2014 World Cup Finals - Part Two

I disagree. This analysis is based on quantity, not quality. The "heavily non-white" teams advanced despite of colored players, not because of them. They advanced because most of them also have some of the best White players who made the difference. France advanced because of Valbuena, Griezman, Lloris, certainly not because of Pogba or Benzema, Belgium because of De Bruyne, Hazard, Vermaelen, Courtois, not because of Origi or Lukaku, The Netherlands because of Robben, Schneider, Blind, Vlaar, not because of Wijnaldum or de Jong, even Columbia's best player was White .... Almost every player who came out on top in this World cup was White (with a couple of exceptions like Costarica's and Mexico's goalkeepers).
This World cup once more emphasized the superiority of the White player in this game. There is no danger that the colored players will close the gap - the combination of skills needed in this sport is a White set of skills.

The real danger I see is that with massive immigration in White countries and the massive influx of colored players in the youth systems, more and more countries are going to become like France where football is simply not a viable sport for White kids anymore... i.e. the youth teams are infested with negroes and muslims who hate Whites and White parents simply refuse to send their kids to football which is gradually becoming a "no-Whites-allowed" sport. England is approaching that point it seems, Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland are also close.
In that scenario I expect the football "center of gravity" to move towards Eastern Europe, the Mediterranean, Gemany and Argentina - i.e. countries that will still be able to count on a large pools of White players. It's going to be a different fotballing world.

Great post, Porthos. As I detailed in my above post, perhaps this "shift" towards Eastern Europe you mentioned is already starting to happen in the youth teams, where non-whites pack teams like England and the Netherlands. In the Europe U19 (I know youth teams aren't the best indicators, as white players tend to take over as they get older and thin out some of the non-whites at least) 4 of the 8 teams are Eastern Euro teams. Bulgaria, Hungary, Serbia, and Ukraine (with a nearly all-white Austria squad to boot) all qualified over the diverse Western Euro teams such as the Netherlands, France, and England. To boot, the two Western Euro countries that managed to qualify, Germany and Portugal, "only" have 4 non-whites(I believe) on each of their rosters... a far cry from France's team, England's 7 blacks, or only 8 Swiss players on the teams' respective World Cup rosters. Also, for the U19 teams... England had 9 blacks out of 19 players, France 8 whites out of 23, and Switzerland had 5 clear non-whites out of 15.

This massive immigration is without a doubt the biggest threat facing the precious few remaining white countries.
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I think you're still being uncharitable to Candreva.Sure,Cahill could've done better,no doubt.If anything,the white player who can be blamed is Baines who just jumped timidly and stuck a hanging leg out in his 'attempt' to stop the cross.

Philosopher -

Well, as I said in my initial post: it would be conveniently easy to simply blame the blacks for England's miserable failure. But if we're being honest the entire team played badly. :icon_wink:

I've told everyone exactly what I think of the commentator Martin "The Negro Encomiast" Tyler on a couple of occasions in the past but one of his lines during the England-Italy match ideally summarised the teams' differing approaches: "Italy are trying to pass their way forward, whereas England are trying to sprint their way forward"...

Porthos said:
I disagree. This analysis is based on quantity, not quality. The "heavily non-white" teams advanced despite of colored players, not because of them. They advanced because most of them also have some of the best White players who made the difference. France advanced because of Valbuena, Griezman, Lloris, certainly not because of Pogba or Benzema, Belgium because of De Bruyne, Hazard, Vermaelen, Courtois, not because of Origi or Lukaku, The Netherlands because of Robben, Schneider, Blind, Vlaar, not because of Wijnaldum or de Jong, even Columbia's best player was White .... Almost every player who came out on top in this World cup was White (with a couple of exceptions like Costarica's and Mexico's goalkeepers).
This World cup once more emphasized the superiority of the White player in this game. There is no danger that the colored players will close the gap - the combination of skills needed in this sport is a White set of skills.

The real danger I see is that with massive immigration in White countries and the massive influx of colored players in the youth systems, more and more countries are going to become like France where football is simply not a viable sport for White kids anymore...

Porthos -

Of course such an analysis is - for the most part - quantitative. But I'm sure You'll agree that plain numbers make a big impression on the mindless public's overall perception of events. Like I said in my first post, if spectators see teams with more blacks and Arabs routinely beating teams with less (or no) blacks and Arabs then it's hardly surprising they'll gradually begin to assume that a sizeable non-White presence in the lineup is beneficial.

As football is a team sport in which eight of the eleven men who initially run out onto the field will remain there for the duration of the match it is difficult to convince people that White players can "carry" black players throughout the latter's careers at top clubs and in national teams. It can more or less be argued that the top Whites can feasibly "carry" one or two inferior Negro or Arab players at the highest level but - as anyone who has ever played the game will confirm - consistently winning (let alone winning trophies) whilst having to constantly neutralise the incompetence of three or more teammates of patently lesser ability starts becoming a bit of a stretch.

Moreover, practically all "Western" teams which appear in top-tier competitions field a White goalkeeper (apart from very rare exceptions like Tim Howard with Everton and the United States). Any non-White component is therefore generally only present in the outfield, which numbers ten players. In light of the above, consider the following: three of Bayern Munich's four backs in the 2013 Champions League final were black (Boateng, Dante, and David Alaba). Chelsea started a massive six Negroes in the 2012 Champions League final in which they eventually overcame Bayern (whose sole non-White was Boateng) on penalties following a 1-1 draw. Let's briefly look back (with disgust...) at Manchester City's Premier League-winning sides of recent years. In 2011-12, City's "regulars" included Vincent Kompany, Yaya Toure, Joleon Lescott (remember him..?), Gael Clichy, Samir Nasri, and Micah Richards. Mario Balotelli and Nigel de Jong were also in the mix often enough to make the team even blacker. Last season's incarnation was "whiter" but "ever-presents" still included Yaya Toure, Fernandinho, Vincent Kompany, Samir Nasri, and Bosnian Muslim Edin Dzeko.

Naturally, one can legitimately argue the "carrying" case if the opposing side contains a roughly equal or greater number of Negroes who are just as bad or worse than those in the "better" team featuring "better" White players - which can make it quite valid in the Premier League.

But I'm talking about instances in which "substantially non-White" teams outperform far Whiter or all-White teams. If, for example, six of France's ten outfield players are blacks or Arabs then one can hardly credibly claim that the four White players (or three Whites plus quarter-Vietnamese Yohan Cabaye) plus the White keeper are constantly "carrying" their non-White teammates. Yet after finishing as runners-up to Spain in their UEFA zone qualification group "France" got past Ukraine over a two-match playoff. Ukraine, in turn, had finished second behind the heavily-black England (who started at least four blacks in every match apart from the scoreless draw in Kiev, when Roy "The Mastermind" Hodgson opted for a "mere" three Negroes before bringing on a fourth in the second half). What I was getting at was this: for as long as the all-White or "Whitest" nations fail to dispose of black-packed sides like France and England in qualification matches people will believe that a disproportionately numerous Negro presence at elite level equates to a certain guaranteed measure of success and - by extension - is perfectly acceptable from a purely sporting viewpoint.

Like it or not, the fact that Boateng started every match and was only substituted once (at half time against Ghana) during Germany's World Cup-winning finals run provides another advertisement for Negro "sporting ability". Most significantly, Boateng's presence unfortunately yields plenty of positive PR for the "cause" of the non-White player in Germany itself (yet another of those "local negatives" I was talking about).

By the way, I notice that nobody has mentioned Boateng clearing the ball off the line after Messi got it past Neuer... :icon_mrgreen:

Consider the following insanely notional scenario. If Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo, Bastian Schweinsteiger, Sergio Ramos, and Hugo Lloris turned out for Uganda against - let's say - a full-strength, in-form Croatia at the Maksimir, do You believe they would exert sufficient influence to successfully overcome the glaring deficiencies of their six Negro cohorts? Who would You tip to win such a match?

We've discussed the impact of non-White immigration and the subsequent deliberate funnelling of Negroes, Arabs, and Turks into youth systems countless times before so we are in full agreement there. :icon_wink:

Will the centre of gravity ever lie in eastern Europe? Who knows? Given our respective backgrounds we are both familiar with the corruption and nepotism (amongst other things...) which infest much of the region's football. Put it this way: Polish football (if that's what one can still call it...) is so chronically mired in an alternate universe of mind-warping absurdity that its seemingly impervious to gravitation itself... :doh: :icon_wink:
Of course such an analysis is - for the most part - quantitative. But I'm sure You'll agree that plain numbers make a big impression on the mindless public's overall perception of events.

Perception is indeed most important in such things.Ozil wasn't a factor even,in Germany's triumph.That much is fact.But I'd dare anyone to try and prove it to a DWF.You'll be sorry you ever tried.

Will the centre of gravity ever lie in eastern Europe? Who knows? Given our respective backgrounds we are both familiar with the corruption and nepotism (amongst other things...) which infest much of the region's football. Put it this way: Polish football (if that's what one can still call it...) is so chronically mired in an alternate universe of mind-warping absurdity that its seemingly impervious to gravitation itself... :doh: :icon_wink:

Yes,sadly the rather depressing state of Football in (nearly)all-white Eastern Europe is the #1 rebuttal I encounter when I try to take DWFs to task,which is a thankless job.
I've told everyone exactly what I think of the commentator Martin "The Negro Encomiast" Tyler on a couple of occasions in the past but one of his lines during the England-Italy match ideally summarised the teams' differing approaches: "Italy are trying to pass their way forward, whereas England are trying to sprint their way forward"...

This reminds me of something else (maybe a bit OT) from that match. Andrea Pirlo was effective going forward against England moving the ball down the pitch and getting passes to his forwards and other midfielders. Yet against Uruguay and Costa Rica (I only saw the 2nd half of that match) he was completely ineffective. He looked his age against those two teams but as good as ever against England who can't produce decent midfielders - white or black.
Porthos -

Of course such an analysis is - for the most part - quantitative. But I'm sure You'll agree that plain numbers make a big impression on the mindless public's overall perception of events. Like I said in my first post, if spectators see teams with more blacks and Arabs routinely beating teams with less (or no) blacks and Arabs then it's hardly surprising they'll gradually begin to assume that a sizeable non-White presence in the lineup is beneficial.

I would agree with this. In today's media-crazed, soundbyte-obsessed World - perception is everything.
However, wouldn't you admit that - given today's (admittedly rather depressing) footballing landscape we had the best final we could? Would you have preferred Brazil-France? Plus the trouncing of every multiculturalist's (samba playing in the background) favourite team by an overwhelmingly White German team was a huge bonus! Sure, two all-white teams - say Grece-Russia or similar - would have been better, but the White players in these teams were just not up to snuff. From the beginning the possible candidates for the final were - Brazil, Argentina, Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, England(?). Maybe only Spain-Argentina would have been better. Sure - Italy had less non-Whites than Germany, but their Negro is a particularly obnoxious, high-profile, media-darling character, so I just couldn't bring myself to root for a team that includes the likes of Mario Balotelli.
The points you make are more fitting for a competition like the Champion's League (which btw. also had a pretty good final this year) than the World Cup.

As football is a team sport in which eight of the eleven men who initially run out onto the field will remain there for the duration of the match it is difficult to convince people that White players can "carry" black players throughout the latter's careers at top clubs and in national teams. It can more or less be argued that the top Whites can feasibly "carry" one or two inferior Negro or Arab players at the highest level but - as anyone who has ever played the game will confirm - consistently winning (let alone winning trophies) whilst having to constantly neutralise the incompetence of three or more teammates of patently lesser ability starts becoming a bit of a stretch.

I would agree again, however - if the other team also has 2-3 colored incompetents, then we have a levelled playfield. If the other team is an all-White team but of inferior quality (which is what most of these multikulti-team-demolishes-the-all-white-team scenarios are about) than it comes down to individual/team quality. The best players are White, but not all Whites are champions.
There are positions where Blacks just cannot play in a team of any ambition, and these are - the goalkeeper (as noted), the central defenders, the playmaker, and possibly an intelligent striker with good technique and that knows well how to move without the ball - these are 5 Whites. Once you cover these positions with competent Whites, then you can actually have a solid team even with a number of half-competent (and half-witted) coloreds. Add to that the relentless media focus on the non-Whites in the team and the ignoring (or under-covering) of Whites and you get the picture.

Will the centre of gravity ever lie in eastern Europe? Who knows? Given our respective backgrounds we are both familiar with the corruption and nepotism (amongst other things...) which infest much of the region's football. Put it this way: Polish football (if that's what one can still call it...) is so chronically mired in an alternate universe of mind-warping absurdity that its seemingly impervious to gravitation itself... :doh: :icon_wink:

The modest achievement of Eastern European teams is a topic for itself. It is an area of 250 million Whites with great potential, that regularly expresses excellent individuality, however - also regularly chokes on a team level. They succeed in other team sports that are less popular (ice hockey, handball, volleyball), but not in football. There certainly is an element of corruption in the equation, but maybe the mentality of the people is also to be blamed? After all - nothing happens in the vacuum. For example - why no Russian was ever particularly succeessful playing in Western Europe? How could teams like Hungary or Poland sunk so low? I hate to say it, but these teams were much better under communism.
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Rebajlo said:
I'll just take the time to say a few things. In the past, I've referred to the niggling fouls and diving which were often the hallmark of Italian teams plus I've discussed Mussolini's control over the referees who facilitated Italy's brutal "tactics" during their 1934 "win" on home soil - yet the Italian blokes at Caste Football didn't instantly pop up and hurl accusations of "Italian bashing". I've talked about the murky atmosphere surrounding Argentina's "triumph" in 1978 during Jorge Videla's dictatorship and Maradona's cheating against England in 1986 - but nobody accused me of being anti-Argentine. I've harshly criticised the players, managers, federations, and fans of the nations in which I have the proverbial foot: Australia, Poland, England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. I've raised the issue of German teams' traditional reputations for a lack of sportsmanship a few times before, in addition to outlining the dodgy circumstances of West Germany's "win" over Hungary in the 1954 World Cup final - yet You are the only one who has declared that this type of information is "anti-German"...

Foobar75 has been an excellent, sincere, stalwart poster here for many years, so I’m certain that he is cognizant of your points concerning the unfortunate success and advancement of so many non-white squads at these World Cup Finals (and in qualifying). Naturally, we all find this to be highly disconcerting. However, now that the tournament has concluded, it does read as if you’re somewhat “unsatisfied” with the newly-crowned champions. You’re highlighting of past indiscretions of the German squad (some occurring many decades ago, prior to the birth of Germany’s current crop of players) does seem to be “out of place.” Aside from the Lahm grabbing the shorts of the Algerian player and Neuer punching the ball from another Algerian after a late goal, did you see any other instances of German misbehavior on the pitch that wasn’t seen from every other nation? I’ll admit that Thomas Müller’s “dive taking” does get old, but it’s certainly no more excessive than any other striker/winger playing at the World Cup.

None of us wanted Germany to feature two non-white starters (Boateng and Ozil) in the final match, but would you at least concede the fact that of the 16 teams that entered the “knockout stage,” the “whitest” team managed to win? Greece was “whiter” than Germany, but they featured the Mestizo, Holebas, and the Turkish-looking Mitroglou.

Rebajlo said:
Yes, I may only have watched a few matches in their entirety but I also saw a few "edited replays", one of which was the Germany-Algeria fixture. I'm beyond getting up in the small hours of the morning Australian time to view a pack of uneducated, self-important White multi-millionaire "heroes" who solemnly read anti-racism messages before matches and - if instructed to do so by their paymasters - would immediately publicly denounce a site like Caste Football as the apogee of evil and call for the likes of You, me, and everyone else here to be slung into the pen for "hate speech". The pertinent bit about those "indiscretions" is not that I noticed them but that they occurred...

Great point. I wanted to retch as I heard Philipp Lahm’s ultra-generic “anti-racism” speech prior to the Germany-France contest. Naturally, if the players refuse to read these scripted, Marxism-seasoned corporate manifestos, FIFA would simply suspend them. After the cliché-sodden speeches are completed, they always pose for an adorable little “group photo”…


Rebajlo said:
By the way, I notice that nobody has mentioned Boateng clearing the ball off the line after Messi got it past Neuer...

I mentioned it the day after the Germany-Argentina final, and noted that Boateng “had the best game I’ve ever seen him play” in German colors. Actually, the Negro had a better overall game than Hummels (who had the thankless task of guarding Messi), who was a top defender in the tournament along with Vlaar.
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However, wouldn't you admit that - given today's (admittedly rather depressing) footballing landscape we had the best final we could? Would you have preferred Brazil-France? Plus the trouncing of every multiculturalist's (samba playing in the background) favourite team by an overwhelmingly White German team was a huge bonus! Sure, two all-white teams - say Grece-Russia or similar - would have been better, but the White players in these teams were just not up to snuff. From the beginning the possible candidates for the final were - Brazil, Argentina, Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, England(?). Maybe only Spain-Argentina would have been better...

Porthos -

As You may recall, I wrote the following:

Rebajlo said:
Sure, three of the final four teams were overwhelmingly White (if one avoided glancing towards the Dutch bench...) and things eventually turned out well, with an added bonus of Brazil copping a brace of embarrassing beatings to only finish fourth.

In my opinion, the "best" final would have been contested between Spain and Argentina. A Spanish victory would have yielded the immortal prestige of retaining the World Cup crown (on South American - specifically Brazilian - soil to boot...) after winning two consecutive European Championships - with the added bonus of no Negroes or Muslims. Such an event would have cracked (or at least very seriously dented...) the "Brazil of the Pele era was the greatest of all time" legend. An Argentine victory would have provided Lionel Messi with that elusive World Cup winner's medal, the lack of which is always raised in comparisons with Maradona and that overrated ponce Pele. Mind You, I still view Maradona (complete with part-mestizo background) as superior to Messi. Of course, had Argentina lifted the trophy that priceless no Negro and no Muslim bonus would also have applied.

As things went, the reputation of the Spanish "golden team / generation" was catastrophically tarnished forever in the wake of a humiliating first-round elimination, compounded by that embarrassing 5-1 hiding at the hands of the Netherlands in their opening match. If I'm honest, the aforementioned wider implication of Spain's miserable failure ruined the entire tournament for me...

Truth be told, I never even remotely believed that England was a prospective candidate for the final. In fact, I was fairly sure that England would be unable to dig their way out of the first round (of course, I reasoned that they'd finish behind Italy and Uruguay, not Costa Rica, Uruguay, and Italy...). Following the awfully uninspired play which characterised the defeat against Italy I was about 95% convinced that all was lost - which, taking into account the team's disgusting "blackness", was not a bad thing. If England had got past the first round I figured that all four of the potential opponents from Group C were "beatable" - although I reckon Colombia would have been far too much to handle for the lethargic, over-hyped and over-paid England players of every colour. All in all, scraping into the quarterfinals aided by a lot of luck formed the absolute ceiling of England's, er, "potential".

Thrashen said:
Foobar75 has been an excellent, sincere, stalwart poster here for many years, so I’m certain that he is cognizant of your points concerning the unfortunate success and advancement of so many non-white squads at these World Cup Finals (and in qualifying). Naturally, we all find this to be highly disconcerting. However, now that the tournament has concluded, it does read as if you’re somewhat “unsatisfied” with the newly-crowned champions. You’re highlighting of past indiscretions of the German squad (some occurring many decades ago, prior to the birth of Germany’s current crop of players) does seem to be “out of place.”...

...None of us wanted Germany to feature two non-white starters (Boateng and Ozil) in the final match, but would you at least concede the fact that of the 16 teams that entered the “knockout stage,” the “whitest” team managed to win?

Thrashen -

foobar75 made his initial smug little comment about "looking forward to another anti-German diatribe from our friend Rebajlo" then followed it up with his accusation of "German bashing" plus this:

foobar75 said:
I find Rebajlo's overly gloomy assessment of this World Cup laughable. If one did not watch this WC and went strictly by his brilliant analysis, the only conclusion to be reached is that 4 African teams made the semis and Ghana were the eventual champions. Oh the horror, it was a negro-fest from start to finish.

My small handful of posts in this thread explained the reasoning underpinning my "assessment" in great detail. Correct? I'd say I outlined my views pretty clearly, don't You think? So why then, pray tell, did this "sincere" and "stalwart" fellow come up with the insultingly puerile drivel quoted above? The answer, of course, was that his posts were coloured by the great umbrage he took to my statements about the traditional German reputation for dirty play (which - incidentally - I'm not making up...).

Now, why did I even mention these past incidents? Was it part of a sinister anti-German agenda courtesy of the dumb, drooling, B-Grade "white" Polack? Or was it perhaps a response to the following statement of stunned incredulity from Fortitud3?

Fortitud3 said:
Holy **** the Algerians actually showed the same sportsmanship as Germany.

I'd say it was the latter, don't You think? Lahm's dakking of Brahimi and Neuer's deliberate time-wasting obstruction both occurred in that particular match so it was only natural to point it out to Fortitud3 - who would definitely have drawn attention to such things had they been perpetrated by Algerians.

Providing concrete, preferably little-known historical examples is essential to avoid looking like a Wikipedia artist or a bull**** dealer who pulls unsubstantiated speculations straight out of his arse (certain members should probably take note of this...). I've posted and discussed the video of that 1983 Albania-West Germany European Championship qualifier before. Such an example handily doubles up as an exhibition of knowledge which only an unmistakably genuine lifelong football fanatic would possess as it's not something any halfwit would be aware of via Wikipedia or a quick Google search. I intended to leave it at that (Fortitud3 certainly did...) but as foobar75 interpreted it all as an "anti-German diatribe" I unhesitatingly stuck in the video of Christian Worns cynically fouling Davor Suker in 1998 just to reinforce my point and simultaneously piss him off - which obviously succeeded.

By now I hope You and everyone else here have noticed that - despite my unashamedly ultra-hard-core racism - I staunchly believe in objectivity and consequently don't shy away from unleashing opinions which may prove less-than-popular in "pro-White" settings.

When I quoted myself at the beginning of this post the passage included the phrase "and things eventually turned out well" so I don't see what all of the fuss is about. I've explained the "big picture" reasons for why I would have preferred a win by either Spain or Argentina straight after that quote.

The German starting lineup in the final featured a Negro and a Turk (and also would have included an Arab had Khedira not knackered himself in the warm-up), while the Argentine starting lineup contained three mestizos (Marcos Rojo, Ezequiel Garay, Enzo Perez). Had the mestizo Angel di Maria not been injured in the quarterfinal against Belgium he would definitely have started instead of Perez.

You are an American of German background and have stated on numerous occasions that You feel 100% German therefore You naturally wanted Germany to win. No problem. I, on the other hand, had no proverbial dog in the fight, so - in addition to what I have already said about Messi - was hoping for an Argentine victory for the following reasons:

(a) mestizos don't constitute an imported racial element in Argentina but are an unfortunate consequence of historical miscegenation, whereas

(b) Negroes and various shades of Muslims are an imported racial element in Germany, therefore

(c) a German victory would boost the stocks of "multiculturalism" in German and European football far more than an Argentine victory, and

(d) the ever-presence of the black Boateng throughout the campaign and in the final provided a Negro component in the winning team of the most watched sporting tournament in the world (forget the Olympics - the World Cup is the real premier event for genuine fans of a sport, in stark contrast to casual television viewers who tune in to a media carnival in order to gape at sports they generally don't comprehend and only fleetingly hear about every four years...)

Surely that doesn't constitute a crime. If You, foobar75, or anyone else wish to believe anything different and choose to read all manner of pernicious sub-texts into my opinions, well, good luck to You. After all, some here have convinced themselves that I'm pro-Israel or possibly even a Jew.

Thrashen said:
I wanted to retch as I heard Philipp Lahm’s ultra-generic “anti-racism” speech prior to the Germany-France contest. Naturally, if the players refuse to read these scripted, Marxism-seasoned corporate manifestos, FIFA would simply suspend them.

It goes without saying that all manner of "sanctions" would befall any player refusing to participate in FIFA's brazen indoctrination rituals. However, these "heroes" all finish their playing careers as multi-millionaires who are financially set for a few lifetimes yet nobody ever has the balls to say anything about the overtly anti-White agendas in the sport once they have retired from playing and are not involved in management. I'm not just talking about football players either. How many White ex-NFL or ex-NBA players have ever publicly opened their mouths about anti-White discrimination in recruitment and the anti-White racism they routinely copped from Negro players?
One of the game's greatest players retired today. Miroslav Klose, Germany's leading all-time goal scorer (71) and the World Cup's all-time leading goal scorer (16) has retired from the German National Squad. What an amazing career Klose has had, and he's going out on top. :D Klose's been a very classy player on and off the pitch, truly a great role model to look up to. He will most definitely be missed.

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