2013 NFL Season Week 9

They are talking about the Incognito thing again on First Take today. Where does Bayless come up with this crap? He said "Deep down Incognito is scared to death by something in Martin" - huh? He said "All bullies are scared of their subjects deep down" - huh? I was never a bully but that just seems like a fairy tale that Bayless wishes were true. I don't think Incognito was afraid of Martin at all. I dislike bullies but please that is moronic. Then he goes and uses a farcical phrase "Martin was taught by his father not to go to fist city" - fist city? What is wrong with these people? Hahahaha
They are talking about the Incognito thing again on First Take today. Where does Bayless come up with this crap? He said "Deep down Incognito is scared to death by something in Martin" - huh? He said "All bullies are scared of their subjects deep down" - huh? I was never a bully but that just seems like a fairy tale that Bayless wishes were true. I don't think Incognito was afraid of Martin at all. I dislike bullies but please that is moronic. Then he goes and uses a farcical phrase "Martin was taught by his father not to go to fist city" - fist city? What is wrong with these people? Hahahaha

". . . not to go to Fist city"? Jesus Christ, anyone who talks like that must have been the kind of weak goober that deserved to be bullied and got it. Not to mention the whole stereotypical self affirmation non-sense that is pretending that people only don't like what they are afraid of. Passive aggressive cowardly attitude..
The thread was deleted but fortunately someone took a screen cap and posted on this site. Here it is. Look at all the DWF responses regarding Incognito and his family. This one DWF post was especially amusing:

"This guy has a future in Republican politics, he's white, stupid and racist. Must have drove him crazy dealing with a black guy who graduated Harvard and he can't even do his multiplication tables."

The dwf WHO made this comment should know that harvard is not stanford.
The dwf WHO made this comment should know that harvard is not stanford.

Could you imagine someone making that same remark about a black, saying:

"He has a future in the Democratic Party, he's black, fiscally irresponsible, and has an entitlement complex"

Actually that sounds a lot like our current Occupier-in-Chief
Could you imagine someone making that same remark about a black, saying:

"He has a future in the Democratic Party, he's black, fiscally irresponsible, and has an entitlement complex"

Actually that sounds a lot like our current Occupier-in-Chief

i know, but you know who was the real loser in this whole fiasco? Tannihill. He just lost one of his better linemen. Its bad enough hes the most sacked qb in the league and now they do this all for the sake of some pansy offensive lineman from stanford.
They are talking about the Incognito thing again on First Take today. Where does Bayless come up with this crap? He said "Deep down Incognito is scared to death by something in Martin" - huh? He said "All bullies are scared of their subjects deep down" - huh? I was never a bully but that just seems like a fairy tale that Bayless wishes were true. I don't think Incognito was afraid of Martin at all. I dislike bullies but please that is moronic. Then he goes and uses a farcical phrase "Martin was taught by his father not to go to fist city" - fist city? What is wrong with these people? Hahahaha
They keep running with this story of Incognito being bullied throughout his childhood when in fact its just one story about him being called fat and lardass a few times in the THIRD grade and he asked his dad for advice and fought the guy and all of a sudden that somehow made HIM the life long bully.

like I said in the sumo thread, this is ignoring veteran players using rookies for partying expenses, I doubt Richie has a big part in the real story, if any at all, but since he said the n word its a big deal. His parents taught him not to fight, was his dad Ghandi? if you legitimately feel like your life or your family is threatened then I don't care how you were raised the natural response of any man should be to fight back.

But come on, the quote, I don't know what context it is in, he is laughing after he says one of the things, what kind of laugh? all I have is words. Its supposedly a small sample, okay lets get a larger sample and see what it is. The quote may seem harsh and disgusting, but if you have ever been around big linemen, some of them can be dirty dudes, so the comments aren't that shocking. There have been much worse things said between players.

and for the last poster, don't make it sound like Stanford linemen are wusses, most seem pretty tough, after all their lines are majority White. They probably offered Martin because he was one of the few 300 pound black guys that could pass the academic standards.
I didn't follow the Falcons-Panthers game, but just read that Atlanta LB Paul Worrilow had a tremendous day with 19 tackles, 9 solo and 10 assisted. He now seems to be firmly established as a starter, and maybe the Falcons will have a whopping two Fightin' Whiteys starting next year when Kroy Biermann returns from injury.

Two other very encouraging linebacker performances came from Pat Angerer and Colin McCarthy. Angerer had his first big game of the season so maybe he's finally all the way back from the foot injury that hobbled him last year and early this year. McCarthy was big again substituting for the injured journeyman Foiku, who was ridiculously promoted over Colin during training camp.

Eric Weddle had a great game with 15 total tackles.
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They are talking about the Incognito thing again on First Take today. Where does Bayless come up with this crap? He said "Deep down Incognito is scared to death by something in Martin" - huh? He said "All bullies are scared of their subjects deep down" - huh? I was never a bully but that just seems like a fairy tale that Bayless wishes were true. I don't think Incognito was afraid of Martin at all. I dislike bullies but please that is moronic. Then he goes and uses a farcical phrase "Martin was taught by his father not to go to fist city" - fist city? What is wrong with these people? Hahahaha

From the little I've read or seen about this uninteresting situation, it appears to me that this Incognito fellow is a bully. Bully's do have an element of what Bayless is describing.

That being said, whites have doubtlessly been bullied in this league by blacks in a manner that isn't 100% dissimilar from a prison yard. After all, a huge number of these blacks come from the same setting as the blacks whom fill the prison houses and are led to understand they are the superior race on the field.

It's interesting to see the shoe on the other foot for once (and therefore breathlessly reported by the mass media). The reverse scenario, of course, would be bottled by first the white "subject" and secondarily, if it ever reached this level, the surrounding coaches: "that's just how it is kid. You're the bitch."

While Incognito's behavior is unpleasant, it could be, like Foles statement regarding Cooper, a new glimmer of White self-confidence and assertiveness in this league. Certainly there have been innumerable unknown instances where a black has treated a subordinate white player worse.

Incognito is not a terribly sophisticated type, and his behavior shows it, but if I had to guess he's awkwardly biting back at a situation that has constantly endeavored to make him the "bitch." Foles statement, in contrast, was, dare I say it: "classy." Unity, support and positive reinforcement is the better course.

As far as Incognito lacking confidence and fearing something inside his "subject" - well these early first baby steps might be a little shaky. I mean, after all, he knows himself to be of what is perceived to be a less talented race.

You'll remember that a Klitschko brother had to lose to a weaker and less talented Lewis (those cuts were atrocious and the fight was obviously correctly stopped) before they realized they had no clear equals (Vladimir's subsequent loses came from a failure of focus).

And how amazing to think that at the time of the Lewis fight we could have never imagined heavyweight boxing as it is today. Just food for thought.
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... whites have doubtlessly been bullied in this league by blacks in a manner that isn't 100% dissimilar from a prison yard. After all, a huge number of these blacks come from the same setting as the blacks whom fill the prison houses and are led to understand they are the superior race on the field.

It's interesting to see the shoe on the other foot for once (and therefore breathlessly reported by the mass media). The reverse scenario, of course, would be bottled by first the white "subject" and secondarily, if it ever reached this level, the surrounding coaches: "that's just how it is kid. You're the bitch."

I remember just a few years back a white player, an O lineman, being pummeled by uppercuts from a black player (maybe Alonzo Spellman?). The white player waved his arms for help as the black aggressor had his facemask on one hand, throwing uppercuts with the other. A white coach mockingly said, in so many words, 'what do you want me to do, protect you?'

I think of that incident when I hear the ESPN girly boys squeal about how a terrible racist bully (Incognito) could not get away with such crimes without the coaches being aware.
Some positive news out of all this is that it looks like another white player, Nate Garner, will take Incognito's spot as starter at guard. Also, white O-lineman Dave Arkin was signed to take his roster spot.
Cameron, Welker, Edelman and Woodhead currently rank 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th respectively in the AFC in receptions. It may be the first time since sometime in the 1970s or early 1980s that this has been the case. I remember many years when there no White receivers among the leaders, and maybe a lone tight end.

In the NFC, Witten currently ranks 8th in receptions, Nelson 10th.
Rodgers hurt so we have to put up with an inept,midget, black backup.
Cameron, Welker, Edelman and Woodhead currently rank 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th respectively in the AFC in receptions. .

I know many, including myself, were disappointed when the Patriots parted ways with Welker and Woodhead. However, in hindsight, I give the Patriots credit for giving these talents the opportunity, cultivating them and demonstrating their merits to the rest of the league.

The Pats were early adopters. BB let these guys shine. Now the rest of the league trusts them and the wealth is spread around. Best case scenario.
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