300/Christianity Debate

They can try to spin a story however they choose, that doesn't mean that their audience will see it the same way they do.

I agree with Triad. Nor do I believe most Americans who watched this film are suddenly eager to storm Iran, regardless of the producers intent. It might be that the analogy went over everyone's head of course, but I certainly didn't notice a ground swell of support for an invasion of Iran in the news or in the polls or in conversations with people after this movie came out. No one that I know personally who has seen this movie has even mentioned anything about Iran (other than the Iranian protest over the film, which they perceived as ridiculous.)

People are sick of war, period, although I imagine we could muster a small army of volunteers to invade Mexico and man the borders.
White Shogun said:
People are sick of war, period, although I imagine we could muster a small army of volunteers to invade Mexico and man the borders.

Small? We could raise the Army of the Potomoc if someone had the money and the balls to do it.
White Shogun said:
I don't know, Americans seem to be more against the war now than ever. If 300 was intended to do what Duke asserts, it failed.

this to me is what is encouraging. No matter what propaganda the regime is putting out (or making use of), its not working. On the other hand, this may lead the neo-con war crazies to take even more drastic measures. God help us!