2019 Track Season News and Results

Elvira Herman of Belarus set a new u23 Championship record in the ladies 100-hurdles with a 12.70 (wind +1.8), in an all-White Final: 3 Belorussians, 3 actual French women (not like the “French” runner in the flat 100), and 2 Poles.

White athletes went 2-3-4 in the men’s hurdles, separated by a mere .02 seconds between them.

Thanx for posting the Quinn article. This is all great news. Number 1 is he has decided to stick with it. He said the 10.01 felt very smooth (indicating that once he learns to relax at these big meets, better performances will come), and that he is putting in time in the weight room. Consistent training with big meet experience will result in sub 10.00 times.
I was extremely impressed with the amount of ground Swoboda made up on the 4x100m relay, passed the black from Ireland and was gaining on the black from france quickly. If her other 3 teammates had the gotten the baton around quicker, Poland would have won. Has anyone else noticed that the white German female sprinters all have long legs to torso ratio...beautiful women.
did anyone else see the women’s 4x400? what a final leg by Poland!!! closed a HUGE gap on (unfortunately all-black) Great Britain to snag the win. what a tremendous display of speed and (mental) toughness! (please pardon the link being in Spanish, as i couldn’t find the English version.)

I did see it, and it was a tremendous anchor leg from the tall Pole.
I believe she was also the winner of the 400m individual race.
The Polish always have great 4 x 400m teams for both the men's and women's, even without any individual super stars.
This has been true for decades.
Once again ( as yee guys have noticed ) the Germans disappointed individually .....but their relays ....impressive ......and white .....have to say most impressive performance of the champs ...swoboda ( hard to believe she is still so young ) .......the Greek long jumper ....he has a big future ...,.hermann the 100 m hurdler from Belorussia , this young lady has such talent on the flat as well .....note I still think Schulte has a Big up upside ......also watch out for Oliver bromby ....his start in the 100 was not good was Almost a meter down after the first 10 meters ......have to say well done to Larson ...I like his " gib" .......and take note the amount of white Dutch athletes.....
Outside of swoboda The female u23 s were weak over 100 m.......remember these are college age athletes ...who if in the states would be competeing in the ncaas ......and this puts real focus on Devon Quinn and how good this guy is .....
I very much enjoyed the women's distance races, especially the curly haired German gal and of course the Norwegian gal who won the 3000msc and 5000m in such convincing fashion. Let us not forget the British gal Reekie looked very strong in the 800m and her training partner is Laura Muir. Negatives were mens PV 2 mixed bloods came 1-2, the mens HJ was all about the black from GB not the winner who was white. Crowd shots of the french team were mostly blacks, the British, French, Italians featured alot of blacks with altered names. I even saw a mixed white black girl for the Ukraine.. The winner of the womens HJ from the Ukraine is a real stunner, actually the majority of them were all lookers. Black women must burn inside silently seeing this display of white superior athleticism and beauty.
For reference, here's the Top 20 so far this year, of White and Asian sprinters in the 100m.
Japan has 3 guys in the top 10, and 5 guys in the top 12 - pretty impressive.
Quinn is right up at the top, and even Matthew Boling makes this list.

1/ Yoshihide Kiryu, Japan - 10.01
1/ Devin Quinn, USA - 10.01
1/ Zhenye Xie, China - 10.01
4/ Lalu Zohri, Indonesia - 10.03
5/ Yuki Koike, Japan - 10.04
6/ Bingtian Su, China - 10.05
7/ Rohan Browning, Australia - 10.08
8/ Hassan Taftian, Iran - 10.09
9/ Filippo Tortu, Italy - 10.10
10/ Adam Gemili, Britain - 10.11
10/ Ryoto Yamagata, Japan - 10.11

12/ Shuhei Tada, Japan - 10.12
12/ Ryuichiro Sakai, Japan - 10.12
12/ Kukyoung Kim, S. Korea - 10.12
12/ Zhouzheng Xu, China - 10.12
16/ Matthew Boling, USA - 10.13
17/ Emile Erasmus, S. Africa - 10.15
18/ Ramil Guliyev, Turkey - 10.16
19/ Joris Van Gool, Netherlands - 10.16
20/ Zhiqiang Wu, China - 10.17
20/ Andrew Robertson, Britain - 10.17
I would have to say Boling is the bright spot in this list. In a few days he will be competing in the Pan Am Juniors. It's still early. Come on Tortu, Quinn and Erasmus!!

Purola is going in the 100 qualifiers for the Euro U20 Champs on Thursday. There is also an Italian kid competing named Lorenzo Paissan who has a 10.38 this year.
I read this a few days back but didn't check the world list then. I can only imagine what a surprise it was for her and the British athletics community.
I want her to prove it was no fluke very soon, especially as it was done in Mannheim, Reus's home of good times
I discovered this by accident.

Here's a Devin Quinn interview at a Champaign television station. One thing I noticed he is much smaller than he looks on video(girth wise) and is very lean and he doesn't have a Florida drawl which is a shock as Christina Collinsworth never lost his accent and he hasn't lived in the area for 35+ years.......
Yep ...Devin Quinn is lean ....should be interesting to see him mature ..ie a couple of good lbs of muscle ...
And just for the nerds ....mariya privalova competeing in the triple jump is the daughter of Russian great ....Irina privalova ( yes still record holder over 60 meters 6.92 ) ....
Sorry Jimmy. It's doing the same thing to me. Gee it's convinient to hide the truth when it comes to certain athletes isnt' it? Regardless what an incredible talent she is!
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