Interacial fights in public


Dec 1, 2006
How do you react to them? Im german, and i regularly see Turks/blacks starting fights with white germans.

Very often i see Turks/Blacks beating their white girlfriends ( german girls dig the minorities too due to their MTV indoctrination).

Ive gone to help german girls being manhandled before, and always in a calm manner trying to cool the situation down. It always resulted in the angry boyfriend attacking me, regardless of how calming and peaceful i tried to be.

A few weeks ago, me and some chicks were in a bar when the turkish waiter started beating a waitress. I wasnt going to do squat, i figured let her realise what multiculturalism is all about. But the girls i were with wanted me to do something ( and i wanted to score one of them), so i tried to calm the guy down as usual. Then he got all up in my face and pushed me away. So I immediatley punched him a few times in the face ( im no fighter, just a TE /OT). Anyway being a scumbag Turk he produced some club and now i have a nice scar on my forehead. I got away relatively uninjured, I ran away because being questioned by cops is a lotta hassle.

My point is this : if you see a thug being violent in public, always throw the first punch, cause thats the only language they understand.Usually they arent expecting it from some nerdy white guy. And be prepared to run because a lot of them have weapons.

Id like to hear some stories of other CFers fights with brothas :)
A German friend of mine told me how the Turks act in Germany.

Fight 1- I was playing basketball in the hood, only white there. I was having a very good day and everything was going in. This aggravated one of the bros there. He switched over to guard me. He kept saying, "give it to the white boy". So I said, "yeah give it to the white boy", then I shot a three and made it. Then I said, "and he'll bust in your face every time". Next possession they gave me the ball and I crossed him over and scored again. Next possession I tried to go to the basket and he just started grabbing me, so I backed up, and lowered my shoulder. He pushed me and got in my face and said "push me again and I'll slide your a**". He was much larger than me and he bullied the other blacks most of the time. So I bowed my head like I was being submissive and said in a weak voice, "man I really don't want none", so I could get close. Then, I grabbed him by the back of his head and drove my forehead into his chin. He staggered back and I hit him with a straight right to the temple. It still took several more straight punches to take him down. He caught me with one before he went down. He was pretty tough. They pulled me off the top of him. The other blacks couldn't believe it. They made a really big deal about it.

Another time: I was playing basketball again. Having another good day, they don't seem to like that. This black fatty tells me if I come in the lane he's going to knock me down. I'm only 5'6" 180lbs so I can undercut people pretty easily even if I'm not trying to sometimes. So I told him, "don't jump because if you do I'm going to undercut you and you're going to land on your f***ing head". So his two buddies wanted to start acting tough. So I told them," it's real easy to act bad when it's three against one". So they picked their best one and he came up and swung and missed. I couldn't reach his head to punch him
so I grabbed his headband, twisted it around his kneck and pulled his head down so I could punch his face until he quit. Before he quit he was screaming to his fatty frinds, "ya'll take him". I looked over at them , continuing what I was doing, and they didn't jump in suprisingly. This white girl writer for the college newspaper saw what happened and was looking at me like I was evil incarnate.
She did columns about racism, stupid b*tch".
I never cause any trouble with minorities, and they leave me alone, too.

If minorities want to posture and impress themselves with displays of braggadocio, let them, I don't care.

The only time I'd ever deign to try to fight with a minority (or anyone) is if my life or the lives of my family were in danger. Other than that, the best example yo can show people who act stupid is to be an adult.

In my opinion it takes a much bigger and better man to walk away from an immature punk he knows he can knock out, than start fighting like a fifth grader against someone who needs five homies backing him up to make him feel strong.
chris and KG--good job! You showed them up !

I think if you see open violence on a white woman by a black man--slapping, hair pulling, you have to make some sort of attempt to step in. He's doing it in public to challenge us and make a racial statement; "Ah owns diz white bitch." You don't have to be belligerent about it--just step in and say "hey man, no violence!" yes, it may come to a fight after that, and you may lose, but you took a stand.

The difficult situations are where the black does everything short of violence and you are not sure whether the white woman is his 'girlfriend' or just a temporary object of his lust/anger. It's very frustrating.

It would be great to be Vlad Klitschko for a day, and go "on Patrol' looking for obnoxious blacks!
GiovaniMarcon said:
I never cause any trouble with minorities, and they leave me alone, too.

If minorities want to posture and impress themselves with displays of braggadocio, let them, I don't care.

The only time I'd ever deign to try to fight with a minority (or anyone) is if my life or the lives of my family were in danger. Other than that, the best example yo can show people who act stupid is to be an adult.

In my opinion it takes a much bigger and better man to walk away from an immature punk he knows he can knock out, than start fighting like a fifth grader against someone who needs five homies backing him up to make him feel strong.

I largely agree with your post Giovani but I can't say I didn't enjoy reading KG2422's post because I did. It's nice to hear a story where a obnoxious black bully gets beaten down by a white guy in front of his black friends. It sounds like they started it and KG finished it. It would probably be wiser for KG not to put himself in situations like that because the outcome of the next story might be radically different.
The biggest danger is that so many blacks carry guns and have no qualms about using one to finish a dispute.
GiovaniMarcon said:
I never cause any trouble with minorities, and they leave me alone, too.

If minorities want to posture and impress themselves with displays of braggadocio, let them, I don't care.

The only time I'd ever deign to try to fight with a minority (or anyone) is if my life or the lives of my family were in danger. Other than that, the best example yo can show people who act stupid is to be an adult.

In my opinion it takes a much bigger and better man to walk away from an immature punk he knows he can knock out, than start fighting like a fifth grader against someone who needs five homies backing him up to make him feel strong.

I'm with you on this Marcon. This type of attitude towards behaving in public has prevented me from whopping the crap out of a lot of people in college. You know the old this wasted ass punk thinks he hears that or I "did" something and the next thing you know they're looking to brawl. Now I don't keep quiet as I cuss and talk sh*t back but I don't look for any physicality unless they try and come at me.
So that's basically my philosophy. Don't start crap but if they spew some towards you give it right back. And never look for the fight but just have your senses up and be prepared to counter attack.
Don Wassall said:
The biggest danger is that so many blacks carry guns and have no qualms about using one to finish a dispute.

You're right Don. I've been lucky. I've had a gun pulled on me once and two guns flashed at me. They lifted their shirts to show me that they had a gun tucked in the front. The two guns that were flashed- one was at the mall and the other was at wal mart. I didn't back down when the gun was pulled on me. I was a 17 year old crazy person. I'm lucky he didn't use it. The next two times I was a little older and I walked away and told a black security guard one of those times. Of course, he did nothing. I'm not going into the three stories but I was in the right. They were causing trouble. I live in a majority black city. I need to get the heck out of here.

My father had a friend whose son didn't back down from blacks either. He was shot and killed.

Chris, my German friend tells me that the Turks will send their children up to you to start trouble, and if you say anything to them the adults will use it as an excuse to attack. Have you seen or heard of this?Edited by: KG2422
Don Wassall said:
The biggest danger is that so many blacks carry guns and have no qualms about using one to finish a dispute.

I don't look for fights to break up but the general insanity of people now-a-days was a big part of my decision in getting a c&c license last month. I would advise EVERYONE here to do so if your state laws permit. Get one for your better half also and teach hef how to shoot if she doesn't know how.
Edited by: Menelik
Don Wassall said:
The biggest danger is that so many blacks carry guns and have no qualms about using one to finish a dispute.

thats the best point on this thread. i live in So Cal (not the OC), and there are loads of gangmembers waiting for a "reason" to shoot someone. the old days of two men fighting straight up are gone. just another sad part of whats gone on in america recently.

PS- if i ever saw a black guy beating his white girlfriend i would not lift a finger. she made her bed now let her lie in it. hopefully the beating would wake her up and maybe serve as a deterrent to other white girls in the vicinity. now if the woman has kids with her thats a little different for me but overall those girls get no sympathy from me.
As a former member of a Law Enforcement agency I will say this. If a black dude is smacking around his white girly friend, do not under any circumstances become physical. I say this because I have personally seen instances of this nature where the white girl in question demands the incarceration of her white (would be) savior. Do not get involved with these people. If anything, just call the cops and let them sort it out. For one, a big chunk (not all) of these white female black male relationships have their roots in drugs. When dealing with druggies of any race know that you are dealing with people bordering on mental illness who will change emotion on the drop of a dime.
chris371 said:
How do you react to them? Im german, and i regularly see Turks/blacks starting fights with white germans.

Very often i see Turks/Blacks beating their white girlfriends ( german girls dig the minorities too due to their MTV indoctrination).

Ive gone to help german girls being manhandled before, and always in a calm manner trying to cool the situation down. It always resulted in the angry boyfriend attacking me, regardless of how calming and peaceful i tried to be.

A few weeks ago, me and some chicks were in a bar when the turkish waiter started beating a waitress. I wasnt going to do squat, i figured let her realise what multiculturalism is all about. But the girls i were with wanted me to do something ( and i wanted to score one of them), so i tried to calm the guy down as usual. Then he got all up in my face and pushed me away. So I immediatley punched him a few times in the face ( im no fighter, just a TE /OT). Anyway being a scumbag Turk he produced some club and now i have a nice scar on my forehead. I got away relatively uninjured, I ran away because being questioned by cops is a lotta hassle.

My point is this : if you see a thug being violent in public, always throw the first punch, cause thats the only language they understand.Usually they arent expecting it from some nerdy white guy. And be prepared to run because a lot of them have weapons.

Id like to hear some stories of other CFers fights with brothas :)

Very interesting posts, and some great responses on this thread.

Regarding this post, it is unfortunate that the Europeans have been so indoctrinated with these insane beliefs, that a significant number of the females will involve themselves with blacks or Turks. The fact that 200,000 people in Germany came to support Obama is very frightening.

I used to work as a server in a restaurant that is frequented by mostly white people, but we would also get a substantial amount of blacks as well.

Anyway, at least once a day you would see a white woman with a black man, and a few times I had to serve of these tables. I can't tell you the urge I had to hock lugies in their food, but I never had the courage to do it. I would also get these sudden urges to lay a nasty kick right to the face of the black man, or smash a plate right on the white woman's skull for making such a terrible decision.

The thing that stopped me was that I knew that instant decision would end my job at that place, end friendships I made there, and that even if I ran away I could still land in jail.

On the fighting front, I've only been in two fighting situations with blacks. Unfortunately, one was an unfair fight at a bar where I was helping stop a fight. A black guy starting attacking me, and I was defending myself. Unfortunately this particular bar was participating in the recent trend of hiring criminal black thugs as bouncers. Of course you know who they helped out. Just as I was about to knock the guy down, the two black thug bouncers grabbed me, put me in a headlock and let the guy nail me 10 times in the face. The bouncers paid though, as I successfully sent one down the stairs. Though in the 3 on 1 situation, I got more bruises and bleeding.

The other situation was where a black dude with some other white dudes crashed a party I was having, and started fights with my friends. After warding off some of the other guys, the black guys came right up to me. I landed a shot square in his face and knocked him right out, in front of everyone at the party. So in fair fights against blacks, I'm 1-0.

I think there are many situations where white men have prevailed against blacks in fights. Unfortunately on Youtube, 90% of the videos show blacks winning, or jumping the white guy when he gains control. The videos that really piss me off is when there's majority whites around, and they do nothing as a fellow white person gets pummeled. All of this is an attempt to demoralize whites in to feeling physically and emotionally inferior. I try my best to counteract this. The thing is that if every other white male was counteracting this as well, we wouldn't have this problem. Edited by: Electric Slide
You are right about the brain washing of whites. I have found that if I laugh at the blacks when they start talking trash they will "let me off the hook easy dis time m--f--"
A white who is not scared is a new experience for them.
KG2422 said:
Chris, my German friend tells me that the Turks will send their children up to you to start trouble, and if you say anything to them the adults will use it as an excuse to attack. Have you seen or heard of this?

Yeah that happens, though not so much.

What happens loads though is turk kids wait in big groups for german kids walking home from school on their own ( cos the whites dont have 20 odd brothers and sisters) and beat them up and steal their stuff.

But Marcon is right, the best thing is to walk away or call the police, you dont wanna go to jail or the graveyard.

Like i said, i usually do nothing when turks beat white girls in public.
They made their bed and they have to lie down in it - great phrase!
At 6'8, 300-315, I don't have many folks messing with me. In my younger days, I had a shorter fuse & would do damage quickly (when provoked). However, being a married/family man/professional these days, I don't frequent places in which trouble is likely. I'm pretty much a homebody (except for fishing, hunting & catching a few UGA games). If I think my life or family's life is in danger, I won't hessitate to put some hot lead in someone's @$$. I'm a lifetime NRA (& current GOA) member & believe in staying "heeled". As alluded to above, standard M.O. for most bruthas is either numbers and/or weapons. I keep that in mind, but rarely frequent places where there's a "gangsta" element. I've had my fair share of scraps, but try to avoid them nowadays. However, if push came to shove, I'd smash a thug's face in with my 3X fist or pop a cap if me/my family life was in danger.
do what you feel you have to do to, and live with the consequences. just my two cents.
Its nothing to be proud of but when i was 17 incarcerated in a young offenders institution i bashed a turk, in the colloquil of the jail kicked the c**t out of him. The reason was he and the blacks where picking on a white female screw, and althougth i was a inmate i didnt like it. I asked the officers if they would turn a blind eye and i went in his cell and almost killed him, he was in the hospital wing for a week.

In there i became racially aware i lived in a multicultrul area, but strangly never mixed that much outside of the white genotype.
In that place the racial groups where segregated and the egregious media lie of every race being the same,
melted under the heat of the animalistic negros irational behavoir.
Im not a fanatic but am as white and proud, as they come. Edited by: web toughguy
Perhaps people are aware of it's reputation, but in case you didn't know Philadelphia can be a rough place. My high school was about 60-40 in favor of blacks, and whites, including myself, have gotten into their fair share of altercations. From my experience on the football team, when tensions run high, blacks tend to want to vent their frustrations on someone they deem lesser than them; a white kid.

During a DB drill (I played safety) me and a black player met hard in an open-field tackling drill. The contact was even, but he responded with the obligatory, "How was that s**t, whiteboy?". So my logical response was a bit more explitive-laden, and he jumped on me. The coach separated us, and we were sent home early. From then on, I decided it was better to just keep my mouth shut and let my play talk.

I've found that blacks get especially rough when it comes to getting bested in sports. Especially sports where they believe that you, as a white man, are inferior. Luckily, I'm going to college now in central Pennsylvania, and there are few blacks. I also joined the rugby team, a sport that I played in the spring in high school and am completely in love with.

The ones that are here know well enough not to make trouble. They're not necessarily among friends.
Edited by: PhillyBirds
Last two potentially violent interractions with blacks, they guy ran to his
car to get his gun.

1-After graduating from college, was in hometown that summer and
there were new basketball courts I checked out, later realized they were
to serve the projects I didn't even know had been built. I hit the game-
winning 3, but some fat f-- in a Juwan Howard Michigan jersey said my
foot was on the line and got in my face. So I shoved him. He didn't fight
back, just ran to his car while his friends all shouted he was getting his
gun. So, I drove off quickly.

2-Also in Michigan, far suburbs of Detroit, in a combination gas station/
Subway, these black guy cuts in front of all the white customers. What the
hell? I said -- get in line like everyone else. He wigged out, and ran out
shouting about getting his "piece." Luckily, there were two doors and my
car was on the opposite side of the store as his. So, drove off quickly,
Crazy stuff, Great Salt Lake... Good job getting away quickly. Running away is the best thing to do! You only have one life, gotta preserve it at all costs.
Solomon Kane said:
I think if you see open violence on a white woman by a black man--slapping, hair pulling, you have to make some sort of attempt to step in. He's doing it in public to challenge us and make a racial statement; "Ah owns diz white bitch." You don't have to be belligerent about it--just step in and say "hey man, no violence!" yes, it may come to a fight after that, and you may lose, but you took a stand.

I totally agree. Most of these animals have probably never had anyone ever call them out on it, so they would probably be shocked that someone would even open their mouth towards them at all. I will warn you guys though, if it does get physical, be prepared to sit in a county jail cell for at least a day or two, as I'm sure the hate crime charges will not be far behind. Trust me, I've seen it happen. We need to protect our own, but remember these two key formulas:

1. Black thug attacks White female = slap on the wrist.


2. White person DEFENDS another White person AGAINST
black thug = hate crime

In the end, do what you feel is right.
Or as the homeboys say, "Handle yo' bidness."
Edited by: Ground Fighter
American Freedom News