2010-11 NFL Playoffs

It is pathetic what the Chicago DWFs are doing. They take the cake with their insane hatred of Jay Cutler. Add to it the likes of Deion Sanders and Derrick Jones, and Maurice Jones-Drew and you have the perfect caste media storm.

According to this article, his injury could be more painful than a complete MCL tear. DTFs stink, and especially those in Chicago.
Colonel_Reb said:
It is pathetic what the Chicago DWFs are doing. They take the cake with their insane hatred of Jay Cutler. Add to it the likes of Deion Sanders ...

Deion Sanders?? Ha ha ha. That clown was the worse tackler in NFL history. He made avoiding contact an art form. Unreal.
well high powered passing offenses like the Patriots haven't had much trouble with cold weather. Killed the Bears in the snow, and also that game the other year where Welker was fined for making a snow angel. I think the key is white players. Majority white lines and a few white receiving targets is the key to making it work. This is why the Saints need to play in doors during the playoffs in order to win, majority sumo line, and David Thomas and Shockey are only used so much. The Colts didn't have many white receiving threats besides Clark for a few years. They had Stokley who had a 1,000 yard season and then phased out, and then Gonzalez who never saw the field much, and wasn't until recently with Austin Collie, Blair White etc. but yes, having better defenses would help both the Colts and Patriots. The Patriots have used more affletes on defense in recent years, and the production has dropped. The Colts never had a good defense.Edited by: snow
While all white players are held to a clear double standard, there are some white players that, for no apparent reason, bring out truly irrational hatred in both the DWFs and the jock sniffing "journalists." Right now, Jay Cutler is the most obvious example of this. Others presently playing, who were despised from the outset are Tim Tebow, Brady Quinn and Matt Leinart.

In the past, guys like Cade McMown and Heath Shuler were hated by everyone from the moment they entered the NFL. Meanwhile, a few whites, like Jake Plummer, were actually overrated for a brief period of time. Brett Favre was lavishly beloved by the jock-sniffing media for most of his career. And right now, even before his Super Bowl run, Aaron Rodgers was clearly favored, by the usual talking heads, over young QBs like Philip Rivers, for instance, for no logical reason.

Obviously, we can not envision any NFL player publicly attacking a black player over an alleged deficiency of "toughness," as so many have done in the case of Cutler. I heard that "old school" "hard ass" Mike Ditka blasting Cutler, along with the odious jock sniffer Mark "Stink" Schlereth. Kind of tells you something about a man's intellect when he revels in a nickname like that. I can't really blame Cutler for crying, but wish he'd punch one of these idiots instead.

Cutler's much discussed "body language" does give him the image of someone who just doesn't care about anything, but the hatred directed towards him, primarily since he dared to demand a trade once McEminem was hired in Denver, is outrageous and goes beyond racial issues, imho.
bigunreal said:
Cutler's much discussed "body language" does give him the image of someone who just doesn't care about anything, but the hatred directed towards him, primarily since he dared to demand a trade once McEminem was hired in Denver, is outrageous and goes beyond racial issues, imho.

My guess is that the seemingly random decision to unleash unbridled hatred toward certain athletes is just the petulant effeminate flip side to the unrestrained homo-erotic praise bestowed on others. After all, sports journalists and hard-core DWFs are really just teenage girls with male bodies.
bigunreal, I agree with your post for the most part. But didn't McNabb get accused of sending it in, when he "suffered that upset stomach" in the playoffs or SB can't remember right now which one it was. But TO was the one bringing it up and the press, predictably didn't go after him like Cutler.

We know why McNabb's punk out did not gain as much traction as the Cutler injury.

You bring up a good point about McNabb. It's kind of ironic that the most successful black QB in recent memory is actually less lionized than the Vicks and Youngs. McNabb did receive a good deal of criticism and, in all reality, his "body language" is kind of like Cutler's. Doesn't really look like he has a great deal of passion out there.

This is what made Limbaugh's selection of McNabb as "overrated" really ridiculous, and much easier for the jock sniffers and DWFs to attack than if he'd picked someone like Michael Vick. No one could have defended the worship of Vick compared to his anemic track record.
McNabb is not considered "black enough" by his fellow teammatesandthe DWFs, therefore, he's not affordedthe"untouchable negro" label. He would, at times, act a littlegoofy and was always trying to be funny (when he REALLY wasn't)when givinginterviews to local TV stations. This made himseem evenmorelike an "oreo" in theminds of these people. Living in the Philly area, I've witnessed this first hand. You could hear the hatred for Mcnabb on the local sports radio station, where well over half the black callers KILLED the guy on a daily basis. TheyALL(meaning Eaglesfans ofevery color) love Vick, BTW--every last oneof them!

The treatment of footbal players by the media, DWFs, etc, GENERALLY goes right in line with the whole Caste System: The black "alpha males" respected the most and never get "dissed" by anyone (Ray Lewis, Ed Reed,James Harrison, etc),theblack "oreo" second, the White "blue collared" guys and championship level QBs (Hillis, Favre, Brady, most White football players) third, "normal" White guys at the bottom.Edited by: Toby Hillis
McNabb grew up in a two-parent home in an overwhelmingly White suburb. That explains a lot about why so many blacks and DWFs don't like him-- he's not "authentic" enough, e.g., he's fairly well spoken, has a mostly pleasant demeanor and non-threatening mannerisms, and isn't getting charged with felonies or stirring up stuff, other than the occasional self-pitying whine.
Don Wassall said:
McNabb grew up in a two-parent home in an overwhelmingly White suburb.  That explains a lot about why so many blacks and DWFs don't like him -- he's not "authentic" enough, e.g., he's fairly well spoken, has a mostly pleasant demeanor and non-threatening mannerisms, and isn't getting charged with felonies or stirring up stuff, other than the occasional self-pitying whine. 

I remember reading something similar about former KC running back Larry Johnson. He also grew up in a two-parent home, in a good neighborhood. His father was a school principal and coach, I believe. And because he didn't come from "da hood", he never quite fit in and accepted by his college and then pro teammates. In order to shed the Uncle Tom label, he got into numerous troubles with the team management as well as the law, and his career quickly went downhill after a couple of good seasons.

That same label of not having "street cred" has dogged people like Grant Hill and Kobe Bryant at the NBA level, who fit a similar mold. Apparently, the formula is the same across the board. If you come from a stable, two-parent family and grew up in a normal environment, you're simply not black enough, and therefore shunned by your own people.

The black community is its own worst enemy, no matter how much they blame "whitey" for holding them down.
Guys, can anyone explain the record set for views of the AFC championship game? It is reported that the game attracted almost 55 million viewers! If so, I can see why the league and some players are making obscene amounts of money.
A white player can't even tear his MCL without becoming a local and national pariah. Burn his jersey? Why not burn him at the steak? Go ahead, fanboys, satisfy your own perverted demons"¦but, of course, do so only within the confines of society's modern racial "sanctions."Â￾

Why would any quarterback, especially one who started the entire season, achieved the #2 NFC playoff seed, and was only down by 14 points (to an anemic Packers offense that was playing dreadfully bad after the first few series) not want to compete in the NFC Championship game?

As Bigunreal hinted at, the humiliating media treatment of Jay Cutler is the utter antithesis of the way that Aaron Rodgers is perpetually praised, even during the many games in which Rodger isn't "hot"Â￾"¦which, coincidentally, seems to only occur when Jordy Nelson and John Kuhn are being purposely ignored.

Culter's slow-footed, blubber-infested, cocoa-flavored offensive line and bumbling gaggle of God-awful, hands-o-brick wide receivers is the antithesis Aaron Rodgers' lean, intelligent, athletic, all-white offensive line and relatively talented (by NFL standards) group of wide receivers.

But hey, Rodgers will smile, celebrate touchdowns by donning the "Championship Belt,"Â￾ high five, laugh, joke around, and refer to John Kuhn and Jordy Nelson as "slow"Â￾ in his media interviews. Cutler is shy, reserved, soft-spoken, and noticeably depressed on a roster chock full of Africans, coached by Africans, and watched by white Africans. Go figure. Edited by: Thrashen
Going to have to disagree with some of you on this topic. Cutler has been demonized by the MSM not because he is white, but because he hates the press. Pure and simple.<div>
</div><div>He is playing QB where it is absolutely still thought of as a white position primarily. Cutler is hated by the media because and only because he doesn't like them, joke around with them at press conferences and generally avoids them as much as humanly possible.</div><div>
</div><div>If he was smiling, joking around during his press conferences, hamming it up like Rogers (Championship belt routhine after TDs) etc. he would be just as loved. That is the bottom line.</div><div>
</div><div>A similar thing happened to LT a couple years ago. He sprained his MCL in the playoff game and couldn't continue. He was called soft and questioned by fans and players alike, who questioned his toughness and heart. The thing LT had going with him in regards to the sports media is that he is approachable, likable and willing to talk to them. That is utterly important in whether or not a player is ripped on more or less heavily by the media.</div>
It'd be nice if the new CF website has the capability of having large headlines at the top of the front page like Drudge Report or Huffington Post where Don could have a main story for each day or every few days.

Imagine how awesome it would be to have a headline that said "DWF's Burn Cutler Jersey!" in 24pt black bold text with a large image of the drunken idiots in action with an associated story/opinion piece that allowed comments by registered users.

People searching on the topic would come to this page and learn what DWF's are and expose them for the pathetic creatures they truly are and offer a counterpoint perspective to the drunk-induced opinions of the Caste media and their pathetic little fan-boy sycophants.
Don Wassall said:
McNabb grew up in a two-parent home in an overwhelmingly White suburb. That explains a lot about why so many blacks and DWFs don't like him-- he's not "authentic" enough, e.g., he's fairly well spoken, has a mostly pleasant demeanor and non-threatening mannerisms, and isn't getting charged with felonies or stirring up stuff, other than the occasional self-pitying whine.

It's interesting you bring that up Don, there was some recent grumblings by the hack media on one of those radio shows a few weeks ago about the two parent home deal. In regards to their conversation it was about the Patriots draft strategy of going after players from two parent households almost exclusively. The conversation of course was race and how the Patriots philosophy is inherently racist as that strategy favors white players over superior affletes who despite wrap sheets as criminals and racists, drug abuse, gang affiliations and long track records of criminal behavior "deserve a chance."

In regards to McNabb, it was always interesting to me how despite being a good quarterback, the 2nd black one since Warren Moon he was never really propped up by the media and treated more like a white QB than a black black quarterback. Actually that is apparent with several players in the NFL I have noticed. Larry Fitzgerald is another one. Despite being one of the top WR's in the entire NFL and better than T.O., Moss, Chad Johnson ect he never gets alot of press nor respect. Of course he's also a pretty well spoken, respectful young man from a two family household, raised in majority white Minnesota who quietly does his job, takes the blame when his team loses no matter how unwarranted and praised his (white) quarterback whenever they would win so I guess why would they? Josh Freeman seems to get similar treatment. Not for nothing but he was a better QB and prospect than the rapist Mark Sanchez and the only first round black quarterback to come out in the last few years yet received the Brady Quinn treatment.
I think the media likes drama. It interests the mangina DWF's so the press is always looking for it. They can't make much of a story out of "nice guy, married, kids, no arrests". Sports media is like all other media, basically 'National Inquirer' journalism. It's sad and pathetic but the less of an a-hole an athlete is (black or white) then the smaller the media attention.

They need ever increasing levels of shock to interest a public that is overstimulated on all levels and the only way for that to happen is to cover guys that do stupid things. It won't change until people do and people don't change easily.
TheAnimal said:
Don Wassall said:
McNabb grew up in a two-parent home in an overwhelmingly White suburb.  That explains a lot about why so many blacks and DWFs don't like him -- he's not "authentic" enough, e.g., he's fairly well spoken, has a mostly pleasant demeanor and non-threatening mannerisms, and isn't getting charged with felonies or stirring up stuff, other than the occasional self-pitying whine. 
It's interesting you bring that up Don, there was some recent grumblings by the hack media on one of those radio shows a few weeks ago about the two parent home deal. In regards to their conversation it was about the Patriots draft strategy of going after players from two parent households almost exclusively. The conversation of course was race and how the Patriots philosophy is inherently racist as that strategy favors white players over superior affletes who despite wrap sheets as criminals and racists, drug abuse, gang affiliations and long track records of criminal behavior "deserve a chance." In regards to McNabb, it was always interesting to me how despite being a good quarterback, the 2nd black one since Warren Moon he was never really propped up by the media and treated more like a white QB than a black black quarterback. Actually that is apparent with several players in the NFL I have noticed. Larry Fitzgerald is another one. Despite being one of the top WR's in the entire NFL and better than T.O., Moss, Chad Johnson ect he never gets alot of press nor respect. Of course he's also a pretty well spoken, respectful young man from a two family household, raised in majority white Minnesota who quietly does his job, takes the blame when his team loses no matter how unwarranted and praised his (white) quarterback whenever they would win so I guess why would they? Josh Freeman seems to get similar treatment. Not for nothing but he was a better QB and prospect than the rapist Mark Sanchez and the only first round black quarterback to come out in the last few years yet received the Brady Quinn treatment.

Because of their grievous black supremacist ways, Arizona was a bad team, so it was quite natural that Roddy White and Andre Johnson, for example, got more press than Fitzgerald.

Randy Moss appears washed-up and the media doesn't want to "accept it".. but they'll have to, shortly.

McNabb had all those "Campbell's soup" commercials.. and the funny thing is, the media (repeatedly) treats him as if he has the "arm strength" of Big Ben, which is doubtful! He's not really "clutch" either, at least not in recent times..

I've seen him tank a bunch of times in the last 3 years of watching the NFL (the span of my CF membership). There was that one game last year, where the Eagles' didn't do anything in the 1st half and had a significant deficit, but were coming back, starting in the mid-late 3rd quarter.. It was either against Dallas in their 2nd regular season match-up, or their playoff game against Dallas? That year, Dallas defeated Philly in all 3-meetings. Regardless of the exact game, that was McNabb's "last hurrah."

He decided to "start playing" a little too late. As for Josh Freeman, Mike Wilbon said recently that, if that draft was "re-drafted" now, in hindsight, Freeman would be the #1 overall pick and not Matthew Stafford and he said Freeman is &gt; than Mark Sanchez. That's "praise" from Wilbon, who also said, about Cam Newton, and I think he was serious, that he should go #1...

I don't really want to argue about Freeman -vs- Sanchez, nor am I a supporter of Wilbon, but I just wanted to post what I saw on "PTI" several days ago (when it was Freeman's 23rd birthday). ESPN also had Freeman on it's "First Take" program yesterday. Interesting to note.. during the season, some MSM folks admitted that Tampa had a subpar schedule (and the ONLY "above .500 team" that they beat was a Pierre Thomas-less New Orleans, a team that wasn't going to get the division title, anyways, as Atlanta was manhandling Carolina; I recall that both games were being played at the same time), but, now that the regular season is over, ESPN is in "full-annointment" of Freeman and Tampa and ignoring pertinent facts like the above. Look at Kansas City, as well, for a similar example.. they had an "easier-type" schedule, and then got destroyed in the postseason.. Next year, everything will "start from scratch" and the road will be tougher for them.

There is a benefit, however, to Tampa going 10-6 and missing the postseason.. they get the 20th pick in the 1st Round! They won't be able to land Julio Jones, who is quite possibly "higher Bell Curve" (if he can stay healthy) than the much-hyped (and skinny) A.J. Green. With that pick, Tampa will now likely go for an OL/DL, DB, RB, or a pass-rushing OLB like Justin Houston (who could still be available at that spot).

They can't really fix their problems with this draft (not a deep draft). Some mock-drafts have them taking a White player in the 1st Round.. which is hilarious!
"Not for nothing but he was a better QB and prospect than the rapist Mark Sanchez and the only first round black quarterback to come out in the last few years yet received the Brady Quinn treatment."

I have to really disagree with that.. Freeman left K-State "early" after having a rather pitiful season.

The MSM put on a huge campaign comparing him to Joe Flacco, and, what happened? In '09, Freeman went 17th overall and Joe Flacco went 18th in '08!

If anyone watched Freeman this year, it was "a lot of".. the receivers' having to make SPECTACULAR catches on essentially LOBS. After throwing a ton of poorly-thrown balls to Jordy Nelson in college, he doesn't magically become a pinpoint-passer in the NFL..

Yes, word is, from articles by CBS Sportsline before the start of this season, that he worked on his game a lot.. as he should have, after being the 17th pick and signing a fat contract! I still rarely saw him "put the ball on a rope" however.

With an easier schedule, Freeman was sacked 28 times. Flacco, with a much-tougher schedule, was sacked 40 times. When Tampa has to face NFC teams, with attacking Ds, like Philly/Dallas/Green Bay and NYG -- what's going to happen?

He will likely be sacked over 30 times. He'll also get stripped even more. I expect Tampa to continue to be Caste at O-line.. should make for some interesting TV.

P.S. -- Remember how Flacco grew IMMENSELY in the latter part of his rookie season? And, in those playoffs, some absolutely INCREDIBLE throws were made to Derrick Mason and company. Classic memories that I won't soon forget.
Deadlift said:
Because of their grievous black supremacist ways, Arizona was a bad team, so it was quite natural that Roddy White and Andre Johnson, for example, got more press than Fitzgerald.

Even before this season I can remember Larry F. lighting it up in multiple games in a row yet if you looked in the media it was as if he did very little. One 20 second blurb or paragraph while there's a 5 page feature on this thug WR and that thug WR.

Randy Moss appears washed-up and the media doesn't want to "accept it".. but they'll have to, shortly.

Deadlift said:
He decided to "start playing" a little too late. As for Josh Freeman, Mike Wilbon said recently that, if that draft was "re-drafted" now, in hindsight, Freeman would be the #1 overall pick and not Matthew Stafford and he said Freeman is &gt; than Mark Sanchez. That's "praise" from Wilbon, who also said, about Cam Newton, and I think he was serious, that he should go #1...

Wilbon is an idiot. #1 overall? That is a little much. To clarify on my statement earlier and kind of to consolidate all of this a little bit I didn't have Sanchez nor Freeman graded out as first rounders then and I don't now. Going off memory I had it ranked... #1 overall- Matt Stafford, #2 on the board and mid to late 2nd Josh Freeman, Stephen McGee at #3 and a late 2nd then Mark Sanchez at #4 and an early to mid 3rd rounder. I disagreed with either one receiving a first round grade as they're not first round talent. Sanchez was a one year wonder at USC received the grade he did because he's out of the overrated USC program and because it was good press, get a half Mexican drafted in round one at the QB position to benefit their Viva La Raza push to make the NFL more Mexi friendly.

What I mean by getting the Brady Quinn treatment is if you go back to that draft Quinn was the higher rated QB and all around better QB yet it was made clear through the media despite all of that there was no possible way he was coming off the board before JaMarcus Russell who wasn't even a 3rd round value. The ceiling was it didn't matter, you're not getting drafted before this guy and that's that. The powers that be picked the kid they wanted to get the hype and off the board and nothing was changing that.

That's funny that Wilbon is hyping Cam Newton at #1 overall, although not a surprise. Could they be anymore transparent? His ability is a 5th round longterm project. The only skill he has that translates to the NFL is his running ability. The funny thing is and they quickly scrubbed it clean was that prior to the season Jerod Johnson was their affletic supaman destined for the early first round. Bummer for Jerod he doesn't have a wrap sheet, maybe he would still have the affirmative action QB slot.

Deadlift said:
I don't really want to argue about Freeman -vs- Sanchez, nor am I a supporter of Wilbon, but I just wanted to post what I saw on "PTI" several days ago (when it was Freeman's 23rd birthday). ESPN also had Freeman on it's "First Take" program yesterday. Interesting to note.. during the season, some MSM folks admitted that Tampa had a subpar schedule (and the ONLY "above .500 team" that they beat was a Pierre Thomas-less New Orleans, a team that wasn't going to get the division title, anyways, as Atlanta was manhandling Carolina; I recall that both games were being played at the same time), but, now that the regular season is over, ESPN is in "full-annointment" of Freeman and Tampa and ignoring pertinent facts like the above. Look at Kansas City, as well, for a similar example.. they had an "easier-type" schedule, and then got destroyed in the postseason.. Next year, everything will "start from scratch" and the road will be tougher for them.

My bad then. I have to admit I haven't went near ESPN in the last month and not very often before then. The last time I had tuned in it was the 24/7 Michael Vick show mixed in with that WR-turned-black quarterback for the Vikings and Freeman was an afterthought. If they're hyping up Freeman now then obviously my commentary is now off base in that regard.
He is 10 pounds heavier than Pouncey and a few inchers shorter, which probably means more bulk. I didn't notice any dropoff when Pouncey left the game, but all of the sacks were blamed on him by the dwfs, even though the rest of the line isawful.Pounceywas severely overrated in the first place. How will he handle all of that blubber in BJ Raji. OH NO
In Baltimore/Pittsburgh's 2nd regular season match-up, Haloti Ngata manhandled Pouncey.

In their playoff meeting, however, it looked like Ngata was lazy and wasn't trying to push Pouncey... disappointing.
Frank Zombo is back at practice, while the blackup who replaced him is out. Packers should start 3 whites at LB.
Wow imagine the flak Cutler would receive if he wasn't the most sacked QB in the league. This is ridiculous, and I'm a Pats fan - WTF do they want? Ray Lewis to play QB? If he could play QB he would, but 50+ sacks? Get real, that is not the fault of Cutler, its the fault of his Offensive line (which, OMG now that I look, is majority non-white, weird?).
Chicago fans - you guys REALLY think Cutler was your problem this year? Most fans would LOVE their team to get to the NFC title game - but apparently not you guys - but from an outsider - Cutler WAS NOT YOUR BIGGEST PROBLEM MORONS.

I guess the most difficult problem in the NFL is telling morons with money that they're morons.
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