2013 NFL Season Week 9

So I'm to believe Tebow cannot run an NFL team better than this fool Seneca Wallace? Why is this guy even in the league? Oh, that's right, he was drafted by the Walrus in Seattle as one of his pet projects and has managed to hang around all these years, even though he can't play QB in the NFL.
In addition to Wallace as QB it doesn't help that their defense can't tackle to save their lives.
So I'm to believe Tebow cannot run an NFL team better than this fool Seneca Wallace? Why is this guy even in the league? Oh, that's right, he was drafted by the Walrus in Seattle as one of his pet projects and has managed to hang around all these years, even though he can't play QB in the NFL.

The Packers get what they deserve by having this scrub as a backup-
Packers finally throwing to Nelson. McClellin with a sack to kill the game for the Packers. This is the first time I've watched the Packers for more than a few minutes this season, man have they gone to ****.
One more 10 yard pass to Nelson and I would have won this fantasy game. Instead Wallace gets sacked twice, running quickly in the wrong direction for huge loss, and doesn't try to spike the ball to preserve the clock. He is an idiot.
Packers Fat Albert D-linemen huffing and puffing with their hands on their muffin tops by the 3rd quarter.
Former Wisconsin QB Scott Tolzien will probably start if Rogers can't go next week. I would just cut Wallace all together, he is the worst backup ever.
Horrible QB play by black quarterback Wallace, zero pocket awareness. He competed with Vince Young for the back-up job and "won". The Packers do deserve to lose for bringing a couple of bums to fight over that position, instead of having someone more competent.

The defense clearly misses Clay Matthews. Their best players are White, and without 2 of them (well 3, since you can't count Jordy either without a QB who can throw), the Pack are just a bad team.​
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Packers are a terrible team without their white players. Not even middle of the pack, just awful. The Chicago defense is terrible, entirely reliant upon turnovers to win games and Wallace still can't do jack**** against them.
Honestly, with the clearly superior intelligence of White men and their perfectly-competitive levels of athleticism, the quality of play in the NFL would increase IMMEASURABLY if the ratio of Whites to non-Whites in the league were in the neighborhood of 60% versus 40% or even 2/3.

And, there is simply NO reason for ANY quarterback to be Black, unless he "plays White", which is just another way of saying, "take away the job from a better White player for the sake of just saying you have a Black QB."
Honestly, with the clearly superior intelligence of White men and their perfectly-competitive levels of athleticism, the quality of play in the NFL would increase IMMEASURABLY if the ratio of Whites to non-Whites in the league were in the neighborhood of 60% versus 40% or even 2/3.

And, there is simply NO reason for ANY quarterback to be Black, unless he "plays White", which is just another way of saying, "take away the job from a better White player for the sake of just saying you have a Black QB."

That's why only one black QB has ever won a Super Bowl: They simply don't have the quick decision making skills necessary to master the position-
Why are you guys picking on Wallace? After all he had over 100 yards passing and he just oozes excitement and charisma while McCown only accumulated a boring 272 yards. You guys are clearly raycyst.

On a more serious note, yes the Packers are bad without their White stars. They will pay the price for dumping the many quality White players they had on their championship team three years ago for nothing but blacks on both sides of the ball. They had a formula that worked but were embarrassed by the number of overachievers on their Super Bowl winning roster and decided to go traditional Caste. Rodgers, Matthews, Hawk and Nelson can still carry Green Bay, but they have very little depth.
Weenieworld's one writer who isn't habitually anti-White gets it right:

Coming on in place of an injured Aaron Rodgers (left non-throwing shoulder) in the first quarter, Seneca Wallace completed 11-of-19 passes for 114 yards and one interception in the Week 9 loss to the Bears. Wallace hadn't taken a regular-season snap since appearing in six games with the Browns in 2011 before he was summoned to replace Rodgers on Green Bay's second possession. He handed the ball off to James Starks for a 32-yard touchdown on his first snap. It went downhill from there. Wallace short-hopped a couple of his receivers and took four sacks, two of which came on the final drive that killed any hope of a potential comeback. It's unknown how long Rodgers will be out, but the Packers are in serious trouble if Wallace has to start another game. Green Bay will take on the Eagles in six days.
Given how bad the Packers defense looked tonight, and assuming Rodgers can't go, this is the perfect opportunity for Nick Foles and the Eagles to have another big game and get a win. That should shut-up the few remaining non-believers and cement Foles as the starting QB. But we don't want Jordy's season to be derailed, so hopefully Rodgers can return soon.
Heard Trent Dilfer say "It's not like you have chopped liver at back-up QB" in reference to Wallace. Looks like Dilfer knows who butters his bread and has taken the caste pill fully. His masters at BSPN must be pleased.
Can't stand Trent Dilfer, loves to fellate black athletes and constantly demean his own career.
I'm not sure it's a good idea for Nick Foles to be tooting Riley Cooper's horn so fresh after all that racial drama. We want Nick Foles to actually get the starting job. If he's perceived as being too complimentary towards Cooper I feel like that could hurt his chances with a team that generally seems bound and determined to play blacks at quarterback. The last thing he needs is to give anyone even the slightest reason to suspect that he's raycissssss. He should have simply continued to throw to Cooper during the games but save his praise of Cooper until after he is entrenched as starting QB.

Anyway, I too have noticed that whites are always boring and blacks are always exciting (according to the media anyway) and I'm damn tired of it. Boring is subjective. If it's a team I care about, I want their QB to be a primarily pocket passer type who is consistent, accurate, smart, a quick thinker, good leader, humble, and able to scramble effectively on occasion when he absolutely needs to, because those are the kinds of quarterbacks who win games and winning is exciting. Sometimes I think some football fans would rather lose by a close margin with an "exciting" QB than win by any margin with a "boring" QB.

The notion that pocket passers QBs (usually white) are somehow too "boring" may also be due in part to the fact that society is now far more impatient than it was 15 years ago due to the internet and technology being able to give us everything we want right when we want. Subtlety is under-appreciated these days. Think about all the most popular TV shows. The amount of action in TV shows these days has increased, as has the amount of violence. Jokes are more frequent and heavy-handed in our comedies. The news is more sensational as if they're trying to bait people into having feelings about it rather than just informing us. Look at shows like The Blacklist or Breaking Bad, action-packed, violent shows that move at a breakneck pace. Shows like that would have been too overwhelming 20 years ago, now that's what all shows what to be. Nobody's happy with just being consistently good, you have to always be upping the ante and keep topping yourself over and over.

I think that's why people have changed what they want out of their football teams. They aren't happy with QBs who just win games. They want their QB to be the biggest fastest dude out there and for every play to look like a highlight reel clip, winning be-damned. Bonus points if he has off the field problems or routinely says stupid things to give them something to talk about.
Horrible QB play by black quarterback Wallace, zero pocket awareness. He competed with Vince Young for the back-up job and "won". The Packers do deserve to lose for bringing a couple of bums to fight over that position, instead of having someone more competent.

The defense clearly misses Clay Matthews. Their best players are White, and without 2 of them (well 3, since you can't count Jordy either without a QB who can throw), the Pack are just a bad team.​

Seneca Wallace actually was not on the Packers pre-season roster. Graham Harrell, BJ Coleman and Vince Young were all cut. Hopefully Tolzien gets promoted from the practice squad or Matt Flynn gets signed.
The Packers are one of only four teams with a playoff chance who start more than 5 whites: Patriots, Eagles, Cowboys being the others. It would be a disaster if they don't make the playoffs.
I'm not sure it's a good idea for Nick Foles to be tooting Riley Cooper's horn so fresh after all that racial drama. We want Nick Foles to actually get the starting job. If he's perceived as being too complimentary towards Cooper I feel like that could hurt his chances with a team that generally seems bound and determined to play blacks at quarterback. The last thing he needs is to give anyone even the slightest reason to suspect that he's raycissssss. He should have simply continued to throw to Cooper during the games but save his praise of Cooper until after he is entrenched as starting QB.

I think it was the proverbial "racist dog whistle." As you mentioned, subtlety is rapidly disappearing from the culture hence a remark like this is harder for the collectively deadened senses to notice. AND the term racist has to be used with some discernment. It loses its power otherwise (which certainly it has). In cases where there is "no clear racism", as in this case obviously (he's just supporting a team member that had made a mistake, was down on his luck and happened to be underachieving) calling him a racist is a tactical blunder. It backfires.
Very interesting. Can you post some links to the threads discussing this? There's probably many CFers who would be interested in reading them.

The thread was deleted but fortunately someone took a screen cap and posted on this site. Here it is. Look at all the DWF responses regarding Incognito and his family. This one DWF post was especially amusing:

"This guy has a future in Republican politics, he's white, stupid and racist. Must have drove him crazy dealing with a black guy who graduated Harvard and he can't even do his multiplication tables."

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They are estimating Rodgers to miss 3 weeks with a fractured collar bone initial reports say. What do people think this does to Nelson and his stats and Green Bays chances of making the playoffs?
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