2013 NFL Season Week 9

One of the themes that the anti-whites promote is that white people are boring while blacks are exciting. You see it all the time.

This article has that theme in it.

You see it everywhere in the entertainment business and social media where the knee-grow is put on the throne of swagger. That is why you see so many dwf/dwl always claim they have got black friends so they arent perceived as "uncool" and "racist" by their peers. Somehow the knee-grow has the "it" factor that you have got it made if you gain their company.
DAYUM! rewatched the Peterson td, I thought that was a lineman. People should watch it closely, no doubt the two defenders coming down on Peterson, the angle he was at, he was going to the ground, it was Kyle Rudolph that lifted his ass up and drug him into the endzone, thats some crazy strength. A shame Peterson getting all the credit, id say most of it was Rudolph, at least not going down, his back was parallel to the ground, his toes were up in the air. He bought all of his linemen snowmobiles for last year helping him break the rushing record, I think he owes Rudolph one for that play alone.

I'm glad someone else saw it. I commented on it yesterday when it happened

Adrian Peterson was just pushed into the endzone by his teammates for a touchdown but according to the announcers Peterson carried them into the endzone.

Would I be way off to say that Peterson is overrated by the media ? When I watch him play it seems like he'll have 10-15 consecutive runs where he'll barely gain 1 yard. Then out of no where there'll be some huge gapping hole and he'll break off for a long run. And that's how he gets the bulk of his yardage. His gains aren't consistent.
DAYUM! rewatched the Peterson td, I thought that was a lineman. People should watch it closely, no doubt the two defenders coming down on Peterson, the angle he was at, he was going to the ground, it was Kyle Rudolph that lifted his ass up and drug him into the endzone, thats some crazy strength. A shame Peterson getting all the credit, id say most of it was Rudolph, at least not going down, his back was parallel to the ground, his toes were up in the air. He bought all of his linemen snowmobiles for last year helping him break the rushing record, I think he owes Rudolph one for that play alone.

It was Chase Ford who lifted Peterson up,
DAYUM! rewatched the Peterson td, I thought that was a lineman. People should watch it closely, no doubt the two defenders coming down on Peterson, the angle he was at, he was going to the ground ...

dwid is correct, although it was Chase Ford who saved Peterson, catching him, lifting him, and finally heaving him into the endzone, after Peterson had been perfectly form tackled by Cowboy safety Jeff Heath and was flailing helplessly backwards towards the inevitable. you can see it clearly on the gif at this link: http://thebiglead.com/2013/11/03/ad...o-down-carried-two-cowboys-into-the-end-zone/

(oh, i see davidholly already noted that it was Ford. my apologies for the repeat info.)

i'd link the gif directly, but i'm not familiar with how to find the actual gif online ... if anyone could teach me how, please don't hesitate to send me a pm. thanks!
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Incognito is now one of my favorite players - I seriously doubt he is going to take any of it seriously. He is a throwback to how players used to be before they became pussified. The funny thing is for everyone one Incognito their are 1000 black players who do the same thing - hurling racial slurs at whites.

He's one of my favorites too. I've been on Finheaven here recently and a poster believed to be Richie Incognito's father is coming out in defense of his son. He says that both Martin and Pouncey are drug addicts and that Martin is actually at a rehab facility for drugs. I wouldn't be surprised one bit if this is true. He also said the locker room was divided among racial lines. I also wouldn't be surprised if Incognito turns out to be the whistleblower for what we here at CF already know, and thats the systematic discrimination against whites in the NFL. One good thing is that caste whore Jeff Ireland is likely done as a GM for good after this fiasco
Nick Foles is simply awesome. This is how a White quarterback should stand up for his White receiver.

“It’s a great honor to be up there with so many great quarterbacks, like Peyton Manning [who threw seven on Sept. 5],’’ Foles said by phone after the game. “But the most important thing is who I did it with. I am so proud of Riley Cooper. So happy for him. I love Riley to death, and he showed today how important he is to this offense, and how valuable he is as a receiver.â€￾

Michael Wilbon brought up the hate crime charges also. First let me say Incognito has to be monumentally stupid to leave that message on a persons voicemail so it could be later used against him. But lets be clear - "hate crime" is not a charge - it is added on to a charge. For example you can commit murder but have no hate crime attached and you can also vandalize someones driveway with "racist" graffiti and have a hate crime charge attached - you can't just charge someone with the crime of "hate crime" - it doesn't exist. BUT if the OL Martin or whatever his name is decides to file battery charges or extortion or something like that (highly doubtful) THEN they could attach hate crime charges to that. Michael Wilbon seems to be unaware of this fact when he says "Maybe he will be charged with a hate crime" - because that would imply he was being charged with some other crime first. Even if they did, battery is unlikely to land you in jail or even on probation (unless I'm mistaken) and more likely a restraining order and a fine. Just my take on it.
He's one of my favorites too. I've been on Finheaven here recently and a poster believed to be Richie Incognito's father is coming out in defense of his son. He says that both Martin and Pouncey are drug addicts and that Martin is actually at a rehab facility for drugs. I wouldn't be surprised one bit if this is true. He also said the locker room was divided among racial lines. I also wouldn't be surprised if Incognito turns out to be the whistleblower for what we here at CF already know, and thats the systematic discrimination against whites in the NFL. One good thing is that caste whore Jeff Ireland is likely done as a GM for good after this fiasco

Very interesting. Can you post some links to the threads discussing this? There's probably many CFers who would be interested in reading them.
Michael Wilbon brought up the hate crime charges also. First let me say Incognito has to be monumentally stupid to leave that message on a persons voicemail so it could be later used against him. But lets be clear - "hate crime" is not a charge - it is added on to a charge. For example you can commit murder but have no hate crime attached and you can also vandalize someones driveway with "racist" graffiti and have a hate crime charge attached - you can't just charge someone with the crime of "hate crime" - it doesn't exist. BUT if the OL Martin or whatever his name is decides to file battery charges or extortion or something like that (highly doubtful) THEN they could attach hate crime charges to that. Michael Wilbon seems to be unaware of this fact when he says "Maybe he will be charged with a hate crime" - because that would imply he was being charged with some other crime first. Even if they did, battery is unlikely to land you in jail or even on probation (unless I'm mistaken) and more likely a restraining order and a fine. Just my take on it.

I heard Wilbon say that and I laughed out loud. He's a cultural marxist who goes full retard whenever race is discussed.I remember years ago when Tiger Woods' former caddie made some remarks about Tiger at an award show. He referred to Tiger as a black ******* (which by all accounts he is). And since he used the B word to describe Woods that was tantamount to a lynching in Wilbon's eyes. He just went off on the caddie calling him a racist jerk.He acted like an angry child and he was mad about it for weeks. He still gets pissed off about it to this day.

Anyway I don't think Incognito's comments were even that big of a deal. He obviously said nigga and not the dreaded ER version. And it was pretty clear to me he was joking. When I was in school the older kids would always make threats to the younger kids, and even if they sounded serious we all knew they were just playing around. Plus the NFL locker room is not your typical workplace environment, especially in the Caste age. They direct foul language at one another, make crude remarks, lewd jokes, etc all the time. God knows what the White players have to deal with, especially someone like Riley Cooper. I bet black players on the eagles really were threatening him and not joking.
Very interesting. Can you post some links to the threads discussing this? There's probably many CFers who would be interested in reading them.
I believe this is the thread in question

This is a joke, suspend an honest player for a

Original post (edited for profanity)

drug addict and a player that tried to kill himself three times. Complete *** utter BS and this team is just covering their ***. What a friggin joke. Strange only coments are from Zuckerman and not Martin himself. Irleand and Philbin should be ashamed of themselves, this is a ***** joke. Suspend a pro bowl player for a player that does not even belong in the NFL. FUKIN JOKE its all going to come out in the wash and Ireland should be *** hung because he , philbin and everyone else knew Martin did drugs and attempted suicide three times. But hey, the regular people will never hear that right ? **** JOKE FOLKS, **** JOKE.
I've been on Finheaven here recently and a poster believed to be Richie Incognito's father is coming out in defense of his son.

This brings back an incident of vicious hazing in 1998 on Cam Cleeland and other Saints rookies in which Cam’s father stated it was racially motivated. Part of the ferocious beating included being struck with bags of coins. Cam had some serious injuries. It received a fair amount of media attention, but the racial angle was squashed.

Cleeland's Father, Ditka Blast Saints About Hazing
I don't really see how Keenum's performance affects Johnny Football's stock at all, there is no real similarities to their games or their situations. Keenum's biggest criticism by the "experts" is that he was just a "system QB", as if E.J. Manuel could have achieved half as much in the "system". Manziel doesn't have that particular label, he is being torn down on "character concerns" (like blacks don't have any of these) or "he's too small", even though he's no smaller than the much-heralded black quarterbacks being pushed on us.

Keenum is pretty short by NFL standards. If I'm not mistaken, they also run(ran) a similar offense, the Air Raid. Although, Manziel really just does what ever he wants on offense.
Thanks Lew - Max Kellerman on Sports Nation said he assumed it was the "N" word with a "hard R" so I assumed it wasn't the "playing around" version which is a MUCH smaller deal - NO hate crime charges possible then. Rodgers just got sacked - at least it was McClellen... Jordy had a nice pickup mid drive.
The Packers deserve to lose for having Seneca Wallace as their backup qb. His squirt-gun arm and completely non-descript career speaks for itself. Jordy will be lucky to get another catch this game.
Nick Foles is simply awesome. This is how a White quarterback should stand up for his White receiver.


Folks. THIS is racial awareness. It took a talented QB sitting behind a blatant Affirmative Action "hire" to recognize that a fellow white was in the same predicament albeit in a "black position."

I have no doubt that not only did Vick ignore Cooper, Foles LOOKED for him. And honestly that is all it takes to get our boys going.

Had Foles been starting the whole time he probably wouldn't have the same empathy.

This black quarterback thing might begin to backfire in a huge and unanticipated way (I didn't see this coming).

Honestly, I think the blacks are losing WR. HB is next. Their "team attitude" can't be helping them with serious competitors like Brady, Peyton et al.

I mean they REALLY don't want us sticking together like this.
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The refs in this game are ****ing blind. McCown scrambles for 20 yards and immediately calls timeout with 12 seconds to go. He must have made the timeout gesture like 4 times before the refs finally acknowledge it after wasting 5 seconds.
Green Bay should pick up Chandler Harnish or Greg McElroy. Both guys played well in the pre-season and both or on their teams practice squads.
At times, three of the four defensive lineman for the Vikings were white. I could not remember the last time I saw that in my lifetime in the NFL (If ever). Then I watched the Texans Sunday night and they had Jared Crick playing with Brooks Reed and J.J Watt. Two teams in one week, Wow!
Seneca Wallace is hilariously inept. I hope Green Bay picks up Flynn. He knows the system and had a lot of success in it.
Broken collarbone, according to Twitter*.

*Note: Twitter not a reliable source of information.
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