2019 Track Season News and Results

The IIAF recently determined that W800M winner Semenya was born with the male XY chromosome. See below.


That probably excludes Semenya from claiming she is intersex meaning a person is born having ambiguous genitals etc. which is rare but there are such people. Trying to determine where intersex people should compete is a difficult chore.

But apart from the drugs which to me still seem prevalent in Track and Field, another main worry of mine has to do with transgender athletes. All this hormone level talk about testosterone is opening the floodgates for transgender athletes who were born male which will allow them to compete with women.

I think the IAAF should nip this in the damn bud once and for all. Simple. If you were born male you should never be allowed to compete against women in sanctioned events. Period.

I don't give a rat's ass what a transgender testosterone levels are because that isn't the only difference between people who were born male and people who were born female. As discussed here and in other forums there are numerous important differences between the male body and the female body that go way beyond just testosterone levels.

Sure males typically have much higher testosterone levels than females. But that is just one factor. There are other essential differences between people born male and people born female. Skeletal, muscular, the list goes on. It is quite simple. It is blatantly unfair for a person who is born male to compete against females as a transgender athlete in Track and Field.

Transgender athletes who were born male can identify with women until the cows come home but they should never be allowed to compete against females. If they want to compete against athletes who like them were born male then I say go right ahead. Compete against males.

To me all this testosterone talk is a red flag and a way of allowing athletes who were born male to compete with women. I see right through this back door method and I am not buying into it for one second.

Already this transgender stuff has ruined some high school events where girls are left out in the cold because some guy who wants to be a woman blows them away in a track event.

Good God we need to get a grip.

unfortunate for the IAAF who ARE trying to do something about the situation , the Swiss Court of Arbitration seems intent on overturning their every decision.
It would be horribly messy, but they'd probably only redress the situation by introducing new classes for athletes as they did for AWD athletes. At least AWD's have their own big meets whereas introducing new classes based on transgender/testosterone level type issues into the major meets would make for a crowded (and messy I think) program.
Not that I'd want to see that but how else do they get around these human rights rulings. Look at the other huge (some would say "bizarre") changes we've seen in our lifetimes.
We'd be sent to a psychiatrist if we proposed them back in the 60s/70s
According to twitter the the fastest man in big 12 history ..ie ..Devin Quinn has been signed by " elite sports and management " .... This is an international athlete agency that supports athlete from all over the globe ...obviously they see something in this young man ...that being a lot of talent and a big upside ..........and .ie he is a white American sprinter who has little chance of being signed by the nikes or adidas of this world because of his colour .....
introducing new classes based on transgender/testosterone level type issues into the major meets would make for a crowded (and messy I think) program.
Not that I'd want to see that but how else do they get around these human rights rulings. Look at the other huge (some would say "bizarre") changes we've seen in our lifetimes.

From my perspective the whole transgender movement and the human rights situation boils down to a few nuts and bolts. To me transgender is basically a gay and lesbian offshoot that has gone the extra mile so to speak. Even though they pretty much distinguish themselves from being 'gay" or "lesbian" they still are attached to those groups.

And since gay and lesbian athletes are not discriminated against and are allowed to compete (which has been basically forever) if like me you consider transgender athletes in roughly the same category then it doesn't boil down to discrimination. It really is about setting fair measures in sports and having transgender athletes compete against females is completely unfair and butts up against our notion of fair play.

So from a human rights standpoint I had mentioned that transgender athletes should be allowed to compete, that is if they make the grade and that is another story altogether. But they must, in the name of fair play, only compete with athletes who were born male just like themselves. Otherwise as you say things will turn into a murky muddy mess. Allowing transgender athletes to compete against women will sabotage and perhaps ultimately destroy the whole notion of female athletics.
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It will be interesting to see how Guliyev 200m, Luckenkemper and Schippers fare today in the 100m. Still say SFP is using PEDS
Devin Quinn got a 6th place in Lausanne today at 10.19. Not the greatest performance, but it's good to know he is getting big time international experience.

Guliyev was 5th in the 200 at 20.01. Noah Lyles smoked the field with an incredible 19.50.

Daphne Schippers gets 4th in the 100 at 11.04, Gina Luckenkemper 6th at 11.16. Shelly Ann Fraser Pryce blows away everybody with an 10.74. How old is she? And how does she keep doing it year after year. Gosh golly gee, I wonder.
I know this won't be a popular opinion here, but I really just can't get into womens track and field. It seems like white women do a better job competing at the elite level so I should be happy about it, but I just can't find a way to be excited about it or want to follow it. I'm curious as to everyone's opinion here, are white women really a victim of the caste system in athletics? I really can't say I've ever heard anything about it. It seems to me that white men are the exclusive punching bag for derogatory articles, comments from broadcasters and just the general caste mindset. I suppose what really does it to me is seeing the fastest women in the world run times that local high school boys run. I want to be clear that I'm not slamming anyone here, it's just my view. I've tried to appreciate the women's side of things but I just can't.
A very creditable start as a pro by devin Quinn ......this guy has ...like I said before has some real grit ....besides of course some real real fast twitch talent......and I liked his attitude to wear his Illinois vest ...good stuff .............on another note Fraser pryce is doped out her ass ...as is Gatlin ...seriously IAAF .....wtf ....
Firstly NWsoccerfan I think I speak for most here when I say if you aren't interested in womens track no one will hold a grudge. If that is how you feel I have no problem with it.

White women have been subject to the caste system just as much as men. In fact when it comes to the media they are a little behind the men because when it comes to basketball and soccer for instance announcers resort to tired old caste clichés more so than the men in general.

As for white women performing better than white men at the elite level in Track and Field I would have to do some thorough research on the matter because off the top of my head I am not certain of that. Maybe white women are more prevalent at the elite level than white men but I think the difference is pretty small? And to counter the black athletic supremacy way of thinking white female athletes clearly factor into that equation.

Anyway I am a big fan of white female track athletes. As they say to each his own.
Fraser pryce comes from mediocre races to run 10 .74 ....wtf ...total horse manure ....and Gatlin fffs ..this guy needs to **** off .....IAAF are a weak load of incumbent prostitutes ...outside of Fraser pryce has anybody hear of any other Jamaican sprinter ........note the Netherlands win in the 100 meter relay ...very solid ...
There is a reason soccer is soccer ..,,,.Seriously a female running 11 flat is fast human .........and a seriously fast lady ....regardless of race!!!!!! ...........wake the **** up ...
There are very few field athlete off a 4 point start who could run 11 flat over 100 meters on grass !!! ( just for the soccer people ) in cleats ( studs ) laser timed ! ...........believe me I understand a thing or Two about speed ......;) .....
What I mean to say for women ...is that 11 flat clean ....is phenomenal ...very few clean athlete break 11 .....so when Fraser pryce really comes from mediocre performances to run 10 .74 .....that's just rubbish ..,and reinforces anybody with any knowledge to see that track and field is still dirty .....and when Gatlin runs 9.87...in Stanford ....more rubbish .....dirty dirty dirty ....it pushes so many athletes away from the sport ..........dare anybody challenge ....like Edelman in the nfl testing positive getting a 3 game ban and winning mvp in the super bowl .....total rubbish .........dare anyone ....!!!!! ....think about it ...it's not a racial or gender thing ....there are those who will cheat and those who don't ....,..but note ...................armin hary ran 10 flat on cinder in 1960 ........and if armin hary were 23 yrs old today and could run with the help of performance enhancing THG on mondo in 2019 . How fast could he run ........or Jim Hines Or valery borzov .................
But ...doping has cultural and econmic And geographic factors .......and is acceptable in some places countries or environments .........where it is not acceptable in other places cultures and or environments ..........doping is endemic in many pro sports ......until athletes get full bio passports ...nothing changes ......
So happy to see Devin Quinn start his career just 3 weeks after his last collegiate race! Outstanding experience he is gaining here. So happy he has the right people helping him to continue his love
of running. If only we could get John Teeters under the same agency. He hasn't been seen in Europe very often and I wonder if he is going to continue athletics? I sure hope so. To see two professional
white U.S. Sprinters just blows my mind. Who would have thought this could be possible just a decade or two ago? In the future we will also have Boling to look forward to someday running for the U.S. I love this trend and hope it continues and we also have women representing the U.S. as well in the sprints! Great times to be a track fan!
Quinn looked a little tight, but anyone would be first time running with the big boys. So happy he is pursuing this. I really had high hopes for Teeters.

Guliyev ran a good race, but not a great race for him.

Lukenkempers start was atrocious, strong second 50m. Schippers 11.04 clean, very good time. SFP is definitely on the Gojuice and I also believe Lyles is as well. Nice to see the Polish PV guy break 6m outdoors.
Yeah, experience is the key word for Quinn. Once he gets used to the big stage, he will settle down, run relaxed and reach his potential. He just has to be consistent and keep getting out there.

Teeters allowed too many time gaps in his development. It does not appear to be a sport where you can take big breaks. When he ran that meet in Ireland last year (where Erasmus won), he ran in the 10.7s. That's a high school time out of a guy who ran 10.00 at the trials.

You know, it's hard to run 100 meters in 10 seconds flat without being on steroids. The body breaks down. I wonder if something is going on behind the scenes with Tortu. We have been able to get some insight from Mr. Miele on how many aches and pains Emile has to go through.
Lukenkempers start was atrocious, strong second 50m. Schippers 11.04 clean, very good time. SFP is definitely on the Gojuice and I also believe Lyles is as well. Nice to see the Polish PV guy break 6m outdoors.
Fraser-Prycehttps://blog-001.west.edge.storage-...lder/1609811/81/69067881/img_107_m?1562376607 is the most obvious doper on the circuit she literally looks like a female bodybuilder, female athletes that are clean can't look like this. They must be eating radioactive Yams in Jamaica again. Strangely enough the Yams may not be working on the men as their teams seem mortal(for now).
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• Jakob Ingebrigtsen smashes European U20 1500m record with 3:30.16
July 06, 2019

Norway’s Jakob Ingebrigtsen came tantalizingly close to breaking the sub-3:30 barrier but the 18-year-old still came away with a massive improvement on his European U20 record in the Lausanne Diamond League on Friday (5) evening.

Ingebrigtsen sensibly sat back off the startlingly fast pace in the early stages which saw Kenya’s Timothy Cheruiyot reach the 800m mark inside world record pace at 1:49.41. As Cheruiyot hit the bell, Ingebrigtsen was back in eighth-place but his circumspect approach paid off as he ran a charging last lap, passing six athletes - including his older brother Filip - to finish an excellent second.

“Personally, I want to challenge the European record [3:28.81 to Mo Farah] this season and of course a medal in Doha. It is clear that achieving such performance so early in the season is very encouraging.” Ingebrigsten said.
Jackob Ingebrigsten and Karsten Warholm are the only bright spots in the European track season thus far.
Imagine, a little country like Norway, producing 2 of the top track athletes in Europe. Amazing and wonderful.
Otherwise, I am a little worried about this season.
Schippers, Guliyev, and Tortu started strongly, but all have since faded. Tortu especially, seems to be going backwards.
I hope these 3 can turn things around before the world championships.
Andrew Robertson ran a 10.17 today in Germany. I've always thought if this kid had the funding and didn't just run as a hobby could have been special. When you work a 9 to 5 job
and try to train to be a sprinter on top of it, you just don't have the energy to get to the highest level. Robertson is 29 now but I have to give him credit for still competing after all of
these years. Like Kilty he has represented England for many years and I've always rooted for the kid. Would be great to see him get close to 10 seconds this summer. Just a guy chasing
his dream against almost impossible odds!
Jackob Ingebrigsten and Karsten Warholm are the only bright spots in the European track season thus far.
Imagine, a little country like Norway, producing 2 of the top track athletes in Europe. Amazing and wonderful.
Otherwise, I am a little worried about this season.
Schippers, Guliyev, and Tortu started strongly, but all have since faded. Tortu especially, seems to be going backwards.
I hope these 3 can turn things around before the world championships.

Faded? no, both ran a season's best (in Dafne's case), a virtual season best (Guliyev).

Dafne, while well beaten in Lausanne, ran 11.04 with virtually zero wind - a good result for her IF it means she has overcome that injury/niggle at last. If so she can work on her speed endurance for her best event, the 200. There's time till Doha.
Guliyev never worries me since he generally turns up in shape for big meets. Admittedly if there are some new 200 men on the block with the talent to go 19.5 then his is a tough ask - but he has had a great career. His 20.01 last week (-0.1) was no disaster. It was 2/100ths off his season best but he had 1.5 mps more wind against him in comparison to that 19.99 in May.
So I think neither are injured and are sensibly getting ready to peak.

Tortu may be having trouble coming to terms with racing freakish speedsters like Coleman. He'll just have to adjust his head around that. He can only plan on doing his level best, not beating Coleman or Lyles at this stage

And Su Bingtian and his team mates are in hiding getting ready ...... maybe the Japanese too
Andrew Robertson ran a 10.17 today in Germany. I've always thought if this kid had the funding and didn't just run as a hobby could have been special. When you work a 9 to 5 job
and try to train to be a sprinter on top of it, you just don't have the energy to get to the highest level. Robertson is 29 now but I have to give him credit for still competing after all of
these years. Like Kilty he has represented England for many years and I've always rooted for the kid. Would be great to see him get close to 10 seconds this summer. Just a guy chasing
his dream against almost impossible odds!

Do you know the wind reading WL?
As long as it wasn't in Mannheim or Weinheim where Reus always got his magic times. Five seasons 10.10 or under for Reus and no semis or finals anywhere in the really big competitions.
Do you know Reus only ever ran one season best outside of Germany between 2005 and now - and that one time was an awful 10.42.
He should get together with our Aussie girl Melissa Breen - strikingly similar records
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