2010 Ohio State University Buckeyes

More typical "everyone's a murderer" behavior from these coal-complected heroes. Nice irony with the Sportsmanship Award figuring into the violations, though.
jaxvid said:
The OSU program is dirty, and has been for a while. That crap that Clarett pulled should have gotten them some serious sanctions-but nothing. I don't even know how they get away with it? Maybe because they're such amenable punching bags in big bowl games the other schools want to be sure they are available to rout.

And what kind of a douche bag wants Pryors used pants anyway? That guy should be sentenced to mental health lock-up. Bunch of sick fks out there.

Jaxvid the gold pants aren't actual pants, there a small gold pendant that everyone on the team gets for beating Michigan. http://www.coachtressel.com/tradition/gold_pants.php

Also I would disagree with the OSU program being dirty. The roster is mostly white and they've been in the 10-12 white starter range for about 8 years now, including the days of Dustin Fox at CB.

They do recruit from Glennville High School in Cleveland where Ted Ginn's dad coaches, but they also get a lot of good white players from Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan.
Yeah I know how many white players they have. That's great, they have a lot of clean white players. Too bad they have so many dirty black players. They should lose the dirty black players or at least stop recruiting them. If not they should get punished for it, regardless of how many white players they have.
jaxvid said:
Yeah I know how many white players they have. That's great, they have a lot of clean white players. Too bad they have so many dirty black players. They should lose the dirty black players or at least stop recruiting them. If not they should get punished for it, regardless of how many white players they have.

The true Maize & Blue is finally starting to come out Jaxvid. lol. That's okay it's what I expect from you ppl in that state up north. When are you Wolverines going to get your act right and start making The Game a rivalry again. They should have just given those 5 game suspensions for the last games of the season. Then maybe Michigan could finally win one. hahaha
whiteCB said:
jaxvid said:
Yeah I know how many white players they have. That's great, they have a lot of clean white players. Too bad they have so many dirty black players. They should lose the dirty black players or at least stop recruiting them. If not they should get punished for it, regardless of how many white players they have.

The true Maize & Blue is finally starting to come out Jaxvid. lol. That's okay it's what I expect from you ppl in that state up north. When are you Wolverines going to get your act right and start making The Game a rivalry again. They should have just given those 5 game suspensions for the last games of the season. Then maybe Michigan could finally win one. hahaha

What's this? Team fan-ery?

Y'all are hilarious!
Of course one of the main reasons that Michigan has gone down the tubes is because they have elevated the "great black athlete". Michigan needs a good whitening, and then they will return to form.
whiteCB said:
jaxvid said:
Yeah I know how many white players they have. That's great, they have a lot of clean white players. Too bad they have so many dirty black players. They should lose the dirty black players or at least stop recruiting them. If not they should get punished for it, regardless of how many white players they have.

The true Maize & Blue is finally starting to come out Jaxvid. lol. That's okay it's what I expect from you ppl in that state up north. When are you Wolverines going to get your act right and start making The Game a rivalry again. They should have just given those 5 game suspensions for the last games of the season. Then maybe Michigan could finally win one. hahaha

...good one
although I still think Michigan would lose!

I'm not so much pissed off that the Buckeyes are winning (because they have a good number of white players) but that they get a pass on sanctions when they cheat. I guess this latest episode is going to tarnish some of Mr. "sweater-vests" polish though.
jaxvid, you are probably right about that. You bring up another point though, Tressel wearing sweater vests. I don't know about anyone else, but I wish college football coaches still wore suits and ties on the sidelines.
Colonel_Reb said:
jaxvid, you are probably right about that. You bring up another point though, Tressel wearing sweater vests. I don't know about anyone else, but I wish college football coaches still wore suits and ties on the sidelines. 

Yeah its like when a coach wears a suit with a tie on the sidelines he has to conduct himself with a certain level of class. It seems as the dress code gets more "informal" (hoodies/short sleeve shirts/ect) as ther years have gone on the coach "buffoonery" goes up and up. A Tom Landry/Paul Brown type of guy can't degrade or embarrass the heck out of their players on the sidelines by acting a fool.
Out of Jim Tressel's 23 member 2011 recruiting class only 5 are white.

Worse yet they all play proper caste positions of DL, OL, TE, and Long Snapper. Yes, you heard right Tressel gave a full ride to a kid that is exclusively a long snapped only. This could be a sign of some dark days ahead at OSU. :(
Hopefully everyone now sees why it was wrong to root for Ohio State in the Sugar Bowl.
Tressel is no friend of ours.
Buckeyes will soon be the Blackeyes!
Electric Slide said:
jaxvid said:
The OSU program is dirty, and has been for a while. That crap that Clarett pulled should have gotten them some serious sanctions-but nothing. I don't even know how they get away with it? Maybe because they're such amenable punching bags in big bowl games the other schools want to be sure they are available to rout.

Also I would disagree with the OSU program being dirty. The roster is mostly white and they've been in the 10-12 white starter range for about 8 years now, including the days of Dustin Fox at CB.

Not enough white players apparently.

How bad does it have to get to acknowledge that Uncle Sweater Vest is running a northern "SEC-style" plantation football team?

Tressel will pay a $250,000 fine and he will be suspended two games, three fewer than the players he told to return to school in order to face the music. All for hiding the dirt he knew would get his program punished. What a scumbag. He should be fired.

Tressell is a scumbag
I dislike Tressel more and more.

<h1>Tressel's excuse is a whopper</h1>

Now THAT'S an excuse.http://msn.foxsports.com/collegefoo...l-comes-up-with-a-whopper-of-an-excuse-030911

Why didn't Ohio State coach Jim Tressel come forward when he found out several of his players were violating NCAA rules regarding improper benefits?

<div ="video-p right" id="fs-article-inline-video-p-1_">


Well, you see, there was this ongoing federal criminal drug trafficking
case! And an attorney asked him for confidentiality! He was worried for
people's safety!

You can't make this stuff up. (Seriously. You can't, right?)

You think you've heard excuses, in college athletics? THAT'S an excuse. It rivals Jake's in "The Blues Brothers."

(My tux didn't come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from
out of town. Someone stole my car. There was an earthquake! A terrible
flood! Locusts!)

Why didn't Jim Tressel tell anyone his players had received improper
benefits? Well, you see, there was this federal criminal drug
trafficking case ...

And yet, as he said it, he had me.

"I was scared,"Â￾ he said.

"My focus was on the well being of the young people,"Â￾ he said.

(You know, it was a federal criminal drug trafficking case!)

And I was with him. (Oh, Jake!)

Except ...

Except, well, Tressel's previous knowledge of this might not have come
to light at all had Ohio State not stumbled upon it while going over an
"unrelated legal issue." (How'd you like to be the university official
to come across that? How'd you like to make that phone call? How'd you
like to get that phone call?)

And the way Tressel lectured everyone on ethics when his players were busted back before the Sugar Bowl.

And, if this is really such a humanitarian/federal investigation thing, why is he being charged with a major violation?

Don't people understand where he was coming from?

Well, of course they do: "When you think of the body of work he's put
into this program, this profession,"Â￾ OSU athletic director Gene Smith
said, "when you think about who he is, there's no question in my mind
his decision came from the heart."Â￾

Translation: The man has beaten Michigan eight times.

And yet, here we are. Ethics, again. Maurice Clarett, Troy Smith, Terrelle Pryor have all been busted for taking improper benefits. There was trouble at Youngstown State before that.

And this time, beyond the memorabilia-for-tattoos scandal, Tressel let
his bosses be blindsided by the fact that for months, he knew.

"As time went on, in my mind what was most important was that we didn't interfere with a federal investigation,"Â￾ Tressel said.

Yes. The federal investigation. But when he keeps talking, what it
boils down to is, he didn't tell anyone because he just couldn't think
of anyone to tell. And so he sat on it.

He kept secret that he'd known, even after the story broke at the Sugar Bowl.

Suddenly, this is a much less great excuse.

His bosses apparently didn't know that he knew. Not until they stumbled
upon it. And yet, "We trust him implicitly,"Â￾ Smith said. Uh huh.

A sweater is a strong symbol. No, really. Mr. Rogers wore one.

And you wonder whether the sweater, and the professorial specs, and the
iconic silver helmets, unblemished by anything but Buckeye leaves, are
why we look at Tressel the way we do.

When for anyone else, the stats might give a different impression of a program. Of a coach.

Gordon Gee knows his symbolism. A university president, he models his wardrobe after Orville Redenbacher's. Perfect.

He has great faith in his school's football coach, in part, because
Tressel gives his players a copy of The Gettysburg Address. Of course.

When asked whether his coach's job was ever in jeopardy, Gee was emphatic in Tressel's defense.

"I'm just hopeful the coach doesn't dismiss me,"Â￾ Gee said.

He was making a joke. We think.

But Tressel will pay a $250,000 fine (in itself, a statement of these
coaches' power, that they make enough to pay a fine like that). And he
will be suspended two games, three fewer than the players he, um,
"advised"Â￾ to return to school in order to face the music.

This is the latest fad, suspending coaches for games. In theory, it's meant to be the ultimate embarrassment.

But it doesn't seem to work out that way.

Hey, which big-time college coach hasn't been suspended for a couple of games lately?

Of course, the rest of them are amateurs. Some come off sleazy. Others are defiant. But this? This had style.

Hey, he took the high road in breaking the rules. There was this federal criminal drug trafficking case ...

Now THAT'S an excuse.

http://network.yardbarker.com/college_football/article_external/ex_buckeye_football_player_sent_emails_to_tressel/4353360<h2>Ex-Buckeye Football Player Sent Emails To Tressel</h2>

A source within the athletic administration at Ohio State confirmed to me today that former Buckeye football player Chris Cicero was the individual who sent emails to Ohio State football coach Jim Tressel in 2010 that tipped the coach off to activities by past and present Buckeye football players that constituted NCAA violations.

(Cicero with Eddie George. Click here to read his emails to Tressel)

For not reporting to Ohio State officials the nature of Cicero's
emails, the school yesterday announced Tressel was suspended from
coaching the first two games of the 2011 football season and fined
$250,000. Tressel's indiscretion could also lead to further penalties pending a current NCAA investigation.

Cicero, now a criminal defense attorney, lettered as a member of the Ohio State football team in 1983 under head coach Earle Bruce.</span>

1983 was also the year Tressel first joined the Ohio State coaching staff as an assistant coach.

Ohio State redacted Cicero's name on the emails to protect his
identity, but state law does not allow for the university to withhold
any content contained in the documents.

In the past, Cicero has represented multiple Ohio State Buckeye
football players in legal matters, including former Buckeye defensive
lineman Matt Finkes in 1996.
As soon as Tressel received that email he should have cleaned his hands of all this by forwarding it to the school's compliance officer. That's what they're there for Jimmy! Alas Tressel has proven once and for all that winning rides larger than anything else and you must protect star players at all costs.

However, even before this incident I have sworn (in light of AJ Green situation) that players have a right to do whatever they so please with their OWN PERSONAL PROPERTY. Whatever happened to property rights in this county? A school can sell your jersey, your name (video gms/fantasy ftball), and all your personal time but you cannot sell the property you own. This is ridiculous.
Mel Kiper is projecting Terelle Pryor as a H-Back at the next level. LOL i doubt Pryor will be tough enough(mentally and physically) to make the change. He'll probably self destruct and within a couple of years will be back home talkin about what he could have been.

ITs too bad Ohio State always insists on having black quarterbacks. I hope the Buckeyes decline this year with Braxton Miller and Pryor at the helm. Ill cheer for Ohio State's white players, but as a whole I hope they have a down year.
H-Back? He is too spindly to play the position. I suspect he will be mid round pick as an athlete and to washout of the league in a few years. There is no way that he can stay long on a roster as a qb.
Yeah I would think the same thing, but then again Raheem Moore or Mike Tomlin might come to the rescue and keep Pryor in the NFL. Afterall Dennis dixon, Charlie Batch, Byron Leftwich, and Josh Johnson are all on NFL rosters. Geez what a sorry group of QBS!!!
According to espn, Joe Bauserman is taking most of the snaps with the first team. So hopefully he will start the first five games and maybe even take the starting job away from Pryor if he plays well enough. What do you guys think?
I'd love to see Bauserman start the first 5 games. But they have highly touted freshman Braxton Miller and as soon as Bauserman makes a mistake,I'm sure Millerwill be handed the QB job.
Miller has been practicing with the third team so far. I dont know if its because he is not ready or if its just a freshman thing.
I feel bad for the White Ohio State players. It is now abundantly clear that their coach doesn't care about them. What a messed up situation.
athleticwhiteman said:
According to espn, Joe Bauserman is taking most of the snaps with the first team. So hopefully he will start the first five games and maybe even take the starting job away from Pryor if he plays well enough. What do you guys think?

Ohio State also has redshirt freshman QB Tyler Graham; the son of former 80s Buckeye QB Kent Graham. The kid clearly has the genetics play well but will he be afforded the opportunity?
whiteCB said:
athleticwhiteman said:
According to espn, Joe Bauserman is taking most of the snaps with the first team. So hopefully he will start the first five games and maybe even take the starting job away from Pryor if he plays well enough. What do you guys think?

Ohio State also has redshirt freshman QB Tyler Graham; the son of former 80s Buckeye QB Kent Graham. The kid clearly has the genetics play well but will he be afforded the opportunity?

I sure hope so. The Buckeyes winning a National Championship with a white QB could maybe put anend tothe "black quarterback pipeline".
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