More bad news for the phoney, thug-pandering and thug-loving Tressel and OSU:
<h3>Ohio State to investigate sales of cars to athletes</h3>
The issues are continuing to pile up for the Ohio State Buckeyes.<div ="off" style="line-height: 12px; font-size: 12px; width: 232px; margin: 0px 0px 0px 5px; : right;"><div ="blog-captioned-photo0"><div ="photo-container" style="height: 159px; : relative; padding: 0pt; clear: both;">

</span></div><div ="controls"><div ="label" style="width: 100px; : left;"><a style="padding: 0pt 0pt 0pt 11px; font-size: 10px; color: rgb102, 102, 102; : "" no-repeat scroll left center transparent;">CAPTION</a></div><div ="credit" style="width: 132px; : left; font-size: 10px; color: rgb102, 102, 102; text-align: right;">By Terry Gilliam, AP</div></div></div></div>
Already dealing with Jim Tressel's major NCAA violation that he withheld information about players receiving extra benefits, the
Columbus Dispatch
Saturday the university will investigate the purchases of used cars
made by dozens of the university's student athletes at two Columbus car
dealers to see if any sale violated collegiate rules.<blockquote>
The investigation was initiated after
The Dispatch
found in public records that at least eight Ohio State athletes and 11
athletes' relatives bought used cars from Jack Maxton Chevrolet or Auto
Direct during the past five years. The investigation will involve
outside experts and examine at least 50 sales, focusing on whether the
athletes received improper benefits.
The common thread in those two dozen transactions was the salesman: Aaron Kniffin, who has worked at both dealerships.</blockquote>
The Dispatch and John Taylor of College Football Talk said that Kniffin is the same salesman that was connected to another investigation
http://collegefootballtalk.nbcsport...-to-probe-car-sales-to-players-and-relatives/ involving vehicles driven by quarterback Terrelle Pryor. The university cleared Pryor in that case.
university's head enforcer of NCAA rules told the paper they will look
into the matter but they don't believe they have done anything wrong.<blockquote>
take a step back, we'll take a look at the transactions and the
values, and we'll make some determinations in consultation with the
(Big Ten) conference office and go from there," said Doug Archie,
associate athletic director and head of compliance at OSU.
"I have nothing to believe a violation has occurred," he said.</blockquote>
notes that NCAA rules prohibit athletes and their relatives from
receiving discounts that are not offered to the general public.
Maxton owner Jeff Mauk and Auto Direct owner Jason Goss both told
Archie they never have given athletes special deals. They also,
according to
The Dispatch, "routinely call Archie's office when
an athlete is ready to buy a car, provide the purchase price and
discuss who will co-sign on a loan."
But Archie said he relies on the car dealers to provide accurate information.<blockquote>
not a car expert. We have to rely on their integrity and their word
when it comes to selling a car," he said. Ohio State runs "spot checks"
on some transactions against the Kelley Blue Book value.
said that he'd rather one or two dealerships didn't receive all the OSU
business. "It's something from a compliance perspective that I would
rather not have," he said.</blockquote>
The Dispatch's research uncovered information on one sale:<blockquote>
records show that in 2009, a 2-year-old Chrysler 300 with less than
20,000 miles was titled to then-sophomore linebacker Thaddeus Gibson.
Documents show the purchase price as $0.
Mauk could not explain
it. "I don't give cars for free," he said. Gibson said he was unaware
the title on his car showed zero as the sales price. "I paid for the
car, and I'm still paying for it," he said, declining to answer further
Going further, the paper asked officials
at two national car-valuation companies -- National Automobile Dealers
Association and Kelley Blue Book -- to estimate the value of the cars at
the time of purchase. The values they estimated were higher than the
price paid in nearly half of the transactions. But they said it's
difficult to accurately evaluate the sales without seeing the vehicles
to assess condition and options.
"No one can tell you what a car's worth," Goss said.
The Dispatch
also spoke to two former NCAA enforcement officials on the condition of
anonymity, and they told the paper individually there's cause for
The two collectively have decades of NCAA compliance
experience. Neither had ever heard of so many athletes buying cars from
the same salesman.
The newspaper also reported the following about Kniffin:<blockquote>
and Kniffin both have attended seven football games as guests of
players, including the 2007 national championship and the 2009 Fiesta
Bowl. At some point after 2008, Archie barred Kniffin from the players'
pass list because OSU rules prohibit athletes from inviting people with
whom they do business.</blockquote>
Toward the end of the story,
The Dispatch
also reported Kniffin has had financial problems since 2006, including
owing more than $130,000 to the IRS, and noting his $570,000 Delaware
County home is in foreclosure.