Adam Gemeli World 100 Meters Junior Champion (10.05)

i said before the season begin and what i said now is truth-gemili is and will become a elite sprinter.NEXT SUB 10 WHITE(CAUCASIAN)gemili show us race is not something in sprint all what count is hard work and genetic, and to all my stupid friends (i am a little bit drunk) gemili is the next sub 10 white sprinter (of course he is not a blonde blue eyes ****** :D)
I will once again state that I was impressed by this kids form. So raw yet so smooth. His start, drive phase and speed endurance were all above average. His speed endurance was similar to Lemaitre late in the race. The kid also generates alot of power and this will only continue to increase as his body matures even more. The best part of all of this is that he is just a baby at 18 years of age. I still am shaking my head at his talent and his potential. Congrats Adam. You have worked hard to get here and you deserve it!
I will once again state that I was impressed by this kids form. So raw yet so smooth. His start, drive phase and speed endurance were all above average. His speed endurance was similar to Lemaitre late in the race. The kid also generates alot of power and this will only continue to increase as his body matures even more. The best part of all of this is that he is just a baby at 18 years of age. I still am shaking my head at his talent and his potential. Congrats Adam. You have worked hard to get here and you deserve it!

I like his style actually. High knees, powerful hip flexor movement and the efficient way his lower leg comes straight up underneath him with no excess backward swing.

I think he'll be (with Vicaut) Europe's 100 m man against the world in the next few years.
I still regard Christophe as potentially Europe's best ever 200 runner with a 19.5 possible in a few years but I'm not sure he'll ever have this start and drive phase. This year's lack of development in these areas makes me think it won't get much better.
I'd love to be proved wrong though
guys you dont think gemili running style is similar with maurice greene style? anyway this win proove fact about sprinting is not a colour fact,in this race we have a caucasian who ran a championship record,cl proove in 2010 and now gemili proove to...all what count is hard work and talent and good training
In the UK if you want to be known and remembered, you need to be on the major television networks, like the BBC, ITV and Sky News. In 2010 when CL ran sub 10, NONE of these channels had any coverage on the matter at all. Total disgrace.

I do not care if whites are regarded as having a better standard of life (simply not true in the UK anyway). If great achievements are ignored, then why do I have to hear about when other races do something for the first time. Makes no sense and is very annoying.

Actually I have just remembered that there was a discussion of it on the BBC at the Paris Diamond league about a week after Lemaitre broke 10s. Jonathan Edwards and Colin Jackson spoke about it briefly, specifically mentioning that he was the first white man to go under 10s, with Edwards even asking Jackson if colour was a factor in sprinting (to which Jackson replied that it wasn't, and there was no excuse for white sprinters). This wasn't on a main channel however, it was on the Red Button. As I said before, it was mentioned briefly at the European Championships that year by John Inverdale, but Johnson didn't take kindly to it.

I think that Gemili only lost to Chambers in the trials because he was so nervous and tense, he was trying to force it and ran his worst time for ages. He still came second though, which says a lot for UK sprinting at the moment.
Actually I have just remembered that there was a discussion of it on the BBC at the Paris Diamond league about a week after Lemaitre broke 10s. Jonathan Edwards and Colin Jackson spoke about it briefly, specifically mentioning that he was the first white man to go under 10s, with Edwards even asking Jackson if colour was a factor in sprinting (to which Jackson replied that it wasn't, and there was no excuse for white sprinters). This wasn't on a main channel however, it was on the Red Button. As I said before, it was mentioned briefly at the European Championships that year by John Inverdale, but Johnson didn't take kindly to it.

I think that Gemili only lost to Chambers in the trials because he was so nervous and tense, he was trying to force it and ran his worst time for ages. He still came second though, which says a lot for UK sprinting at the moment.
Yes there is something about knowing if you run your race you will win a race, compared to I have to run my best to win. Asafa Powell in his prime used to destroy average sprinters leading up to majors and look like a future champion until the final and then sputter home in 5th place. Gemili has to learn how to find a mental zone where he can focus to and just do what he has been taught by his coach.
Actually I have just remembered that there was a discussion of it on the BBC at the Paris Diamond league about a week after Lemaitre broke 10s. Jonathan Edwards and Colin Jackson spoke about it briefly, specifically mentioning that he was the first white man to go under 10s, with Edwards even asking Jackson if colour was a factor in sprinting (to which Jackson replied that it wasn't, and there was no excuse for white sprinters). This wasn't on a main channel however, it was on the Red Button. As I said before, it was mentioned briefly at the European Championships that year by John Inverdale, but Johnson didn't take kindly to it.

I think that Gemili only lost to Chambers in the trials because he was so nervous and tense, he was trying to force it and ran his worst time for ages. He still came second though, which says a lot for UK sprinting at the moment.

I agree. A fit Gemili should never lose to Chambers again.
And it is odd that, for a country with so many junior world talents, so few have made the transition to senior success
Actually I have just remembered that there was a discussion of it on the BBC at the Paris Diamond league about a week after Lemaitre broke 10s. Jonathan Edwards and Colin Jackson spoke about it briefly, specifically mentioning that he was the first white man to go under 10s, with Edwards even asking Jackson if colour was a factor in sprinting (to which Jackson replied that it wasn't, and there was no excuse for white sprinters). This wasn't on a main channel however, it was on the Red Button. As I said before, it was mentioned briefly at the European Championships that year by John Inverdale, but Johnson didn't take kindly to it.

I think that Gemili only lost to Chambers in the trials because he was so nervous and tense, he was trying to force it and ran his worst time for ages. He still came second though, which says a lot for UK sprinting at the moment.

Charlie, Did Jonathan Edwards state he ran sub 10secs?.

According to his Wiki page it states his PB being only 10.48 for the 100m.
i want to see more 100m finals like this-caucasian won the final and in the final not just black,really if the black are dominant in the final is good to see other race too,a asian and 2 caucasian in the final,and caucasian won it :D and i dont want to hear anybody tell about gemili isnt caucasian :)) if someone say this is stupid or american :)) gemili is 100 % caucasian and he will be better then cl because have a better start and drive phase
in 400 m too a 'caucasian' won it, of course that dominican have a 1/4 black in him but to me look more caucasian then *******,with much. the fact is race is not something what count,we see a asian who is better than a black cuban at 110 m hurdles (liu xiang-dyron robles) a caucasian who beat 5 negros in the 100m (gemili and the rest) and other exemples,what we need is more examples of this,for young caucasian kids who belive they cant compete in sprint because black are better who is a false thing,but look at our european sprinters,at form of running at body at all,they are very different from us and carribean sprinters,and i say again is a shame for big and rich european country(germany,italy,spain,belgium etc) cant create sprinters at same level of other country(trinidad tobago,jamaica,st kitts and nevis) i dont say us because usa is usa but other country smaller and not so rich
Charlie, Did Jonathan Edwards state he ran sub 10secs?.

According to his Wiki page it states his PB being only 10.48 for the 100m.

Sorry Francois, I didn't make that very clear. Jonathan Edwards and Colin Jackson were talking about Christophe Lemaitre being the first white man to break 10s. I made it sound like Edwards was talking about himself but he wasn't.

Neither of them got anywhere near the 10s barrier themselves (Jackson's PB was 10.29s).
I hope Steven Solomon can break 45 as he runs at the Games. At 18 though he'll probably have trouble with the rounds.
He may sneak under that time in a fast semi while desperately trying to qualify. Aussie Darren Clark ran his semi in 44.75 in LA at the same age.

Gemili to me is much more exciting to watch than Lemaitre style-wise. He exudes power and I like his compact style. He has natural swagger too which suggests inner confidence.
Lemaitre's top speed is awesome to watch though nullified somewhat in a big race with the few men who can match it.
Will be good to see these guys race each other.
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WL if shirvinghton trained in usa what you think his potential on 100m and 60m could be?i mind at 19 years he ran 10.03 i think if he had 2-3 years of good trainning he could on same condition 9.93 or something like this ..... what's your oppinion guys? and i know is too soon but how fast you think can gemili run 100 somewhere in his peak?
WL if shirvinghton trained in usa what you think his potential on 100m and 60m could be?i mind at 19 years he ran 10.03 i think if he had 2-3 years of good trainning he could on same condition 9.93 or something like this ..... what's your oppinion guys? and i know is too soon but how fast you think can gemili run 100 somewhere in his peak?

if I may break in here Raul.
I watched him very keenly over here and saw him gradually crippled by the weight of expectation on his shoulders.
He was virtually assured $1 million to be first Aussie (read -"white man") to break ten seconds. He was given a great team to manage him but he got to the stage where he was often sick, sometimes injured, always making excuses too.
Whenever he didn't reach some preconceived result even in a relatively minor meet in Australia, he'd be apologising to the public and beating up on himself.

Simply put, his body could have done it but I think he needed another mind.
His 4 sub 10.10s and his 6.52/60m show what a talent he was though
does Gemili run a bit like Gatlin ? I know Raul mentioned Maurice Greene too.

he had a very good style of running,his style is very different of cl style and especialy white sprinters,he look more at style like americans,i hope he will get same result like they,gemili have big potential in 200m you will se guys,if he runs this season he could run under 20.4

yep, gemili had a good season doubt..lets see if he can capitalise on it next year or maybe already indoors ....would be interesting to see him over 60 meters :mod:....
his 60m pb is 6.68,i can bet next year his pb on 60m will be under 6.60,on 100m under 10.00 and in 200m under 20.2,next year gemili will be 100m finalist at world athletic championship and will be second caucasian who run 100m under 10 sec,just if he will injury something can happend
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