2009 Ohio State Buckeyes

Pryor's actions from high school to today show him to be a thug. It shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone here.
Ohio State easily wins this game with a capable QB. Because this thug is black, he will never be benched. Meanwhile, Michigan, USC, Norte Dame, all have exciting potentially great future NFL QBs starting for them. Poor Ohio State. It's too bad for all the white players on the team - especially the recievers.
Yeah and to think Michigan dodged that bullet by missing out on Tyrelle Pryor's last minute decision to go to OSU instead of U of M.
I told everyone from the beginning that Pryor would suck, and suck he does because. Pryor is just another attempt by the biased media to blacken up the position by having Affletes play quarterback. They simply, and I dont care what any one says have the racial make up to stand in the pocket and read defenses in order to compleete passes. Their instinct is to run first to avoid trouble just like back in Arfrica. Pryor will go down as a fundamental bust, and for that reason I was pulling for USC and their white Quarterback to outplay Pryor and out play him he did. Way to go Matt Barkley.
Pryor will be the next Akili Smith. A lot of hype but little action on the field. If you check rivals 2010 prospects several of the top qb's are black.
Pryor is a joke. I cannot wait to see Forcier and Michigan play against OSU and have Forcier upstage the joke that Pryor is. Forcier looks like he is only going to get better, it is a a shame that he is playing under rodriguez.
I'd rather have Forcier playing under Tressel and Pryor staying and playing for Rich Rod. Pryor is completely incompetent, as the game last night shows. I hated listening to Herbstreit talk about Pryor last night.
Jack Lambert said:
I'd rather have Forcier playing under Tressel and Pryor staying and playing for Rich Rod. Pryor is completely incompetent, as the game last night shows. I hated listening to Herbstreit talk about Pryor last night.

I was at the game so luckily I didn't have to hear Herbie's Caste Speak 101 (he is a master at it). All the fans are all over Pryor. They're tired of his "potential" and want to see results. Unfortunately Pryor is the worst decision maker/accurate passer ever so he'll never be good. I will continue to support OSU and root on their many white players. It's just too bad they have Pryor at the helm. Oh well you gotta take the good with the Pryor.
It's too bad for OSU because of the caste factor they are probably stuck with the guy until he graduates or 'chimps-out' (ha-I love that one). Tressell made a bad decision on this. He usually is pretty astute but he let caste-think get the best of him on this one. Pryor will still ensure that OSu runs over most of the Big 10 but out of conference games are still going to be tough for them.
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Starting White right tackle Jim Cordle, the most experienced offensive lineman for No. 11 Ohio State, will miss the next three to four weeks with an ankle injury.

Coach Jim Tressel disclosed the injury on Thursday. He said Cordle, a
fifth-year senior who has started the past three seasons, had
complained of pain in his ankle and it got steadily worse. Tests on
Wednesday showed the severity of the injury.

Tressel was unsure if Cordle was injured in the Buckeyes' 18-15 loss to No. 3 Southern California on Saturday night.

In his place in Saturday's game against Toledo, the Buckeyes most likely would play White J.B. Shugarts.http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/news/story?id=4481133
It looks like OSU won't be making an appearance in the National Championship Game.
Great, now Tressel is holding Pryor back. We'll probably see the thug running a lot more this week.

HS coach: Tressel should let Pryor run</font>

<hr size="1" width="100%" noshade="noshade">

By Joe Schad

The high school coach of Ohio State quarterback Terrelle Pryor says that his former player could be utilized more effectively by Buckeyes coach Jim Tressel.
"They need Terrelle to run more," former Jeannette (Pa.) High School
coach Ray Reitz said. "They've put the reins on him and they need to
let him go free. When I watch Terrelle play right now, I see a robot."

Reitz, now the coach at Latrobe High, said Pryor was recruited on the premise of a more diverse offense.

"All I know is they promised him that they would teach
him a pro-style system with both a shotgun and under center," Reitz
said. "Jim Tressel is a great coach and he's been running his offense
successfully for 30 years. But I'd like to see some zone-read plays
where with one mistake [by the defense], he can be gone. With some
zone-read plays, they wouldn't be able to take away all the outside
runs because he'd be a threat to go between the tackles."
Pryor threw two interceptions and lost two fumbles as Ohio State (No.
19 BCS, No. 18 AP) was upset by two-touchdown underdog Purdue last
week. On Tuesday, Tressel stood behind his quarterback, deflecting fan
suggestions that he bench Pryor or move him to wide receiver.

Buckeyes receiver DeVier Posey,
one of Pryor's favorite targets, made the case that too much has been
expected of Pryor, a sophomore who has commanded attention from the
moment he set foot on campus.
"From his first pass, [people said] he's really not that good. But I
really feel that's kind of hard for a guy like that, you know what I
mean? There's only one Tim Tebow
in this world and I don't really know what people want from [Pryor],"
Posey said. "He's going to get better. He really can't do much worse."

Posey went on to say Pryor will improve, although he was a bit unsure of when.
"I feel like he's going to get better, he's going to be a great player.
It's going to happen in time," Posey said, explaining he believes Pryor
is further along than Ohio State Heisman winner Troy Smith or ex-Texas
QB Vince Young were at the same stage. "And I just feel like if people
are patient, and he's patient [he'll be great]. ... He's not going to
be great tomorrow. But if he works on it, eventually in a year or two,
or even maybe by the end of this year, he'll be a great player."
Reitz said he believes that Pryor is being affected by criticism --
though he adds Pryor would never admit it. And he says it would be a
mistake to move Pryor to wide receiver.



Jim Tressel is a great coach. But I can tell you there is more to Terrelle Pryor than what we've been seeing.


<cite>-- Ray Reitz, Pryor's high school coach</cite>


"He would be a great wide receiver or even a great linebacker,"
Reitz said. "But that doesn't mean you should move him from
quarterback. In fact, I don't think he'd agree to a move to wide
receiver. Give him time to grow. Put the ball in his hands and if there
is a breakdown let him run. It doesn't look to me like he's relaxed. It
doesn't look like he has rhythm. It doesn't look like he's comfortable."
Pryor was among the most highly sought recruits in the nation when he
chose Ohio State over Michigan, Penn State and Oregon, after extending
the process beyond signing day. But Reitz believes Pryor's high-profile
recruiting process is hurting him now.
"There are people that are rooting for him to fail because he's
arrogant," Reitz said. "But it was the college coaches who told him to
take time after signing day if he wasn't ready."
"There is no question that Rich Rodriguez's offense, for example, would
be more apt to suit Terrelle's skills," Reitz said. "But Ohio State
sold him on the idea that they would prepare him for the NFL and that
they don't run 'zone-read' in the NFL. Jim Tressel is a great coach.
But I can tell you there is more to Terrelle Pryor than what we've been

At his news conference Tuesday, Tressel was asked about maximizing Pryor's skills.
"I don't know if anyone could question the explosive potential both
running and passing that Terrelle brings and have we all done
everything to make sure that we magnify that?" Tressel said. "Probably
not. Has he done everything he needs to do to maximize that? Probably
not. But it doesn't mean we won't stop working on it."

Joe Schad is a national college football reporter for ESPN. Information from The Associated Press was used in this report.


Edited by: Colonel_Reb
Practically every male in my church is a Buckeye fan and they are all disgusted by Pryor's play and lack of progress and want to see him moved to another position or benched. Nobody is buying into the "potential" anymore. It wouldn't suprise me to see the Buckeyes lose a couple more games before the season is over if they continue to start Pryor.
Tressel's hands are likely still tied to some extent because Pryor was ridiculously over-hyped in high school as a surefire college and NFL superstar and was regarded as a recruiting coup for OSU.

AP's story on Tressel's Tuesday news conference sounds almost like he was babbling: "From the film grade standpoint, [Pryor] probably had less minus plays than he did in the past couple weeks," Tressel said. "Now, that's the good news. Here's the bad news: The minuses that we had were those triple minuses."

Must be quite an experience to coach a black quarterback who said of Michael Vick: "Not everybody's the perfect person in the world. I mean everyone kills people, murders people, steals from you, steals from me, whatever. I think that people need a second chance, and I've always looked up to Mike Vick, and I always will."Â￾Edited by: Don Wassall
What kind of person has a criminal as their role model? Apparently Pryor and many other affletes. Black racial solidarity goes a long way. If Vick had killed a person Pryor would still be saying the same thing.
Well, I'm pulling for Minnesota this weekend! Pryor has been on my
excrement list ever since I saw what he did when playing high school
basketball. Thug life, may you eternally wince in pain from the barbs
of a thousand stickers that pierce your skin as you are driven into the
sod by oncoming white pass rushers!
A curse from Colonel Reb and a funny one at that.
Do you need any voodoo dolls for Terrelle?
Tressel won't survive Pryor. He has lost control of his program, and it's a mess entirely of his own making.
When some punkass high school coach goes to the media and criticizes a college football coach's offensive gameplan, and a large portion of the fanbase AGREES with the high school coach, that college coach will never again benefit from the assumption of competence that accompanies most successful coaches.
Tressel is one of the winningest coaches of this decade. But everyone has conveniently forgotten that. They are doubting his knowledge and abilities, all because some primadonna black quarterback isn't getting his stats run up to everyone's liking.
Let this be a lesson to all the other football coaches out there who might be considering selling out to the myth of the black superstar QB.
"But Ohio State sold him on the idea that they would prepare him for the NFL"

Indeed. But it's up to this "afflete" to study, and learn to read defenses......Like Tim Tebow. Since he just wants to continue to do the "high school thang", and run around, and lock in on a single receiver, he will be a miserable failure. Or Tressel can just give in and go "high school" with the offense, Pryor won't get any better, he'll still be drafted high "by a league that want to see black black quarterbacks succeed", and he'll be a skinny Jafarces.
Tressel needs to play Joe Bauserman. Ohio State will have a great offense. When he plays Pryor, the offense could be stopped by my high school team's defense. It's obvious. I'd feel sorry for Tressel if he loses his job for this black quarterback. Good lord, any of us could go in there and throw a more accurate pass than Pryor.
Oh, I just read that Pryor is being "advised" by Lebron on how to "learn how to handle everything that comes with being a celebrity athlete (afflete). Hahahahahahahaha! Like that's his problem!
FootballDad said:
Oh, I just read that Pryor is being "advised" by Lebron on how to "learn how to handle everything that comes with being a celebrity athlete (afflete). Hahahahahahahaha! Like that's his problem!

Black players are always eager to take a "young talented brotha" under their wings. It's so sickening!
Pryor is less physically gifted than Matt Jones. Its obvious why he got the hype Matt Jones does not get. Matt was such a better talent and athlete. Makes me sick this guy gets every excuse in the book afforded to him. The excuses are running out!!
A white sports reporter for the local rag has typical excuses for Pryor:

"Midway through his sophomore season, Ohio State quarterback Terrelle Pryor is under fire from critics who want to see him benched or switched to wide receiver. None of it makes sense. . .

"Here's the truth. . . Ohio State is just not that good. The next thing I'll say is that Pryor is only partially at fault, and most of the blame should fall on Buckeyes coach Jim Tressel.

"Ohio State has no offensive identity. The smash-mouth running attack is missing, the wideouts are average, and Pryor is being asked to run a system with no definitive game plan. Pryor's footwork is poor, and it's obvious he's not being coached properly.

"Put Pryor at Michigan or Purdue -- the only two Big Ten teams that use the passing game effectively and consistently produce NFL quarterbacks -- and the results would be different. . ."

Pryor reminds me of a more athletic Sean King. His arm strength is poor and his decision making ability isn't good enough to make up for his weak arm. He is very good athlete though that could make an NFL team as a jack of all trades master of none ie Snuffy or Randal-El.Edited by: white is right
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