2012 NFL Week 1

Checking out the Kansas City Chief forums, there are more references to Hillis leaving the locker room after the game without talking to reporters. I can find nothing else about this on news sites.

The DWFs are already calling Hillis a "baby" and saying he isn't worth the "trouble" and has a "bad reputation." As is always their wont, they are blaming the kicker for the loss. Even on a 90% black team, they must find some white, somewhere, to blame. Not sure how a kicker was instumental in a blowout loss like that, but hey, I'm not a DWF.

Tom Brady apparently announced at the post-game press conference that he was thrilled with Ridley's running, and how this meant they were going to be passing a lot less. I believe he said something like 25 passes a game would be ideal. I hope this is just talk, because if they don't use those white receivers, the Patriots become just another boring offense. I'm sure Welker loved hearing this.

Again, let's hope week 2 will be much better.
What exact forum is this on? Why shouldn't a player be upset after losing? hes not the leader of the team, why should he stick around to talk to the media?

as far as Ridley, if the Patriots do go more run heavy it could really hurt Welker. For years he was an extension of the run game, getting 150 targets with most being short dump offs which helps balance out the passing attack. The little I did see, it looked like he was double covered most of the time, double coverage shifting between Gronkowski and Hernandez. People act like Lloyd had a great day but he didn't look great when I watched, had a few drops from what I hear. His production was likely a fluke, not many black receivers start becoming stars around the age of 30.
If there is no conspiracy, why does this happen? If they all just think that way, why? What causes that?
A conspiricy would involve parties getting together to "plan" the actions that we see, which does not happen. It happens because of the tremendous success of brainwashing over the last six (or more) decades by the entities who stand to benefit. I know many youth, high school and college coaches. None of them are involved in any sort of organized "conspiracy", but all of them look favorably upon black athletes. If two athletes, one white and one black have identical (or even the white player slightly better) measurables and performance, the black player would be viewed as better. Not because of any conspiricy on the part of the coaches doing the selecting, but because they think that the black player "looks" better, has more upside, etc., because of the decades of "black athletic superiority" Cultural Marxist brainwashing. It's not any more complicated than that at its core.

Add that to the layer upon layer of similar groupthink and you have the Caste System.
its not an organized conspiracy...but what caused the brainwashing in the first place. When exactly did it start? I have games from the 70's where the announcers make remarks about certain White players not being the fastest, right after they made a big play. It seems to get worse in the 80's. I mean when Chris Collinsworth came out SI had an article calling him the great White hope. What caused more coaches to start thinking Whites couldn't run the ball in the late 70's, early 80's? Its never been a position that required elite top end speed, with many successful backs having average to below average top end speed compared to wideouts and cornerbacks. I think its was probably the easiest position to integrate in the beginning, more about instincts. At some point in time a group of people had to get together with an agenda to push blacks up through society by the way of sports, otherwise there would be no widespread brainwashing by the media. The question is who and when? It seems like it has been a gradual process. I mean the older games you don't even realize the agenda unless your looking for it, its so subtle the further back you go which I think affects the memory of many. The case with Riggins, the hogs hyped up as this super fierce line, they were great but not at the level as the hype they received.

I mean what caused Whites to be phased out of the defensive tackle spot? they have power, ideal size, they play on the other side. Rivals and Scout seem to have tons of influence. There has to be some sort of organization for what they do. They definetely have an agenda.

this topic should probably be moved to another thread though.
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back on topic, what do you think the chances that Gerhart could be traded to the Colts? they have no decent runningbacks. Gerhart has proven more in his few starts than anybody they have. He would be reunited with Andrew Luck.

Manning had Marshall Faulk his first year and then Edggerin James his second who made the pro bowl that year. Newton had 2 backs that are above average and both had 1k seasons. Griffin is in a system that can get 1k out of an average back, they could have a good running gameb with any of the guys starting on that roster.

I mean the pass to run ratio was way off, in the first half before Chicago got to a huge lead, it was 19 passing plays called to 6 running plays. I think if he had someone like Gerhart to balance things out it would make life easier on him. Brown dropped a few easy passes as well, Gerhart has proven he can catch.
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The agenda in sports and the NFL is as clear as that of all other institutions of control and power: Things are to continue to move slowly but inexorably toward being less White, toward that eagerly awaited day when Whites officially become a minority in the U.S. In the meantime, a full-time psywar has already rendered the vast majority of Whites racially neutered at best and full of guilt and self-loathing. On TV and in the ads and movies, that means more homosexuals, feminists and non-Whites, not just blacks but asians and hispanics also. When was the last time TV portrayed anything, whether sports related or not, as more White than it used to be? The script is that the U.S. is becoming more "diverse" in all ways and thus less White, and to question this is "racist." The London Olympics opening and closing ceremonies (and everything in between) were a great illustration of the ever continuing darkening of the programming fed to the masses.

There's no way the NFL is going to become less black unless there is strong pressure from below (the "grassroots") toward the top (executives, ownership and the media). The blackening of coaches, assistant coaches, scouts, and media reporters to a degree far more than their proportion of the population shows how the Caste System has spread well beyond the playing field thanks to the "affirmative action" practiced in the corporate world and particularly by media corporations. The NFL is more financially lucrative than ever, as measured by TV ratings and the value of the franchises themselves, now worth over $1 billion each. The league has no incentive whatsoever to change the demographic status quo of the players on the field, which is unopposed except by one certain website.
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I am of the opinion that the caste system is brainwashing, and not an organized conspiracy; but, Week 1 is enough to really make me wonder. Nelson and Welker get targeted less than my flag football center, Hillis and Gerhart get practically zilch for carries, Woodhead gets zilch, and RG3 gets bailed out by the refs on two important drives, while Jared Allen gets a penalty for being quick. Very screwy. I guess we see how things shake out over the next couple of weeks.
Thanks for the frank answer, Sport Historian. However, I'm sure I'm not the only one here who gets the impression that you support the Caste System from your posts.

I don't know why there is such an unwillingness to define the Caste System as a conspiracy. At this point, the system is so ingrained, at all levels, that there need not be any organized meetings to oversee the agenda. The brainwashing is so thorough, and the likelihood of any outsider breaking into a level of power so remote, that those who run things can simply set things on cruise control.

I don't think it could possibly have been a coincidence for the only three fairly high profile white RBs in recent college history to all be inexplicably drafted by teams that had one of the best young starting RBs in the league. What are the odds of three supposedly independent organizations expending high draft picks on players, and then never giving them a chance to start?

Hester was drafted high by the Chargers, who had Tomlinson at his peak, and was never allowed to run the ball. Leonard was drafted by the Rams, who had a young Steven Jackson, and only carried the ball because of injuries. He has never been given a chance with the Bengals, despite always averaging way more per carry than the affletes in front of him. Gerhart, of course, was drafted by the team that needed a star college RB the least- the Vikings, who already had arguably the best runner in the league.

Groupthink is one thing, but what causes the most "enlightened" of all these coaches- Bill Belicheck- to do the things he has done to Danny Woodhead? How much better could any RB have performed, how many more "explosive" plays per touch could any have had, than Woodhead did in 2010? What was his reward? Two high picks expended on blacks to ensure his already strictly regulated playing time diminished even more. And, of course, never forget the incomprehensible time Belicheck had him covering kicks late in the fourth quarter of a preseason game. Exactly what kind of non-conspiratorial thinking goes into a coaching decision like that? Reminiscent of Jim Fassel's decision to have his star CB Jason Sehorn return kickoffs in the preseason.

The fact that almost the exact same number of white college players are drafted, year after year, defies every actuarial odd in the book. That sort of thing is simply not mathematically possible, without collusion among the teams. The same goes for teams opting to "darken up" after winning the Super Bowl. There is clearly a black quarterback system in the NFL, which mandates the number of white players drafted each year, the number of white players total on NFL rosters, the number permitted to play "forbidden" positions, and the total number allowed on any one roster at a given time. How they enforce this is beyond me, but if there wasn't a conspiracy, at least one of those "independent" teams would have randomly ventured away from the average figures at some point.

I agree with Don- change will only come from the bottom up. However, that means relying on the DWFs, who have proven to be so hopelessly brainwashed that this is about as likely at the proles rebelling in Orwell's "1984." See the great movie "The Fan" with Patton Oswalt, that came out a few years ago. It honestly depicted how dumbed down and self- loathing these fans-who make the Caste System possible-really are.

Only by the fans-and corporations-who buy up the sky suites and many of the seats to make it look like more people can afford the absurd prices, boycotting the NFL "product" can we truly hope to overturn the Caste System.

Clearly, the success of Hillis and Woodhead in 2010, and the college career of Gerhart, have not had the ultimate impact that we would like. Welker's dominance at WR has resulted in a handful more white WRs league wide, but many more are still being screwed over by this corrupt system, which certainly has all the earmarks of what we define as a conspiracy.
As Referendum mentioned, yesterday wasn't a banner day for black RBs and WRs either. And QBs like Russell Wilson, Cam Newton and Michael Vick struggled. We'll have to wait and see what happens in Week 2 before any conclusions can be drawn, if then.

I will say that KC's moves toward having a somewhat less anti-White offense appear illusory. Not only was Charles clearly featured, Dexter McCluster, the dwarfish bust for three years, now is the slot receiver and sometime RB, ensuring that Devon Wylie has no role to play other than as a WSTD. It also eliminates any threat posed by Eachus, who is likely #53 on the 53 man roster, meaning he'll likely be cut within a month. It's amazing how unmotivated blacks can suddenly "find their groove" when their jobs are threatened by pale faces. Throw in KC's sumo dominated o-line and the coal black starting defense, and Denver is the only AFC West team to root for.
I actually think when guys like Eachus make the 53 man roster it's to prove that making a roster is on merit alone. When any observer can see politics is part of the equation for 3rd string/ the rare 4th string spot. Who can forget Woodhead forcing caste clown Ryan to keep him for a long weekend and then coming into Jets headquarters on the Tuesday and getting cut. I remember when McKnight made the team beat writers noted that keeping McKnight over Woodhead (and another Black tailback who I forget his name) was going to be unpopular in the locker room.
I don't know why there is such an unwillingness to define the Caste System as a conspiracy. At this point, the system is so ingrained, at all levels, that there need not be any organized meetings to oversee the agenda. The brainwashing is so thorough, and the likelihood of any outsider breaking into a level of power so remote, that those who run things can simply set things on cruise control.

You're saying it's both a conspiracy and an agenda. I say it's an agenda, as part of a larger system (Cultural Marxism) that pertains not just in sports but in society as a whole. If one wants to advance in popular culture, he knows what can be said and done and what can't. If he follows the rules he is rewarded with good jobs, promotions, favorable press, etc. If he slips up then he's finished. That's not a conspiracy, that's knowing what types of speech and conduct are rewarded and following suit.

We all know what the rules are, whether we agree with them or not and whether we benefit from following the rules or not. Just about everyone with an average IQ and above follows them carefully at all times in day to day life, except when among trusted friends and colleagues around whom we can speak candidly on occasion.

Agenda, conspiracy, it's essentially the same thing. What we agree on is that it's a "system" when it comes to sports, specifically the "Caste System," and that it operates to the detriment of White athletes. What's way off base is a "theory" that every single sporting event is fixed and that all the athletes involved are knowingly following a pre-arranged script. That's lunacy that discredits this site and doesn't belong on Caste Football and is one of the reasons the word conspiracy has such a negative general reputation.
I think this would be true to some extent. When the Saints had Aaron Brooks many fans stopped watching, and we are talking die hard fans. Most didn't give that much crap about their FIRST playoff win in history, although it was a fluke because a guy muffed a return and the Saints recovered. Most I know, including myself before I was aware stopped watching after Jake Delhomme came in for an injured Aaron Brooks and did much better. I was barely watching before then, just rememeber my dad saying "they got Jake Delhomme in, a local Cajun guy. Then I sat down and saw him complete passes so easily instead of looking like a chicken with his head caught off playing backyard football with Joe Horn. Then was benched even though Brooks was playing like crap. Of course they eventually got rid of him and he took Carolina to the Superbowl (also got rid of Marc Bulger as well). There were many accusations of people being racist but it was justified by Delhomme being a local Cajun guy and always backed up with "but I liked Jeff Blake", more people were watching when they had two qbs named Billy Joe.

Then enter Drew Brees and the Superdome sells out, and its been sold out ever since. I mean they had post season success in 2006 but failed to make it to the Superbowl and did awful in the NFC championship game, 2007 was a bad season as well. Now everyone sports black and gold outfits for everyday events.

It seemed the same way with LSU, most fans didn't pay that much attention to Jamarcus Russell. Many wanted Lee to get playing time over Jefferson, before the arrest. They loved Jacob Hester as well. Of course there are the numerous callers to radio shows crying racism, but these aren't the people buying tickets.

Most fans, at least that I know of, need at least one player to identify with, and that is usually the qb. Sometimes its the "hard working" fullback as well. Of course many despise Whites at any other position like Scott Shanle at olb, simply because he isn't in the elite category, just slightly above average. I think if it turns into mostly black qbs then only the super dwfs will remain.

But it won't happen, they bend their preferences to get black qbs, such as overlooking prototypical height and weight. Griffin's height was fudged, he is probably 6'1, and Wilson is like 5'10. Brees had to actually earn a job at his height of 6'0. We have tons of guys 6'3+ that can play the position. They have only managed to find a few blacks in the same height category, and they rarely use that "rocket arm", well some do on those little short passes, lacking any sort of touch. Cam Newton didn't look good, and Josh Freeman looked like a guy more suited to be a backup in the future, game manager at best.
I think his lack of girth is more of a problem does he look like a 220 pound man in the uniform? His thighs look like matchsticks(for a 220 pound man) and his arms look skinny too. I bet he might be 220 pounds without doing drills. Of course the media always used to giving glowing remarks about the body fat ratio of Donovan " Huxtuble" Mcnabb as he clearly gained fat and had arms like the stereotypical immigrant washerwoman from the early 20th century...
I enjoyed this site when I discovered it eight years ago. I write from a historical perspective, and by that I mean an objective one.

For what its worth, I despise the NFL as an institution and am perfectly aware the corporate sponsors prefer black players. For the hundreth time, they don't have to "conspire," they all think the same way.

Finally, when evaluating players from the past, when I honestly think a player doesn't belong in the HOF, I say so no matter what race he happened to be.

I think sports historian provides valuable insight even when it's not popular. Everyone here doesn't have to be an echo chamber. It's not like he is cheerleading for black players or denying the caste system.

I will admit that sometimes his posts irratate me because I want my viewpoints reinforced at this site and tend to bristle when someone goes against the grain but it is not a bad thing to hear a different point of view. Obviously we all have different perspectives on the issue but also have a lot of common points. We should try to emphasize those as we are clearly outnumbered by aggressive anti-White DWF's.
A conspiricy would involve parties getting together to "plan" the actions that we see, which does not happen. It happens because of the tremendous success of brainwashing over the last six (or more) decades by the entities who stand to benefit. I know many youth, high school and college coaches. None of them are involved in any sort of organized "conspiracy", but all of them look favorably upon black athletes. If two athletes, one white and one black have identical (or even the white player slightly better) measurables and performance, the black player would be viewed as better. Not because of any conspiricy on the part of the coaches doing the selecting, but because they think that the black player "looks" better, has more upside, etc., because of the decades of "black athletic superiority" Cultural Marxist brainwashing. It's not any more complicated than that at its core.

Add that to the layer upon layer of similar groupthink and you have the Caste System.
Football Dad you have nailed it in little more than a paragraph. Last week I was explaining this to my brother whose son is great reciever and corner back. I explained to him that his son could be better in every way to a comparable black player, but at the end of the day the teenage affelet will get more letters from big time schools 20X over.

Sadly, its all coming true. Luckly my nephew is an A student and can get into any school with his grades and atheletism.
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Really great posts explaining the Caste System. I personally believe it is part of the greater Cultural Marxism movement. Don Wassall did such an amazing job eloquently explaining the Caste System in this thread (once again).

And it's nice to be able to have this forum to explain and elaborate on the Caste System in sports as well as the negative impact of Cultural Marxism on Western Society as a whole.

It just amazes me more people do not see the blatant obvious anti-white agenda at work in the arena of professional sports.
"If one wants to advance in popular culture, he knows what can be said and done and what can't. If he follows the rules he is rewarded with good jobs, promotions, favorable press, etc. If he slips up then he's finished."

That's one of the good things about being old. I don't want to advance and don't care who's toes I step on (that doesn't mean I'm willfully hurtful for no reason.
But when the occasion comes about, I say anything and everything that comes to mind. I carry around a copy of the constitution like aunt Esther carried around the bible and it always opens to the bill of rights. Once I'm corrected, I go right to the appropriate amendment and ask my accuser if he's/ she's against the Constitution of the United States. That gets them every time. If they argue, it's a very short step to my accusing them or traitorous remarks. That always sends them scurrying for cover. I do such things on the floor of the town meeting and the stinking Board of Ed.

Tom Iron...
bigunreal, your post #133 was excellent. You really presented a strong case showing the "conspiracy"/agenda/system against Whites in the NFL.

The only thing I would like to add is how franchise ownership works in the NFL. To buy a franchise, one must gain approval from the other 31 owners (the Packers are owned by the city of Green Bay). There is clearly cronyism and a country club mentality to only "let in" those they approve of. Just look at how "conservative" Rush Limbaugh was treated and the uproar when he simply attempted to have minority ownership of the Rams. Why keep him out? Some "racist" comments about the NFL wanting McNabb to succeed or that some games felt like the bloods versus the crips?

It is clear that most of the owners are either Jewish, 9.5 or 10.5 teams (Giants 50% owned by a Jew) or ultra Liberal (see Rooney). I would imagine the NFL sorta works like Wall St, the major banks and financial institutions. Jewish and Liberal collectivism and a Marxist agenda. I'd bet that there are some owners who don't agree with this but they kept their mouth shut and played along to get approved for ownership. They certainly are not going to rock the boat when billions of dollars are on the line.

When it comes to ownership of NFL franchises, how can one deny that there isn't conspiring to decide who is approved and who is not?
Despite the unfortunate results for our players in Week #1, this thread has been extraordinary. Some very nice material featured in these two quotes, in particular…

Don Wassall said:
We all know what the rules are, whether we agree with them or not and whether we benefit from following the rules or not. Just about everyone with an average IQ and above follows them carefully at all times in day to day life, except when among trusted friends and colleagues around whom we can speak candidly on occasion.

Bigunreal said:
The fact that almost the exact same number of white college players are drafted, year after year, defies every actuarial odd in the book. That sort of thing is simply not mathematically possible, without collusion among the teams. The same goes for teams opting to "darken up" after winning the Super Bowl. There is clearly a black quarterback system in the NFL, which mandates the number of white players drafted each year, the number of white players total on NFL rosters, the number permitted to play "forbidden" positions, and the total number allowed on any one roster at a given time. How they enforce this is beyond me, but if there wasn't a conspiracy, at least one of those "independent" teams would have randomly ventured away from the average figures at some point.

Many thanks to all who contributed. Hopefully my new avatar will inflict a well-deserved “hexâ€￾ upon New England’s dastardly campaign to black-ball Danny Woodhead into obscurity. Assuming that works, then I’ll certainly fix my crosshairs upon other “undesirablesâ€￾ this season!
I think sports historian provides valuable insight even when it's not popular. Everyone here doesn't have to be an echo chamber. It's not like he is cheerleading for black players or denying the caste system.

I will admit that sometimes his posts irratate me because I want my viewpoints reinforced at this site and tend to bristle when someone goes against the grain but it is not a bad thing to hear a different point of view. Obviously we all have different perspectives on the issue but also have a lot of common points. We should try to emphasize those as we are clearly outnumbered by aggressive anti-White DWF's.

Thanks. That's what I try to do.
Eric Weddle was just on The Petros & Money Show on FoxSports Radio. Petros Papadakis asked him how could USC let a California kid like him leave the state, and go to Utah coming out of high school. He said wanted to go to USC but "because he was a 5'10" white guy, they didn't think he could hang with the big boys." He said he likes proving people wrong on every level.

Then Petros told him he should grow his hair down to his shoulders so that he could get the shampoo commercials and recognition the other top safeties get. He said "no thanks, I'm all ball. I don't want any endorsements". He came across as a real humble, down to earth guy.
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