2015 NFL Week 15

The Hock

Mar 16, 2008
Northern California
Rogers running for his life throws off his back foot toward either Janis or Abbrederis and gets picked then Rogers seemed to be acting miffed with the receiver. Don't know what he expected them to do the throw was short and into coverage pretty much an easy pick.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Woodhead now with 9 TDs on the season and could finish as the top scoring fantasy RB in PPR leagues. Think of how amazingly productive he'd be as a featured back that didn't have to block all the time...


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
Wow the Blackos have been dropping quite a few balls - Vernon Davis and Thomas both have had several bad drops the past two weeks

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
sCam already has 3 passing td's in the first half. He has the MVP locked up. What is going on with him. He could be leading the NFL in touchdown passes next week. It just doesn't make any sense to me. He's been in the league for 5 seasons and he's never shown that he could do anything like this. He used to be notoriously awful in the redzone and now he's great. How does that happen all of a sudden ? The first half of the season he played the way he's played for most of his career, then something just happened during the 2nd half of the season and he's already had five 3+td passing games. In the first 4.5 years of his career he only had 5 total. I wonder what BigUnreal would think of this. Russell Wilson has also had an incredible stretch of games. He's thrown for 16 touchdowns and 0 interceptions in the last 4 games.

Do you think it's scripted?

Don't you think that if many teams used White running backs, that a decent amount of them would do well?

So a few black QBs are doing well. It's like society as a whole; plug and play blacks wherever and whenever possible. A few here and there will succeed. It's a society wide onslaught. Whites are being replaced not just at quarterback but everywhere; qb just happens to be a very difficult one for the communist change agents.
Oct 7, 2013
I hope Tom Brady and Carson Palmer light up the last two games of the season, anything to stop Cam from winning MVP.
That being said, if the Pats win Superbowl 50 and Tom takes home the SB MVP, than Cam can win the MVP for all I care


Oct 12, 2008
Smh at Woodhead's 4 TDs. After great production the first 3-4 games, Woodhead was criminally under-utilized for 10 games while the Charger's season imploded. Now this is less than satisfying. Hopefully it at least helps keep him in the league another year.

The development of Newton and Wilson should be noted by all aspiring white QBs. For the first 3 seasons of your career: when in doubt, tuck it and run. Then, by year 4, when you've finally learned the passing offense, and teams expect you to tuck and run, then start throwing. The uniqueness of Wilson and Newton is that they've survived thousands of rushing yards without injury.


Feb 23, 2013
New York
Do you think it's scripted?

Don't you think that if many teams used White running backs, that a decent amount of them would do well?

So a few black QBs are doing well. It's like society as a whole; plug and play blacks wherever and whenever possible. A few here and there will succeed. It's a society wide onslaught. Whites are being replaced not just at quarterback but everywhere; qb just happens to be a very difficult one for the communist change agents.

"...not just at quarterback but everywhere..."

Chinvleivckeianopikerianatalouvon! In football, sure, as its played mostly by a bunch of dummies, but not everywhere brains and skill are actually required which is almost every endeavor a man may make.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I hope Tom Brady and Carson Palmer light up the last two games of the season, anything to stop Cam from winning MVP.
That being said, if the Pats win Superbowl 50 and Tom takes home the SB MVP, than Cam can win the MVP for all I care

Newton's a shoo-in for the MVP, if he doesn't win the Justice Dept. will launch an investigation. Besides his team is 14-0, he has thrown for a ton of TD's and ran for lots of yardage. He deserves it!

I don't get where it comes from, he has usually been fairly bad, but he doesn't even have any great receivers and he is putting up the big numbers.

I think the thing to hope for is that he doesn't go 19-0 and be considered one of the greatest ever.


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
The "awful" Paul Posluszny had another typical "impact less" game. 10 total tackles, 2 that went for a loss, 1 interception and a pass defended. When is this scrub going to retire? I'm sure there is a more deserving negro waiting in the wings.


Oct 12, 2008
Lol, the most frequent phrase heard in football after a sack: "they beat the best left tackle in football, Jason Peters."


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
Josh Mauro just Made Ryan Matthews cough it up,per usual in his career.. Instead of complimenting Mauro or deservedly ridicule Matthews, Sissy Collinsworth blamed Phillys best receiver Zach Ertz for missing a block. unreal .


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
Lol, the most frequent phrase heard in football after a sack: "they beat the best left tackle in football, Jason Peters."

Lol Sissy Collinsworth believes that if he repeats things enough they become true. He's a dimwit. Best LT in football is either Joe Thomas or Joe Staley imo.


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
The "awful" Paul Posluszny had another typical "impact less" game. 10 total tackles, 2 that went for a loss, 1 interception and a pass defended. When is this scrub going to retire? I'm sure there is a more deserving negro waiting in the wings.

Nice! 1000 tackles in his career


Do you think it's scripted?

Don't you think that if many teams used White running backs, that a decent amount of them would do well?

So a few black QBs are doing well. It's like society as a whole; plug and play blacks wherever and whenever possible. A few here and there will succeed. It's a society wide onslaught. Whites are being replaced not just at quarterback but everywhere; qb just happens to be a very difficult one for the communist change agents.

I wouldn't say it's scripted like the games are predetermined or anything like that. What I think is going on is something more along the lines of somebody high up in the league office giving a call to someone like a defensive coordinator and telling him to call some plays that would allow Cam to pad his stats a bit. No one else would have to know about it except for maybe the head coach. The players on defense are usually a bunch of morons and they don't care about winning. We've already established on this site that winning isn't the most important thing in the NFL.

And of course I think a decent amount of White running backs would play well if enough of them were playing but that's because I believe that Whites posses both the physical and mental tools to succeed as running backs. Blacks, however, usually do not posses the mental tools required to be successful quarterbacks in the NFL. And Cam Newton isn't just playing well. He's putting up unbelievable, phenomenal stats. Throwing for 5 touchdowns in 3 of your last 5 games is insane. When was the last time a white quarterback did something like that ? Maybe Brady in 2007. Most of Newton's touchdown passes seem to come in the first half which is also a little strange. He'll throw for like 3 td's in the first half and not throw anymore the rest of the game. Another thing is it's not like Newton just burst on to the scene this year. He's established himself over the last 4.5 years as a game manager and nothing more. That's what we've all said about him here.

Half way through this season the Panthers were undefeated and Newton was being floated around by the media as an MVP candidate. They desperately wanted him to be considered a legitimate candidate but his numbers were too bad to be considered one. He was putting up typical Cam Newton game manager numbers. Here's where he ranked about half way through the season.

30th in passing yards per game (216)24th in passer rating (83.2)
33rd in completion percentage (55%)
24th in yards per attempt (6.87)
tied for 13th with 8 other players for td's (8)

Then I don't know, something just clicked half way through the season and he started putting up monster numbers. He's currently 2nd in the league in touchdowns with 33. He's top 10 in passer rating and yards per attempt. He's on pace for 38 touchdowns passes. How do you go from being a game manager who averages 20 td passes a year for 4.5 years and then out of nowhere lead the league in touchdown passes with nearly 40 ? It's too hard for me to believe that happened all on its own. I find the circumstances to be too suspicious.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Then I don't know, something just clicked half way through the season and he started putting up monster numbers. He's currently 2nd in the league in touchdowns with 33. He's top 10 in passer rating and yards per attempt. He's on pace for 38 touchdowns passes. How do you go from being a game manager who averages 20 td passes a year for 4.5 years and then out of nowhere lead the league in touchdown passes with nearly 40 ? It's too hard for me to believe that happened all on its own. I find the circumstances to be too suspicious.

So what are you saying? Newton is playing very well; must it be because of something else?


So what are you saying? Newton is playing very well; must it be because of something else?
yes that's what I'm saying. Do you think of out of nowhere he just started playing like an all time great ? Or maybe he's just getting lucky, but when's the last time a white quarterback who isn't in the Brady,Rodgers, Big Ben tier went on that kind of streak ?

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
He's playing very well, so what?

Good for him, One out of ten black starting QBs succeeds. The proper response is for Whites to be given a chance at running back, receiver, cornerback, and all other positions.


He's playing very well, so what?

Good for him, One out of ten black starting QBs succeeds. The proper response is for Whites to be given a chance at running back, receiver, cornerback, and all other positions.

I get what you're saying. We should use Newton's success to our advantage and argue that blacks had been stereotyped and discriminated against at the quarterback position for decades just like today whites are stereotyped and discriminated against at the "elite speed" positions. If Cam Newton can become an elite qb why can't Christian McCaffrey become a great NFL running back ? But our opponents won't budge an inch, Newton's success will just result in more White displacement.



Nov 25, 2004
Newton is playing well now. He has the best defense in the NFL and it allowed him and the Panthers the ability to win in the first half of the season while Newton had sub-par stats and performance. He's had a great 2nd half of the season and will be given the MVP because his team is undefeated.


Sep 29, 2011
Rogers is quoted in the JS as saying Jared needs to be on the field more, as for his temper tantrum after the int IMO that is on him Janis had half the end zone in depth for Rogers to put it over the defenders heads, but it seems he thought Janis was supposed to come under the D. Kuhn made a great run for a TD and as I have long said Kuhn on the field makes a better team, Kuhn being a 4 down back. Perhaps the coaches have finally figured out that Cobb creates separation on the lateral not the vertical routes. As an aside Zach Line would be the best 4 down back in the NFL, but he is stuck on the AP team and will be criminally underutilized, sound familiar. As for Newton he has Olsen, without Olsen he is average.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
It seems that the preppy thug, Odell Beckham Jr., will likely be suspended for at least 1 game. It should be the remainder of the season…

The NFL is discussing potential discipline for Odell Beckham Jr., but sources told ESPN NFL Insider Adam Schefter that a one-game suspension is likely to come down against the New York Giants receiver.

This cretin, who in his second season is already becoming a more violent, manic, and egotistical version of Terrell Owens, could have seriously injured Josh Norman on this ultra-dirty late hit cheap shot…


Beckham was flagged 3 different times for 15-yard personal foul penalties. He was fighting, taunting, and celebrating worse that any Negro I can ever remember in an NFL. It was an all-time, world championship ******* performance for the “new face of the league,â€￾ adored by little DWF's the world over...


Good to see the Caste Coughlin, Odell, and the Giants likely eliminated.


Jan 7, 2013
Realistically the Giants should have won the game, but they shot themselves in the foot numerous times. I counted at least 3 would be ints off sCam with 1 being a pick 6. The TD drop by Beckham in the 1st series for Giants didn't help matters. I know the media and sCam himself would like to make people believe he played a great game, but he made a lot of bad throws that should have become turnovers. If only the Giants defense had a pair of hands they'd be signing a different tune. I won't deny sCam has seemingly improved as a passer, but this mvp business sounds like politically correct garbage than anything else.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Odell Beckham is suspended next game for his idiotic behavior yesterday.

Supposed "tough" coach Tom Coughlin never said anything to Beckham the entire game. Could you imagine a White player getting away with 10% of what Beckham was doing?

Extra Point

Hall of Famer
Oct 21, 2012
I didn't see the game but it sounds as if Beckham cost the Giants the win with his penalties.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Beckham was jousting with Carolina CB Josh Norman continuously. Apparently some teammates tried to calm him down but it didn't work. He also had a bad drop that would have been a long touchdown.

Yet another black afflete showcased as a great role model for young people turns out to be an impulsive bonehead. What a surprise.