2024 Outdoor season

Coby Hilton won the 100 in Ireland today in 10.08, but the wind was 2.2+

Man that really sucks. It reminds me of when Craig Pickering ran a 10.08 against Usain Bolt for 2nd but the wind was 2.1 so it didn't count
as a new personal best. I feel really bad for Coby Hilton as he has been stuck on that 10.14 for a while now. Training hundreds of hours
and never getting to that next level is not easy. I will say this though. Hilton has been more consistant in running fast this year than at any
time of his career. He runs right near his p.b. most of the time. Not easy to do! He might be close to a breakthrough!


Coby Hilton X ROLL Recovery​

Roll Recovery
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Trey Cunningham won the 110 hurdles in 13.31 (-0.2) in Hungary today. On a side note, word on the web says he is now officially out of the closet.
At the same meet, Kishane Thompson muscled his way to an easy win in the 100 at 9.91. This guy is seriously jacked.:coleman:
Tentoglou won the long jump at the Hungarian meet today with a pedestrian (for him) 8.23m (27")
Trey Cunningham won the 110 hurdles in 13.31 (-0.2) in Hungary today. On a side note, word on the web says he is now officially out of the closet.
At the same meet, Kishane Thompson muscled his way to an easy win in the 100 at 9.91. This guy is seriously jacked.:coleman:

Mr PED KISHANE you should call him!
Oh great. We get a rare American sprinter to root for and he’s a butt pirate…..


It's disgusting news about Trey but maybe someday he will change. I hate this world we live in where they tell us sodomy is normal and healthy. They groom the little boys and girls in the public indoctrination centers. I hope he changes his mind someday. If not it's just
another sad loss of a guy that could make a beautiful family someday. Pray for him. I will still root for him but I really hope he wakes
up someday as there is nothing like having a REAL FAMILY that YOU MADE! No testtube babies. Adoption is fine for those that can't have kids but again I hate now that so many same sex couples adopt and the kids are in danger. So many news stories about molestation.
On a brighter note back to Coby Hilton. He ran a 10.08 barely windy and every other magical sprinter was in the 10.20's or slower. This
kid is such a great starter. If he can ever finish the races a little better he will go sub 10! The All Time Meeting Record for this track in
Cork, Ireland is 10.12 so Hilton was a tad less wind from breaking the track record on a slow track. Major props to Coby Hilton!
Where the eff is Cole Beck 9.97? Still chasing his dream of being a practice squad scrub in the XFL?
Light footed Trey will be running in the Monaco Diamond League tomorrow. He's been doing great in Europe. Too bad he went flat at the trials.
I have to admit that in a couple of interviews, I saw Cunningham give, he gave off gay vibes. lewis Johnson looked uncomfortable interviewing him.
Agreed. In the interview, Cunningham said nobody cares whether your gay or not. It's not that nobody cares, it's that no one dare speak out about how sick it is, if you do, you'll pay the price. Lose your job, endorsements, etc.
at the end of the day it doesn't matter if Trey is gay or straight...he is an exceptional athlete!
It does matter to me. Because if you don't bow down and agree with this ABNORMAL behavior you'll be considered hateful and wrong when in reality the homosexual lifestyle is wrong and sick.
I believe Cunningham said being gay was normal. He's wrong. It's abnormal!

Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil. Isaiah 5:20.
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I often recall that passage from Isaiah and the calling of good as evil and vice versa.

I know as a christian that all who come to Christ in repentance will re-examine their lives. Otherwise what they have is a false belief.
"We played the flute for you but you didn't dance" .... there are always those that will be persecuted for righteousness sake while being told they are doing wrong, not playing the part society expects of them. I often remember how righteous Lot was so upset by the lifestyle he had to view in Sodom day in/day out?
Guy's, over the years I've learned to impress upon those that'll listen their need for the gospel and repentance fitting their new belief. The crowd is usually wrong - and so is the so-called wisdom of the day.
I realised I can't convert people from the lifestyles they've chosen but I can direct them to Christ, knowing that rejection of God is the common issue that needs rectifying .

It has been helpful for me to remember that scripture speaks out against all forms of sexual immorality, not just homosexual lifestyle.
That reminds me I am not blameless either.
I often recall that passage from Isaiah and the calling of good as evil and vice versa.

I know as a christian that all who come to Christ in repentance will re-examine their lives. Otherwise what they have is a false belief.
"We played the flute for you but you didn't dance" .... there are always those that will be persecuted for righteousness sake while being told they are doing wrong, not playing the part society expects of them. I often remember how righteous Lot was so upset by the lifestyle he had to view in Sodom day in/day out?
Guy's, over the years I've learned to impress upon those that'll listen their need for the gospel and repentance fitting their new belief. The crowd is usually wrong - and so is the so-called wisdom of the day.
I realised I can't convert people from the lifestyles they've chosen but I can direct them to Christ, knowing that rejection of God is the common issue that needs rectifying .

It has been helpful for me to remember that scripture speaks out against all forms of sexual immorality, not just homosexual lifestyle.
That reminds me I am not blameless either.

Excellent post mate. Glad to know your a christian. The world is in a sad state of affairs but in the end God Wins! All we can do is to try and be the best examples to the youth that we can be by taking up our cross and following Christ.
It does not matter if he is gay, straight, bi-sexual I am just saying he is an amazing athlete and he is bloody fast....
It does not matter if he is gay, straight, bi-sexual I am just saying he is an amazing athlete and he is bloody fast....
He is an amazing athlete and bloody fast, but he is now a part of a movement I disagree with and that movement because I don't agree with can affect my life as well as my family, so it does matter to me.
If you're in agreement with the homosexual lifestyle and their movement to change minds at all costs, then it doesn't matter to you.
It does matter, but we'll just have to disagree.
It does not matter if he is gay, straight, bi-sexual I am just saying he is an amazing athlete and he is bloody fast....
My gut reaction is I’ll be a lot less interested in his races. If he does well, it will be highlighted and attributed as an LGBTQ success story. It will completely overshadow him being a White sprinter.
Lieke Klaver got a PB 49.64 for 2nd place in the women's 400 today in Monaco.
Coby Hilton won the 100 meters at the Morton Games (Ireland) today with a 10.30 into a -0.3 m/s wind. JT Smith was 2nd in the same time of 10.30. Interestingly enough, JT has a PB of 10.02 in the 100 and a 6.53 in the indoor 60. So, it's not like Coby beat a bunch of slouches.
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