2012 NFL Week 1

98 career TD-passes for Matt Ryan now! :beer:
Harbaugh with another drunken frat moment, he started going bonkers on a taunting penalty. The cameras captured a remake of the Keith Hernandez spitting scene from Seinfeld...:thumbdown:
Zero attempts for Jordy Nelson so far. Then their secondary buffoons or should I say baboons left Randy Moss wide open. I see Packers have their priorities straight.

Edit: Jordy gets his first catch, 28 yards, took Rodgers quarter and a half.
Today has been brutal for White RBs and receivers. Charles and Peterson both coming back from serious knee injuries but still getting a lot more carries than Hillis and Gerhart. Woodhead is clearly well behind Ridley. Welker 3 catches for 14 yards. Hopefully Jordy Nelson and Eric Decker can have big games, but so far it's been one of the most depressing days in recent years.
Eachus was in on more snaps than Hillis, seemed like, playing (severely undersized) fullback, it looked comical when he was suppose to lead block for number 40.

Don, i agree with you. it was VERY depressing. let's hope Decker and Nelson (2-41 as i type that) can salvage that week for us!
Harbaugh with another drunken frat moment, he started going bonkers on a taunting penalty. The cameras captured a remake of the Keith Hernandez spitting scene from Seinfeld...:thumbdown:
Right now watch NFL "Red Zone" to catch all the games highligts. WIR, you are correct Harbaugh is in true malcontent form. If the Packers win this game, it will make my Sunday, just watching Harbaugh walk off the field like a little b*tch.
Hopefully Jordy Nelson and Eric Decker can have big games, but so far it's been one of the most depressing days in recent years.

I agree, offensively. On defense, the whites on Minnesota and Houston fared real well. Both started 4 whites, which might not seem significant, but I don't think there are even 4 whites starting on defense for all the AFC North teams combined? Similar deal in NFC South and AFC East?

I watched the Vikings/Jags online and Harrison Smith was nothing short of awesome. Nice start for an "overachiever", who had no business going in round one, right? Robison and Greenway also did well...Jax started a trio of white LB's and all did well -- Paul Poz, Allen and Kyle Bosworth. Chris Prosinski also played a ton at safety. Wendling and Dahl also started and played well.

But, yes...overall, it's been a bad (boring?) day...even young QB's Tanneyhill and Weeden had horrid days. Both are starting way too soon (particularly the much younger kid in Miami) and will no doubt have targets on their backs because of their play today..like Ponder and Gabbert had in '11.

BTY, both Ponder and Gabbert played real well today...
It was awesome to see David Akers tie the NFL record with a 63 yard field goal! All 3 63 yarders have interesting twists to them, but it was cool to see that one live. :thumbup:

Anyone else noticed the higher than usual number of no-calls in the 49ers/Packers game?

I agree that the White RB/WR uses have so far been miserable. Maybe things will improve over the next week or so, although it is tough to be optimistic.
Watching the Viking game today was plain torture. To my knowledge even the experts thought Toby would be given the Lion's share of the runs and the AP would just get a few touches. AP started and on his first few carries he looked horrible, but the then holes you could drive a truck through somehow opened up for him. Still with all the overhype about his performance he averaged 4.9 yards a carry - about what Gerhart's career average is. And then to add injury to insult Percy Harvin was given 5 carries all in the second half. Compare that to Toby's 6 for the entire game. It's too bad they won.

On the bright side of the game the best 4 Viking defensive players are clearly there only 4 white players. Robison is really coming on this year. But this is the same formula league wide. The very few white players on defense are always stand outs and yet defenses continue to get blacker. Overall a depressing opening day for sure.
6'3" afflete Vernon Davis couldn't dunk on a goal post! :lol::lol:
On another note, Packers have picked up right where they left off last year....playing like sh#t. Keep blackening the team, anti white agenda is more important than winning.
Some of these teams rushing games are downright pitiful.

Josh Freeman is the new Capt. Checkdown. I'm hoping Skelton can lead the Cardinals over the castehawks and Carroll's midget QB.

Earlier today horseface was criticizing Fitzpatrick for INTs he threw but did not mention Vick or his 4 ints.
6'3" afflete Vernon Davis couldn't dunk on a goal post! :lol::lol:
On another note, Packers have picked up right where they left off last year....playing like sh#t. Keep blackening the team, anti white agenda is more important than winning.
Yeah, between watching all the games on Red Zone, here and important stories about our country on the internet, I still feel I am suffering from affeletic overload when I set my eyes on the tv. I am going to the gym and do something constructive. :frusty:
Cobb of Green Bay returns a punt for a TD. There was a clip on the play and a flag was thrown right on the spot. After Cobb reached the end zone, the ref announces there was no infraction on the play. The flag was picked up.
White is Right said:
Harbaugh with another drunken frat moment, he started going bonkers on a taunting penalty. The cameras captured a remake of the Keith Hernandez spitting scene from Seinfeld...

Yes, I also witnessed that slow-motion footage of the ever-visceral, bug-eyed wigger, Jim Harbaugh, again articulating his “psychotic side,†spraying slobber like the hell hound he is. I can’t believe this is already on Youtube…


And I agree about today's games...you know it’s been an unexciting week for white offensive players when the “highlight†thus far was the illiterate, slow-witted Negrophile, Terry Bradshaw, attempting to narrate a video package from the Lions-Rams game and interchanging the names “Sam Stafford†and “Matt Bradford.†As he has for better part of two decades, the pea-brain made dozens of other simple orating mistakes as well. So many, in fact, that he actually apologized for his numerous errors, saying: “Sorry about that folks, give me until Week #6 and I’ll be a lot better, I promise! [Cue hysterical laughter from the entire cast]. Bradshaw, the Zionist-Christian, NeoCon dolt who’s been divorced three times, was heaping admiration upon Russell Wilson today, hoping for his success.

Nelson with 4 catches for 57 yards thus far. Hopefully he can finish the game strong and Eric Decker, Brandon Stokley, Joel Dresesen, and Jacob Tamme will scorch the Rooney Rats tonight.
How to make a black QB successful in the NFL: put him in a system similar to the one he used in college and hope your winning record gets you into the playoffs before anyone catches on.
Russell Wilson going for the game winning touchdown drive has been bailed out by the refs twice, with defensive pass interference calls. Once on a 4th and 6 and another on a 3rd and 10. We will see if he can "engineer a come from behind win."
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Happy for Kolb...he has been a target of a ton of DWF criticism. So glad to see Carroll's castehawks lose today. Wilson did not play anything more than mediocre so hopefully Flynn will get his chance sooner rather than later.
A lot of dull games today, even the close ones. The league has more of a black ball, SEC feel to it than ever.
It's been a sad opening day for the most part but I'm looking forward to seeing Manning and Decker work some magic tonight. Keeping my fingers crossed for a good game in Mile High.

I'm disgusted by how Hillis and Gerhart were treated today as well as Woodhead. I hope things change next week. Maybe the Chiefs losing will help them to wake up and run Hillis alot more.
League wide there werent' alot of good WR performances for anyone, white or black, and some white WR's did ok, but not great, like Amendola, Nelson, Hartline. Also, white tight ends had a very good day, Daniels, Celek, Rudolph,Olson, Gronkowski, and guys like Miller and Boss and Chandler did ok too. Someone said they wished the Vikings had lost. Sure the Gerhart situation is predictably disappointing, but white players lead their defense, and I'd rather have a league full of Vikings teams than Jaguar teams.
Also, the Russel Martin era got off to a lame start, as did Vicks start, and Newton didn't do well either.
Jordy Nelson was on the field nearly every play but was rarely targeted. On the Packers final play (4th down) Rogers made a rather obvious look and jester to Jordy that the ball was going to him. You can't wait until the last play to get your best receiver the ball. Also, it would have been nice to see John Kuhn in any type of role. He was rarely on the field.

BTW, Finley is the most over-rated TE in the league.
Looks like I picked the wrong season to go "white" in FF. Hell even Welker had a crappy game. Hillis, Gerhart, Woodhead, invisible in the stats. Nelson--not much. Hope for better in week two.:mmph:
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