2009 World Championship of Track & Field

nash99 said:
By my count thru 3 days whites/asians have won 24 of 39 medals. That's over 60%....pretty good considering the media's portrayal of blacks as incredibly "athletic". As for steroids in the sprints..I would encourage white athletes to take them. Look at all the 'roiders that have won...Jones, Johnson, Montgomery, Greene...even whites like Block, Kenteris and Nestorenko were winners. Until they ban the sprints or have a one and done policy the results will always be bogus. I mean there was a Bahamian woman in the 100m final and she was 38 years old. Gimme a break!!! As for Jamaica...Nigeria has 100 blacks and they never even put a guy in the 100m finals and Jamaica has 3 every year. Too funny......As for Jamaicans "great" athletic abilities. The only team sport they compete in is soccer and they have never beaten the USA and the USA is horrible in soccer. You have to admit that....

Lots of Nigerians have reached the final, Ezinwa, Adeniken, Effiong and Obikwelu. That said though, no one for a while.

You'd think that Sturrup was a one off, but Merlene Ottey was still running top flight 100m at 41, Christie ran a PB at 33 and won WC gold. Must just be something in the water in over there.
As I predicted, both Hession and Guliyev will most likeley make the finals. They are both safely in the semis. Guliyev will have to beat Crawford for bronze. 50% chance I think.
charlie180, do you have a link for Pickering's interview? i'd like to see it, if so.

also, Guliyev looked very relaxed in his 200 heat. this kid has all kinds of ability.
First off, Jason Gardner never lived up to his potential. He alwasy ran good indoors and failed outdoors. He only had 1 sub 10 his whole career. I thought he could have done alot better than that and I put alot of the blame on his coach. Collin was a hurdler and even though he was world class, that doesn't make Arnold a great sprints coach. The 110 High Hurdles is more of a technical even where form, and timing means everything. Pickering needs a change. I glad he talked about Bolt, Gay and others being like watching Sci Fi. Very true and also very sad if you ask me.
The only heat I saw waw with Herring. Why did JayConn get disqualified? What a weird couple of days it has been for our guys. It's a damn shame. I was also suprised that Abrantes never ran and Kosenkow looked slow. Those guys can really run and I was expected a little bit more from them. Glad to hear that Guliyev and Hession are safe. I need to see these other two heats. Got home too late.

Tommorow will be a big day. Le't hope for the best!
The USA is awful at soccer. The other team (if its a good team) has the ball the whole game. They can beat Jamaica and Costa Rica all day long. Any legitimate soccer power makes the USA look like a joke. Every once in a while they get a lucky win and the soccer freaks get all excited. I'm not buying it. The only people that like soccer in the USA are the Mexicans and illegals that won't go home.........
listening to the announcers worship the negro antics of Sanya Richards after she won the 400 made me cringe.


i guess nothing a negro does is disgusting and/or to be criticized these days ...
Pickering should gets some PEDs or just go home. I mean look at the people that have won for the last 25 years. ALL OF THEM HAVE BEEN ON PEDs!!!! Join the club or go back to school because nothing is ever going to change. Personally, there has been so much cheating in the 100m that they should just get rid of it. It makes the sport look like a joke...I mean 40 year olds in the 100m final....ridiculous.
Does anyone have a link to Guliyev or JayConns Race? I am pissed about Jared getting knocked out of what should have been a 2nd straight semi finals berth.
the notion that the tiny nation of Jamaica could produce such a high number of currently elite sprinters, both men and women, is the equivalent to my high school alma mater (and its regular graduating classes of less than40 students)producing the 5 fastest male and 5 fastest female runners in the whole state of Arkansas.

if the above scenario happened in my state, people would be digging for what was going on ... yet, when it actually is happening in Jamaica no one in the sports media bats an eye.

those yams the Jamaicans are eating must be packed with vitamins!


on another note, the final for the women's high jump is almost a complete White-out. 7 of the 8 finalists are White ladies.

and that includes Italian Antonietta Di Martino, who cleared 6-foot 4-and-1/2-inches despite being only 5-foot 7-inches tall! amazing!
I loved seeing the tall french guy pull a bronze medal in the steeple chase. The Kenya men thought they had the sweep. He ruined it. You have to love it. Those little guys from over there rarely lose. They weigh like 80lbs and this huge tall french men stole a medal. It was classic. He probably weighs more than the other 2 medalists put together.
nash99 said:
The USA is awful at soccer. The other team (if its a good team) has the ball the whole game. They can beat Jamaica and Costa Rica all day long. Any legitimate soccer power makes the USA look like a joke. Every once in a while they get a lucky win and the soccer freaks get all excited. I'm not buying it. The only people that like soccer in the USA are the Mexicans and illegals that won't go home.........

I am not a Mexican or a illegal and I love soccer but this is not a soccer thread. If you want to start a thread about how poor you think American soccer is(wrong) then start up a new thread in the soccer forum. I seem to remember the USA team beat the #1 team in the world Spain a few months ago.
When I see the Ethiopian men in their warm up jackets they look like Speedy Gonzalez and his Mexican buddies in the old Warner Bros. Cartoons...
am i the only one who has a problem with all these athletes who represent foreign nations being "US" collegiate champions?

why the *swear word* do US college recruiters go outside the nation to recruit track athletes? why don't they develop the native talent? this is ridiculous!

i suppose it's necessary to bring in so many foreigners on American athletic scholarships, because apparently sprinting is just another "job that Americans won't do."
Jimmy Chitwood said:
am i the only one who has a problem with all these athletes who represent foreign nations being "US" collegiate champions?
<div> </div>
<div>why the *swear word* do US college recruiters go outside the nation to recruit track athletes? why don't they develop the native talent? this is ridiculous! </div>
<div> </div>
<div>i suppose it's necessary to bring in so many foreigners on American athletic scholarships, because apparently sprinting is just another "job that Americans won't do."

Jimmy makes a good point, one that is missed in the discussions of "why does a small nation like Jamaica have so many world class athletes?" because that island is the chemical testing ground for US PED experts!!! They can't do it here because the testing is so rigorous, so they move it offshore where the authorities are more forgiving of a few improprieties. They all run for US colleges, suck up US tax dollars, then take a plane home to juice up. It's a good scam they got going. Some small nation in Africa could do the same thing but the plane fares are too high.
Every time a 400m or less race comes along, (men/women + hurdles) and the runners are introduced its almost always a Jamaican or Afro-American who is the favorite...they are almost completly dominant. Getting a bit bored of it to say the least. In fact theres a 400m women hurdles on right now as i write...lets see.....Afro-American wins! (yawn!)

If it wasnt for those 2 groups the whole thing would be SOOOO much more diverse and so much more interesting. Notice how the European champion (90% white) has the beating of the African champion in most events.

Saying that, the 400m men does look pretty good...there is some cheer for fans of white athletes on the track, but very little it seems.

Thank god for Russian women..they at least do reasonably well in the short distances, and they look nice too. In fact there are a lot of nice looking European women completing in the world championship ;)

and by the way, cant the 350 million strong US produce ANY whites?(besides Wariner)
Well if both Guliyev and Gillick can both medal (likely) then whites will have 3/6 (50%) of the medals 200/400 and 2/3 (66%) of 400 medals.

In the 100 we have been doing poor in Berlin though. Lemaitre probably would have been 5th or 6th place in the final had he not been DQ'd.

The US doesn't want white athletes in Track, NFL, NBA, or MLB and MLS if they had their way. The only reason Wariner broke through was because he was so dominant at a young age, and therefore got to go to Baylor and have Clyde Hart as a coach.

We as whites mature later in athletics also, therefore disheartening white kids in America. And the sad part is, as many have already stated, the most talent pobably IS in America.
The US could if they wanted to. We would rather just send all black teams. The United States has done this for years. Even in events that whites do very good, america is still most likely to send black athletes. People from around the world must assume that America is 90% black when you look at our sports teams. There are plenty of great white athletes here in the US. Only they get ignored the majority of the time.

So that is why alot of us here have grown to love rooting on our European brothers and sisters. Our own country rarely gives us athletes that look like us to root for. That is why they ignore boxing at the moment. Anything that whites dominate, is ignored.

Wariner is still a legend. For him to succeed when he was raised here in the US is amazing. He doesn't buy into the whole stereotypes thing like most US White Men do. I really want him to win a 2nd World Champs Gold Medal to go with his 2007 victory.

More than anything though, I want a medal for Rocket Ramil Guliyev in a sub 20 time in the 200 meters. That would make my summer. It would also help to erase the pain of seeing Christophe get screwed and not get to run in the 100. The only good thing is that starting next season, no more false starts for anyone. One and done. No more guys like Mike who do it on purpose. It's very common in track. Those days are over. It will slow down the times a little, but it will make the race alot more fair in my opinion.
Great point Jimmy. It does stink to high heaven the way colleges recruit foreign negroes to fill their track rosters.
Actually, I find it much more interesting if there are one or two white guys vying for a medal. If it was all white I would be just as disinterested as I am when its all black guys. I'm sure most black people find the 100/200m/10,000m as boring as I do. It's the same people all the time. (3 Americans/3 Jamaicans/2 T&Ters) The 10,000 is 12 Kenyans/Ethiopians....It's too bad Lemaitre got screwed. He would have made the 100m final. Guliyev should probably get to the 200m final, hopefully.
Great to see the 19 year old Robert Herring of Germany in the semi finals as well. Robert, Christophe and Ramil are all only nineteen years of age and they are the future. Here is a quick little article on Robert. http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=de&u=http://www.leichtathletik.de/&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dgerman%2Bathletics%26hl%3Den%26rls%3Dcom.microsoft:en-us:IE-SearchBox%26rlz%3D1I7ADBF_en&rurl=translate.google.com

Just scroll down to where it says Robert Herring jaunts into the semi finals. Edited by: white lightning
Jimmy Chitwood said:
charlie180, do you have a link for Pickering's interview? i'd like to see it, if so.
<div> </div>
<div>also, Guliyev looked very relaxed in his 200 heat. this kid has all kinds of ability.</div>

Not sure if you can view it, I think they may block non UK residents from watching but here is the link:


The Pickering/Harry A interview is at 57 mins 30 secs. It is only about a minute and a half long. (Notice the size of Harry's head! He is starting to look like Edgar!)

white lightning said:
First off, Jason Gardner never lived up to his potential. He alwasy ran good indoors and failed outdoors. He only had 1 sub 10 his whole career. I thought he could have done alot better than that and I put alot of the blame on his coach.

True about Gardener, but that happens with most British sprinters, including Jason Livingstone, Jason John and Mark Lewis Francis and is not necessarily a reflection on the coach. I don't think that there are many top sprint coaches in the UK, but maybe a change would help.
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