Big fight, hope it lives up to the hype
Alvarez is clearly a White Man. If he was walking down the street in any city in the world, he'd be considered white. Doesn't matter his country, language, etc.
So I will be cheering for him to beat Mayweather as will most people.
As for the fight, appreciate the posts and details from some of the posters with knowledge of the techniques and strategy of the 'sweet science'.
I believe mildly retarded bully boy once put forth some adept Chinese fortune cookie advice : 'everyone has a strategy and game plan. Then they get punched in the mouth'...
Yet those I guess were with the heavyweights where 1 punch is like a sledgehammer.
Mayweather is obviously a talented tactical and skillful boxer. Not that much of a brawler from some of the fights I've seen recently. I guess the conventional analysis is that his speed, jab, and ability to not get hit has earned him an undefeated record.
He is great at not getting too much punishment..and being able to dish it out.
I suppose knowing his strengths and staying away from them as best as he can will be Alvarez's main hope. He will put on decent weight for the actual fight and perhaps this will help his chances.
Mayweather though has experience in these sorts of big fights and I don't see him losing in LV.
Not to be cynical, Mayweather is of course a whole industry onto itself. So yes, Alvarez CAN win tonight. But doing so and executing this may be something not in the cards for him.
Let's go Alvarez. Will be good TV so get to your favorite sports bar or strip club early