benefit is mostly to strengthen the wrist; the recoil type may not be a good idea as they seem to strain the shoulders too much; Beterbiev was injured in training maybe these contributed to it? Fedor, like the Klitschkos, just do fist push ups as much as I have seen;

there are so many ways to work reflexes with rubber balls or tennis balls it just depends on what the fighter or trainer wants to improve on.

I don't know for certain, but I doubt that Beterbiev is truly benching 4 plates (180 kgs or 397 lbs); that could be fake; the sound when the bar is put back on the stand sounds light; that is roid/hgh type weight.

This may be some intimidation video as why would a fighter want to make public his training regimen?
They were crazy bench press stories of Kotsya Tszyu benching totals in that range in the off season, Shane Mosley also had these totals in the off season and of course was getting the best PED program at the time. Considering Beterbiev is close to 30 pounds of muscle than either of those guys I can see those totals.

I still can't understand why you would want to lift these totals unless you were an undersized heavyweight as injuries are too easy to come by with lifting totals this heavy.
This should be a great fight. I'd have to favor Beterbiev here. Johnson is a tough fighter though so this one may go for a few rounds. I'll go Beterbiev late round TKO.
Beterbiev has not fought in about 2 yrs so this might be a harder fight than it should be.
Beterbiev has not fought in about 2 yrs so this might be a harder fight than it should be.
His despicable promoter has all but ruined his career. He still seems very focused though.

Although I have some sympathy for the Beterbiev, who is (or was) very talented, I will be rooting for Callum Johnson to win.

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Artur is 33 yrs old. He better tell his management to get cracking with some big fights.
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