Adam Gemeli World 100 Meters Junior Champion (10.05)

these once in a decade athletes are occuring more frequently,
could this be the power of sarms .

just need to get these athletes young enough when
androgen receptor at its freshest .

it is a pretty fast progression
and even more reason to decide athletics
over football where less of chance to stand out .
he is a compact lemaitre with power .
and time to beat jamicans at own game .
I am going to say this just once. Gemili reminds me of Matt Shirvington at the same age. I hope this kid improves but it is a hunch he will never break 10.00. I hope I am wrong.
I am going to say this just once. Gemili reminds me of Matt Shirvington at the same age. I hope this kid improves but it is a hunch he will never break 10.00. I hope I am wrong.
Could you explain why? I don't see the comparison at all. He looks much smoother in his transitions to the phases of a 100 race.
Could you explain why? I don't see the comparison at all. He looks much smoother in his transitions to the phases of a 100 race.

He runs more on power then speed. He looks like Shirvington when he ran his 10.03 in Kuala Lumpur. He already has a muscular build. It can be argued here that Shirvington got psyched out with the " white man " burden and his injuries did not help but they have that same powerful acceleration yet he really is a short strider. Lots of medium-sized guys have broken 10 flat but I just don't see it. If he maintains his speed and times in the next month I will maybe change my view.
" There is an old saying in my game son.... you can put in what God has left out " Sam Masobini Chariots of Fire.

I really hope I am wrong here. I hope this kid runs 9.85 some day but its probably not in the cards.
There is an old saying in my game son.... you can put in what God has left out " Sam Masobini Chariots of Fire.

Shouldn't that be " can't put in what God has left out"? Changes the whole meaning of your post otherwise.
Shouldn't that be " can't put in what God has left out"? Changes the whole meaning of your post otherwise.
Sorry about that. You are correct. I was reciting it from my head. I always have a tough time remembering exactly what Ian Holm says in his movies.
I will throw my two cents into this discussion. First and foremost, Shirvo did get too much attention because he was a white guy with blonde hair and blue eyes from Australia. He also ran his 10.03 at 19 just two years before the 2000 Sydney, Australia Olympic Games. He had the looks of a model/movie star. The girls loved him and many people were jealous of all of the open doors. Matt Shirvington should have been a sure thing. Too many interviews, shows, etc. Too much pressure. So many different things went wrong but in my honest opinion the biggest problem was his coach. I hope I don't offend anyone here but his coach put him on a training regimine that would kill even a triathlete. Shirvo got hurt so many times and he even had glandular fever. He was overworked and overtrianed. I'm 100% sure about this. I have seen his training schedule and even on yams, you would fall down. Between that and the constant pressure of being the first white along with little rest and inadequate sleep led to his downfall. This is a guy who ran sub 10.10 four or five times. He should have been the first with out a doubt! I still will always have fond memories as he was a blast to watch. People need to learn from not only their own mistakes but from watching other people also make mistakes so they can avoid them.

Christophe Lemaitre and his coach at least understand this. They keep him in a bubble alot of the time because the media, friends, and family can slow you down in a hurry. Even boxers go to train in isolation before big fights!

Now back to Adam Gemelli. I guarantee this kid will go sub 10! I would be my car on it. It probably won't happen until next season and maybe even two years from now but this kid has a gift from God. He beat some good sprinters in Germany but a incredibly wide margin. That is no easy task for any 18 year old. He just has it! Sometimes you can't explain it but he has the God Given Tools!! I doubt he will ever run in the 9.70's but who knows. We just need to be patient. I agree with some others as well that he probably will not go sub 20 anytime soon and maybe never. I see him being a pure 60/100 guy. Not that he isn't good in the deuce but the short races is will he should be making the medal stands in the next 4-8 years. Anxious to see the U.K. Trials this weekend. Kilty should push him pretty good and I'm sure someone else will run some fast times as well if not several sprinters.
I will throw my two cents into this discussion. First and foremost, Shirvo did get too much attention because he was a white guy with blonde hair and blue eyes from Australia. He also ran his 10.03 at 19 just two years before the 2000 Sydney, Australia Olympic Games. He had the looks of a model/movie star. The girls loved him and many people were jealous of all of the open doors. Matt Shirvington should have been a sure thing. Too many interviews, shows, etc. Too much pressure. So many different things went wrong but in my honest opinion the biggest problem was his coach. I hope I don't offend anyone here but his coach put him on a training regimine that would kill even a triathlete. Shirvo got hurt so many times and he even had glandular fever. He was overworked and overtrianed. I'm 100% sure about this. I have seen his training schedule and even on yams, you would fall down. Between that and the constant pressure of being the first white along with little rest and inadequate sleep led to his downfall. This is a guy who ran sub 10.10 four or five times. He should have been the first with out a doubt! I still will always have fond memories as he was a blast to watch. People need to learn from not only their own mistakes but from watching other people also make mistakes so they can avoid them.

Christophe Lemaitre and his coach at least understand this. They keep him in a bubble alot of the time because the media, friends, and family can slow you down in a hurry. Even boxers go to train in isolation before big fights!

Now back to Adam Gemelli. I guarantee this kid will go sub 10! I would be my car on it. It probably won't happen until next season and maybe even two years from now but this kid has a gift from God. He beat some good sprinters in Germany by a incredibly wide margin. That is no easy task for any 18 year old. He just has it! Sometimes you can't explain it but he has the God Given Tools!! I doubt he will ever run in the 9.70's but who knows. We just need to be patient. I agree with some others as well that he probably will not go sub 20 anytime soon and maybe never. I see him being a pure 60/100 guy. Not that he isn't good in the deuce but the short races is will he should be making the medal stands in the next 4-8 years. Anxious to see the U.K. Trials this weekend. Kilty should push him pretty good and I'm sure someone else will run some fast times as well if not several sprinters.
What kind of car do you have White Lightning. I'll take that bet but I hope I lose. I hope you know where to get a bus pass. Maybe next year, yes, but I think if hje gets to the Olympics he is going to get psyched out and won't get out of the 10.2 range.
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Adam won his heat at aviva uk trials in a time of 10.27-very good time for a heat
No sign of Richard Kilty at the UK Trails.
I was hoping he and Gemili would go 1-2 in the finals....
Kilty is only running in the 200 at the trials. He has already been selected for the 100 and the 4 x 100 for the Euro Champs. He would have been too tired. Not sure if he is doing both at the Olympics. I hope so but we will see.
Kilty is only running in the 200 at the trials. He has already been selected for the 100 and the 4 x 100 for the Euro Champs. He would have been too tired. Not sure if he is doing both at the Olympics. I hope so but we will see.

I note the heat 6 winner and 4th fastest qualifier is Greg Cackett, 22 years old and trained by Margot Wells, Alan's wife.
His time of 10.44 was only 1/100th outside his personal best.
Be nice to see him go 10.30s this meet
Kilty is only running in the 200 at the trials. He has already been selected for the 100 and the 4 x 100 for the Euro Champs. He would have been too tired. Not sure if he is doing both at the Olympics. I hope so but we will see.

on another note, Christian Malcolm's PB 10.11 equals Alan Wells best ever time yet 8 others in the semis have 10.10 or better.
I was amazed 9 current Brit sprinters have PBs of that calibre.

I guess that's why they are always a relay threat although no two of them ever appear to be in top form at the same time
i found it,at 16:52 (local hour) gemili semi-fiinal,and at 16:58 dwain chambers semi-final,when you see the result please write on forum as quick as posible
Hi everyone - just watched the race seconds ago: Chambers won, Gemili second. Gemili already has the A time, so he's going to the Olympics, aged 18!

Btw disappointed not to see Craig Pickering - I watched all three semis as well, and he wasn't in any of them. Has he left the sport?

Oh, and in response to a post about Irish looking like Mediterraneans, these are called the Black Irish (also Black Welsh, think Catherine Zeta-Jones). I'm told that they originate on the coast, and it has something to do with the amount of fish oil in their diets over generations?
very good for gemili,second place at 18 years old is very good,he smoke out sprinters with more experience,but his time was preety bad because in the semi-final he ran a 10.21 slowing down on the last meters,and in the final just a 10.29,but still very good for 18 years to be second from uk,i think pression say his word,because i dont think chambers this season can go as fast as gemili,when gemili make his 10.08 he had some wind and without serious competition.I can't wait to see him at olympics,he will run in europe championship?
Well done Adam! I hope he will take his rightful place in the Olympic team and not sacrifice it for the inferior World Junior Championships like MLF did in the year 2000...

Very disappointed that Adam did not win the race. That would have shut Dwain right up for good.

I watched and recorded the race live on the BBC and Dwain swore directly into the camera telling them to F**k off. Very unprofessional and he showed his true colours there and then.

Dwain was jumping around like he set a WR and then when he looked at te clock, saw 10.26 and looked like a fool. He will get what's coming to him next week when he meets our great Christophe.
Hi everyone - just watched the race seconds ago: Chambers won, Gemili second. Gemili already has the A time, so he's going to the Olympics, aged 18!

Btw disappointed not to see Craig Pickering - I watched all three semis as well, and he wasn't in any of them. Has he left the sport?

Oh, and in response to a post about Irish looking like Mediterraneans, these are called the Black Irish (also Black Welsh, think Catherine Zeta-Jones). I'm told that they originate on the coast, and it has something to do with the amount of fish oil in their diets over generations?

Pickering has been out all season (since January) after a back operation. I personally think we've seen the end of him now, certainly as a Brit representative.
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