2013 New England Patriots

It's sad that a guy (any guy) does something as stupid as Hernandez. A guy on top of the world, getting paid all sorts of money and he does something like this. Pathetic.
It's sad that a guy (any guy) does something as stupid as Hernandez. A guy on top of the world, getting paid all sorts of money and he does something like this. Pathetic.

Yes, I still cannot comprehend how dumb you have to be to throw away a life that 99% of people can only dream about. I always thought of Hernandez as a sort of MS-13 look-alike gang-banger, and it appears that in the end his thuggish ways got the best of him.
Yes, I still cannot comprehend how dumb you have to be to throw away a life that 99% of people can only dream about. I always thought of Hernandez as a sort of MS-13 look-alike gang-banger, and it appears that in the end his thuggish ways got the best of him.

Earlier in the week, former Patriot, Wes Welker, was being interviewed on the Dan Patrick show and was asked about the Aaron Hernandez situation (prior to his eventual arrest yesterday). Welker was asked if he was a “close friend†of Hernandez during their time together in New England, and he wouldn’t answer yes or no. At the time, it seemed like Welker didn’t really like him as a person or a teammate.

Following his release by the Patriots, a story broke about an incident that occurred between Welker and Hernandez over three years ago. Apparently, only days after Hernandez was first drafted (April 2010), he was seated in a Patriots film room and was struggling with a piece of video equipment. Welker walked by the room and Hernandez asked if he could help him with the technical problem. Welker said something like: “Rookie, you figure it out yourself†and walked away. Suddenly, Hernandez leapt to his feet, chased Welker down, got in Welker’s face, screamed expletives at him and threatened to “f-ck him up†and “kill†him.

How unbelievably satirical that it was Hernandez who “got paid,†while Welker, New England’s best overall football player and a model citizen/teammate, who was shown the door. I bet Wes feels a sense of vindication knowing that he's playing with Peyton Manning this season and this noxious human waste, Hernandez, is behind bars (hopefully for life)…


CAPTION: Tattooed, Diamond-Encrusted *** Jailed for Thuggery

Link to story:

I always knew that Hernandez was busted for Marijuana on multiple occasions at Florida, but I had no idea he was capable of shooting a “friend†in the face (February 2013), and murdering another “friend†(June 2013) in cold blood. Turd-boy’s “motive†for slaughtering the Negro, Odin Lloyd, was apparently because Lloyd was associating with people that Hernandez disliked at a local night club.

Hernandez apparently took major offense to this…so he decided to rent an SUV in his own name, “wine and dine†Lloyd on the evening of June 16[SUP]th[/SUP], purchase a pack of gum, shoot Lloyd in the car, spit out the gum and leave the bullet casings (fired from his gun) in the car, go home, destroy his security system and cell phone, and have his home professionally cleaned the following morning.

With such a brain-prodigy criminal mastermind pitted against them, I wonder how the police knew he was the perpetrator? Yes, with oceans of evidence mounting against him (indicating little-to-no ability to think ahead prior to committing this premeditated crime), the investigators wouldn’t exactly need to be Hercule Poirot in order to “crack the caseâ€...


CAPTION: Puerto Ricans - Earth's Second Dumbest Race
It would be difficult for me to get into the mind of a guy like this, heck it's difficult for me to get in the mind of my next door neighbor that votes democratic, or a friend that votes republican for that matter, but I think I have an idea what went on.

In modern society there are no moral prohibitions on behavior. The general understanding is that you should do whatever you like, whatever feels good, as long as you can get away with it. Virtually nothing will be enough to get censored in anyway by society. The only restrictions are those you put on yourself, in other words, the only real punishment (outside of law engorcement) is your own conscience.

Most of us have some sort of conscience instilled by parents or early life, often religion, and that sets up some standards for life. Older people seem to have more self imposed restrictions due to there being a much stricter standard of living in days of yore.

Perhaps the thing that governs most peoples search for pleasure is financial and legal constraints. You only have enough money to engage in those activities that you find pleasureable and most people want to avoid jail. So a young guy like Hernandez, raised in a culture of a relentless search for pleasure and thrills, given little conscience as a child, and enabled in every way as an adult, and incrediably rich to boot, probably became "addicted" to the thrill he got from adrenalin rushes and neuron oversimulation.

With the money he was making there had probably been no other thrill he had not experienced if he had wanted. Travel to anywhere in the world, the most expensive food, liquor, cigars? Sex with multiple women? he probably did that numerous times. Any kind or amount of drugs was available to him with his income. He was on championship teams that won Super Bowls and he was worshipped irrationally by DWF nation.

I think he wanted to experience what it was like to kill someone. A sick thrill but not so suprising in a culture that worships violence and acts as if there is no after life and no eternal accounting for ones actions.
Clearly this guy had talent. But his judgement was that of a 16 negro boy who grew up with no father or discipline. Hanging out with the wrong people and not to mention having a negro girlfriend who's looks rival that of a African cape buffalo or that ho testifying for Trevon Martin. Incredible the route he took in life. Now it appears to be all over pending the out come his murder trial.
For the life of me, I never could wrap my head around Puerto Ricans. In my honest, extremely racist glance, they are a tribe of islanders that have been blessed by having their inferior genes destroyed through race replacement by Spaniard sailors some 300+ years ago. Literally all the women must have flocked to (or been forced to) breed exclusively with these new great leaders. There isn't much genetic variation left amongst Puerto Ricans; they all look like fair-skinned mestizos.

In Mexico, on the other hand, the distillation of the native people was much less complete. You still have a mostly European upper class of Mexicans, and the natives who failed to interbreed retain their eternal place at the bottom (until they jump the Texas border and go on a spree off the White largesse in America). So, you have regal-looking politicians, and surely also judges, lawyers, and moguls.


Mexican president


Former Mexican president


Carlos Slim, "Mexican" jew billionaire from Lebanon

(don't ask wikipedia about his religion - they call it Maronite Catholic, lol)

Now, "high-yellow" Mexicans seem to have no problem identifying as Mexican rather than European, even though they all speak only the language of Spain and retain 80% of the genetic stock. (by the way, how long before the Spanish language gets renamed by pompous PC retards into the 'Hispanic' language?) They hold a natural advantage over their underclass, retain a bit of overt distinction from the northern Americans, and can stump for their elite international interests on a mostly level playing field.


Also quite Mexican

Puerto Ricans should be performing at or near the level of high-functioning Mexicans, but they are not. They don't really have a national sovereignty. They don't have an underclass to dominate and rule over. Perhaps they are inherently frustrated and bored for reasons it would never occur to them to express (or are incapable of elocuting). Maybe their little island was inhabited by natives that were even more unevolved and underdeveloped than the Aztecs, Incans, and Mayans, so that their being 15% non-White is more damning than a Mexican being 15% non-White.

Jessica Alba, card-carrying Hispanic, disappointed to be 7/8 European

(George Lopez, btw, is 55% European and only 32% Amerindian, even though he looks the part)

So, in evaluating the character of Aaron Hernandez, or attempting to access it from afar, let's consider that he's not so rosy as we might assume just by glancing at his bland complexion. I don't think anyone reading here believes that his parents, whoever they are, had much chance of influencing 'nurture over nature', although they may well have trained him to be a warrior. His fate was cast before he was born. He might be at the right end of a few bell curves of measurement, but he's also right smack in the middle of a much more encompassing bell curve, and we normal Whites forget that sometimes because inequality is such an abstract and prohibited lesson.
jaxvid, what you described is very much akin to control theory, which is one of the topics I taught about in class today. :biggrin: You are right in saying that our moral compass is broken. We live in a world where everything is relative and outside of the criminal justice system, it is easy to do what you want and not suffer for it. Very few people stand up to wrong anymore. It is sad, but that is where we are.
The guy is guilty as hell. Looking at his demeanor during the arraignment, you can tell the guy loves the thug life. They just showed a picture of the second guy to be charged. He's another Hispanic with a long rap sheet. Goodbye Hernandez!
Well, he's certainly "looked" the part of a 2 bit thug, & now he's earned that prestigous title. He'll fit right in with some latino gang in the pen.
From the pictures I've seen, Hernandez looks unsurprised and unimpressed by it all. Getting caught up in the wheels of justice apparently isn't fazing him one bit. He's coming across as a guy who knew this was where he would end up and he accepts it. This thug has known what he is all along, even if the Patriots management hasn't (other than maybe some inklings that still didn't stop them from throwing 20 million at the dunce) until now.

How easily he seems to have involved others in his stupid scheme. That's something I've noticed with so many of these crimes involving blacks and hispanics. They so readily fall into group criminal behavior such as gang rapes, robberies, and murders. It's as if their low collective IQ, among other characteristics, never allows them to outgrow the need for adolescent conformity. That's why they love to form gangs and run in packs.

They really are dangerous people you don't want as neighbors.
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From the pictures I've seen, Hernandez looks unsurprised and unimpressed by it all. Getting caught up in the wheels of justice apparently isn't fazing him one bit. He's coming across as a guy who knew this was where he would end up and he accepts it. The thug has known what he is all along, even if the Patriots management hasn't (other than maybe an inkling that still didn't stop them from throwing 20 million at the dunce) until now.

How easily he seems to have involved others in his stupid scheme. That's something I've noticed about so many of these crimes involving blacks and hispanics. They so readily fall into dumb group criminal behavior such as gang rapes, robberies, and murders. It's as if their low collective IQ, among other characteristics, never allows them to outgrow the need for adolescent conformity. That's why they love to form gangs and run in packs.

They really are dangerous people you don't want as neighbors.
Guys I have a feeling he has some Black in him, his mother is much paler than he is and I have read that the average "White" PR is really an Octahttp://hollywoodlife.com/2013/06/27...-speaks-he-will-be-cleared-murder-odin-lloyd/roon. It could explain his violent primitive behaviour.....
It's not really helpful to say "Puerto Rican" when trying to figure out the racial/ethnic background of an individual. It's case by case. A few are 100% white (fewer than the Cubans), most are probably a mestizo mix, and some have African in there (as Hernandez appears to have). Again, really case by case.

Carlos Slim is a Jew?
It's not really helpful to say "Puerto Rican" when trying to figure out the racial/ethnic background of an individual. It's case by case. A few are 100% white (fewer than the Cubans), most are probably a mestizo mix, and some have African in there (as Hernandez appears to have). Again, really case by case.

Carlos Slim is a Jew?

Carlos Slim is a Lebanese Christian, Phall is wrong.
I've got a buddy who's been saying since middle school, "you can take a thug (or replace with N word) out of the ghetto but can't take the ghetto out of a thug". Not nearly as astute as Jaxvid or Phall's analysis but a good "short answer" for anyone who asks.

I'm sure if Hernandez wasn't good at football he'd already be dead or in jail.
i was flipping through the radio stations today while driving and I heard them say that Hernandez matched the description of a murder suspect back when he was a freshman at UF. I remember them talking about some UF athletes (including Hernandez) supposedly questioned for murder but let go, not sure if this is the same incident.

Many dwfs have forgotten that Marvin Harrison murdered a man, but when I read about it, "oh the guy was a drug dealer so its not a big deal, he did his neighborhood a favor, even though the bullets he shot wound up bouncing off and one injured a child.

yeah I think that saying sums it up although there is more to it. At first people were saying Hernandez was from the ghetto and this was a case of when "keeping it real goes wrong", a skit from the Dave Chapelle show, where minorities chimp out and act like themselves even though they have great jobs, but "keep it real" and wind up losing them. On the show I remember the skit, Dave Chapelle was a "respected businessman" and a stupid White guy said "give me some dap my brother" or something like that and Dave Chapelle told him off or something, and then they show him pumping gas for a living. Although I think a scenario like that a black would keep his job and the White guy would get punished for being "offensive" (of course you can't behave towards black people the way they act towards each other)

but this was more than some "poor child who grew up in poverty" that had a "hard time shaking off old friends", he actively kept his gang ties and seemed like the guy running the show with the people he ran with. I know people say "well its hard to get out of gangs because they will kill you", well there are tons of ex gang members that mentor youth and they aren't dead. The most likely scenario of getting killed for turning on your gang is if you are in prison.

And to think, it was Gronkowski who constantly got crap for being a "party frat boy type". Yeah its not ideal but very innocent compared to Hernandez's lifestyle. People act like these minority players are only smoking weed, but plenty that smoke weed do coke. I knew a guy who worked at an upscale bar in New Orleans and Ricky Williams (known as a pothead) was doing lines of coke at his booth, with white women. Bobby ****rt talked of a few black players that partied with coke as well, like Andre Rison (who started struggling at wr after he lost a step at like 26 or 27)
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The primary “catalyst” for Hernandez’s inexplicable downward spiraling into a life of ghetto-flavored malaise is being pinned squarely upon the untimely death of his father, Dennis, back in 2006. Allegedly, immediately subsequent to his father's passing, Hernandez transformed himself from a polite young athlete living a suburban life in upper-middle class Bristol, Connecticut, to an ultra-aggressive, Marijuana-puffing, gun-toting, tattoo-collecting goon. Below are some random quotes from his friends in college…

"To me, he was always a nice guy, but he was an idiot. Let me try to word this -- you know how you talk to people and you can tell they just don't get it as quick as other people? He was one of those."

One close friend from Gainesville said Hernandez was afraid of spiders and letting his father down.

What better way to “honor” one’s deceased father than to adopt a despicable lifestyle, exclusively associate with drug dealers and other criminals, and engage in activities typically betrothed for common street Negroes? Are you proud of me now, dad?

The true reason for Hernandez’s deterioration into a life of mischievousness (and eventually, multiple homocides) is most likely linked to the oh-so-appropriately named “Urban” Meyer’s unique, meticulous, utterly enraging ability to surround Hernandez (and the handful of other non-black players on the roster) with ignoble, felonious, fatherless, dead-eyed, extra-dark Zulus during his formative years at Florida University...


CAPTION: Urban Sprawl

Oh, and the “innocent” black fellow that Hernandez slaughtered seemed like a typical black football player. That is, a terrible student who was disrespectful to his coaches, prone to criminality that went completely unpunished, yet was pampered beyond belief by white handlers and bestowed infinite chances at success…

From an ESPN article…
But Lloyd had the tendency to get distracted. O'Bryant had an unusually large female population, and Lloyd let his grades slip. Mike Branch, his defensive coach at O'Bryant and with the Bandits, said Lloyd's grades dropped so low that it ruined his chances of playing college football.

And Lloyd was stubborn, Branch said. At practice, he'd run laps until he stopped talking back to the coaches. Lloyd was slow to trust, Branch said. By all accounts, his father wasn't a big part of his childhood. Omar Phillips, Lloyd's cousin, said John Lloyd lived in the West Indies. So Odin was the man of the family, accompanying his mother Ursula to church, always keeping a watchful eye on his sisters.

Branch, a chief probation officer in nearby Brockton, sensed the void in Lloyd's life and became sort of a big brother. He was an inner-city Boston kid himself and was nearly exactly Lloyd's dimensions -- 5-foot-11 and 220 pounds.

"His talent was off the charts," Branch said. "I could see something special in the kid. If football was something that could get him out of the hood and into college, that was my goal."

The Boston Globe reported that Lloyd was arrested twice but had both cases dismissed. One was for a fight in 2008, the other was in 2010 for breaking and entering.
Hispanics Hernandez and Zimmerman killed a few black thugs between them. I'm tellin' ye, the blacks are going to pay the most for these amnesties.
they are both pretty fragile, especially Edelman who's white answer for Bob Sanders but who here wouldn't LOVE to see that starting duo reaping rewards of being thrown to by Brady?
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