Another ESPN jerk

Just goes to show that anyone who claims to be "color blind" is actually anti-white. Anyone who's truly color blind doesn't have to shout it; it'll show in their character if they have that trait.
Whitlock on Fox Sports Sex Scandal. Peanut Butter Skin and Big Cans edition. LOL

Worth a listen while driving, doing chores around the house. Pretty much calls it like it is. The only fans bimbos these sport networks(all networks) hire is gong to lead to sex scandals. Joy Taylor slept her way to the top,Skip Bayless accused of offering a hair dresser 1.5 million to try his Viagra out. Emmanuel Acho is an Opra Simp.

Way of the world in Amerika 2.0

Whitlock on Fox Sports Sex Scandal. Peanut Butter Skin and Big Cans edition. LOL

Worth a listen while driving, doing chores around the house. Pretty much calls it like it is. The only fans bimbos these sport networks(all networks) hire is gong to lead to sex scandals. Joy Taylor slept her way to the top,Skip Bayless accused of offering a hair dresser 1.5 million to try his Viagra out. Emmanuel Acho is an Opra Simp.

Way of the world in Amerika 2.0

I'm with Whitlock! I don't know if I could contain my sexual urges around those BIG CANS and PEANUT BUTTER SKIN :sisi1
Anyone ever ask the black men and women if the white simps impress them at all? Maybe we can start taunting the white simps to double down on simpiness for our entertainment.
Think of the effort it took for conservatives to lose to people like Carr, but at least we got to hear about the conservative principles and virtues those CONs espoused.
Wow, this is tough to listen to. Super-cuck Skip Bayless comes across like David Duke compared to the ignorance of Outkick's bald know-nothing. I don't know his name and don't care to know it. And Outkick is supposed to be conservative and "cutting edge." Stomach-churning stuff:

Wow, this is tough to listen to. Super-cuck Skip Bayless comes across like David Duke compared to the ignorance of Outkick's bald know-nothing. I don't know his name and don't care to know it. And Outkick is supposed to be conservative and "cutting edge." Stomach-churning stuff:

I call that site Outcuck for a reason. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I'll attack this pathetic bald cuck until he blocks me. Just another boomer that got caught up in the great lie of the past 60 years. The caste system is a cult if anything.
I check out Outcuck now and then to see if there's anything interesting relative to the Caste System but never watch the various videos of the site's "celebrities" that are at the top of many articles. Had seen the bald-headed fart many times but never listened before this one and just a couple minutes was enough to get me to leave.

Clay Travis made a truckload of money when he sold Outcuck to corporate interests several years ago. Before that, reader comments were often insightful and would fit in fine on CF. But now Outcuck doesn't allow any comments, like so many sites that know they're out of touch with many of their readers.
Right leaning business model, make slightly daring provocative posts, allow even more daring comments and attract attention of the financiers that need to gatekeeper the populations of the country. Rumor one of the more popular gatekeeping operations the Daily Wire is going bankrupt. Guesses as to why include that they were funded in part at least by USAID.

My WAG the conservative media from Rush to Hannity is a CIA/FBI/DeepState directed operation. And Outcuck is a FOX brand now, circle is complete.
Right leaning business model, make slightly daring provocative posts, allow even more daring comments and attract attention of the financiers that need to gatekeeper the populations of the country. Rumor one of the more popular gatekeeping operations the Daily Wire is going bankrupt. Guesses as to why include that they were funded in part at least by USAID.

My WAG the conservative media from Rush to Hannity is a CIA/FBI/DeepState directed operation. And Outcuck is a FOX brand now, circle is complete.
What the hell does this even mean
If you can't figure out what "gate keeping" means never mind.
Brother with all due respect your last post is some skitzo garble. It's indecipherable without being 10 layers deep in right wing internet conspiracy culture. As someone who is in much deeper than 99% of the general population I'm still not sure what you're talking about.
Brother with all due respect your last post is some skitzo garble. It's indecipherable without being 10 layers deep in right wing internet conspiracy culture. As someone who is in much deeper than 99% of the general population I'm still not sure what you're talking about.
Dude, outkick are gatekeeping cucks. Clay Travis is on Air Force one with Trump to the NCAA Wrestling championships. Good ****, but these people are not your friends.
Phonies gonna phony all for the green. Yes IMO even the great Rush was a gatekeeper not to mention FOX news.

Edit: the conservatives will be the last goofballs on earth to believe in the Blank Slate Theory. And that is the purpose of right wing gatekeepers.

We are here to support White athletes I really should not engage too deeply into politics but the cursed bit of autism combined with Scots Irish behavior traits.
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