2017 NFL Preseason Thread

Chad Hansen is not off to a good start due to injuries, which is unfortunate because he's on a team with virtually no talent at WR:

Hansen (knee) participated in team drills at Tuesday's practice, Rich Cimini of ESPN.com reports. Beginning in late May, Hansen missed the offseason program due first to a hamstring concern and then knee soreness. He proceeded to miss the first few practices of training camp, making his appearance Tuesday his first with the Jets. While he hauled in a pass during his time on he field, he was also wearing a brace on his sprained knee. As a result, his health will be worth watching as camp and the preseason proceed.
Dean Lowry impresses in camp

The 23-year-old packed more muscle on his 6-foot-6 frame. One look at Lowry on the practice field showed a difference, too.

In the highly competitive one-on-one pass-rush drill, the former fourth-round pick from Northwestern took on starting guard Jahri Evans and with a punch and a burst beat the veteran with an inside move.

"I think the big thing with that rep right there was knowing what to expect and for that one jump set he did, I made a quick inside move," Lowry said. "Not even adding the physical improvements I've made, just knowing what to expect and being able to make that quick move inside. This time last year, I never would have been able to do that."

"I think if you're looking for an excellent example -- and there's a number of them out there -- of a player taking a jump his second year, Dean may be near the top of the list," McCarthy said Tuesday. "He's bigger, faster, stronger, obviously anticipating the ability to play the different techniques up and down the defensive line, I think he's off to an excellent start. He looks really good."
More on the Lions RBs. Here's a quote from their running backs coach:

"Ameer gives us a chance to have some big plays within the scope of the offense, which is good," Walker said. "He’s a guy where you don’t have to block them all and he can make a guy miss or a couple guys miss because of his ability. So that’s a nice luxury to have. And at times last year when both him and Theo (Riddick) were out of the lineup, although Dwayne (Washington) is productive and Zach (Zenner) is productive in their styles, those guys really don’t give you a chance for a plus-50-yard run at times.

"So the consistency of Ameer and Theo, and then the potential big-play ability of both of those guys will greatly help us on offense this year."

So I decided to see just how many of those big play 50+ yard runs and receptions Abdullah and Riddick have had. Abdullah has had 161 runs and 30 receptions in the past two NFL seasons. His longest play was 36 yards. Riddick has had 335 career runs and receptions. The longest play of his career has been 42 yards. So with 526 combined runs and receptions, Abdullah and Riddick have used their "big-play ability" to produce exactly zero 50+ yard plays. Tell you what, give Zenner 200 touches in a season and I'll guarantee you at least one 50+ yard play and likely several.
Mike Rodak ESPN Staff Writer
Very rough practice Tuesday for Bills QB Tyrod Taylor. In 11-on-11 drills, Taylor was nearly intercepted by Ronald Darby and sacked four times. He also overthrew his receiver in the end zone, overthrew WR Philly Brown and missed two swing passes to RBs Jonathan Williams and Mike Tolbert. Taylor's offensive line isn't helping but he's also holding ball too long and missing throws he should make.
First off kudos to La France Blanche for coming up with the clever enemedia. I like a sense of humor and she has one. As for black athletes getting injured, especially the skill/fast types I admit I LOVE IT TO DEATH. Tear their ACL,s screw up their legs anything to F up their careers. I can not EMPHASIZE this enough. I root for the white players like a demon but I also root AGAINST the black players like a demon. The exception is if the black players serve a purpose in helping the cause of the white athlete. I am not going to be coy about it. I ROOT for black players to get seriously injured. The only exception is the head stuff and the spinal stuff although if the head stuff forces them to retire I'm ok with that. I draw the line on head injuries that have long term effects or anything related to paralysis of course. There is a rumor out there that I still have a heart. Ha.

I can't take credit for "enemedia," it's been around for a while.

I generally don't cheer when black players get injured, although I will if the player in question has ever deliberately injured a White player. I'll also confess to snickering when two black players tore their ACLs while doing gay dances to celebrate sacks.
St. Dungy, Krissy and Uncle Al all pontificating on the Toucan - stating he had a "good year" last season and asking why he is not starting or on a roster. Uncle Al with the dig on Johnny Manziel. These clowns are in midseason form.
The entire sports media complex has made it their number one mission to try and shame the league and its owners into signing this bum. The black supremacist militants and other assorted leftists and SJWs on ESPN have taken the lead on this, they almost have a daily tracker one who is the leading candidate to bring him in. It changes everyday. It was Pete's plantation for a while, then BAL was hot (and still in the picture), and now MIA is a potential target after the Tannehill injury.

All of this over an America-hating piece of garbage who can't even play. And his "activism" has shown no signs of slowing down. After comparing law enforcement to slave patrol, he then went "home" to Ghana on the 4th of July and proceeded to thrash the USA on our Independence Day.

F*** this guy, a truly repugnant creature inside and out.
Krapernicks girlfriend is an Egyptian/half black mooslem - after she compared biscotti to a slave owner I decided to see what makes her such an expert on how da white man be oppressing everyone - she was indoctrinated at cal-Berkeley, has a show on a ny rap station and is a host on a bunch of mtv shows - what amazing credentials - she is absolutley qualified to be the source for racial commentary. Give me a break - again no journalist or announcer gives any mention to this dumb c*nt when they whine about the toucan not being in the NFL.
I wish the Bears would take the marxist anti-white because I wish good things for all Bears fans all the time.
What makes me even more angry is the fact that these DWF's here in Miami are pining for Kaepernick while at the same time are dreading the thought of Cutler being brought in. What planet am I living on where Kaepernick is a better QB than Cutler? Although one silver lining to them signing Kaepernick is at least I would have an excuse not to watch the NFL this year. It would also be funny to see him have garbage thrown at him by the large Cuban contingent of the Dolphins fan base. The guy who I would feel sorry for the most would be Kiko Alonso. Not only would he be one of the only white guys on a coal black team but what a slap in the face the signing of Kaepernick be to a white Cuban-American
Wasn't the toucan public enemy number 1 in Miami last year when they showed him wearing a Castro shirt? Fan bases are so damned idiotic.

Going with Moore would be the smart thing - he brings a knowledge and familiarity with the offense and I would also see what Doughty has. Cutler, Osweiler or Manziel would be good choices. Manziel has been out of the headlines for quite a while now and seems to be maturing - id rather give him a shot. Osweiler worked with Gase in Denver and all the cucks in Cleveland want deshone anyways.
The entire sports media complex has made it their number one mission to try and shame the league and its owners into signing this bum. The black supremacist militants and other assorted leftists and SJWs on ESPN have taken the lead on this, they almost have a daily tracker one who is the leading candidate to bring him in. It changes everyday. It was Pete's plantation for a while, then BAL was hot (and still in the picture), and now MIA is a potential target after the Tannehill injury.

All of this over an America-hating piece of garbage who can't even play. And his "activism" has shown no signs of slowing down. After comparing law enforcement to slave patrol, he then went "home" to Ghana on the 4th of July and proceeded to thrash the USA on our Independence Day.

F*** this guy, a truly repugnant creature inside and out.
I was going to mention the same thing. I noticed this on 247sports as well. "Funny" how ALL of the (((mainstream sports media outlets))) are pushing the exact same narrative about this bum and how the same (((mainstream sports media outlets))) were pushing the exact same narrative, albeit a negative one, about Tebow and Manziel. What a "coincidence".
Amazing isn't it? Aside from the charade of a fair and independent media, the only reason multiple media outlets exist is to quadruple-charge Americans for the exact same (garbage) content.

Imagine going to an accountant and getting charged for him doing your 1040 four times

I was going to mention the same thing. I noticed this on 247sports as well. "Funny" how ALL of the (((mainstream sports media outlets))) are pushing the exact same narrative about this bum and how the same (((mainstream sports media outlets))) were pushing the exact same narrative, albeit a negative one, about Tebow and Manziel. What a "coincidence".
Wasn't the toucan public enemy number 1 in Miami last year when they showed him wearing a Castro shirt? Fan bases are so damned idiotic.


Moore is a decent guy to have to hold down the fort for a few games but he's not someone you want to going into the season as your starter. Cutler would be the right move, especially as he's familiar with Adam Gase.

As for the DWF's, I'm just going by what I'm hearing on talk radio and on the message boards. Signing Kaepernick would not only be a bad football move but it would also be a PR disaster as you would have Cubans down at that stadium protesting and rightfully so. Stephen Ross is dumb, but I don't think he's that dumb
DWFandom on display right here
Krapernicks girlfriend is an Egyptian/half black mooslem - after she compared biscotti to a slave owner I decided to see what makes her such an expert on how da white man be oppressing everyone - she was indoctrinated at cal-Berkeley, has a show on a ny rap station and is a host on a bunch of mtv shows - what amazing credentials - she is absolutley qualified to be the source for racial commentary. Give me a break - again no journalist or announcer gives any mention to this dumb c*nt when they whine about the toucan not being in the NFL.

Guess that's the only way they can actually be 'gypshuns.

Typical black Muslim hypocrite. She's only calling Bisciotti a slave owner because he's White and Catholic. If Bisciotti is a "slave owner," why isn't Muslim Jacksonville Jaguars owner Shahid Khan a slave owner too? Why aren't the 11 (I think) Jewish NFL team owners slave massas? Is the White half of the Buffalo Bills' ownership a plantation massa but not the Asian half? What about the Green Bay Packers and their fan ownership? Just the White fans are all slave owners, right?

But they was kangz and qweenz...
This article is a few days old but it sounds like Tanner Gentry is performing well in Bears camp. The Bears have one of the worst WR corps in the league and if the caste system were out of the picture both Braverman and Gentry would make the team. Gentry was obviously passed over in the draft due to his skin color - he should of been a 3rd rounder. Their is a nice video of him making a catch over a black CB in one-on-one drills and than giving the burnt CB a look after the play.

This article is a few days old but it sounds like Tanner Gentry is performing well in Bears camp. The Bears have one of the worst WR corps in the league and if the caste system were out of the picture both Braverman and Gentry would make the team. Gentry was obviously passed over in the draft due to his skin color - he should of been a 3rd rounder. Their is a nice video of him making a catch over a black CB in one-on-one drills and than giving the burnt CB a look after the play.


John Fox, like most NFL head coaches, could be forced to watch highlights of the Patriots offense for ten days in a row and still wouldn't give a White receiver a fair opportunity.
The first receiver taken this year continues the now hallowed tradition of getting injured early and frequently often:

Tennessee Titans WR Corey Davis (hamstring) will miss at least a week because of his hamstring injury, according to head coach Mike Mularkey. Wow a setback like this will hurt his development, we still expect Tennessee to use Davis early and often this year. We'll see how much time he really misses, before we worry. Right now he's tracking as the 42nd wide receiver off the board and we don't see that changing.
Black Twitter in full meltdown after dolphins sign cutler over black supremacist kaepernick

I always found the whole black twitter thing funny. Kind of like a microcosm of blacks in western society in general - they were unable to invent twitter nor are bright enough to realize who did invent twitter but they use it to bitch and moan about things that they have no actual ground to stand on.
Good to see Cutler get a team. He was the best free agent quarterback available, so it was only logical that the Dolphins would sign him after Tannehill's injury.
Good to see Cutler get a team. He was the best free agent quarterback available, so it was only logical that the Dolphins would sign him after Tannehill's injury.

I happy for Cutler but I really wish Manziel would get another chance. Yes he has been a world class idiot but he seems
to have matured. They are far worse guys playing every Sunday. I hope a team takes a chance on him but it doesn't seem
very likely at the moment. I'm hoping I'm wrong. He is fun to watch play quarterback.
On another note — Ladainian Tomlinson turned his Hall Of Fame acceptance speech into a political rant against President Trump. He brought up slavery and ended by quoting “one of the most eloquent orators of all time ….. President O’Bama”. What a joke. It was clearly a shot at President Trump. But the point is, it has no place being said at the Hall Of Fame induction ceremony.
I am sick and tired of these NFL guys using things like the Hall Of Fame induction ceremony to voice their political opinions. They should have cut Tomlinson off during his rant. There is a time and place for everything and the Hall Of Fame platform is not for political commercials.
I haven't watched any shows but I'm guessing that the mainstream media never mentions that any team signing Kapernick would lose fan support and revenue. I'm guessing the situation is being presented as a result of political oppression only.
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