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  1. K

    Even New Hampshire

    There hasn't always been such a large segment of the white population that was deracinated. It has taken a systematic and gradual media campaign to accomplish this. Who has been behind this and what have their motivations been are the questions to ask.
  2. K

    Olympic Final Four

    Nocioni was hurt too. And they miss Pepe Sanchez bigtime. Argentina could have won that game. Nocioni is right up there with Dirk and Nash for me. He's one tough SOB. I don't think he gets enough PT or shots on the national team or with the bulls. Argentina played much better with Delfino...
  3. K

    Brady Quinn - classic double standard

    I was discussing Michael Vick and Vince Young with some blacks that I play ball with one day. I told them that they would be pretty good if their teams ran the option.
  4. K

    Some young guys for future olympics.

    Nice list WL. It looks like the sprints may go better next time around.
  5. K

    The Solution to the Problem

    I think the economies of the non-Asian world would completely collapse as whites became minorities in their historical homelands triggering several wars. Whites would win at least some of them. That's one scenario; another is a nuclear war or terrorism changing our world drastically. In short, I...
  6. K

    Blowback From Bear-Baiting

    The word "ally" suggests that the relationship is mutually beneficial. So I ask, what has Israel ever done for us? Maybe I've overlooked something.
  7. K

    400 meter sweetness!

    I think that he meant that Merritt has beaten Wariner already this year and that Wariner has been slowing down since changing coaches.
  8. K

    Blowback From Bear-Baiting

    He does most of the time. He would have made a great president. Edited by: KG2422
  9. K

    Blowback From Bear-Baiting

    Good points Aussie. They are crazy. I was considering the military after I finish graduate school. I am beginning this fall. I may just relocate my family to Australia or New Zealand in two years if this place doesn't go up in smoke before then. The govt. will pay up to $65,000 in student loans...
  10. K

    Watching/Celebrating 400 M Final

    He needs to learn to dance with who brought you. Same thing goes for Ricky Hatton. I think greed and lack of loyalty may be our biggest weaknesses as a people. Greed is the source of slavery, illegal immigration and guest worker programs. We don't want to have children because they are...
  11. K

    2008 Arizona St. Sun Devils

    I like that alot.
  12. K

    Even New Hampshire

    At any other school I would have. The athletic director and I get along well and he stuck up for me a few times.
  13. K

    Even New Hampshire

    Exactly Nevada, I tried to teach that to my world history and government classes this past year. It took quite a while to sink in.Edited by: KG2422
  14. K

    Interacial fights in public

    You're right Don. I've been lucky. I've had a gun pulled on me once and two guns flashed at me. They lifted their shirts to show me that they had a gun tucked in the front. The two guns that were flashed- one was at the mall and the other was at wal mart. I didn't back down when the gun was...
  15. K

    why are all these greek athletes doping?

    I am not the authority on ancient history by any means but it seems that their artwork suggests they where once much lighter during their era of greatness. Maybe they lost their dominance due to the seeds of lesser men. Like I said though, I am not anti-Greek.
  16. K

    Interacial fights in public

    A German friend of mine told me how the Turks act in Germany. Fight 1- I was playing basketball in the hood, only white there. I was having a very good day and everything was going in. This aggravated one of the bros there. He switched over to guard me. He kept saying, "give it to the white...
  17. K

    2008 Maryland Terapins

    The term "skill set" annoys me. I also don't like the way basketball players are now called "pieces". People just parrot what they hear on the boob tube way too often.Unrelated but even more stupid - I can't stand seeing a "guy's" section at a clothing store. We have been demoted from men to...
  18. K

    Jake Sharp

    Well, I hope he is 5'9" so they can't make him a fullback. Those few inches don't make you a better running back. It helps at corner or wide receiver - no big deal at running back. I actually think it is better to be under 6 ft., although there have been some good ones over that.
  19. K

    Mcnair retires

    Tim Couch didn't "suck". His stats weren't that bad despite playing for an expansion team that protected him poorly and gave him little to work with. He even took them to the playoffs once. Shoulder injuries have probably ended his career. I think he is a good example of the media double...
  20. K

    Superior athleticism of blacks is a myth

    I think whites have a higher pain tolerance. I don't know if any studies support this. There have been some blacks who are very tough though, like Marvin Hagler.
  21. K

    Jordan Peterson

    Excellent post Jared. I hope he plays well wherever they put him, but it is difficult to switch postions at this level and not lose something. He might want to consider a transfer to Iowa or BYU. I think he still has his redshirt.
  22. K

    why are all these greek athletes doping?

    Not as white as they once did before they bred with some of the conquered. They're still white enough for me.
  23. K

    2008 Olympics 100 Meter Results.

    No one said all black athletes are roided. We were talking about the Jamaicans. Not all Africans have HIV either.... I guess not all multiculturalist trolls are stupid but far too many are, and they shouldn't pollute the world with their seed.
  24. K

    2008 Olympics 100 Meter Results.

    Craig needs to "train" in Jamaica.
  25. K

    2008 Summer Olympics

    I got on the rings once. Didn't have what it took. Not even close , and I'm not a bad athlete in the big ball sports. I have nothing but respect for gymnasts.