2017 NFL Week 3

let's face it, Rex Ryan has always been a black guy with White skin.

Lol. Yea I can't argue that - my main gripe was that he along with others are trying to pass off many of the players in the NFL as good people when time and again we see the exact opposite.
Cousins is shredding Black Jack's defense.

Over the course of the day I heard one broadcaster towing the company line about the high character of NFL players and trying to justify their protests.

Rex Ryan had this to say:

“I’m pissed off, I’ll be honest with you,” Ryan said Sunday on ESPN. “I supported Donald Trump, I sat back when he asked me to introduce him at a rally in Buffalo, I did that. But I’m reading these comments, and it’s appalling to me. And I’m sure it’s appalling to almost any citizen in our country. And it should be. Calling our players SOBs, and that kind of stuff, that’s not the men that I know. The men that I know in the locker room I’m proud of, I’m proud to be associated with those people."

Is he really associating himself with people he was proud of - I am sure several of his players during his tenure with the Jets/Bills as head coach had legal issues and were not the model citizens he is trying to make them out to be.
Fat Rex isn't the sharpest tool in the drawer his views on his players are similar to somebody with Stockholm Syndrome. Except fatso was the boss, it's not a coincidence that his players were among the most penalized and least disciplined teams in the league, when you have an enabler as a coach the attitude infects the everybody down to the practice squad scrub.
Kirk Cousins is excelling in the league while "RGIII" is out of football. I remember when the Redskins were heavily criticized for drafting Cousins.
The Browns start 0-3. Kizer has 7 ints in three games - all I have heard Clueless Hue Jackson say is that everyone needs to be patient with Kizer. Kizer will never be better than what he was in college which was a losing QB. I hope the Browns end up with another miserable record and regime change.
Did you catch Crissie's lie? He was waxing poetic about LB Zach Brown, saying he runs a 4.4 40, "faster than many wide receivers, including one who is now a broadcaster," referring to himself. Collinsworth was very fast, and was a finalist in the NFL's Fastest Man Contest. The video was posted on here before and is probably still on YouTube. So you have a one-time great White athlete who was one of the fastest players in the NFL deliberately lying about his speed in order to, what? Prop up Caste System ideology and keep his fat paychecks coming? Collinsworth is as despicable as they come.
The Browns start 0-3. Kizer has 7 ints in three games - all I have heard Clueless Hue Jackson say is that everyone needs to be patient with Kizer. Kizer will never be better than what he was in college which was a losing QB. I hope the Browns end up with another miserable record and regime change.

New regime gives Kevin Hogan and Cody Kessler a fair shot too.

Those Official Statements from the owners and the NFLPA tell us the real story. Buy into our despicable lie and "Hey Whitey! Screw you!!" in absolutely no uncertain terms! We are UNIFIED AGAINST YOU. We don't care if you are our overwhelmingly majority audience. Screw you, Whitey!!

Chaulk it up as another Leftist victory for the ongoing war on everyday White Americans. Joe SixPack is despised, but he needs to keep tuning in to cheer on "his" team...

I did not watch one second of an NFL game today. Can't remember the last time I did that. And it really wasn't that hard to do either; there were plenty of more worthwhile things for me to do. I am just disgusted by the NFL at this point.
The Browns start 0-3. Kizer has 7 ints in three games - all I have heard Clueless Hue Jackson say is that everyone needs to be patient with Kizer. Kizer will never be better than what he was in college which was a losing QB. I hope the Browns end up with another miserable record and regime change.

The Browns owner, Jimmy Haslam, seems to be enamored with unqualified, incompetent AA GMs. First Ray Farmer then Sashi Brown.

My guess is that Brown gets another year no matter how badly the Browns do this year. Haslam probably thinks he has upside.

I think the concept of "upside" is applied to blacks in areas other than football, including office jobs.
The Browns start 0-3. Kizer has 7 ints in three games - all I have heard Clueless Hue Jackson say is that everyone needs to be patient with Kizer. Kizer will never be better than what he was in college which was a losing QB. I hope the Browns end up with another miserable record and regime change.
Come 1oth game, if this AA black quarterback is still "excelling" '"learning" the game at this rate, even the most uber casteophile GM will yank him and put in the back up to see what he has. Come next season, another RGIII looking for a roster spot. LOL
Riggings44, I can't seem to quote your text, so this was to you...
I didn't either. I just went across SNF, and it's halftime. So, I also will not watch a play today. I'm gonna watch Brady's highlights tomorrow online. I'm ticked off and tuned out at least for today. I think Westside also went Cold Turkey today and he posted that as well...
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Lol. Yea I can't argue that - my main gripe was that he along with others are trying to pass off many of the players in the NFL as good people when time and again we see the exact opposite.
I agree. The most frustrating thing about this whole weekend was seeing the media and the DWF hold up these NBA and NFL scumbags as men of high character, virtue, and intelligence. They're closer to animals than any of those things. Did you see that ridiculous tweet by the newly appointed HNIC LeBron James that was re-tweeted 640,000 times and liked by 1.4 million people? Truly sickening

LeBron James‏Verified account@KingJames
U bum @StephenCurry30 already said he ain't going! So therefore ain't no invite. Going to White House was a great honor until you showed up!

8:17 AM - 23 Sep 2017

Sounds like Tomlin was pissed that Villenueva did not follow the rest of the team. The guy was an army ranger, served three combat tours in Afghanistan yet is villified. This article also takes thinly veiled shots at Villenueva. Hopefully this story gains traction and Tomlin is pressed by the Pittsburgh media.

He's the only hero of the day, the only player who didn't go along with the tremendous pressure from the players and owners and the media in enforcing the party line that what Trump said was wrong and that in response the entire league had to show a united front.
It's bizarre to think that Cowboys owner, Jerry Jones (one of the godfathers of the Caste System in the 1990's) is the only NFL owner that has spoke out against the "BLM Anthem Protests."
Yep, funny you haven't seen that reported much today. The only folks getting air time are the Trump haters.. Whatever doesn't fit the narrative is either shut down or ignored....
I did not watch one second of an NFL game today. Can't remember the last time I did that. And it really wasn't that hard to do either; there were plenty of more worthwhile things for me to do. I am just disgusted by the NFL at this point.
Me too. I shot my rifle at the range and enjoyed the gunsmoke and fresh air, drove my 66 Mustang around the hood, ate a great lunch compliments of my nephew, cleaned up around the house. Now enjoying CF with several cold ones down the hatch. Not a bad day. F the NFL. Trump keep being Trump! MAGA!
The Browns start 0-3. Kizer has 7 ints in three games - all I have heard Clueless Hue Jackson say is that everyone needs to be patient with Kizer. Kizer will never be better than what he was in college which was a losing QB. I hope the Browns end up with another miserable record and regime change.
I just saw a clip of him at the podium whining about Trump and he specifically said "I know for a fact I'm not a son of a bitch". Well his mom is a mudshark so if any player in the NFL were to fall under the category of SOB it's definitely him. Wish I could say the Toucan falls under that category too but he's currently not employed by the NFL :lol:
Black Jack's black boys have been beyond wretched through 2 1/2 quarters on national TV, being thoroughly dominated by the Blackskins.
He's the only hero of the day, the only player who didn't go along with the tremendous pressure from the players and owners and the media in enforcing the party line that what Trump said was wrong and that in response the entire league had to show a united front.
I wonder how he's going to be treated by his teammates and his militantly black head coach from now on? We all know Black NFL players are known for their high levels of maturity and understanding. I'm sure they'll just say eh no big deal you're still my co worker and I'm going to continue to treat you with respect.
He's the only hero of the day, the only player who didn't go along with the tremendous pressure from the players and owners and the media in enforcing the party line that what Trump said was wrong and that in response the entire league had to show a united front.

I am reading different stories on this and all of the comments are resoundingly pro Villenueva. His jersey sales are skyrocketing. I am even seeing a lot of comments criticizing Tomlin. Don please keep us in the loop about this story with the local Pittsburgh media.

Sounds like Tomlin was pissed that Villenueva did not follow the rest of the team. The guy was an army ranger, served three combat tours in Afghanistan yet is villified. This article also takes thinly veiled shots at Villenueva. Hopefully this story gains traction and Tomlin is pressed by the Pittsburgh media.
I'm guessing Yahoo's comment section on this story will be closed very soon. The comments are totally, well, 99 percent reflecting what we're all saying. The owners, media and Black players are at odds completely with the (current remaining) fans of the sport...
Great pic of Trump meeting with a Marine pilot and his great looking family over at the Dailymail. Note: not black. MAGA.
I'm so done with this shi'ite. Staying silent about the Caste System is one thing, but Alex Smith openly lying about what Trump said, when Trump repeatedly condemned the (so-called) neo-Nazis, is quite another. I hope Mahomes takes Smith's job, and I no longer feel sorry for Smith's job being taken by Krappernick in San Francisco. Not one bit of difference between the two, other than Krappernick being non-white and therefore not owing our race loyalty, while Smith does.
Usually on NFL.com you can comment on the articles. I notice you can't comment on the article about the league's reaction to Trump's tweets. I'm guessing they were overwhelmingly negative so NFL.com turned off the comments section.

nnl.com has always shut off comments on anything "sensitive" . I've seen the section shut down just for a good article on Burkhead or Zenner that was getting the responses they didn't like.
Now we have all around idiot and uber casteophille Terry Bradshaw weighing in on Trump's remarks. LOL This idiot says Trump does not understand freedom, over there on Youqueer.com Man, how would I love to bitch slap this idiot.
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