2024 Outdoor season

you know Australia does have its own "blacks", don't you ....... they over achieve in many sports because of their innate talent and drive.
not really, so many have been caught on so many different roids and drugs, I automatically assume all blacks are on drugs until proof is shown
And we are a country of imported peoples whether we be of European, Asian or African or whatever stock.
we aren't imported, stop with this liberal talk. Us whites built Australia ground up, brick by brick and I'm not let anyone tell us otherwise, it's all cope, only white people and asians have ever built stuff
"They" (whoever they are) don't FIND them .... talent rises to the surface.
thats massive cope, I know for the fact that they're just diversity hires over better Australin athletes
About time we broke our 4 x 100m national record from 1995 that put us in 8th place in the world.
I wanted it to be actual australians, not a bunch of rapefugees
not really, so many have been caught on so many different roids and drugs, I automatically assume all blacks are on drugs until proof is shown

we aren't imported, stop with this liberal talk. Us whites built Australia ground up, brick by brick and I'm not let anyone tell us otherwise, it's all cope, only white people and asians have ever built stuff

thats massive cope, I know for the fact that they're just diversity hires over better Australin athletes

I wanted it to be actual australians, not a bunch of rapefugees

While many of us agree with what you said mastermulti has been a member here for a very long time. We can all agree to disagree.
He deserves respect even if he say things that we don't agree with. Mastermulti has been here since 2006! Thanks Logos5.
Over in South Africa Emile Erasmus came in 4th in the 200 meters. All the races in the 100 & 200 meters had horrible negative windy
condtions. The 200 meters had over 3.0 winds and the 100 meters sprints had over 4.0 winds. Crazy conditions to try to run. So
no one in the 100 or 200 meters ran under 21 seconds or even under 11 seconds. Not worthing posting the times.
I guess you are referring to a different track meet, because in the only S. African results that I saw, Simon Hansen of Denmark won both the 100m and 200m races, 10.31 and 20.65. Emile Erasmus wasn't listed at all.
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Events & Meetings

Doom looks set to strike again in Rome after double gold in Glasgow​

not really, so many have been caught on so many different roids and drugs, I automatically assume all blacks are on drugs until proof is shown

we aren't imported, stop with this liberal talk. Us whites built Australia ground up, brick by brick and I'm not let anyone tell us otherwise, it's all cope, only white people and asians have ever built stuff

thats massive cope, I know for the fact that they're just diversity hires over better Australin athletes

I wanted it to be actual australians, not a bunch of rapefugees
I can see you are here to push the white supremacy barrow. Why did you get to feel so disenfrachised? But you won't be here long.... I've watched over about 18 years
I can see you are here to push the white supremacy barrow.
Nah, I just preach truth and say it as I see it. And as far as I can tell, there's barely any blacks in Australia, yet somehow the globohomos manage to shove them into everything
Why did you get to feel so disenfrachised? But you won't be here long.... I've watched over about 18 years
is that a threat?
Nah, I just preach truth and say it as I see it. And as far as I can tell, there's barely any blacks in Australia, yet somehow the globohomos manage to shove them into everything

is that a threat?

Guys please respect each other. I believe what he meant is that this board like any message board has always had many trolls who come
here to cause division and strife. Again let's agree to disagree and stick to track guys. Thanks.

It's gonna be an amazing summer with the European Championships, Countless Meets across Europe and the Paris Oympics!
Nah, I just preach truth and say it as I see it. And as far as I can tell, there's barely any blacks in Australia, yet somehow the globohomos manage to shove them into everything

is that a threat?
Multi is a good poster and keeps us up to date on the Australian circuit. I believe he goes to a fair amount of track meets down there too. Don't worry too much about him as he is known to have some more "left" view points on certain things than most of us here but he doesn't really shove it down anyone's throat. You can't win an argument online anyways and we need more people posting here so we need both of you to stick around. For the record, I don't like the nonsense with importing blacks to run sprints in Australia either but maybe they grew up there? I looked but couldn't find much on that.
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Guys please respect each other. I believe what he meant is that this board like any message board has always had many trolls who come
here to cause division and strife. Again let's agree to disagree and stick to track guys. Thanks.
Right. We've always had trolls and we've always had posters who want others to go along with their views and can get nasty if they don't. There's always been a significant divergence of opinion here on many topics and it's best to respect that and to respect posters such as Mastermulti who have been here a long time and provided lots of valuable information and insight over the years.
Right. We've always had trolls and we've always had posters who want others to go along with their views and can get nasty if they don't. There's always been a significant divergence of opinion here on many topics and it's best to respect that and to respect posters such as Mastermulti who have been here a long time and provided lots of valuable information and insight over the years.

Fair to point out that posters do and should have divergent views on many topics. However, I've read Mastermulti state that Blacks are genetically superior to Whites in certain athletics. Hard to let that slide.
Fair to point out that posters do and should have divergent views on many topics. However, I've read Mastermulti state that Blacks are genetically superior to Whites in certain athletics. Hard to let that slide.
This is why I was adamantly arguing against him, yet now I'm considered a troll!
This is why I was adamantly arguing against him, yet now I'm considered a troll!

No one thinks your a troll. Every member on here has similar views and different views on many topics. We can't all agree on everything. At the
end of the day mastermulti has been here since 2006 and he does deserve respect even if some of his views are different than most here.

I do not run this site. Don does but I'm am happy to have all three of you guys here. I love to talk sports & especially track!
Fair to point out that posters do and should have divergent views on many topics. However, I've read Mastermulti state that Blacks are genetically superior to Whites in certain athletics. Hard to let that slide.
to be fair (I'll state here exactly what I truly believe so please read every word because I choose them carefully) I more likely said along these lines.
Fast sprinting needs a lot of tools in the shed. Sub Saharan blacks from west Africa would tend to have more of these tools than other peoples, including blacks from elsewhere on the globe. Their physical characteristics often lend themselves to jumps and sprint events.
Many more whites than we ever see do have a good number of these tools too and should be enciuraged to develop them (Chris Lemaitre probably had as much sheer speed as anyone but Bolt).
That's why I came here to keep apace.
I'm neither pro nor anti black (nor anyone else) - so when others imply black athletes are getting a free pass I just smh in disbelief and wonder how eyes can be closed.
Guys please respect each other. I believe what he meant is that this board like any message board has always had many trolls who come
here to cause division and strife. Again let's agree to disagree and stick to track guys. Thanks.

It's gonna be an amazing summer with the European Championships, Countless Meets across Europe and the Paris Oympics!
exactly what I mean. Thank you W/L. They come, they want to vent their spleen to their "white brothers" but they don't hang around long. The interest in track in many cases is simply a ruse
No one thinks your a troll. Every member on here has similar views and different views on many topics. We can't all agree on everything. At the
end of the day mastermulti has been here since 2006 and he does deserve respect even if some of his views are different than most here.

I do not run this site. Don does but I'm am happy to have all three of you guys here. I love to talk sports & especially track!
I agree that we have different views and we should be able to have respectful discussions on many subjects as this isn't a Reddit forum. I'll state though, I thought the purpose of this site was to pushback and raise awareness against the myth that Whites are inferior athletes.

The below is a direct quote from MM
"Sub Saharan blacks from west Africa would tend to have more of these tools than other peoples... Their physical characteristics often lend themselves to jumps and sprint events."

This is the same drivel I hear about White RB's or WR's and now QB's. That the Black athletes have more genetic tools to be successful in those positions and that's why there's a disproportionate of Blacks in those roles. Not because White athletes are systemically discriminated against in football as they are in track. How is what MM says any different?

I don't trash other ethnicities, races but, I chose not to buy into the myth that White's are genetically inferior in the interest of not offending anyone. That hasn't been working too well for Whites.
Niko, I've written that I believe that Blacks can run slightly faster in a straight line over short distances than Whites, on average. That doesn't mean I think Whites are inferior athletes, far from it, very far from it.

So what do you want? Mastermulti banned or driven from the site? You can politely rebut anything he or I or anyone else writes, and that's where it ends.

I don't think Logos is a troll, but he might fall into that category I mentioned of one of those posters who wants to get into a pissing match with those that disagree with him. It's generally not a good idea on any forum for a newbie to get into it with a long-time poster. White Lightning has been the official and unofficial moderator of the Track & Field forum from the beginning and he has never complained to me about Mastermulti a single time, and like me White Lightning certainly doesn't think Whites are inferior athletes.

So we can go on and on and back and forth, but the bottom line is Mastermulti is a long established, respected poster who has shared a lot of information and knowledge over the years related to track, so my advice to both of you is to let this little kerfuffle go and move on.
Niko, I've written that I believe that Blacks can run slightly faster in a straight line over short distances than Whites, on average. That doesn't mean I think Whites are inferior athletes, far from it, very far from it.

So what do you want? Mastermulti banned or driven from the site? You can politely rebut anything he or I or anyone else writes, and that's where it ends.

I don't think Logos is a troll, but he might fall into that category I mentioned of one of those posters who wants to get into a pissing match with those that disagree with him. It's generally not a good idea on any forum for a newbie to get into it with a long-time poster. White Lightning has been the official and unofficial moderator of the Track & Field forum from the beginning and he has never complained to me about Mastermulti a single time, and like me White Lightning certainly doesn't think Whites are inferior athletes.

So we can go on and on and back and forth, but the bottom line is Mastermulti is a long established, respected poster who has shared a lot of information and knowledge over the years related to track, so my advice to both of you is to let this little kerfuffle go and move on.
Don, I am not interested in him being banned or anything of the sort. Nor is it my place to tell the admins of this site how to manage it.

But, as you stated I do plan on refuting his points regarding Blacks purported genetic superiority in track. That's the reason for my involvement in this specific situation. The rest isn't my concern..
No one thinks your a troll. Every member on here has similar views and different views on many topics. We can't all agree on everything. At the
end of the day mastermulti has been here since 2006 and he does deserve respect even if some of his views are different than most here.

I do not run this site. Don does but I'm am happy to have all three of you guys here. I love to talk sports & especially track!
Yes Mastermulti is a valuable poster with news from Australia and has track and field knowledge that goes back a good half a century. He can tell you stories about the old days of track and field before money and drugs ruined one of the purest of sports that goes back to the earliest athletic competitions across the globe.
I agree that we have different views and we should be able to have respectful discussions on many subjects as this isn't a Reddit forum. I'll state though, I thought the purpose of this site was to pushback and raise awareness against the myth that Whites are inferior athletes.

The below is a direct quote from MM
"Sub Saharan blacks from west Africa would tend to have more of these tools than other peoples... Their physical characteristics often lend themselves to jumps and sprint events."

This is the same drivel I hear about White RB's or WR's and now QB's. That the Black athletes have more genetic tools to be successful in those positions and that's why there's a disproportionate of Blacks in those roles. Not because White athletes are systemically discriminated against in football as they are in track. How is what MM says any different?

I don't trash other ethnicities, races but, I chose not to buy into the myth that White's are genetically inferior in the interest of not offending anyone. That hasn't been working too well for Whites.
if I was a person with the slightest worries about offending anyone I'd just tow the party line here. I don't state my views to cause offense but, realistically, my views will do just that in some company. That's life!
Rest assured my views are my own, based on decades of personal observation. (Actually I'm traditionally slightly "right" - at least in the Australian political context).
Regarding the Mens Australian Sprinters. I'm not impressed with most of the guys so far. Other than the opening weekend most of
the male sprinters have really went backwards. With the experience of many of these guys it's quite a let down in an Olympic Year.
Australia needs a couple more guys to get up to the next level like Rohan Browning has and he isn't even all the way there yet.

It's not just Jack Hale who has been awful. Many of the guys have been average or sub par outside of 1 race with alot wind. Hope some
of them step it up before the Aussie Summer Series ends. Not too hopeful though as many of them just don't have that drive and talent
that Browning does. As always I hope I'm wrong and a few of them turn it around.
Simon Hansen of Denmark ran a 10.26 +0.4 wind today in Africa. This kid has so much talent but I think he is making a mistake by
starting his outdoor season in March after a long indoor season which he ran alot. Your body needs time to recover & rest. Most of
the Europans Sprinters don't start their seasons on a regular basis till May. Hope Hansen doesn't over race himself.
Regarding the Mens Australian Sprinters. I'm not impressed with most of the guys so far. Other than the opening weekend most of
the male sprinters have really went backwards. With the experience of many of these guys it's quite a let down in an Olympic Year.
Australia needs a couple more guys to get up to the next level like Rohan Browning has and he isn't even all the way there yet.

It's not just Jack Hale who has been awful. Many of the guys have been average or sub par outside of 1 race with alot wind. Hope some
of them step it up before the Aussie Summer Series ends. Not too hopeful though as many of them just don't have that drive and talent
that Browning does. As always I hope I'm wrong and a few of them turn it around.
I'm hoping upon hope that another 4 of our sub 10.20 guys are also balancing their chances to peak in Paris (as we think Browning is)
I'm hoping upon hope that another 4 of our sub 10.20 guys are also balancing their chances to peak in Paris (as we think Browning is)

I will always wonder just how fast Trae "Quadzilla" Williams could have run if he didn't quit track for Rugby? Man he had so much talent! It's
very possible could have went sub 10 a few times by now. He was just so damn explosive like a rocket ship!

TRAE WILLIAMS the newest “FASTEST MAN IN RUGBY”? | 10.1 100M TIME! | AU 7s​

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how's this one guys? I'm now in Tasmania at the Australian Masters T&F championships. Yesterday Mandy Mason (56) won her 100 metre final in 12.26 (-1.0), age-graded 99.63%, BEATING the winning men's 55-59 (admittedly a bit weak this year) time of 12.75. Here's me thinking all sorts of possibilities ........
That performance translates to a 10.69 (-1.0) open age performance as she beat former 55 years WR holder Julie Brims (58) by .70 second into 2nd place.
There is much quite speculation going around ..... I'll look at her very closely today
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