2022-'23 NBA Season

Serious question and I swear I’m not trying to sound like a jerk. How can you watch the nba and not let rage at how badly our guys are treated consume you ? I have not watched it regularly for 25 years and though I miss the game I hate the prima Donna vibrant s activity and the commercials and the commentary? I hate the fact that they ruined it for me, but I also don’t feel like I can support it.

How do you guys manage to find positives in this enough time justify spending your precious time watching it?

I tried watching a game the other day and I literally had to shut it off after a few minutes.

Ironically reading this site has opened my eyes to the injustices and as a result I tolerate pro sports much less than I used to.
I just check out the box scores and watch some highlights. I will watch some games once the playoffs start if Luka or any other white men are playing. I’m not sitting down watching the lakers vs the Celtics or any other all black matchup. Luckily for us WL provides most of the NBA coverage I need.
Some off the court news that is similar to what Kanye West(YE) is doing in Hollywood. Kyrie Irving it trouble for promoting
an anti semitic book and movie. Things are heating up and I don't think the tribe is happy with alot of their guys who are
usually alot easier to keep quiet as long as they keep giving them lots of shekels.

Irving and the Nets are donating 500K a piece to the ADL and both he and the team hope this misstep blows over. Why the do the Nets have to pay for the screw ups of Irving is beyond me. Maybe it's because they have been beta males allowing Irving to dictate when he wants to play and created such a toxic work environment that the naive and woke Steve Nash voluntarily walked the plank earlier this week. https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id...s-kyrie-irving-donating-500k-anti-hate-causes
Irving and the Nets are donating 500K a piece to the ADL and both he and the team hope this misstep blows over. Why the do the Nets have to pay for the screw ups of Irving is beyond me. Maybe it's because they have been beta males allowing Irving to dictate when he wants to play and created such a toxic work environment that the naive and woke Steve Nash voluntarily walked the plank earlier this week. https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id...s-kyrie-irving-donating-500k-anti-hate-causes
Why should either have to pay? This is a typical jewish shakedown by the crooks at the ADL. Irving and the Nets should have told them to pound sand, but of course this group that gets mad if you say they have power have the actual power to ruin both.
Why should either have to pay? This is a typical jewish shakedown by the crooks at the ADL. Irving and the Nets should have told them to pound sand, but of course this group that gets mad if you say they have power have the actual power to ruin both.
The Nets have no business paying anything they have no dog in this fight. Even Irving it's to get the media off of his back as he realized that he stepped into a hornets nest.

My problem is Irving has been a diva since he left Cleveland and seems to be getting crazier and crazier with each pontification. Short of the abuse of narcotics he seems to be going down the Michael Jackson, Elvis route.

With this incident and the Draymond Green incident all Silver has done is remain in hiding in his office and I wonder why he is still employed as a commissioner.

I used to think Stern was an enabler but he laid the wood to the various miscreants that this league has employed since the league's pay went from semi pro pay to this living god lottery winner amount.
Why should either have to pay? This is a typical jewish shakedown by the crooks at the ADL. Irving and the Nets should have told them to pound sand, but of course this group that gets mad if you say they have power have the actual power to ruin both.
And of course it was an all too convenient time to can Nash because he didn't condemn Irving enough I suppose even though he (Nash) is a lib, he didn't howl and cry enough. Yes, his record was poor in the W column but this made it easy to fully cave in to the crooks at ADL. We need more Blacks like Kanye who don't back down. Maybe everyday Blacks, who are coddled by the ADL, will ironically follow suit.
Kyrie Irving suspended at least 5 games for “failing to disavow anti-Semitism” a/k/a “failing to bend the knee.” The media keeps repeating the claim that the documentary “Hebrews to Negroes” is anti-Semitic. It might be, but I’ve yet to hear a single example of what’s in the documentary. Also, this sets a precedent that it’s not good enough to refrain from anti-Semitic rhetoric or actions. You must affirmatively disavow anti-semitism.
Let this be a lesson to all. You can’t appease these people at all. Even giving half a million isn’t enough. They don’t accept half measures. They expect your total obedience and subjugation.

I guess the old saying is true… if you want to know who rules you, look at who you can’t criticize.
I'm glad that the #1 story in the NBA this year is determining the acceptable levels of outrage over anti-semitism. I'm sure that a large bloc of these pampered troglodytes are too stupid to register any opinion. I'm also confident that a sizable minority believes exactly what they are prohibited from saying.

The Kaepernick BS pushed the Overton Window, so to speak, toward "injustice," and then the George Floyd hoax opened the floodgates of every single black being forgiven and in fact justified to harbor a declared antipathy against every single white.

My "dream scenario" is that six or so players unite around Kyrie, all receive very harsh judgment from their jewish masters, and then are joined by another 60. I don't really care if their arguments, critiques, or alignments have anything to do with anything I care about or are even truthful. But wouldn't it be fun stuff?
It's kind of boring and ambilvalent to clog up the NBA feed with Kyrie Irving fallout, but it's a huge deal (one of the biggest off-court deals in years, including his own anti-vaxx stance). The house blacks are getting memed, and this is great.

I'm glad that the #1 story in the NBA this year is determining the acceptable levels of outrage over anti-semitism. I'm sure that a large bloc of these pampered troglodytes are too stupid to register any opinion. I'm also confident that a sizable minority believes exactly what they are prohibited from saying.

The Kaepernick BS pushed the Overton Window, so to speak, toward "injustice," and then the George Floyd hoax opened the floodgates of every single black being forgiven and in fact justified to harbor a declared antipathy against every single white.

My "dream scenario" is that six or so players unite around Kyrie, all receive very harsh judgment from their jewish masters, and then are joined by another 60. I don't really care if their arguments, critiques, or alignments have anything to do with anything I care about or are even truthful. But wouldn't it be fun stuff?
It's called the cocaine problem that the league had in the late 70's through mid 80's. The various stars who snorted there way to police blotters could have killed the league. Stern swung a hickory stick and for the most part cleaned up the narcotics problem less marijuana.

PS this is why I scarcely watch a NBA game less playoff games it's too much for me stomach the various fools that masquerade as philosopher kings.
It's called the cocaine problem that the league had in the late 70's through mid 80's. The various stars who snorted there way to police blotters could have killed the league. Stern swung a hickory stick and for the most part cleaned up the narcotics problem less marijuana.

PS this is why I scarcely watch a NBA game less playoff games it's too much for me stomach the various fools that masquerade as philosopher kings.
I've poured out some very tall bottles of liquor directly into my throat and have even occasionally (well, twice) let a tab dissolve on my tongue of something or other. But I have no idea what you're talking about here, my friend.
I've poured out some very tall bottles of liquor directly into my throat and have even occasionally (well, twice) let a tab dissolve on my tongue of something or other. But I have no idea what you're talking about here, my friend.
I think you were talking about if Kyrie Irving and a bunch of other miscreants got together and destroyed the image of the league. Well the drug problem was similar. It really started in the mid 70's in the Super Fly era and those players did Heroin and later it became cocaine and nearly destroyed the image of the league.
What we whites don't understand in general is that blacks have their own society, they pay lip service to our society and some might really be true believers to some parts of our society but blacks communicate with blacks in a black way about black stuff. I have no idea about the black hebrew stuff or if many blacks take it to heart I doubt it is really all that popular but blacks are very, very tolerant of thought deviation except when it comes to what I can best call "blackness."

My advice is let them go, as for this I would not get too involved as if we are suddenly new found allies against the "JOOOOOOs" just wish them luck with their struggle for liberation. And one more thing the "Sopranos" is anti-joooo as well, anyone remember when the nephew arranged for a black promoter to arrange a meeting about an old school "sand person" need to rectify that jew's ripping off an old time black musician?

And heavy is the head that wears the crown, so let our jewish betters screw themselves into the ground.
I'm glad that the #1 story in the NBA this year is determining the acceptable levels of outrage over anti-semitism. I'm sure that a large bloc of these pampered troglodytes are too stupid to register any opinion. I'm also confident that a sizable minority believes exactly what they are prohibited from saying.

The Kaepernick BS pushed the Overton Window, so to speak, toward "injustice," and then the George Floyd hoax opened the floodgates of every single black being forgiven and in fact justified to harbor a declared antipathy against every single white.

My "dream scenario" is that six or so players unite around Kyrie, all receive very harsh judgment from their jewish masters, and then are joined by another 60. I don't really care if their arguments, critiques, or alignments have anything to do with anything I care about or are even truthful. But wouldn't it be fun stuff?
Good post.

Its been pretty fun to watch so far....:icon_popcorn::icon_popcorn:
And of course it was an all too convenient time to can Nash because he didn't condemn Irving enough I suppose even though he (Nash) is a lib, he didn't howl and cry enough. Yes, his record was poor in the W column but this made it easy to fully cave in to the crooks at ADL. We need more Blacks like Kanye who don't back down. Maybe everyday Blacks, who are coddled by the ADL, will ironically follow suit.
I see a lot of blacks at work and in social media that are waking up… they are realizing (better late than never I suppose) that Democrats and the Enablers in the msm are actively pushing on them and telling them it is raining. Let me rephrase: I see more black men waking up while black women dont seem to be yet because they have the double allure of victimhood in being black and female. They will be harder to get to see the truth.
Nike suspends relationship with Kyrie for “antisemitic comments.” What did he say? Previously he promoted an “antisemitic movie” and was suspended five games. What was in the movie? Is it just enough to declare something “antisemitic” without disclosing the details? Obviously, yes.
In order to find out who is in control, find out who you cannot criticize.

Jews, despite such a small populace, artificially fill many high-level positions in sports, media and politics.

Not sure what movie Kyrie referenced but his willingness to not bend the knee for a public, fake groveling apology is admirable.
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Ok order to find out who is in control, find out who you cannot criticize.

Jews, despite such a small populace, artificially fill many high-level positions in sports, media and politics.

Not sure what movie Kyrie referenced but his willingness to not bend the knee for a public, fake groveling apology is admirable.
It's a movie about the black slave trade and how it was owed almost entirely but the small hat guys. It also says that black
are actually some of the original hebrews. It's possible as I believe many whites are of european ancestry. It's called the
12 Tribes of Judah for a reason. They came from different places. I know the majority of owners of both the ships and the
plantations were according to historic reading and documentaries I have watched. But we will always take the blame for it.
Nike: Just don't say it

Also Nike: Exploiting Asian Child Labor is fine, because they're not Jewish.
Beauchamp can't shoot a lick and faced laughable competition in community college. Allen has another year with a great opportunity. Once Connaughton is back I expect him and Allen to hold down SG for Milwaukee.
One player we rarely discuss in LA Clippers Center Ivica Zubac. As of today he is leading the NBA in Shot Blocks while he
is also 5th in rebounding. I just wanted to give hm some credit. He only scores about 10 points per game as the team has
so many ball hogs yet dominates the box score in every other way. Great talent and he is only 25.
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One player we rarely discuss in LA Clippers Center Ivica Zubac. As of today he is leading the NBA in Shot Blocks while he
is also 5th in rebounding. I just wanted to give hm some credit. He only scores about 10 points per game as the team has
so many ball hogs yet dominates the box score in every other way. Great talent and he is only 25.
He also had a big jam over Walker Kessler yesterday. A White on White crime! But to your point WL, he’s criminally underrated and does all the little things to help his teammates shine.
I noticed the NBA isn't having games today to try and get more blacks out to vote democrat. Blacks are notoriously lazy voters so I doubt this will work. They will just smoke some more weed and turn on some jewish produced anti-white tv show for the night
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