Alvarez - Mayweather

Well, I'll ask you the same question I asked earlier: do you think that Garcia could have survived Matty if Garcia had only 1 eye to see with? Do you think Garcia could have made a close fight with only 1 eye?

I don't think M's eye was actually closed. It wasn't bleeding either. It was just swollen, but not swollen shut. I didn't see any evidence that he was unable to see on one side and getting blindsided.
Good points, but easier said than done I guess. He's a slimy little weasel good at running away. I'd favor bulling in on him, and I thought that Hatton was doing good on the inside (Yow - that was six years ago!) but the Cortez crook kept distracting him and wouldn't let him fight on the inside. In fact it seems that none of the refs, at least in Las Vegas, let people fight on the inside and/or fight their way out of clinches. They kept yelling Stop stop stop everytime they got inside. Maybe what they should be doing isntead is not allowing fighters to grab the opponents head in a headlock on the inside and otherwise clinch.

It's difficult to grab "crazy" arms that flail. And as long as the flailing crazy man keeps both hands punching the ref has no business breaking them up. If he does, the fighter's corner men are all supposed to start yelling at him for favouritism. The ref can't throw a fighter's entire corner out of the arena.
I don't think M's eye was actually closed. It wasn't bleeding either. It was just swollen, but not swollen shut. I didn't see any evidence that he was unable to see on one side and getting blindsided.

He could barely see out of it. Matty's corner kept the swelling down and that gave Matty a bit of time to start the rounds with but by the end of each round the eye closed up tight again. And what he did see was blurry. Check it out, unfortunately he fought most of the fight with 1 eye. What a beast!
But it seems that if they can't grab the arms they grab the head in a headlock now, and then the ref immediately breaks them apart. How ya gonna fight a slimy weasel like Mayweather who runs away if you can't close with him and fight him on the inside?
But it seems that if they can't grab the arms they grab the head in a headlock now, and then the ref immediately breaks them apart. How ya gonna fight a slimy weasel like Mayweather who runs away if you can't close with him and fight him on the inside?

The head grab comes from a duck or a weave while neither fighter is throwing. The punches just have to keep on firing like a Harry Greb or a Joe Calzaghe. But guys like Canelo are just not in shape enough or he's so weight drained he's useless. Canelo should have backed the weasel into the ropes with a heavy, powerful jab, and then hit everything and anything. Look, would you see Roberto Duran walking around looking for a head shot that wasn't there? Hello no. Duran was so vicious, and so busy, he'd bruise the weasel's biceps so much that the weasel wouldn't have anything to fight back with. It's not like there isn't anything to hit on the weasel, it's that these fighters don't do enough of it.
When Joe Calzaghe fought for the Ring title at light heavyweight, he never demanded Bernard Hopkins fight him at a catch weight.

Despite the catch weight, Mayweather will now be the Ring champion in two divisions.

They quickly stripped Calzaghe of his 168 Ring belt after he won the title at 175. But because of the usual racist double standards, Mayweather will very likely be allowed to keep both the 147 and the 154 Ring titles.
I'm almost certain Canelo will want a rematch. I would love to see that. Does anyone think that weasel will give it to him?
My thoughts on Matthysse VS Garcia fight from last night:

A few weeks ago, on this site, I made a prediction that Matthysse would KO Garcia early in the fight. Obviously, that prediction didn't quite work out correctly, and the fight ended up going the distance.

I do give full credit to Danny Garcia
on having a great gameplan and executing it. I think his speed and boxing ability was the difference. He's also no quitter. For the most part, he was able to use movement, speed, and elusiveness to avoid getting hit. The few times he did get hit flush, his chin seemed to hold up and he took the shots well.

It seemed like Garcia was quite lucky in the fight. Consider: 1) In the 11th round he was rocked by a Matthysse right hand and his mouthpiece knocked out of his mouth, he then benefited from the referee stopping the fight, giving him a few seconds to get himself together. 2) Referee Tony Weeks made an error which led to Matthysse being knocked down, before going down, Matthysse was badly tangled up in the ropes. Referee Weeks should have stopped the action and allowed Matthysse to untangle himself and get back in the ring. This referee error resulted in the knockdown and an extra point for Garcia on the cards. 3) Matthysse's eye was badly swollen, and surely his vision was badly affected in the second half of the fight. It was an unlucky break for Matthysse, as fighting with that kind of eye damage makes things so much harder.

All the above being said, I don't think Garcia won the fight. It was close, I'd lean towards a draw, or even a marginal win for Matthysse. However, I really don't feel Garcia won the fight, as he gave away too many rounds in the early part of the fight (and 1 or 2 in the second half). Quite frankly, I think the judges favoured him because he is an American and much more of a "house fighter" than is Matthysse. If you notice before the fight, all the promoters, handlers, managers for GBP were all hanging around Garcia. Clearly, he was the favoured fighter and that is why he got the decision. He is one of GBP's biggest fighters so of course the scorecards favoured him.

Had this fight happened in Argentina, or in neutral ground like the UK or Germany, I think it would have been a Matthysse win or possibly a draw.

I was hoping Matthysse would win by KO but it didn't work out that way.
My thoughts on Mayweather VS Alvarez fight from last night:

A few days ago, on this site, I made a prediction that this fight would go the distance and would be close. I didn't pick a winner other than to say it would be a close fight. I think my prediction was essentially correct, as I thought the fight was very close and could perhaps be called a draw.

First of all, I watched the fight in a bar, so I couldn't hear Showtime's commentary. However, I noticed that the replays in between rounds tended to show a bias in favour of Mayweather. Every round, both Alvarez and Mayweather were landing shots. Yet, the replays literally always showed Mayweather's punches and seemed to be censoring Alvarez's landed punches. Some rounds, Alvarez was landing nice punches, and then in bizarre fashion, the replays would completely ignore it and instead focus on replaying Mayweather's landed punches. It was truly bizarre and obviously very biased. I can't say I'm surprised though.

Secondly, I thought Alvarez fought a great fight, and deserves credit on his effort. He is only 23 years old, and had 0 amateur fights. It's important to understand how inexperienced Alvarez is compared to Mayweather (100+ Amateur fights, Olympics, 40+ pro fights), and even other boxers like say Golovkin (400+ Amateur fights, Olympics, 25+ pro fights). With all that considered, I was very impressed with his fight, and I thought he performed in an excellent manner. Alvarez is only going to improve from this, so, although the loss hurts, he will get better from here on.

Thirdly, I thought the fight was pretty close, if I remember correctly I thought the first 3 rounds all favoured Alvarez. Alvarez also picked up 1 or 2 in the middle and end. Mayweather was running badly in the last 2 or 3 rounds, and I thought Alvarez won 1 or 2 of them because Mayweather simply had no offense in those rounds. I could see a draw result, or a close decision win for Mayweather as being an accurate scorecard.

Mayweather seems to be slipping a bit in my opinion. He had a very close fight with a 23 year old guy who had 0 amateur fights. I firmly believe after this fight, Golovkin would beat him. Golovkin has 400+ amateur fights and in sparring, was apparently beating Alvarez quite easily. Mayweather was also getting hit with jabs and right hands more often than before. Alvarez landed 100+ punches according to CompuBox, and I was surprised at how easily he was landing his jab on Mayweather's face. If Alvarez was just a bit faster or more accurate (ie like Golovkin) we would have seen better exchanges. Mayweather is slipping.

Golovkin/Mayweather is a fight I would bet on, and I would lay serious money down on Gennady.
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When Joe Calzaghe fought for the Ring title at light heavyweight, he never demanded Bernard Hopkins fight him at a catch weight.

Despite the catch weight, Mayweather will now be the Ring champion in two divisions.

They quickly stripped Calzaghe of his 168 Ring belt after he won the title at 175. But because of the usual racist double standards, Mayweather will very likely be allowed to keep both the 147 and the 154 Ring titles.

Excellent point you bring up, it's an obvious doublestandard to strip Joe of one of his RING belts but allow Mayweather to keep his two RING belts. There is no other explanation I can think of to explain this other than race or nationality.

Not to mention, Mayweather shouldn't even be awarded the RING belt at junior middle because the fight was not at 154 lbs.

The USSA is a total embarrassment, to put it mildly.

Quoted for truth! I much prefer European broadcasts on boxing, as I find the fighters and quality of fights to be better.
The head grab comes from a duck or a weave while neither fighter is throwing. The punches just have to keep on firing like a Harry Greb or a Joe Calzaghe. But guys like Canelo are just not in shape enough or he's so weight drained he's useless. Canelo should have backed the weasel into the ropes with a heavy, powerful jab, and then hit everything and anything. Look, would you see Roberto Duran walking around looking for a head shot that wasn't there? Hello no. Duran was so vicious, and so busy, he'd bruise the weasel's biceps so much that the weasel wouldn't have anything to fight back with. It's not like there isn't anything to hit on the weasel, it's that these fighters don't do enough of it.

He tried to do that but the slimy little weasel just kept slithering away.

But tell me what the slimy little weasel did to deserve a 117-111 score.

Also, if boxing was a real sport instead of something between a mafia smoker and a Vince McMahon wrasslin show the slimy punk would be heavily fined or banned for its obscene entrance.
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My thoughts on Mayweather VS Alvarez fight from last night:


Good post, BS2. I agree with most of what you said. I don't think I'd say Alvarez fought a great fight, though. The Mexicans who paid over $1000 a ticket (to the Las Vegas mob) to get in didn't have much to cheer about, nothing actually.
I disagree with you guys about the Garcia-Mat. fight, though. I thought that while Mat. was throwing a lot of punches and trying as hard as he could mostly they were looping punches doing no damage, whereas Garcia's were straight and accurate. I didn't see much difference after his eye got swollen from before. Do you think I'm wrong and maybe should watch the fight again? And oh yeah M's best punch in the 11th round - good tactic, either accidental - as was this instance - or deliberate - spit out your mouthpiece. Garcia readily admitted that he got clocked good then, but I don't think he was hurt or in trouble, even if there was no pause.

I admire the sportsmanship of most Latin American fighters.
Excellent point you bring up, it's an obvious doublestandard to strip Joe of one of his RING belts but allow Mayweather to keep his two RING belts. There is no other explanation I can think of to explain this other than race or nationality.

Not to mention, Mayweather shouldn't even be awarded the RING belt at junior middle because the fight was not at 154 lbs.

Yes this is unexplainable. The white man gets his belts taken, but the black man get to keep his belts. It so obviously because of race that only an extremely brainwashed fool could deny it.
Mayweather plays the heel very well and his whole TMT thing is a negrophied theme which is indicative of modern day American values (lack thereof).
Where I was watching this fight, the racial awareness was palpable. First off, blacks are tremendously racially loyal and aware to an almost brutally racist and discriminatory level.
During the promos where they showed Mayweather living the filthy rich boxer's life with a dozen ultra expensive sports cars and niggish watches and jewelry and the jet, the black audience was transfixed and mostly foaming at the mouth seeing the lavish display of such bling living.

This all plays to the supporters of Mayweather (mostly blacks). Mayweather is a average American black's wet dream fantasy...just like stupid tricked out rappers and affletes, the bling lifestyle and expensive toys and displaying it can only best be described as "niggr rich".
Which is precisely what it is. Blacks love it. This is why so much of modern day pop culture is geared to this LCD mentality as hollywood and advertisers push this 'culture' of depravity and lunacy as something to behold and strive for. Models and bottles baby!!

2013 usa.

Mayweather's now heel TMT persona are good copy both for his legions of black supporters and wanna bes, yet also for the silent majority of non-blacks who understand on the basic and atomic level that beyond the crazy, filthy rich livelihood and flash cash mentality (not that this is inherently evil or wrong per se), it is fundamentally the antithesis of the Western/European ideal of being 'a good person'...this basically goes back to the roots of European Man's classical Culture ideal first popularized in places and times such as Ancient Hellenic culture and spirit of Man.

It is just not 'us' and never will be no matter the effort and energy of Khazar, wandering Hollywood propaganda and anti-Hero advertising.

Yes, having a few hundred million in the bank can enable one to do all sorts of things and I don't doubt Mayweather takes very good care of his family and friends and TMT roster. I'm sure his accountant makes sure he will have lots of money for the rest of his life (although a popular new rumor is that Mayweather has only 1 bank account - I find this just part of his persona gimmick though, yet who knows)
Yet it is within the basic (dark?) heart of African man's mentality that short term gratification and the appearance (fronting as modern day hip hop vernacular terms it) of being rich and blinged out is what is at the basic level of values of modern day american blacks.

It's a bit comical too, yet they don't care and actually seem to thrive on the judgement that they can sense from White society.
They like it and embrace it; hence, it is why today's blacks are 10Xs more racist and discriminatory then today's Whites and Latinos.

As for the fight, Mayweather won. His quickness, movement and jabs are just too skillful for Canelo to handle.
Canelo had some exchanges and perhaps won a round here or there, yet Mayweather was the clear winner and although danced a bit and fights sideways, it is within the rules after all so let's call a spade a spade.
The object is to punch and hit and not be punched and hit by your opponent.

Mayweather has been phenomenal at this his whole career.

The audience blacks where very happy that Mayweather won, yet one day he will lose if he decides to truly follow what he states and wants to give 'the people want they want to see'.

Mayweather is an excellent tactical and experienced boxer. Yes he has somewhat picked his opponents and at specific times which benefited him. But within the ring, barring Castillo and some of the Hatton fight and a few rounds here and there, Mayweather has dominated the ring and his fights.

The jab and quickness is his main strength.

Canelo will get better and in the long run have an excellent career. He showed up and fought, yet was tactically outclassed by a more experienced and quicker boxer.

The last thing I will say is that it's interesting how much loyalty blacks have for Mayweather. It would be nice if Whites showed half as much support and loyalty to Klitschko.

Mayweather is a great boxer and it appears to me that only a bruising and quick boxer would be able to wear him down.
Yes this is unexplainable. The white man gets his belts taken, but the black man get to keep his belts. It so obviously because of race that only an extremely brainwashed fool could deny it.
One of the best examples of this was when Dariusz Michalczewski unified the titles at 175, only to have the IBF and WBA belts taken away for no good reason.
Unbelievable amount of ass-kissing going on with the slimy little low-life now. Mayweather didn't "school" anyone. He never even hurt Canelo. And if boxing was a real sport he would be banned or heavily fined for his obscene ring entrance with that little black thing with no shirt, whatever it was, chanting mother****er this and mother****er that.

What was the white thing standing behind Mayweather? A male, a female, a ***?

Two negroes with very good defense - Mayweather and Toney - and they both use the shoulders a lot, as in the shoulder roll defense - and they're hard to hit. How come no one taught me about that when I was doing my boxing thing? I thought I was supposed to block punches with my head.
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If both fighters fought like Mayweather, there would be no fight! He ran off for 12 rounds, he did land the better punches although Alvarez was the aggressor and always on the front foot, thats why I think the one judge was correct in scoring it a draw. The ref was clearly on Mayweathers side as usual, as soon as they clinched he ran in to break it up, yet i've seen some fights were the ref will allow the clinch for what seems like 20 seconds.
That's what I've been saying - how can you fight a slimy little weasel like that who just slithers away if when you finally catch up with it the house referee immediately yells, "Stop stop!". Next big fight with the punk should not be in LV, the crookedest town in the world. Hatton should have fought him in the UK and Alvarez in Mexico.
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