2010 NFL Draft

A picture is worth a thousand words indeed.

DWFs celebrating the Seahawks' coal-black draft. Are we really expecting the caste system to break when you literally have thousands upon thousands of DWFs just like these all over the country:

Edited by: foobar75
Those F**ks are public enemy No. 1 in sustaining the Castesystem. Big dufuses that make around 50 K dump almost half on all things NFL. Go to their homes sh*t all adrift. Open their frigs all you see is beer and unhealthly salted meats & products. Open their cupboards all you see is Fruit loops, Doritos, Pop Tarts and Chips Ahoy cookies. Their offspring are all obese. Their cow wives are getting pounded by a neighbor or God forbid an Affelet Kindred. Go to their closets and you will see jeresys of all sorts of over hyped affelets. Young, Bush, Russell and the like.

These Guys if they knew what we know they would crawl under a rock and die!

This is a frigging bad dream!!!
That picture says it all, how f**king embarrassing. Can you imagine how hilarious the affletes think it is that all these white men worship them.
You usually see the DWF's jumping up and down like idiots any time an afflete gets selected. On rare occasions they will boo an afflete. Almost always a white player is booed.
I was pleased Konz got drafted and a lot of the key guys did--alb eit Shipley and Colt for example way too late. But the Blair White situation ruined it for me. The dental school thing--they say. Can't be athletic abitity since he is one of the top speed/agility athletes out there. A pure horrible joke. Colts as FA--now lets see what happens. Next is Sharp--the pattern? Lets keep out the speedy white guys. I kept double checking maybe Blair was drafted in third round--Nope---pure racist thing on that one.
ToughJ.Riggins said:
By comparison, the last 2 years 2 white WRs were drafted. This year 6 or 7 white WRs were drafted (depends whether Konz is used at WR, TE or H-Back). Plus, I only think about 27 or 28 WRs total were drafted this year (normally about 32-36 WRs are drafted), so that's about 25% white!

Tough, while about a quarter of all receivers drafted this year were white it doesn't really make a difference when you look at the bigger picture. Only 3 white defensive linemen out of the 50 or so drafted. Now that's pathetic. Offensive line was only about 40 % white in this draft. Also only one white safety when in other years we usually had several. We had a few more white receivers drafted than usual but lost ground in several other positions and it was as terrible draft overall.
foobar75 said:
A picture is worth a thousand words indeed.

DWFs celebrating the Seahawks' coal-black draft. Are we really expecting the caste system to break when you literally have thousands upon thousands of DWFs just like these all over the country:


Yes, pics like these are representative of the thoughts and attitudes of the MILLIONS of DWF's just in the US alone. I spent a small amount of time (very small) at the Scott Wright site forums with the loads of DWF's there this weekend. 99% + of them are white and probably look just like the dumba$$es in the picture above. No amount of arguing can get them to see the blatant discrimination.
I suspect that, as a poster noted earlier in this thread, that since all that they see are the overwhelming numbers of blacks in the major conferences, that blacks are inherently better than the white boys. Although the discrimination starts all the way back in youth football, for our purposes the real discrimination starts at the high-school-to-college recruiting. The vast majority of championship squads across this great land of ours are nearly 100% white, yet only the magical affletes are recruited and given high rankings by the odious recruiting sites.
Another small illustration for you in regards to what the DWF's "see". Yesterday, my son was playing with his Pop Warner flag football team, and the last team they played was a team from the west Independence, MO and was majority black. Three of the black kids were older and well-developed, so they had that black affletic look to them that enamors so many DWF's. Every time they would make a play, the folks watching would "ooh" and "ahh", like they were in the presence of greatness. Nevermind that our team of 7 white kids, 1 black, and 1 mulatto beat them. My son would take a short hitch route, break the ankles of one of the black kids and then easily outrun the rest of themall the way to the end zone on 5 different occasions. Truly athletic, and much more so than the magical negroes, but what was the reaction from the attendees? Silence.
It's so sickening that these mobidly obese idiots go to all these games and cheer for these affletes while their country rots from the inside out. No worries about all the illegals in this country, the wave of black on white crime, or the complete destruction of white cultural. All these buffoons care about is eating plenty of crap and drinking their beer. Most whites have been brainwashed to the point of no return.
Surely one of the blackest drafts ever. The NFL thinks that if the number 1 pick is white, then nobody will notice the rest of the draft. The other two 1st rounders, Tebow and Bulaga were both unnecessarily criticized. The system is set up to where if you select a white player, you will be put under the microscope. I don't understand why whites are now locked out of the defensive line. The outlook is bleak. I'm so tired of looking for a game with one or two white players to enjoy.
I was watching the "NFL Draft Recap"Â￾ show on ESPN"¦and much to my surprise, (S)Mell Kiper mentioned Blair White not being drafted as his "biggest shocker."Â￾ He said that he should have been a "3rd round prospect"Â￾ and said that "his situation is crowded at WR with the Colts, but White will have a good NFL career."Â￾ He also mentioned that Kent State's WR/TE Jameson Konz had the best measurables of the entire draft class"¦and that Seattle "needs to find a way to utilize his truly unique athleticism."Â￾

I know the draft looked bad on paper, but hasn't it always? From my experience, approximately ¾ of the black players drafted are never starters. It's the same vicious cycle every season. Black players get paid instantly (despite lesser production in college) and become more slothful and undisciplined than ever"¦while white players scratch and claw their way into the 53rd roster spot and slowly chip away at the system until it becomes utterly absurd to ignore them any longer.

There were certainly some positive aspects of this draft"¦the Cowboys, Broncos, and Falcons for instance. WR's Kerry Meier and Eric Decker landed in the perfect environments for a faster development than the time-honored "racial apprenticeship"Â￾ graciously served by so many white WRs who came before them.Edited by: Thrashen
I was up in New England for the weekend and the local rumblings I heard was that 7th round selection Oklahoma St QB Zac Robinson could be converted to receiver or safety. I confirmed reading similar things today on a few NE blogs.

I would be in favor of this move as NE is in need of WR depth and they only drafted Taylor Price. Also, I think receiver Bryan Anderson has a good shot to make the team or at least practice squad as well.
whiteathlete33 said:
White is one guy I am sure will make the roster and see some playing time this season.

The question then becomes, at whose expense? Reggie Wayne, Pierre Garcon, Austin Collie, Anthony Gonzalez, Sam Giguere, Hank Baskett, there's yoursix Colt receivers right there if Giguerre makes it as a return specialist. Other than Wayne they're all young players. To make the team he has to knock off Giguere, who's an incredible athletic specimen himself. He could beat out Baskett, who sucks, but would the Colts really keep four white receivers along with Dallas Clark, who is pretty much also used as a receiver?

I think White's better off being cut by the Colts and picked up by one of the many teams that have only 1 or 2 decent receivers and working his way up the depth chart. Indy didn't exactly do John Standeford any favors. Not being drafted the reality is thatWhite has a long uphill struggle to ever get regular season playing time with any team.
Another guy who got screwed was Jake Ballard. He is incredibly athletic for a big guy and i havnt even heard anything about him catching on as a free agent. You may remeber he made that clutch catch in the Rose Bowl which was a big reason why Ohio State won that game.
Another guy who got screwed was Jake Ballard. He is incredibly athletic for a big guy and i havnt even heard anything about him catching on as a free agent. You may remember he made that clutch catch in the Rose Bowl which was a big reason why Ohio State won that game.Edited by: green fire317
If you don't follow the NBA for a couple of seasons (and then you go check it out again), what happens?

You suddenly discover hordes of "no-names/interchangeable" affletes. This same thing has come over to the NFL. It really has. Think about why the media worshipped Suh so much, while nearly every other DT was a no-name, and most had poor production. There are growing cracks in the Caste philosophy (at least what they want us to believe) that - "if one black is legit, then all blacks must be legit."

I was on a college team forum, several months ago, and someone started an NFL-bust thread. The thread starter appeared to be ignorant, listing 3 Whites and 2 blacks, but the numerous responders listed 90% blacks. They noticed some of the things we noticed... The SHEER number of busts at DT and Wide Receiver.

They listed:

Jimmy Kennedy (Penn State)
DeWayne Robertson (Kentucky)
Ryan Pickett (Ohio State)
Wendell Bryant (Wisconsin)
Damione Lewis (Miami-Florida)
Gerard Warren (Florida)
Marcus Spears (LSU)
Ryan Sims (North Carolina) -- DUMB KC Chiefs!
John McCargo (North Carolina State)
Jamal Reynolds (DE -- Florida State)
Larry Tripplett (Washington)


Anthony Weaver (Notre Dame) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthony_Weaver

Eddie Freeman (UAB) -- DUMB KC Chiefs!


Another KC pick...(this is all just the 2002 Draft)... the "great" Omar Easy! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omar_Easy

Of course, they also listed a bunch of wide outs, but I'm not going to list them. Whiteathlete33 already had a WR bust thread, so we already got that in the bag.

Facts hurt bad, don't they?
Deadlift said:
If you don't follow the NBA for a couple of seasons (and then you go check it out again), what happens?

You suddenly discover hordes of "no-names/interchangeable" affletes. This same thing has come over to the NFL. It really has. Think about why the media worshipped Suh so much, while nearly every other DT was a no-name, and most had poor production. There are growing cracks in the Caste philosophy (at least what they want us to believe) that - "if one black is legit, then all blacks must be legit."

I was on a college team forum, several months ago, and someone started an NFL-bust thread. The thread starter appeared to be ignorant, listing 3 Whites and 2 blacks, but the numerous responders listed 90% blacks. They noticed some of the things we noticed... The SHEER number of busts at DT and Wide Receiver.

I'd be willing to wager a few fiat dollars that none of the 15 or so black DTs taken early, with the possible exception of Suh, will be as productive in the NFL as Kelly Gregg and Kyle Williams, two of the very few Whites "allowed" to play DT.
I was concerned Jake Sharp would not be drafted(Don warned me of this few weeks ago); but I just wanted to believe just maybe he could sneak into the 7th round....but not hearing any news yet landing somewhere as a free-agent is a load of crap! I am seriously insulted by this!
Would werather see him tear it up in the CFL?? Or bounce around NFL practice squads hoping to land a special-teams gig??
Was there even ONE WHITE CB takenas rookie-free agent???

There used to be 12 rounds many years back...wht did they cut the draft nearly in 1/2?? This makes these priority free-agents all the more valuable!

"No black QB's" were selected in this draft BTW...QB-Joe Webb was the only one listed; he's moving to WR...Edwards was listed as WR

It's been a while since 6 WR's have been selected(can't remember exact year?)...I was hoping for 8..but reserved to 6...Mariani & Toone selected were pleasant suprises; no B White & McGahais BAFFLING! Due to injury figured Wolfe & Jurovich were on the fringe...thought Simondshad a chance/even if it was slight..

*Konz listed as a WR is a bonus..he can play tailblack if it were not for his skin condition.

Only 2 safties drafted...Schillinger & Grimm...sadly becoming near the norm...Lack of white DT's disturbs me more than even the CB's!Edited by: TwentyTwo
I think Broncos DWFs see the light a lot easier than most now since Hillis was there. All of my friend who are Broncos fans love the selections of Tebow and Decker, saying Decker will be a stud. They like Tebow as well. But 90% of DWFs are moronic pigs, spending half of their income on crap, worshiping affletes. It's sickening.

On a side note, Tomlin and Colbert are the biggest caste whore pieces of crap I've ever seen. Pittsburgh's gonna suck, and the DWFs will wonder why. In two years, they'll be down to Ben, Hoke, Miller, Hartwig Spaeth, Keisel, and K/P/LS. Or worse.

Although Decker's and Meier's situations are great right now. As I said above, a lot of people think Decker will start right away.
Edited by: Jack Lambert
Looking for some positive news in the midst of all this bad news, I looked ahead at College Football News projections for next years draft, and it did look a little better I believe with the exception of wide receiver and runningback. (no Gerhart, Hillis or Hester on the horizon that I could find) More white D-lineman, more white Offensive tackles then this year and another wave of white QB's
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