Hello, STUNNA. Welcome to Caste Football. Feel free to participate, but you might want to NOT repeatedly make false claims A) as if they were true, and B) as if you actually know what you are talking about. Just a friendly piece of advice for your future posts on this board. The posters here are pretty sharp, as a general rule, and nonsense such as you've been spouting is quickly refuted. In fact, I'm surprised that no one has done so before now.<?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com


ffice" /><O


That being said, I shall quickly point out some of the numerous errors you've made in this thread. Please feel free to refute my facts with your "beliefs" as best you can. Here goes "¦<O


Stunna said:
All these players you mentioned are playing against other white competition. They dont do very good when they are playing teams from the south.


True. Your tenuous grasp of the English language aside, the all-White/majority-White teams do even better when they are playing against the black teams from the south than they do when they are facing off against each other, hence all the State Champions who are all-White or majority-White teams from the Northwest part of the state. <O


Stunna said:
Hayden Smith Warren, AR QB


I'm not sure why you chose to use Hayden Smith as an example to prove your point of black supremacy "¦ because Mr. Smith is a White kid who is the best player on a nearly all-black team. This, in fact, supports the point we here at Caste Football often present. <O


Stunna said:
In 4a Shiloh is the first white team to win state in a while. Nashville, Warren, Dollarway, JC, LR central, and pine bluff would disagree.


Here, you show your obvious lack of knowledge of the topic you claim to understand. I will address each of these schools in the order you presented them "¦<O


Nashville is the closest you are to a correct statement. They won the 4A State Championship in 2006 and 2007 (and the 3A title in 2005) and were very good again this year, ranked #2 in 4A before being defeated in the playoffs by Shiloh Christian. The problem is, as far as your point being made at any rate, is that Nashville is a majority White school. Take this year's team, for instance. Their best running back was black, but their best quarterback was White, as was their top 3 wide receivers, their best linemen on both sides of the ball, their best linebacker, and their top two defensive backs. Hardly an example of black dominance.<O


Warren has NEVER won a 4A State Championship, and going all the way back to 1980 they've only won two state championships "¦ both in 3A, back in 2001 and 2002. In fact, Warren is an outstanding example of the Caste System in real life. When they were "sooooo talented" back in 2006-7 and had 4 "phenomenal affletes" who were all over 6-feet tall and ran "legitimate" 4.4 forties, they somehow couldn't even get past the second round of the playoffs. Yet these "talented" affletes were all signed to Division One scholarships despite being total losers at small schools. Weird how that works, huh?<O


Dollarway hasn't won a state title since 1993, and it was in 3A. *yawn*<O


Junction City, in recent years, without a doubt, has been one of the most dominant teams in the state "¦ at class 2A. That's the smallest division of Arkansas football. They won the state title last year and again this year "¦ but before that all-White Mount Ida won it in 2007, all-White Jessieville won it in 2006, all-White Charleston won it in 2005, and so on. Junction City is good, but they hardly have a stranglehold on championships. And again, they play in 2A "¦ the smallest level of Arkansas football.<O


Little Rock Central won back-to-back titles in class 5A in2003 and 2004, but since thenthey have become a laughing stock. Oh, and before those two years they hadn't won a championship since 1986 ... which was in 4A, for what it's worth. Hardly a dynasty. <O


Pine Bluff, as your final example, is another poor one. They won the 6A State Championship this year after narrowly upsetting favored all-White Lake Hamilton in the semifinals of the playoffs. Before this year, they hadn't won a championship of any kind since 1995. <O


As for all-White or majority-White teams to win class 4A in recent years other than Shiloh Christian "¦ majority-White Nashville in 2006-7 (as I've said already), all-White Greenwood in 2005 and 2000, majority-White Wynne in 2004 and 2001, all-White Batesville in 2003, all-White Harrison in 1999, all-White Alma in 1997-98 "¦ shall I go on?<O


I think I've made my point, er, points. <O


Stunna said:
I am from Warren, AR............. my disagreement is that you are going off of just last year. What about the years before.


As I've already mentioned, Warren is an apt example of the points we make here. See my above comments. Also, the trend is easy to spot if you wish to see it, even in previous years. If you want to write up a summary of each year in Arkansas football history, feel free to do so. I will be writing up another one for this year, as I did last year. And once again, this season White teams did more than hold their own.<O


Stunna said:
I am as white as can be. I played on a very good high school team where I was the only white skilled player to start three years. I understand what you are saying. but most blacks are just better athletes. And Im definately not racist.


You're also "definately" not a good speller or commander of the English language. And haven't you said you work at a high school? Hopefully not as a teacher "¦ <O


Also, if you can't see the obvious "racist" nature of insisting one race is inherently superior to another in athletics, then I don't think you know what "racist" means. And yet you think "¦ well, I don't know what you think, to be honest. Or if you do.<O




Stunna said:
To me alot of winning is based on what system your school is running and your coach. I played football on a team that has produced quite a few division 1 receivers. Yes they were all black, but they were also all 6'3 200lbs running 4.4's. in arkansas the south has better athletes, and the north has better coaching and more discipline.


I've already pointed out how good an illustration of the Caste System Warren's team makes. They can't win, yet they're "really talented."Â How does that work exactly? <O


And your assertion that a coach and a system has a lot to do with winning is genius! *smirk* Every team and every coach tries to use a system in order to help the team win, Einstein. And if it is the coaching and the discipline that makes the teams in the north repeatedly destroy southern teams, then why don't the teams in the south hire better coaches and enforce discipline? And if talent isn't what wins games, then why aren't all those well-coached, disciplined northern players recruited? Because talent wins games. Period. Teams everywhere have good coaching, but talent makes the difference. And White kids in Arkansas repeatedly prove they have talent "¦ even though it's ignored by people like you.<O


Stunna said:
I believe that the teams in North Arkansas have better coaching and are more disciplined teams. And I believe that the teams in South Arkansas have more overall athleticism, but are not as disciplined. two different types of football in Arkansas, in the south its more smashmouth and in the north there are more spread it out teams with a few exceptions in both.


You must be a racist who believes that blacks are inherently uncontrollable if you believe that statement. After all, surely discipline isn't some mythical trait like loose hips, explosiveness, and room-brightening smiles "¦ or is it? Can't discipline be taught? And there are an awful lot of black coaches in the southern part of the state "¦ so are you saying blacks aren't intelligent enough to be good coaches? Yet you insist that you aren't a racist "¦ so how does all this compute in your twisted view of things?<O


Stunna said:
The best DT is Byran Jones out of Junction City.


Judging by your complete lack of being correct on any point so far, do you honestly think you are correct on this one? Or are you a talent scout in your spare time? Likely the best defensive tackle in Arkansas is Samuel Harvill, a junior, who holds the WORLD RECORD BENCH PRESS for his age group. But we can certainly debate this contestable point, if you wish.<O


Stunna said:
There are a couple of teams in the south tht do run the spread just not as many. To me the white schools excel in arkansas because of the spread.


Aren't coaches supposedly paid to win games? If that is true, and it is also true that running the spread equals success, then any coach who doesn't run it is a fool. The truth of the matter is that many programs don't have the talent needed to run the spread, be it lacking a quarterback who can throw or receivers who can catch or what have you. This simple truth is probably too obvious to be believed by someone who twists his mind up in such pretzels to defy the facts he sees on the football fields across the state.<O


Stunna said:
Very athletic sumo who plays for one of the best programs in Arkansas


This is true. Junction City has an outstanding football team. Academically they are awful, but that's another topic.<O




Stunna said:
He is one of the top DT's in this class. With that siad there may be some white DT's that are better. i dont know. i just keep up with Arkansas and Missouri kids. But you cannot say that this kid does not have lots of talent.


That he is at the top of this class in the current system is not in doubt. However, for you to insist that no one can deny this black kid's talent is bizarre "¦ seeing as how you are insisting that many other kids don't have talent simply because they are White. Can't you see that double standard? I mean, really?<O


Stunna said:
once again I dont know. The razorbacks start two white guys on the Dline. The best white Dlineman at the high school level would be Sam Harvill out of Shiloh Christian University.


For such an "expert"Â as you obviously feel you are, you don't know very much, do you? Your response didn't answer the question you were asked, just as your many wrong answers that I've addressed don't prove your position. Likely I've wasted my time with this rebuttal, because you seem to willingly refuse to see truth even if it's in front of you. However, maybe you will see the errors in your thinking. Regardless, hopefully others will benefit from knowing the truth.<O


one last thing, and this is to Football Dad ... don't give the benefit of the doubt to guys like this who come in here and spout their drivel. they are not correct. we should educate them, and we should not accept their posts as valid until proven. just a reminder.
Edited by: Jimmy Chitwood