Another ESPN jerk

In the "Shula" book kicker Garo Yepremian figured prominently and it brought me back to those days. As hard as it is to believe now back then kickers like Jan Stenerud, Yepremian and others like the Packer's Chester Marcol, were often in the headlines. They were full fledged stars and thought of as maybe the best player on their teams. Everyone knew them and associated them with their teams.

These days kickers are never put on a pedestal and generally when they are mentioned like in the Bears playoff loss, it is to beat them like a drum for missing a kick. Kickers today are thought of as nothing more than mainly useless accessories to the "real men"--meaning mainly black players. The Bears situation was revealing. Their head coach and team swallowed hard fully implicating the missed field goal as the sole reason they lost their playoff game to the Eagles. Never mind their vaunted defense fell apart late in the game. No the kicker was used as a scapegoat. Then when it was discovered that the missed field goal was actually blocked the coach and the team didn't really stand up for the kicker preferring to let the initial but wrong narrative fester.

The reason I bring this up is because times have changed since the early 1970's. And I think ESPN and their offspring like the Fox Sports Network and all the internet sports media outlets have truly changed the greater narrative of sports. Which is why my dream job (obviously will never happen) would be the editor of Sports Illustrated where I would have a platform to readdress the
black heavy narrative that is rammed down consumer's throats on a daily basis.

I have always been interested in declarations of black athletic superiority and over the years there have been some overt overtures in that direction. Below is a quick list of hallmark books or articles on the subject that pop to my mind.

1971-Sports Illustrated had a very crude piece on why blacks are superior athletes and they never flinched from that conclusion.

1992-Amby Burfoot, a long distance runner, wrote a scathing piece in "Runners World" entitled "White Men Can't Run" that laid out the template that blacks are simply faster than whites.

1996-"Darwin's Athletes" by John Hoberman while more of a sociological study still had the black superiority issue as a back drop.

1997-Sports Illustrated's infamous cover story "What Ever Happened to The White Athlete" wasn't quite as cut and dry as their much earlier feature but touched on what was considered a "taboo" subject.

2001-"Taboo" by Jon Entine blew the doors open with a full blooded throat grabbing book that fully declared "blacks are superior athletes."

2013-The Sports Gene" by David Epstein is a toned down more "politically correct" version of "Taboo" and was thought of in general as a more considered piece even though Epstein was hawking the same theories of Entine. He just approached it from a "more" acceptable manner.

These days books and articles on the subject are scarce although the ESPN site the non diverse "The Undefeated" peddles in black superiority theories. William Rhoden the ex long time New York Times sports writer who moonlights there, has been one of the most recent media figures who proudly believe black athletes are better than white athletes etc.

Does the lack of books mean the theories have died down? Not exactly. I think it just mutated into the approach that ESPN and their copy cats like the Fox Sports Network take every day.

ESPN doesn't always directly say stuff like blacks are better so to speak but by constantly promoting black athletes 24/7 it is inferred and at the end of the day it is just the same as blurting out "white men can't run."

Which means as we all know here at CF that the subject of black and white athletes is distorted to a disorienting degree where any semblance of realistic thinking on the subject is destroyed. ESPN carefully avoids anything that runs contrary to their beliefs which is why hockey and tennis are rarely discussed on their morning shows.

Yes Lamar Jackson is a dynamic athlete playing QB but listening to ESPN and other outlets you would think he is the greatest athlete in the world and more important than the discovery of electricity. ESPN avoids pumping up a player like Mike Trout because they might sense deep down what they are peddling is race baiting. That Trout is the better athlete than Jackson is a given for someone like me who has watched a lot of sports in my life but these "truths" are constantly obscured by the likes of ESPN.

We have said on this board for years that we need to write our own book. The problem is that with things getting so anti white everywhere, it would be hard to find a publisher. You would have to go to a smaller pub. co. just staring out but it could be done. I for one would line up to buy that book and if the word got out there I think many more people would buy it up. It would be a controversial book as it's goes against the main stream narrative but I think it would fly off the book shelves.
Will another book on the subject appear? Maybe not because ESPN has been doing the same leg work.

Just wonder if things will ever change though. Maybe?
So what I take from this is that ESPN will be even more insufferable than it is now. In 10 years, they’ll probably just be doing full on anti-White propaganda 24/7 like CNN.

10years? By election time.
I read the Whitlock summary of the ESPN article, and all I can say is my decades old prediction that blacks would kill off "Liberalism" is coming true. Can you name a group that spins off individuals more socio and psychopathic as blacks? I cannot. Then add to it their superstitious behavior and beliefs crossed with a tendency to authoritarianism. But I'm cheering them on in their fight against "racism" at ESPN and the media in general, not a better deserving bunch of evil people on this planet besides maybe the Chinese communists.

At least these race bigots have made it clear we can now ask them if they are anti-white, they almost need to say yes to that question.
Kellerman has gone off the deep end with this. His job must be on the line to spew this kind of stupidity. He has become a younger, dumber version of Howard Cosell.
Mike Greenberg was the loudest mouth calling for Mitch Trubisky to be benched. He is now calling for the Eagles to give Jalen Hurts some snaps.
Mike Greenberg was the loudest mouth calling for Mitch Trubisky to be benched. He is now calling for the Eagles to give Jalen Hurts some snaps.

He should be questioning his fellow tribesmen Howie why he wasted a 2nd round pick on a QB instead of building around the young QBs they have and just signed to a contract extension.
Top morning news on BSPN is that Brees tarnished his Legacy by not groveling to Black Power Movement sooner and an Oklahoma HS Basketball announcer said something racist about a player kneeling.
Ryan Clark. Another young, aggressive, racist black man that ESPN employs. Tears down "unathletic" White QBs any chance he can get and promotes new age dual threats as the future. Another guy that has no problem displaying his own in group racial preference.
Mike Greenberg was the loudest mouth calling for Mitch Trubisky to be benched. He is now calling for the Eagles to give Jalen Hurts some snaps.

Greenberg also loves BUST Dwayne Haskins. Mentions him as a replacement for The Legendary Big Ben every time it comes up. LOL
Ryan Clark. Another young, aggressive, racist black man that ESPN employs. Tears down "unathletic" White QBs any chance he can get and promotes new age dual threats as the future. Another guy that has no problem displaying his own in group racial preference.

He’s trash like the rest of them. They are doing their damndest to rewrite the QB position - this year it seems they have finally gone mainstream with it. All of the criticism of Mac Jones is thinly veiled anti-White racism. I am sure this occurred at every other position over the lifecycle of the caste system although not well documented because it all happened pre-internet.
Justin Herbert is not a dual threat quarterback yet he's the best young quarterback in the game. How do these bigots explain that one?
He’s trash like the rest of them. They are doing their damndest to rewrite the QB position - this year it seems they have finally gone mainstream with it. All of the criticism of Mac Jones is thinly veiled anti-White racism. I am sure this occurred at every other position over the lifecycle of the caste system although not well documented because it all happened pre-internet.

Yeah every couple years their black quarterback takeover gets beaten back and they shut up for a bit. This cycle they are pushing it hard as ever. That's why I'm getting a kick out of this Watson drama.
Yeah every couple years their black quarterback takeover gets beaten back and they shut up for a bit. This cycle they are pushing it hard as ever. That's why I'm getting a kick out of this Watson drama.

You and me both. It also makes me laugh that the experts view scam as a viable option when he career peaked 6 years ago.
You and me both. It also makes me laugh that the experts view scam as a viable option when he career peaked 6 years ago.

hahaha After that pathetic display he put on last year... I think it's important to point out how far he has fallen! We'll see what New England does..Seems like they disappoint every year come draft Time.
Kenny Mayne resigned from BSPN today. He was one of the last hold overs from the heyday of the 90s/early 2000s BSPN Sportscenter. He segments were a little out there, his sarcasm/humor was something I actually enjoyed. I can't really say if he went "woke" or not because I rarely put the channel on these days.

I also have to state that these sports talk shows - the ones where they simulcast the radio broadcast with TV are all trash. I had to sit through one this evening while getting my haircut - The Michael Kay show. These guys are just downright pathetic. Two older white guys talking about the NBA and the Jewish white guy doing the news proclaiming his love for "hip hop". I stopped listening to sports radio long ago and just knowing their are so many of these formulaic shows with the same types of losers all with the same points of view goes to show how/why so many white people think the way they do about sports.
Turn on BSPN for a brief recap of last night's sports action. 5 seconds in they're complaining there are not enough Black Coaches in NFL LOLOL.

We all know who actually pulls the strings, but Blacks have really embraced being their shock troops against White America. NFL and NBA will remain majority Black because the Black players aren't complete idiots. Why would they want to give up some of that power they've accumulated now?!
Turn on BSPN for a brief recap of last night's sports action. 5 seconds in they're complaining there are not enough Black Coaches in NFL LOLOL.

We all know who actually pulls the strings, but Blacks have really embraced being their shock troops against White America. NFL and NBA will remain majority Black because the Black players aren't complete idiots. Why would they want to give up some of that power they've accumulated now?!

They have the power - they can say whatever they want and keep pushing and pushing because they know no one will speak up. They aren’t brave or courageous - just a bunch of ifantile morons that have the backing of the whole media apparatus.

Most white people who follow sports don’t care - they are indoctrinated DWFs or just want to throw money on the games. More and more I feel the parents of gifted White athletes at the high school level along with their sons and high school coaches need to get the conversation going to call out the outrageous discrimination during recruiting rather then playing the clueless card.
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