Are White People Stupid or What?

It's not just Whites who are afflicted with irrational adoration of blacks.

Jerry Royster, the former light-hitting MLB infielder, is now managing in Korea. This is how an AP wire story describes his status there:

"Former [MLB player] Jerry Royster has made it big -- in Korea.

"Royster became Korea's first foreign manager last year when he took over the struggling Lotte Giants. And he got them into the playoffs for the first time in nine years.

"Royster became a huge star. A crowd of 20,000 once showed up to watch him tape a commercial in which he spoke Korean. 'Lotte Giants fans are Yankees, Red Sox and Cubs fans all in one,' Royster told the Los Angeles Times. 'They're more passionate than any major league team could ever dream of.'

"The popular Royster had to switch to an unlisted number and get a full-time escort to help him wade through the crowds -- even in the lobby of his apartment building.

"And at the ballpark? 'As soon as the gates open, people swarm into the stadium like ants coming out of ant holes,' said Curtis Jung,a Korean American from Los Angeles who is Royster's interpreter. 'It's like a mosh pit. Picture a rock star going through a crowd. It's the same thing. People are clawing him, giving him high-fives and pats on the back. Sometimes he can't get through, and we have to sneak out a back door.'"
The Japanese are real american jock-sniffers, especiallywhen it comes to the NBA.

I think asian men have even more horrible stereotypes than white men in the mainstream media, movies, TV, and other hateful pop culture brainwashing devices.

However, the media is constantly giving a pass tothe extremely conservative and oppressive nature of asian men over their family, especially towards asianwomen. After all, only white men can be hateful, "set in their ways," and oppressive.

Speaking of which, I recently saw the incredibly boring TV show: "Mark and Olly, Living With the Machigenga." It's two british guys who travel deep into the rain forest to live among the Machigenga tribe for 3 months.

The tribesmen were saying things like "I hate Gringos," and "White men can't hunt." The toothless tribeswomen were saying how Mark and Olly were "way too ugly to have sex with." Later in the show, a narrator said "We'll see if white men really can't dance."

This moronic show completely glorified this tribe of miniature bigots and their 3rd world lifestyle. Their survival in the rain forest is actually less impressive than the pathetic "civilizations" set up in every African nation. I'm sure the majority white american audience was happy to see these two white men be humiliated, denigratedand insulted.Edited by: Thrashen
The biggest hypocrites in the world are those stupid white women, who think white men are the most evil and oppressive beings in the world. Black men and Asian men are many times more evil and oppressive than white men.

Are most stupid white women still viewing white men like Hitler or Ted Bundy?
Edited by: j41181
One wonders who White women think will protect them from the onrushing hordes of non-whites filling up most American cities,perhaps their answer will be to date and marry them,on second thought,they are already doing that.
Alpha Male said:
Thanks DWFan.  This is a great find, and a very interesting take on human behavior en masse.

I've hyperlinked the website for everyone here:

Thanks for putting up the link man, I'm glad you like his posts--though you were obviously coming to some of the same conclusions independently. Thanks again.
if there's a better thread to post this in, anyone should feel free to do so. however, i thought this thread was apt, since so many self-loathing whites whine about it...

as with so many tall tales about black suffering in the USA, The Tuskegee Syphilis atrocity is a lie.

the introduction:
The Truth About Tuskegee
By Jared Taylor

The Tuskegee syphilis study ranks almost with slavery and lynching as a symbol of America's racist past. There is probably not one black American adult who does not knowâ€â€￾or thinks he knowsâ€â€￾about an experiment from the 1930s in which government health authorities deliberately withheld treatment from 400 black syphilitics just to see what would happen to them.

In some versions of story, the government deliberately infected the men. At the very least, the authorities are said to have been guilty of withholding the effective treatments that became available in the 1950s.

Blacks often cite fear of "another Tuskegee" to explain why few of them cooperate with public health programs or donate organs for transplant. They never know when white doctors might experiment on them.

Anthropologist Richard Shweder of the University of Chicago has just published a detailed analysis of the Tuskegee study in which he shows that virtually every popular assumption about it is false. (Tuskegee re-examined, January 8, 2004) ...
When I was in Juvi in Killen TX in 2001 They made us watch a movie about that. I had 2 fights just because I was white that night.
Thrashen said:
The Japanese are real american jock-sniffers, especially when it comes to the NBA.

I think asian men have even more horrible stereotypes than white men in the mainstream media, movies, TV, and other hateful pop culture brainwashing devices. 

However, the media is constantly giving a pass to the extremely conservative and oppressive nature of asian men over their family, especially towards asian women.  After all, only white men can be hateful, "set in their ways," and oppressive.

The Japanese are genetically shortchanged, so I can see why'd they idolize the superior White athlete.

Good take on the "obvious fact"
that only us eeeevil, oppressive White men can be "hateful".
A Korean wins At golf today,the White American announcers gush that "history was made today",Whites in the grandstand wringing their hands with "tears flowing from their eyes"! So many White people cannot cancel out their Western European heritage fast enough!
I would say that the tide is changing with regards to Asian men. One of the most banal commercials currently airing on the televitz is one for Shell gas station which shows three attendants--one White female, an Asian man and a White man whose looks are obscured by the lighting you can't really tell what the heck he is. In the fifteen years I have been driving, I have never seen an Asian man pump gas. The only time I saw a chick doing likewise was over a decade ago at a Hess station. You still see White men pumping gas but as long as your name isn't Habib you might as well get into another line of work. The commercials these companies put out are so out of touch with reality.
I wonder if these White couples that adopt black kids are expected to teach them all about black history and what it is like to be black in America.In fact I would think that useless groups like the naacp and it's ilk would demand that.
this just boggles the mind... sometimes i wonder if white people deserve to survive when so many of us do such stupid crap...

[url] OPT17//TPStory/Life[/url]
<H1>Instant Family</H1>
Adriana Barton, Globe and Mail (Toronto), March 17, 2009

Barely a month has passed since Mekfira and Kalkidan made the long journey to West Kelowna, B.C., from Ethiopia, and already the two seven-year-old girls have settled into a routine. Each day they splash in the local swimming pool or play in the snow. And each night before bed, they well up with tears as their adoptive parents, Brent and Laura Livingstone, try to soothe their raw grief.

In their short, turbulent lives, Mekfira and Kalkidan have lost their birth parents, their orphan community and their homeland. But the children can rely on one constant from their former lives: each other.

The girls prattle away in their native language, Amharic, dress their dolls together and fight like sisters do. Although they are cousins, they were raised as siblings in Ethiopia.

The Livingstones, in their mid-20s, chose adoption over having biological children after they saw orphans in foreign countries who wanted parents desperately. They started with an African-American brother and sister from Florida, adopted as newborns. But they had wanted to adopt older siblings from Ethiopia "because there's a need for that," Mr. Livingstone says. "And siblings can be a very strong support network for one another."

On the frontiers of international adoption, families who adopt siblings are less rare than they used to be. Although the number of sibling adoptions remains small in Canada, according to adoption agencies, it is part of a broader trend. In the past three years, adoption programs in countries such as Ethiopia, Colombia and Haiti have begun to recognize the importance of the sibling bond, and some parents are returning to North America with two, three or even four brothers and sistersâ€â€￾a full brood at once.

The phenomenon reflects the scarcity of infants from overseas and humanitarian issues involved in adopting them.

International adoption has become an ethical minefield, rife with scandals such as last month's report of children in India being stolen and sold for adoption to rich countries.

As countries such as China tighten their programs to discourage corruption, the waiting time for infants has stretched into several years or more. As a result, many Canadians are extending the upper age limit in their requests, to shorten the waiting period and make sure they're adopting true orphans, agencies report.

In developing countries, older orphans are often part of sibling groups whose communities are too poor to feed them, according to Sandra Scarth, president of the Adoption Council of Canada. And because orphaned siblings are less in demand than infants, they are also less likely to be victims of child trafficking, she says. "A lot of those children have been in the orphanages for a long time."

For Canadians with adequate financial and emotional resources, adopting older siblings from a country with a reputable program, such as Ethiopia, may be among the most ethical forms of international adoption, Ms. Scarth says.

Ethiopia is emerging as a preferred source country for siblings because of its well-run orphanages, low rates of health disorders such as fetal alcohol syndrome compared with Canada, and the number of children orphaned because of poverty and AIDS.

"The need for parents in Ethiopia is quite beyond anything people could fathom in North America," says Arnica Rowan of Kelowna, B.C. She and her husband, Jason, are in the process of adopting three-year-old Ethiopian twins, whom they hope to bring to Canada by June.

The Rowans requested siblings in part because international adoption programs are unstable, Ms. Rowan says. "If you adopt a single child at a time, you always have the risk that the country will be closed [to adoption]," she says, "and you won't be able to adopt other children who are of the same heritage."

In addition to their heritage, the twin girls may also share a history of trauma and emotional scarsâ€â€￾a reality the couple considered when they chose to adopt older children. "We didn't take that decision lightly," Ms. Rowan says.

Because adoption can be a difficult and expensive process, sibling adoption may offer parents a faster way to build a family, Ms. Scarth says. "But the benefit is mainly for the children."

A sibling relationship is a lifelong bond, she points out, and siblings give each other the security and intimacy of having a family member as they settle into their adoptive homes.

The hope of easing an adopted child's loneliness and distress was the reason Debbie and Rod Kurtz of Edmonton decided to adopt sisters from Ethiopia instead of a single child.

After having four boys biologically, Ms. Kurtz says, the couple wanted to add girls to their family. They considered adopting Canadian foster children, but "the red tape [in Canada] is just astronomical," Ms. Kurtz says, and domestic adoption is full of uncertainties. With international adoption, "we knew that we'd be able to find siblings," she says, "and we knew that we'd be able to find girls."

Their daughters, Denaye and Maya, came to Canada in September, 2007. At first Denaye, then 3, was "very clingy" to five-year-old Maya, Ms. Kurtz recalls. And Maya behaved more like a mother than a child; she would feed her younger sister and even lie to protect Denaye if the younger girl did something wrong.

But the children bonded quickly with their new brothers and learned to rely on their adoptive parents, Ms. Kurtz says. Now, she adds, "Maya is enjoying being a little girl."

In West Kelowna, Mekfira and Kalkidan are still adjusting to their new lives. Nevertheless, the girls already show signs of thriving, Ms. Livingstone says. They reach out to their new parents for affection and support, and they dote on their younger siblings. Within days, she says, "it looked like they'd all been together forever."
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Laura and Brent Livingstone and their children.</TD></TR></T></TABLE>
When this country goes deeper into recession can any white couple really justify adopting children from Africa? I mean, with inflation coming, lower wages and increased unemployment, will these stupid whites be able to afford their guilt-ridden social experiments? Also, there will be plenty more children in the USA in need. I'm sure the unfortunate white orphans from West Virginia will never even be considered....
I saw Jimmy Fallon's new show. I doubt that will last long, but I did notice he has an all black band from what I saw. You can't have too many whites I guess.
Upon reading through the draft daddy NFL draft blog, I stumbled upon former South Carolina DE Jordin Lindsey. I clicked his link to see if he was white. He is. Then to my amazement I saw his major was African American Studies.

Why waste a free college education (well maybe not free considering whites have to walk-on frequently) to study that nonsense? Maybe Jordin wanted to familiarize himself with the other 95% of the team? Or maybe he's just one of the reason this topic has 6 pages in length already.

Hey Jordin, go to any ghetto across America if you want to do some real research!
DixieDestroyer said:
Thrashen said:
The Japanese are real american jock-sniffers, especially when it comes to the NBA.

I think asian men have even more horrible stereotypes than white men in the mainstream media, movies, TV, and other hateful pop culture brainwashing devices. 

However, the media is constantly giving a pass to the extremely conservative and oppressive nature of asian men over their family, especially towards asian women.  After all, only white men can be hateful, "set in their ways," and oppressive.

The Japanese are genetically shortchanged, so I can see why'd they idolize the superior White athlete.

Good take on the "obvious fact"
that only us eeeevil, oppressive White men can be "hateful".
Japanese are not as short changed as most think. After WWII their height jumped and now the avg. Japanese male under 21 is only about an inch shorter than the avg. American. It had to do with the food they were eating. I bet in 20 years, you'll have legitimate NFL players from Japan.
Europe said:
I saw Jimmy Fallon's new show. I doubt that will last long, but I did notice he has an all black band from what I saw. You can't have too many whites I guess.

Fallon is amazingly nervous and un-funny.

Leno's band is mostly black. Letterman's isn't quite as black but still over-represented compared to the black share of the population.

All blacks have to do is show moderate ability in anything related to sports, politics, broadcastingor entertainment and they will quickly ride the wave of affirmative action to a prominent job.
Fightingtowin said:
DixieDestroyer said:
Thrashen said:
The Japanese are real american jock-sniffers, especially when it comes to the NBA.

I think asian men have even more horrible stereotypes than white men in the mainstream media, movies, TV, and other hateful pop culture brainwashing devices. 

However, the media is constantly giving a pass to the extremely conservative and oppressive nature of asian men over their family, especially towards asian women.  After all, only white men can be hateful, "set in their ways," and oppressive.

The Japanese are genetically shortchanged, so I can see why'd they idolize the superior White athlete.

Good take on the "obvious fact"
that only us eeeevil, oppressive White men can be "hateful".
Japanese are not as short changed as most think. After WWII their height jumped and now the avg. Japanese male under 21 is only about an inch shorter than the avg. American. It had to do with the food they were eating. I bet in 20 years, you'll have legitimate NFL players from Japan.

1 inch is a bit low according to this average japanese 19 year old 5.7.5
and average american is 5.9 including mexicans and stuff average white american aged 20-39 is 5-10.4 so around 3 inches taller then a japanese.Japanese is on average 1.5 inch shorter then a white female in the netherlands on average where I'm from.also japanese men fat free bodymass is not that much differnt from the white dutch females.
American Freedom News