2008 Vikings

Thrashen made most of the points I wanted to, in brilliant fashion.

This is truly circus unbelievabilitus. I watched a bit of Favre's press conference this afternoon. This guy is an honorary black guy, kind of like Bill Clinton. His explanation for this latest turnaround- he said his old buddy Frank Winters had an expression for this kind of thing; "Dude, this is America." Sounds like the title for Judd Apatow's next fart movie extravaganza, or maybe the Republicans next losing campaign slogan. Favre then shrugged and clarified this sage advice with "It is what it is." Yeah, kind of the like the brothers say "ain't nothing but a thang."

I heard the jock sniffers speculating that this move may mean that Tavaris Jackson will be traded. Huh? How can this guy be worth anything to anybody? Let me get this straight- Tyler Thigpen puts up much better stats than Tavaris ever will, in his first season as a starter, with a demonstrably worse team, and is now THIRD string on the depth charts, but totally ineffective Tavaris carries enough value for some team to trade for him?

I enjoy the debates about Favre. Everyone knows how I feel about him.
I love Brett Favre. He is one of the best quarterbacks of all time. I do think he should have retired several years ago though. I don't like all this drama he creates about unretiring and retiring. Other than that he and Steve Young are my all time favorite quarterbacks.
I think Rosenfels would have beaten out Jackson for the the QB job. This shouldn't have happened as far as I'm concerned. The Vikings are going to find out what the Jets found out last year. Farve just ran out of gas as the season went along. I'm sure he will again. He's a year older, not a year younger.

Tom Iron...
Brett Farve is the new Roger Daltry, Sugar Ray Leonard, Ali. This 3rd comeback could end similar to Dennis Quaid in Any Given Sunday.
That's more like it! I was waiting for Thrashen and bigunreal to zing Favre. Thrashen covered the "dark" side of favre pretty well but he missed the dive that Favre took to give the sack record to a black player.

I will say this, Favre sure has crapped on his legacy in Green Bay.

And to bigunreal's comment that Favre is an honorary black man, dude you nailed it, but he always has been, with his big game "brain fart's" where he throws up Hail Mary passes at the worst time. That's classic TNB!
I agree with the general consensus here on Favre. One of the few white athletes who is actually overrated. This guy is poison in a big game with his interceptions.

That being said, there will be one more whitey starting in the NFL as Jackson would have gotten the start for the Vikes. And really, even a washed up Favre is an improvement over Tavaris Jackson.

Another small plug for Favre - he was doing well for the Jets until his shoulder injury.
Liverlips, I somewhat disagree. I was looking forward to watching Rosenfels start this season, which he would have. Even before the big "news conference extravaganza," Chris Mortenson was suggesting that Childress kept after attaining Favre mostly because "Tavarous had really dropped off during training camp and pre-season." He was suggesting that if Rosenfels was injured, the Vikings wouldnt have been comforetable with Jackson starting in his place. I agree with you in the sense that Jackson will now be cut, released, or some moronic team will trade for him.

Jax, you're all too correct about the Favre-Strahan sack record. I realize that most of the anti-Favre negativity at CF goes back many years....with many of the same arguments being rehashed. It's a great argument, and at the rate at which Farve retires/un-retires....we could be having this conversation 5 seasons from now, haha.

I was going to mention the old gem about Favre's sister being involved in a drive-by shooting in Mississippi (which most likely involved blacks she was in some was connected to), but I think it's time to let it go, haha.Edited by: Thrashen
As a kid, Farve was always one of my favorite players. I still like him but you guys are right that he's never done anything to help another white NFL player. Also, the media treating him like a black athlete is right on point....

For example: I happened to flip to The SportsNation on ESPN. For those who are unaware this is a terrible and unwatchable show (even by ESPN standards). It's hosted by Colin Cowturd and some blonde bimbo. The best part is DWFs at home can blog in their comments and participate in poll questions about their favorite afletes. Anyway, at some point during his raging lovefest for Farve, Colin said something along the lines of "I already went online today and ordered my Vikings pajama pants".

Now this little wimp may have been joking for "entertainment" purposes but I couldn't help but picture grown men wearing kid's pants, their favorite afletes jersey and their beer drinking helmets. Or simply put the DWF's Sunday attire.

I really need to stop watching ESPN all together as it now only angers me.
Reports are that Tavaris Jackson will be released or traded by friday. Look for the Jag offs to sign him right away.
Leonardfan said:
Reports are that Tavaris Jackson will be released or traded by friday. Look for the Jag offs to sign him right away.

Or Raiders, Tampon bay and Bengals.
I don't know about the Jags, both of Garrard's backups there are now white. Still, you never know.
recent news from Tampa show that somehow, magically, after a couple of half decent plays in the first preseason game Leftwich seems to have overtaken Luke McCown, who might now be traded or released as Bucs are "high" on their two backups, Freeman and Josh Johnson...

so yeah, they might be fully stocked on their QB mediocrity. plus Gruden isn't there and there aren't likely to carry 4 QBs as he used to do.
jaxvid said:
I will say this, Favre sure has crapped on his legacy in Green Bay.

And how! He still has a percentage of fans who will never desert him, but many of his staunchest supporters have jumped ship. His popularity has drastically eroded over the span of several years. At one time the entire state was eating out of his hand.

Results from an on-line poll:

OK, how do you feel about Brett Favre now?
still love him (23%)

can't stand him (47%)

indifferent (31%)

Total Responses: 21693Edited by: Bart
I disagree with anyone who dislikes Favre. Yes he should have retired 5 years ago. He is one of the best quarterbacks to ever play the game and noone can deny that. I'd even go as far as saying he's one of the top 5 qb's ever. Say what you want about Favre but the guy is a legend.
whiteathlete33 said:
I disagree with anyone who dislikes Favre. Yes he should have retired 5 years ago. He is one of the best quarterbacks to ever play the game and noone can deny that. I'd even go as far as saying he's one of the top 5 qb's ever. Say what you want about Favre but the guy is a legend.

Top 5? You can make a case he's the best ever. Plently will argue but he's got the numbers and accomplishments.
Jaxvid I can't agree that he's the best ever when you have guys like Joe Montana, Steve Young, Elway and Marino. I do think Favre is ruining his legacy by still playing because he's only 70 percent of what he once was.
Favre is a walking record book and arguably better than 50% of the quarterbacks now playing in the NFL.
Farve has been very productive in an era of liberalized passing
rules (esp post-2004), and has been very durable (although he was
a known pill-popper and I suspect that in a few years much more
will come out about this). However, his absolutely atrocious
decision-making in big games (game-killing interceptions that don't
seem to register much regret on his part, based on the goofy look
on his face that usually follows) should rule out any serious
comparison to Joe Montanta, for example. He has basically bombed
big-time in every playoff session except 1996 (when Green Bay was
blessed with a killer defense). Keep it in perspective: Farve has
as many rings as Trent Dilfer or Jeff Hostettler. He is definitely
overrated to an extent.
Warnipple his name is Favre not Farve first of all. Secondly he is not overrated. He is one of the top 5 qb's all time and has set plenty of records. The guy is incredible.
Off the top of my head, I can think of three quarterbacks currently playing who are superior to Farve at any point of his career (Manning [Peyton], Brady, and Warner), so calling Farve a top 5 all-time is clearly a stretch.
Warnipple said:
Off the top of my head, I can think of three quarterbacks currently playing who are superior to Farve at any point of his career (Manning [Peyton], Brady, and Warner), so calling Farve a top 5 all-time is clearly a stretch.

I disagree, which is the whole point of discussing Brett FaVre.

He is number one in career passes completed, passing yards, and passing TD's. Number one in playoff games started. He has won the MVP 3 times, been in 10 Pro Bowls, won a Super Bowl and been one of the highest profile NFL players ever.

Comparing to others mentioned.

Manning, only 1 Super Bowl win also, behind Favre in stats, although he will probably be the leader one day.

Brady, doesn't have the stats but has the Super Bowl wins which is more of a team thing.

Warner does not have the career numbers to compare to Favre.

Marino, less stats and no Super Bowl.

Elway, less stats more Super Bowls.

Steve Young, less stats, lost time to the USFL.

Montana, pure winner, subjective choice over whether he was "better".

Brett Favre can easily be argued as the "best ever QB" both from numbers and results. (QB's from the "white era" of the game are not considered because they had the unfair advantage of playing with receivers that could actually catch the ball.)
No probably about it, Peyton Manning WILL eventually surpass Farve statistically,
and in a lot fewer games, and he'll have at least as many Superbowls. Except,
of course, in one critical category: interceptions. Farve's penchant for stupid mistakes,
making throws a veteran quarterback should never make and in critical situations,
simply has to be factored into any evaluation of him. Which is why statistically you
should look at overall efficiency ratings which will take that sort of thing into
account (so, e.g., Steve Young and Warner will come out looking better than Farve in
that regard). And yes, Superbowls are a team effort and are overstated when evaluating
a QB. However, if you look at the way Tom Brady has played in big games compared to
the way Farve has, the contrast is striking. That has to count for something. Are
you saying that if your life depended on the outcome of a game, you'd rather have
Farve under center than Montana or Brady?
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