300/Christianity Debate

Saw 300 last night. Great movie. There's a part about 15 minutes in when the black guy is talking all you can see are his eyes
. Great fight, good story, and a bunch of slaughter
. A must see.
About Persians being white in real life, Iran is a variant of "Aryan." This film was designed to portray a battle that took place as a legend. Like the way the ancient Greeks portrayed the Myceneans(spelling) in the Trojan War. They added lots of mythology with gods and goddesses in a war that probably took place. This movie is supposed to do the same thing with the Persian war and with moden technology.

I haven't seen it yet, but I will see it this week.
The focus of battle at the pass of Themopolye which was sort of a Greek Alamo has always been on the Spartans probably because the commander Leinidas was a Spartan and becasue of the poem. The Spartans were the defenders in the last wave of the battle because the Thespians started the fight as the front ranks with the Spartans in rear. However the majority of the troops were not Spartans. 1,100 of the 1400 greek troops were from the city of Thespia so about 75% of the troops were in fact Thespians a word that is now a synonym for ActorEdited by: Tired old White
Tired old White said:
The focus of battle at the pass of Themopolye which was sort of a Greek Alamo has always been on the Spartans probably because the commander Leinidas was a Spartan and becasue of the poem. The Spartans were the defenders in the last wave of the battle because the Thesoians stared the fight as the front rankds with the Spartans in rear. However the majority of the troops were not Spartans. 1,100 of the 1400 greek troops were from the city of Thespia so about 75% of the troops were in fact Thespians a word that is now a synonym for Actor

Were there any Lesbians in the battle? (from the isle of Lesbos)
There are a lot of people hung up about whether this movie is historically accurate or not (not necessarily on this board, but there are a couple here as well.) The truth is most people have never even heard of Thermopylae before this movie. I think it funny that Ahmanidijad and the Iranians are so upset about the negative portrayal of Persians and Iranian 'culture' in 300. I've venture to guess that 90% of the viewing public had no idea that Iran is the same land as ancient Persia until they pointed it out. They're about as Persian as the modern day French are Normans and Celts.

Was Forrest Gump historically accurate? Saving Private Ryan? The 13th Warrior? Was Lord of the Rings true to Tolkien's novels?

300 is a great movie with a good moral. It's about good v evil. Right triumphs over might. White men are portrayed in a positive light. Watch it and enjoy the uniqueness of it, revel in the movies heroism, soak in the movie's ideology of honor, respect, and liberty. They don't make very many movies like this anymore. We should all see it.


White Shogun said:
There are a lot of people hung up about whether this movie is historically accurate or not (not necessarily on this board, but there are a couple here as well.) The truth is most people have never even heard of Thermopylae before this movie. I think it funny that Ahmanidijad and the Iranians are so upset about the negative portrayal of Persians and Iranian 'culture' in 300. I've venture to guess that 90% of the viewing public had no idea that Iran is the same land as ancient Persia until they pointed it out. They're about as Persian as the modern day French are Normans and Celts.

Was Forrest Gump historically accurate? Saving Private Ryan? The 13th Warrior? Was Lord of the Rings true to Tolkien's novels?

300 is a great movie with a good moral. It's about good v evil. Right triumphs over might. White men are portrayed in a positive light. Watch it and enjoy the uniqueness of it, revel in the movies heroism, soak in the movie's ideology of honor, respect, and liberty. They don't make very many movies like this anymore. We should all see it.


Shogun, you have convinced me to go see this movie. Looking forward too it.
Over the top. Wasn't big on Sin City, and I'd rather watch the 300 Spartans again.
It is interesting to point out that while the Spartans are made out to be fighting for their freedom, historically their society and more specifically powerbase was built by slave labor.
Cheesehead said:
It is interesting to point out that while the Spartans are made out to be fighting for their freedom, historically their society and more specifically powerbase was built by slave labor.

Sounds familiar.
JerveyGotGypped said:
Just seen 300...I figured alot of racialist boards would be lit up by this strangely hypnotic ode to fascism. I assume most of you in here are middle- to working-class types; the invasian of Zarathustra's old stomping ground will be hell on Earth. You and your kids will be the ones dying for their armageddon. Please don't line up like piggies to the slaughter.

Bad history, worse timing

The Arcadians = USA!

Exemplary showcase in Fascist Art

300: Triumph of The Kill

More words of wisdom for the hoi polloi from Professor Jervey. What, no history lesson?

Tell me, Jerve... do you really give a rat's ass about any of the 'middle- to working-class types' in here? Or our children? You use those words like they're pejoratives.

Feel free to share your thoughts on the movie but spare us the platitudes, will you?
Yeah, I haven't seen Jervey in a while. I guess it takes a lot of time to make the trolling board rounds. I wonder what kind of SES you have, Jervey? You must not have any kids of your own either.
White Shogun,

Jervey obviously thinks he is smarter than anybody he disagrees with.
That's why he feels the need to try and throw in academic jargon at every
opportunity, while simultaneously implying that naysayers to his PC
religion are the usual racist, facist, homophobe cartoons. Since most
leftists are mental children, cartoons are about the highest level of
intellectualism with which they can cope. Please forgive his laughable
displays conversational insecurity. He knows not what he says and does.

Maybe at some point in the future, his unique form of leftist adolescent
navel gazing may evolve into something more substantive, but I wouldn't
bet on it. You know the kind of navel gazing I'm talking about, right
Jervey? The New Revolutionary Leftist one, where you stare at your navel
from the other side, with your head firmly shoved up your ass? Kind of a
personal echo chamber, if you will, with your own duodenal windshield.

I would think someone like Jervey would hate such a movie. Defending
one's country and people is facism, did you catch that? My, my, how the
mighty mind of Jervey has fallen. The fumes must be getting to you, guy.
And hey, watch out in there for falling objects!

Now that I'm done with my afternoon walk and abusing of random
fenceposts, I think I'll take a nap. But hey Jervey, If you ever need any
more sunshine, just give me a holler for another shot. I'll be happy to

Your Buddy,

Pitbull Edited by: PitBull

I have never read of any women period being at Themopolye.
And the Thespians were also greek and therefore white. I just think that the Thespians also deserve to have their courage and sacrifuce remembered.
White Shogun said:
There are a lot of people hung up about whether this movie is historically accurate or not (not necessarily on this board, but there are a couple here as well.) The truth is most people have never even heard of Thermopylae before this movie. I think it funny that Ahmanidijad and the Iranians are so upset about the negative portrayal of Persians and Iranian 'culture' in 300. I've venture to guess that 90% of the viewing public had no idea that Iran is the same land as ancient Persia until they pointed it out. They're about as Persian as the modern day French are Normans and Celts.

Was Forrest Gump historically accurate? Saving Private Ryan? The 13th Warrior? Was Lord of the Rings true to Tolkien's novels?

300 is a great movie with a good moral. It's about good v evil. Right triumphs over might. White men are portrayed in a positive light. Watch it and enjoy the uniqueness of it, revel in the movies heroism, soak in the movie's ideology of honor, respect, and liberty. They don't make very many movies like this anymore. We should all see it.


I always thought Gump taught Presley how to wiggle his hips.......
jaxvid said:
Tired old White said:
The focus of battle at the pass of Themopolye which was sort of a Greek Alamo has always been on the Spartans probably because the commander Leinidas was a Spartan and becasue of the poem. The Spartans were the defenders in the last wave of the battle because the Thesoians stared the fight as the front rankds with the Spartans in rear. However the majority of the troops were not Spartans. 1,100 of the 1400 greek troops were from the city of Thespia so about 75% of the troops were in fact Thespians a word that is now a synonym for Actor

Were there any Lesbians in the battle? (from the isle of Lesbos)
Seriously weren't the Sirens lesbos?
Bill O'Reilly was debating with a Iranian-American spokesperson last night the Movie 300. They got into a long debate about who the bad guy was historically, the Spartans or the Persians. O'Reilly summed up his point by stating where was the battle fought(in Greece) and what were the Persians doing there in the first place, that the Spartans were just defending life and home. He also stated that today's Persia(Iran) is a terrorist country, a dictatorship, anti-semitic and anti-american, a soon to be nuclear power and if he goes to see this movie that he will "root for the Spartans".
guest301 said:
... He also stated that today's Persia(Iran) is a terrorist country, a dictatorship, anti-semitic and anti-american, a soon to be nuclear power and if he goes to see this movie that he will "root for the Spartans".

Which is why we must have reservations concerning this film, i.e., considering how easily it fits into the neo-con agenda for yet another war against Middle Easterners.

Neo-con Monica Crowley has the same take on this film--how it's great because it inspires us to "be patriotic", "fight the terrorists", etc.

Enjoy the film, if you must, but be wary of how the wicked will make use of it.
I just saw the film and thought it was too "Lord of the Ringsy". It was good to see the villian as a black guy for once and the heroes as white. However, several lines in the movie did seem to be purposefully put in there to support the Neocon agenda. Lines like "Freedom isn't free" and talk of fighting for "freedom" and "liberty". Watching the movie, one might think the Spartans had democratic free-thinking society and the Persians were all slaves.

Also, a theme of the movie was trying to make the Spartans kneel to the Persian's god who is bent on world domination. Almost drawing a comparison to neocon scare tactics about islamic fundamentalists. I can't help to think that certain lines and themes of the movie were puposefully put in there by they tribe of people behind the curtain. No suprise that Bill O'Reilly is seeing the movie to cheerlead the war on.
By the time a viewer gets deep into the movie, they have forgotten the opening scene where the couple is standing over a mass grave of dead infants who were deemed unfit to be Spartans.

If we believe the dialog was written with the neo-con agenda in mind, shouldn't we also recognize that the Spartans were made white, and the Persians black, to fit that agenda as well? So instead of enjoying the movie because white men are portrayed as heroes, shouldn't we object to this obvious pandering to white, middle-class, mainstream America? If the neo-con masters want to use this film to promote conflict with Iraq-Iran, et al, they would have had to make it's heroes as much like the people they desire to propagandize, i.e. white mainstream America.

Some of the scenes and dialog were also reminiscent of scenes from the Bible, alluding that Xerxes was Satan, and Leonidas, Jesus Christ.

Kaptain Poop said:
a theme of the movie was trying to make the Spartans kneel to the Persian's god who is bent on world domination. Almost drawing a comparison to neocon scare tactics about islamic fundamentalists.

I personally did not draw that comparison myself. I didn't pick up on any theme related to Islamic fundamentalism anywhere in the movie. As a matter of fact, I'd say they went out of their way to avoid having the Persians resemble Muslims at all. Xerxes fancied himself God on earth, which is the farthest thing from Muslim ideology one can find. The only reason the Iranians are upset is because of their link to ancient Persia, not because the movie portrays Muslims in a bad way. I haven't seen any news items of Muslims protesting the movie, although I admit I might have missed it if there were any.

I don't believe this movie was made to promote war in the Middle East, abortion, or demonize Persians and modern day Iran, although I'm sure the producers and actors are thrilled by the publicity such ideas have garnered, because it means more money in their pockets.
guest301 said:
Bill O'Reilly was debating with a Iranian-American spokesperson last night the Movie 300. They got into a long debate about who the bad guy was historically, the Spartans or the Persians. O'Reilly summed up his point by stating where was the battle fought(in Greece) and what were the Persians doing there in the first place, that the Spartans were just defending life and home...

I wonder why reliable anti-Confederate Bill O'Reilly does not employ this same bit of logic on the matter of the armies of the Northern states invading the Southern states?
Deus Vult said:
Iwonder why reliable anti-Confederate Bill O'Reilly does not employ this same bit of logic on the matter of the armies of the Northern states invading the Southern states?

Thats a really good question, Deus Vult. Everyone who swallows revisionist history thinks that it didn't matter because the country needed to rid itself of slavery, sothe invasionwas justified. Well, if that logic was followed through completely, the Federals would have had to invade their own northern territory as well. The South did nothing different than the 13 colonies did in the Revolutionary War, and the yankees should be thought of in that sense in the same way as the British were at that time.
Your posts are getting worse. In fact, this last doozy is distorted enough to almost be called a lie.

There is less than zero threat in the Western world from an extremist Right-wing/White racialist political coup, as you darn well know. Being intelligent, you also darn well know that the real creeping totalitarianism in the Western world is coming from those whose idea of "tolerance" mean you must love everyone and every lifestyle except that of conservative heterosexual Christian White males, those who belive the racial, cultural, and economic solidarity of the West should be destroyed.
The media can lead the more brainwashed segments of the Western world around by the nose by frightening them with the danger of "evil racists" like myself, but you are smart enough to know better. Therefore, your worlds are deliberate and pernicious.
Whit is right

The sirens were a myth. SO no they were not at thr real battle of Thermopolye pass dieing with real Thespian and Spartan warriors who were fighting real Persian invaders.
Some of you guys area little too myopic in your viewpoints. Why all the hate for Bill O'Reilly? He supports a great movie like 300 and encourages his audience to go see it. That's a good thing. By the way, this movie is getting most of it's criticism for being too violent and not too much for any other thing. Who cares what the Persians/Iranians think anyway?
Bill gets slammed alot on this site but he is more on our side than against us. I don't agree with him on everything but he has done a excellent job in the past couple of years of shining the light of truth on the immigration situation and our need to protect the borders. He has stuck up for those two imprisoned border agents recently sent to jail for shooting a illegal mexican drug runner in the ass. He has also largely been responsible for getting Jessica's law passed around the country and coming down hard on states like Vermont and New York who don't protect the children.
I believe it was Ronald Reagan who once said that "when a friend agrees with me 80% of the time and disagrees with me 20% of the time, that doesn't make him my enemy."