2017 CFB Bowl Season

I’m not sure what your post has to do with mine then because I wasn’t arguing with someone about discrimination in football or whites building themselves up, I was arguing with them about what the way a team performed. And nobody has a problem with whites ‘building themselves up’. I don’t have a problem with you guys doing that with white athletes here, but I do have a problem with the way y’all bash and scapegoat black athletes. You can build yourselves up without tearing anybody else down.

I agree that at times black athletes aren't given their due here and that there are a few posters who are motivated by a dislike of blacks more than they're interested in rooting for White athletes, and I've posted many times that that isn't what Caste Football is supposed to be about, but to claim that this site is nothing but a mirror image of the biases of the corporate media is a gross distortion. There have been endless posts here pointing out double standards and blatant discrimination against White athletes. Sometimes White athletes are told as much to their face, as illustrated in post 93 above, but usually it's not that open, more an agreed upon way of doing things, much the way commercials, TV shows and movies almost always follow predictable patterns as far as casting and plot lines. By contrast, there is no discrimination of any kind against black athletes, and the media worships them.

You may not realize, or may not want to accept that affirmative action also extends to sports, but it does, and it's more insidious because blacks often are very good athletes. Even without affirmative action (the Caste System), there would be a noticeable number of blacks in the NFL and NBA for example. But not a single White cornerback anywhere in the country is good enough to play in the NFL for decades on end, especially given how incompetent many NFL d-backs are? Virtually the same with White running backs? Absolutely preposterous. To believe that is to believe in a theory of racial supremacy far more extreme and all-encompassing than anything promoted by Nazi Germany. And it's easily proven false simply by looking at how Whites excel in quickness drills -- which are more important than short bursts of straight-line speed -- and are often very competitive in straight-line speed as well.

A lot of the most successful NFL players are not the fastest at their position, their success comes from quickness, football intelligence, hand-eye coordination, willingness to learn and play within a team concept, etc. That's why so many White players do well when given an opportunity, while the number of highly touted black busts over the past decade is astounding. We make fun of the black receivers drafted early every year who flop because that's all they can do -- run fast in a straight line, yet as surely as the sun rises the NFL will do the same thing and draft more of them next year and the year after. The media and the NFL have made a cult out of 40 times, and as has also often been pointed out here, the 40 times of blacks are sometimes given as lower and the times of Whites given as higher than they actually were. And the far and away most successful team over the past 15 years has also been the Whitest one on offense, at times using three White receivers on the field at the same time. Yet not a single team copies the formula of the Patriots in the "copycat" NFL. Black quarterbacks continue to receive opportunity after opportunity in big college programs, yet those same programs won't recruit White running backs and only rarely White wide receivers. Yet look at high school stars across the country at those positions, and every year half and more or them are White.

At any rate, you've trolled here before recently under various names, and this is a troll-free site because it is the only place on the internet where White sports fans can openly root for White athletes and discuss the discrimination and stereotyping White athletes face. You're a bit smarter than most trolls but you will continue to be banned every time you post here.
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Wisconsin struggling early in their away game at Miami. Critical drive here.
This is getting ugly quick.
This is getting ugly quick.

Van Ginkel turns the momentum with a clutch INT! Followed by Hornibrook TD! Awesome catch by true freshman Danny Davis.
Trolls love to cherry-pick and bring up White busts ("Muh Ryan Leeeaaaafffff!"), while ignoring or making excuses for black busts like JaMarcus Russell, Akili Smiff, Geno Smiff, EJ Manuel, Cardale "Oaf" Jones, Byron Leftwing, DeShone Kizer, etc. But the most important thing that they refuse to acknowledge is that when a White player does bust, he's quickly run out of the league. There are no White players who are continued to be allowed to start if they have consistently performed badly, while there are countless black players who are.

Oh, wait, there is one White player who does fit that mold. Gotta be fair here. Chris "SJW" Long has underperformed but continues to be allowed to start.
Ramesh with The Leonard Leap!
Van Ginkel and Connelly with a crushing sack!
UW RB Jonathan Tarlor broke APs Freshman Rushing Yardage record. Good season for him and his Snowplow OL!
Richt grabs referee still doesnt get ejected!
4th TD for Hornibrook who has been a man on a mission! Hat trick for Danny Davis!
Connelly INT to seal the game! Big Win for Wisconsin!

BSPN Twitter feed for this game dead silent for over an hour. Not one tweet about Hornibrook's performance, although they had to tweet that Miami QB Rosier threw his 31st TD of the season, a Miami school record.

Hornibrook 23/34 for 258 yards 4TD 0INT
Rosier 11/26 for 203 yards 1TD 3INT

This was the Orange Bowl, played in Miami, so it was essentially a home game for the Hurricanes, which makes the win even more impressive. The game was a turning point for Hornibrook and huge confidence-builder for him and they should be even better next year with him and the entire OL returning.

Big Ten now 7-0 with Michigan's game to come, playing South Carolina on New Year's day.
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Miami's loss to Wisconsin is extra sweet in that the media industrial complex was getting all excited about Miami due to their excellent record up till their loss to Pitt, but so much of that was due to winning several very close games. Once they played strong teams like Clemson and Wisconsin they went down.
I guess the massive speed difference they kept talking about on television wasn't enough for Miami to win. They sure made it sound like a big deal. If the caste system tells the truth, Miami should win that game by 40 points. I guess the few white players Miami has slowed them down.
Well said Don and thanks for zotting that guy. Too bad too many here take his bait.
There have been two competing trends I have noticed during the Bowl season. Having watched all the Bowls I can when I am home I got a good look at the games yesterday. The first trend is the disturbing pattern of black skill players putting up huge numbers while the white WR's have been mostly quiet except for an exception or two. It almost feels like to me some sort of "fix" is in and that both teams "secretly" agree to let the black offensive stars embellish their soon to come NFL resumes. Needless to say this has been beyond annoying.

The other trend is something I have been ranting about all season long. Bad defensive play by mostly black defenses and horrible DB play. That is why the Big Ten is a gleaming example of how well a defense can play if you are anchored by white studs.

One team that plays like a Big Ten team is Iowa State. They were up against Memphis, in Memphis no less. Memphis is a prime example of a "Queer Ball" team where their black WR's usually put up stats that resemble video games. Like two WRs piling up 200 plus yards a piece on 12 catches and 6 touchdowns.That sort of thing. And they usually are facing off against all black defenses who escort these WR's into the end zone all day long.
But against a real defense with some key white players the Memphis Queer Ball machine got grounded. Their "stud" WR and future NFL player Anthony Miller was held to 4 catches for 55 yards.

The one MAIN ingredient we have witnessed with all of the Big Ten teams is they have multiple KEY white defensive players.

Michigan State--They ate Washington State up and spit them out. A vague version of "Queer Ball" Pac 12 style they quickly lost their mojo after Frey, Bachie and Willekes got some licks in. And their athletic QB Lewerke was too much. Result: A Massacre.

Northwestern who had to play some without their great LB Fisher who was kicked out still beat an SEC team. And Fisher's back ups were white too. Too bad about their QB and I would have liked to have seen more from their white WR core but a win is a win.

Iowa--I LOVE this team. And their great D came to the rescue and stuffed a red hot BC squad.

Purdue- Perhaps the least white in defensive terms but they have a white S and he intercepted a pass at the key juncture over Arizona.

Wisconsin-What a terrific effort last night. The play of mobile LB's ( they grow on trees in Wisconsin) Connelly and Van Ginkel was critical to their win as nearly 100% black Miami fell at home and yes their coach Richt should have been kicked out of the game for grabbing the ref.

Penn State-The rare team with a white S Apke, who has been terrific all season, the Penn State D held up well against a tough Washington team. Worth noting the Penn State D played a lot better later in the season after LB Brandon Smith, who plucked off the ball at the end, was inserted into the starting line up.

Ohio State- Like Penn State the insertion of a white LB later in the season improved their overall D as well. But against a mostly black USC team ( USC has been without their stud edge player Porter Gustin for the latter half of the season and his absence has hurt them big time) with a typical caste layout on offense the Buckeyes throttled them. Should mention USC has a fine LB Cameron Smith who led them in tackles as he so often does. Nevertheless I was rooting for Ohio State because of the wrecking ball DE tandem of Nick Bosa and Sam Hubbard. Once again with them as the lynchpins Ohio State CONTROLLED the line of scrimmage something rarely done against this USC team. Bosa was his usual disruptive force with 1.5 sacks and constant penetration. And if I had to pick a FAVORITE college football player this year it was probably Sam Hubbard. Credited with 2.5 sacks (it was actually three but whatever) there was one play where he literally just ran over the TE and swallowed up the RB for a loss. I am very pleased he ended up on a high note and if I was an NFL GM I would do anything to draft him. He is the epitome of MY TYPE OF PLAYER.

So the question has to be asked. Why isn't there a BIG TEN team in the playoffs? Remember when Miami and Wisconsin were both on a roll late in the season? The TV talkers and the media decided Miami was a cinch number 2 while they continued to waffle on about Wisconsin's "weak" schedule and other piss moaning garbage and considered the idea that Wisconsin doesn't even deserve a playoff spot even if they went undefeated. How could Wisconsin's schedule be called weak when it has been proven the past two weeks the Big Ten is the BEST CONFERENCE by far?
The only reason they squeezed in two SEC teams is because the media and the powers that be who decides who gets in the playoffs downgrade teams that have more than the average number of white players like the teams in the Big Ten. If Michigan wins Monday the Big Ten would be 8-0 in the Bowl games. Eat that board members you bunch of flaming caste buttholes.
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Miami's loss to Wisconsin is extra sweet in that the media industrial complex was getting all excited about Miami due to their excellent record up till their loss to Pitt, but so much of that was due to winning several very close games. Once they played strong teams like Clemson and Wisconsin they went down.

It looked like 60-70% of Miami’s fans were coloreds or craptino/mystery meat. Conversely, most all Wisconsin’s fans were White.
Well said Don and thanks for zotting that guy. Too bad too many here take his bait.

I was bored yesterday and although I typically don't get annoyed with trolls his holier than thou attitude made me decide I needed to jump in. The fact he did not have rebuttles or acknowledge the systematic discrimination facing white athletes was enough for me to know I defeated the troll :)
I was bored yesterday and although I typically don't get annoyed with trolls his holier than thou attitude made me decide I needed to jump in. The fact he did not have rebuttles or acknowledge the systematic discrimination facing white athletes was enough for me to know I defeated the troll :)

He's one of those typical race warriors who are always arguing "equivalence" -- that the media is just as likely to overlook a black player as a White one, that for every black QB bust there are just as many White ones, that all the black criminals in the league are counterbalanced by a very few White ones since the league is mostly black, etc., etc. But he sees absolutely zero discrimination against Whites and no negative stereotyping of them by the media (or if he does, he sees an equivalent example of a black player unfairly stereotyped or not given an opportunity to play).
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