300/Christianity Debate

Kaptain Poop said:
I for one would actually feel safer if Iran had Nuclear capabilities.

That's just silly. Israel wants to protect the US, that's where they get all of their money and support. Why would a parasite want to kill it's host? Iran on the other hand sees us as a tool of it's worst enemy, thus making us it's enemy.

Would be better if Israel didn't pull all of the levers here in the US but that is how it is. This country is just a puppet state for Jewish interests, until that changes our fate is tied to them. Sucks for us but what can you do?Edited by: jaxvid
Israel wants to protect itself period. We have protected them at our own costs. Iran is decades away from ever having the capability to do anything to us even if they wanted to. In the meantime we will be fighting wars for Israel and recieving the scorn of the rest of the world.

Germany was once the Jews best friend in Europe. What did they get in return? The Balfour Declaration and perpetual war. We should be more scared of what a well armed nuclear Israel will do to us should we ever decide to rid our country of Jewish influence. Or I am just being "silly".
Kaptain Poop said:
Emotional and ethnic partisanship aside, why should Israel be allowed to have vast nuclear weapons program unchecked by international regulations/inspections and Iran and North Korea should not? Only Israel has the capability to take out all of Europe. Knowing they have no equal in the Middle East, Israel has been very aggressive in taking land that is not theirs. We in turn have to defend their illegal actions and find ourselves involved in the current mess that is the Middle East. I for one would actually feel safer if Iran had Nuclear capabilities.
There is no danger whatsoever to Europe or the United States that Israel will ever launch a nuclear attack on them. As Jaxvid said..that's plain silly and stupid since it wouldn't take more than one or two well placed nuclear bombs to totally destroy a geographically small nation like Israel. As far as Israel taking land...they took that land in wars Arab nations started and The Holy God of the Bible ceded that land title and deed forever anyway over to the Jews. What other nation after disappearing off the map for over two thousand years all the sudden returns on the scene and in the span of less than fifty years becomes one of the mightiest and most influential nations on the planet. You guys see things purely in two dimensions geo-political(racial) and economic...there is a spiritual componet that a large number of you are missing here. I know that makes me sound like the "silly" one now but that's ok..I don't live and die with what others think of me. It's not just ethnic partisianship with me, I will stand on the truth of God's word, even if I am standing alone.
guest301 said:
they took that land in wars Arab nations started and The Holy God of the Bible ceded that land title and deed forever anyway over to the Jews.

You're hopelessly delusional. It is impossible to have rational debates with religious fanatics. Every sect or group believes their interpretation of the Bible or Holy book is correct and all others are wrong.
Guest301, your views show exactly why Jews have been so historically hated and eventually driven from every land they have inhabited. The religious fanatics, like yourself, espouse Jewish Supremacy and then act offended when civilizations reject them. It is unfortunate for the many Jews that don't follow this doctrine.

I hardly think that Jesus would want Jews to start holy wars on poor people in the name of zionism. Opps, Jews believe Jesus is a heretic. What do you believe? Some people (knowledge christians) believe this is why Jews had their right to the covenient taken away by God.

It is nice of you to expose the mindset of Jewish Zionists. We have a powerful nation built largely by Christians (America) somehow fooled into backing a Zionists agenda. As you said, for over 2,000 years Jews on their own strength were too weak to carve out a homeland in the Middle East. Somehow the religious right in cohoots with World Zionists have convinced the masses that Jesus' words just weren't that important. Good job, 301.

BTW, I am christian, not islamic or jewish. I think the holy lands should belong to Christians, but I don't think we should kill people to do so. If more Christians zealots knew that the religion of Islam believes that Jesus was a prophet of God and that the Jewish religion believes he was a heretic that is spending eternity in urine and boiling semen, things might be different. Thanks again, 301. Edited by: Kaptain Poop
If God is with the modern nation of Israel, then they shouldn't need the support of the United States or Europe to be safe and secure in their neighborhood. The Old Testament records numerous wars fought by Israel in which they had supernatural help (God) to win against their enemies, not worldly allies in the form of bigger or more powerful nations.

Take a look at preterism for a different take on Bible prophecy. Preterism teaches thatthe major prophecies of the Bible concerning the Second Coming were fulfilled in AD 70 when the Jerusalem temple was destroyed by the Romans. Hence the modern restoration of the nation of Israel isn't a fulfillment of any prophecy; it's simple nationalism.

I won't go into it in any length here, but if anyone is interested in discussing it further, please contact me by PM.
The Christian Zionist "preachers" (they should be forced to register as agents of a foreign nation) love to repeat the slogan "God blesses those nations that bless Israel." When a Christian Zionist says that to me, my response is simple: "How has this country been blessed by its support of Israel"? Most people agree that the U.S. is going to hell in a handbasket (or is already there), yet they still repeat and believe something that is obviously untrue. The disconnect between reality and what people believe is often quite frightening.
It's the actual government of Israel that are puppets of the New World Order. The current Knesset building (Israeli Legislature) building was paid for by James A. de Rothschild (of the Globalist Elite "House of Rothschild") as a gift to the State of Israel in 1957. The Israeli Supreme Court building is filled with Masonic/Illuminati symbolism. Have a looksee...

[url]http://planetquo.com/Illuminati-Design-And-Symbolism-In-The- Israeli-Supreme-Court-Building[/url]
Kaptain Poop said:
Guest301, your views show exactly why Jews have been so historically hated and eventually driven from every land they have inhabited. The religious fanatics, like yourself, espouse Jewish Supremacy and then act offended when civilizations reject them. It is unfortunate for the many Jews that don't follow this doctrine.

I hardly think that Jesus would want Jews to start holy wars on poor people in the name of zionism. Opps, Jews believe Jesus is a heretic. What do you believe? Some people (knowledge christians) believe this is why Jews had their right to the covenient taken away by God.

It is nice of you to expose the mindset of Jewish Zionists. We have a powerful nation built largely by Christians (America) somehow fooled into backing a Zionists agenda. As you said, for over 2,000 years Jews on their own strength were too weak to carve out a homeland in the Middle East. Somehow the religious right in cohoots with World Zionists have convinced the masses that Jesus' words just weren't that important. Good job, 301.

BTW, I am christian, not islamic or jewish. I think the holy lands should belong to Christians, but I don't think we should kill people to do so. If more Christians zealots knew that the religion of Islam believes that Jesus was a prophet of God and that the Jewish religion believes he was a heretic that is spending eternity in urine and boiling semen, things might be different. Thanks again, 301.
I have never once expoused Jewish supremacy at any point in my life. Certainly no more than certain members of this site expouse white supremacy. I am well aware of what modern days Jews think of Jesus but that won't always be the case. I am certainly a exception to that rule. Don't give me this garbage about how Islam believes Jesus was a great prophet and then openly calls for the elimination and destruction of the Christian and Jew in the Koran. Wish I could respond more to your post but I have a couple of others to respond too.
White Shogun said:
If God is with the modern nation of Israel, then they shouldn't need the support of the United States or Europe to be safe and secure in their neighborhood. The Old Testament records numerous wars fought by Israel in which they had supernatural help (God) to win against their enemies, not worldly allies in the form of bigger or more powerful nations.

Take a look at preterism for a different take on Bible prophecy. Preterism teaches thatthe major prophecies of the Bible concerning the Second Coming were fulfilled in AD 70 when the Jerusalem temple was destroyed by the Romans. Hence the modern restoration of the nation of Israel isn't a fulfillment of any prophecy; it's simple nationalism.

I won't go into it in any length here, but if anyone is interested in discussing it further, please contact me by PM.
Shogun...I am well aware of the preterist beliefs and have studied on them in the past. I don't believe in that interpetation and that view symbolizes instead of taking literally most of the latter day prophecies which are coming true in your lifetime..or have you noticed. The preterist view is a sad view and if you want to discuss it more..private message me...I really don't want to get into it more on this site. The Jehovah God is clearly with modern day Israel..it's the only thing that even comes close to explaining her existence with all of her many enemies surrounding her and longing for the day when they can drive her into the Mediterrainan. They have certainly tried many times since 1948 with overwhelming numbers on their side.
Bart said:
guest301 said:
they took that land in wars Arab nations started and The Holy God of the Bible ceded that land title and deed forever anyway over to the Jews.

You're hopelessly delusional.  It is impossible to have rational debates with religious fanatics.  Every sect or group believes their interpretation of the Bible  or Holy book is correct and all others are wrong. 
Then don't debate me or respond to my posts on this subject matter. Surely you have better things to do.
DixieDestroyer said:
It's the actual government of Israel that are puppets of the New World Order. The current Knesset building (Israeli Legislature) building was paid for by James A. de Rothschild (of the Globalist Elite "House of Rothschild") as a gift to the State of Israel in 1957. The Israeli Supreme Court building is filled with Masonic/Illuminati symbolism. Have a looksee...

[url]http://planetquo.com/Illuminati-Design-And-Symbolism-In-The- Israeli-Supreme-Court-Building[/url]
Not suprised by any of that info. I think you could say the same thing about any major countries goverment in the entire world. The globalists are in almost complete control, I don't deny that and I know there are a certain percentage of reprobate Jews participating in that nonsense. Lots of gentiles too! I am no fan of the CFR, Bildeburgers, Illuminatti, Skull and Bones, Masons(although I have many friends who are Masons), etc... I think most of you have a blind spot on this issue,because most of you fail to see the spiritual componet and true adversary (Satan) that is behind all this. I know you could also say because of my ethnic partianship and religous beliefs, that I have a blind spot too. We will have to agree to disagree.
guest301 said:
The Jehovah God is clearly with modern day Israel..it's the only thing that even comes close to explaining her existence with all of her many enemies surrounding her and longing for the day when they can drive her into the Mediterrainan. They have certainly tried many times since 1948 with overwhelming numbers on their side.

Notice the irony in posting about God supporting a tiny nation surrounded by enemies who wish to drive her into the sea, in a thread about pagan Sparta and the battle of Thermopylae, in which a tiny force of Spartans fought to a standstill an overwhelming force of Persians.
Well Guest301, I don't think the Talmund is all that kind to Christians either. I'm no biblical scholar, but it's my understanding that the Bible states that man will not be able to recognize the anti-christ or the basic end-time prophecy. You coming here and telling us that you suddenly have the answer and its those evil muslims kinda sounds like something the anti-christ might say. Hey, maybe the government of Israel is the anti-christ. The word "anti-christ" does kinda fit their religion, but I won't pretend to know more than God. Edited by: Kaptain Poop
Jewish support is very confusing. They're the "chosen people" yet they shunned the savior, they are God's people, yet their social agenda is more like what you would expect from Satan, they have the protection of God yet supposedly millions of them died in a Holocaust. They are somehow the "good guys" in the Middle East yet they persecute the Palestinians like they were Nazi's, they are somehow the "friends" of Christians yet their holy book speaks of Gentiles like cattle and recommends that Gentiles don't even be treated with basic decency, and they have waged a virtual war against modern Christianity which has wrecked the its place in our society and reduced it to what it is in most churches today.

Personally I would hope they are God's chosen people and not Satan's because with the complete control they exercise over America through their control of politics through the money system, and control of the populace through ownership of the media then the fate of the world rests in their hands.

It's an ugly world right now. I wonder why?
jaxvid said:
Jewish support is very confusing. They're the "chosen people" yet they shunned the savior, they are God's people, yet their social agenda is more like what you would expect from Satan,

That was agoodanalysis, Jaxvid. A Carly Simon tune comes to mind, " Nobody does it better."

Let me venture off on a side trail. Yesterday, I was having dinner with a sister and her family. Being Catholic she started talking about Easter celebrations when she was a kid and how much she enjoyed all the Easter Week movies that were shown on TV years ago. Her favorites were "King of Kings" and " The Robe." I asked her why she liked those as opposed to others. I knewshe wasn't going to give me any deep theological reasons.She said that the stars of each production were very handsome. I'm not kidding, she always liked Jeff Hunter and Victor Mature.

One of my brothers in law who is a staunch Conservative took the opportunity to decry the lack of religious programming on the airwaves and went on and then vented for a while about secularlism and how the separation of church and state isn't in the Constitution and so forth. While he was speaking it occured to me that all the movies featuring Jesus or early Christianity that used to be seen, hadn't been shown for decades probably. ONLYONE religious film is routinely shown each and every year. The Ten Commandments. Why thatflickto the exclusion of the rest? Simple, of course. It's all aboutGod's people the Jews who are mistreated bythe Egyptians and a wicked Pharaoh.God gets really upset and curses them with incredibly destructive plagues. Then to top things off He kills all of their first-born, not just the people, but the animals to boot! Talk about terror! While they are all screaming and filled with agony the - Chosen - depart with their valuables and jewels. Pharaoh reconsidersand decides to go after them to get some revenge. God has had enough and drowns him and his army. Great story and great propaganda if you think about it. Any wonder why it's always on the tube?
guest301 said:
DixieDestroyer said:
It's the actual government of Israel that are puppets of the New World Order. The current Knesset building (Israeli Legislature) building was paid for by James A. de Rothschild (of the Globalist Elite "House of Rothschild") as a gift to the State of Israel in 1957. The Israeli Supreme Court building is filled with Masonic/Illuminati symbolism. Have a looksee...

[url]http://planetquo.com/Illuminati-Design-And-Symbolism-In-The- Israeli-Supreme-Court-Building[/url]
Not suprised by any of that info. I think you could say the same thing about any major countries goverment in the entire world. The globalists are in almost complete control, I don't deny that and I know there are a certain percentage of reprobate Jews participating in that nonsense. Lots of gentiles too! I am no fan of the CFR, Bildeburgers, Illuminatti, Skull and Bones, Masons(although I have many friends who are Masons), etc... I think most of you have a blind spot on this issue,because most of you fail to see the spiritual componet and true adversary (Satan) that is behind all this. I know you could also say because of my ethnic partianship and religous beliefs, that I have a blind spot too. We will have to agree to disagree.

Guest301, Satan is indeed the driving force behind the Globalists as they're trying to expedite the one-world government (then 1-world religion) in preperation for the arrival of the Antichrist. It's all there in Daniel & Revalations. In additional to the Bible, I stongly suggest the outstanding, informative books...

They've done the same thing with the old children's Christmas programs - taken them off the airwaves. My favorite was the claymation film, "The Little Drummer Boy." I haven't seen a "Charlie Brown Christmas" in I don't know how long either, with Linus reciting parts of the Bible. Anybody else remember those shows? Has anyone seen them on network TV? They were staples of the holiday season when I was a kid - I watched them every year for years.

[NOTE: Wikipedia says it currently airs on the ABC Family channel. Has anyone seen it?]
Jaxvid--brilliant summary!

Dixie--you're right on about how the Ten Commandments has become the only Easter film!

Guest301. You're a good man and I'm glad you've converted to Christianity, but the Jewish people forfeited any "divine right" to the Holy Land through their disobedience, especially through their refusal to recognize the savior. That's why God destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD and scattered the Jews throughout the earth.

The present reconstitution of a Jewish state is occurring by divine permission, but not necessarily by the divine positive will. Because of the sins of mankind, God is allowing Satan great power, a power which the evil one distributes to his servants. As Satan said when he tempted Christ: "Behold the kingdoms of the earth, they are all mine to give, and I will give them to thee, if, falling down thou wilt worship me." The jews reject Christ, which means they reject God. Rejecting God, they embrace Satan: 'the god of this world."

As St. John (or St. Paul) says: "He who hath not the Son, the same also hath not the Father."

And St. Paul says of the jews "They please not God, and are contrary to all men."

Yet God will take pity on the Jews if they accept His Son and "abide not in their unbelief."

May God convert both Gentiles and Jews to the Christian Faith.
Since we have gotten off the subject of the movie300, which I promise to see sometime soon, and started to talk about the international jewish conspiracies. Are you guys interested in which part of American society supports Isreal? If you are, you must promise not to yell at me when I am done. These facts may frighten you. Agreed?
screamingeagle said:
Are you guys interested in which part of American society supports Isreal? If you are, you must promise not to yell at me when I am done. These facts may frighten you. Agreed?

Go ahead and toss it out. I for one promise not to yell at you.
White Shogun said:
They've done the same thing with the old children's Christmas programs - taken them off the airwaves. My favorite was the claymation film, "The Little Drummer Boy." I haven't seen a "Charlie Brown Christmas" in I don't know how long either, with Linus reciting parts of the Bible. Anybody else remember those shows? Has anyone seen them on network TV? They were staples of the holiday season when I was a kid - I watched them every year for years.

[NOTE: Wikipedia says it currently airs on the ABC Family channel. Has anyone seen it?]

ABC Family airs some of those, and actually ABC aired Charlie Brown Christmas (complete with Linus' reading Luke 2:8-11). My kids, my wife & I love all those old-school claymation Christmas shows so much, my wife got them the DVD set.
Solomon Kane said:
Jaxvid--brilliant summary!

Dixie--you're right on about how the Ten Commandments has become the only Easter film!

Guest301. You're a good man and I'm glad you've converted to Christianity, but the Jewish people forfeited any "divine right" to the Holy Land through their disobedience, especially through their refusal to recognize the savior. That's why God destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD and scattered the Jews throughout the earth.

The present reconstitution of a Jewish state is occurring by divine permission, but not necessarily by the divine positive will.

As St. John (or St. Paul) says: "He who hath not the Son, the same also hath not the Father."

Yet God will take pity on the Jews if they accept His Son and "abide not in their unbelief."

May God convert both Gentiles and Jews to the Christian Faith.
Thanks Solomon Kane.... I respectfully disagree...God's covenant with Israel is everlasting and she recieved her just punishment for her sins and turning her back on God when God allowed that country to be disbanded and her people dispersed for two thousand years....The fact that she is back and fully restored without any real repentance says something about God having a plan for her and her repentance will come in due time. But I agree with alot of the other things you said in your post and the respectful way in which you came across. I share your sentiments in wishing every one would come to the saving bloood of Christ Jesus.
screamingeagle said:
Since we have gotten off the subject of the movie300, which I promise to see sometime soon, and started to talk about the international jewish conspiracies. Are you guys interested in which part of American society supports Isreal? If you are, you must promise not to yell at me when I am done. These facts may frighten you. Agreed?
I am usually in full agreement with you...so I hope you choose to expound on this. Not sure where you are going with this.Edited by: guest301
White Shogun said:
guest301 said:
The Jehovah God is clearly with modern day Israel..it's the only thing that even comes close to explaining her existence with all of her many enemies surrounding her and longing for the day when they can drive her into the Mediterrainan. They have certainly tried many times since 1948 with overwhelming numbers on their side.

Notice the irony in posting about God supporting a tiny nation surrounded by enemies who wish to drive her into the sea, in a thread about pagan Sparta and the battle of Thermopylae, in which a tiny force of Spartans fought to a standstill an overwhelming force of Persians.
I don't notice any irony here..the Spartans are not universally hated and blamed for everything. What they went through was largely a one time event in a certain era of time and not a ongoing thing. The Spartans did lose by the way.