Article 1 Definition. It is a foul for intentional grounding if a passer, facing an imminent loss of yardage because of pressure
from the defense, throws a forward pass without a realistic chance of completion. A realistic chance of completion is
defined as a pass that lands in the direction and the vicinity of an originally eligible receiver.
Item 1: Passer or Ball Outside Tackle Position . Intentional grounding will not be called when a passer, who is outside,
or has been outside, the tackle position throws a forward pass that lands at or beyond the line of scrimmage, even if
no offensive player(s) have a realistic chance to catch the ball (including when the ball lands out of bounds over the
sideline or endline). If a loose ball leaves the area bordered by the tackles, this area no longer exists; if the ball is
recovered, all intentional grounding rules apply as if the passer is outside this area.
Item 2: Physical Contact. Intentional grounding should not be called if:
(a) the passer initiates his passing motion toward an eligible receiver and then is significantly affected by physical contact
from a defensive player that causes the pass to land in an area that is not in the direction and vicinity of an eligible
receiver; or
(b) the passer is out of the pocket, and his passing motion is significantly affected by physical contact from a defensive
player that causes the ball to land short of the line of scrimmage.