2008 Maryland Terapins


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Here are the projected starters for 08' Pathetic stuff.


FB Cory Jackson-when they use one

TE Dan Gronkowski

RG Phil Costa or Jack Griffin


DE Jeremy Navarre Edited by: Colonel_Reb
I can't remember a Maryland team in the last 10 years or so that had more than ahalf dozenwhite starters. They had Steve Suter a few years back, who was a great kick returner and WR, but he never got a look from the NFL. I guess they only recruit from the inner city schools of Baltimore and D.C.,the ones thatregularly get their butts kicked by the white suburban schools. Edited by: Don Wassall
Don Wassall said:
I can't remember a Maryland team in the last 10 years or so that had more than a half dozen white starters. They had Steve Suter a few years back, who was a great kick returner and WR, but he never got a look from the NFL. I guess they only recruit from the inner city schools of Baltimore and D.C., the ones that regularly get their butts kicked by the white suburban schools.

Don, just to be fair Maryland is the fifth blackest state at 27% or so. It's 5th in the nation only behind Mississippi, Louisiana, South Carolina, and Georgia. There is a huge black population in the Baltimore and DC suburbs. Also football in MD is not all that good, and pretty much every year some all black team wins one of the 4 state championships, especially in the bigger divisions.

There are also some great nearly all white teams too, but unfortunately white kids in MD don't play football as much as other places since lacrosse is huge and soccer is a big draw too.

But yes you are right, there are many talented white players in the Old Line State that get overlooked and are relegated to playing at D3 Frostburg State, Johns Hopkins, McDaniel and Salisbury. Ralph Frigeon is as caste as they get. Edited by: Electric Slide
Being from MD and attending a suburban white school, the schools in Baltimore City owned us in football, basketball, and track (sprinting and jumping events). Sad but true.

Don Wassall, I don't know if you are speaking from opinion or fact, but most of the championships in football, basketball, and track are won by mostly black schools. Urbana in Frederick Co. is pretty much all-white and they won a title or two a few years back.

Football is huge in MD, lots of white kids play, they also play lacrosse or baseball in the spring seasons. Soccer is big too, but womens soccer is the draw here.

Col Reb you forgot Corey Jackson starting fullback. He is white.
sportsfan #1 said:
Being from MD and attending a suburban white school, the schools in Baltimore City owned us in football, basketball, and track (sprinting and jumping events). Sad but true.

Don Wassall, I don't know if you are speaking from opinion or fact, but most of the championships in football, basketball, and track are won by mostly black schools. Urbana in Frederick Co. is pretty much all-white and they won a title or two a few years back.

Assuming that's true, you're talking about one city, unless you have a larger sampling to reference. My opinion is based on what I've read and experienced throughout the country over a number of years and is in regard mainly to football and to a lesser degree basketball, nottrack. If Baltimore is an exception it doesn't negate the general rule that mostly white suburban schools more than hold their own against mostly black urban schools. When it comes to track suburban schools tend to do very well when all events are considered not just sprints.Edited by: Don Wassall
sportsfan#1, Thanks for the info on Cory, but it looks like Maryland won't be using a FB that much. When they do, Cory will be blocking.

As far as high school football goes, Maryland is no Texas, and there, majority white schools are routinely the state champions. Same in many other states with plenty of majority black inner city schools. Louisiana and Arkansas are two that come to mind.
At the risk of being chastised, I'm going to have to agree with Ralph's choice to start Steffy at QB. His skill set is a better fit for this new offense.
Exactly what skill set does Steffy possess, sportsfan#1? Also, specifically what type of offense is being implimented? I'm ready for enlightenment.
Md is going to a West Coast offense. The staff gave all three qb's equall reps with 1st, 2nd, and 3rd teams. Steffy out performed Portis, and Turner. Steffy has been more accurate throughout camp, and can create when the play breaks down.I don't want this to turn into a Turner should start because he's white discussion or Steffy is only starting because he's black. the coaches are tasked with putting the person out there who at the time they feel gives the team the best chance to win. They chose Steffy, I'm just agreeing. I was at the spring game, Steffy seemed to have a better handle on the offense than Turner. Turner got a fair opportunity to show what he could do when Steffy got hurt. He was the back up. It would been unfair if MD had bypassed Turner and went with the freshman Robinson who is black when Steffy went down.
sportsfan #1 said:
Being from MD and attending a suburban white school, the schools in Baltimore City owned us in football, basketball, and track (sprinting and jumping events). Sad but true.

Don Wassall, I don't know if you are speaking from opinion or fact, but most of the championships in football, basketball, and track are won by mostly black schools. Urbana in Frederick Co. is pretty much all-white and they won a title or two a few years back.

Football is huge in MD, lots of white kids play, they also play lacrosse or baseball in the spring seasons. Soccer is big too, but womens soccer is the draw here.

Col Reb you forgot Corey Jackson starting fullback. He is white.

I happen to know my share about MD high school athletics. What you say about mostly black schools winning most of the state championships in football, track, and basketball is not exactly true

Mostly black schools do win their share, but not that many teams from Baltimore City have actually won football or track championships.

I know that Dunbar is pretty good in football, but most of the other 24 high schools are pretty bad, some of them don't field a team. Your high school may have gotten owned, but usually its the Baltimore City teams that are getting owned by teams from the County.

This past fall of the 4 state football championships, 3 were won by mostly white schools. Quince Orchard from Montgomery County won 4A, the biggest division. Damascus wich is more than 90% white, also from Montgomery, won the next biggest division 3A. The 2A was won by River Hill from Howard County. Dunbar was the only majority black school to win a state title, winning 1A, the smallest division.

In 2006, majority black schools swept the state championships. Suitland and Friendly won from Prince George's County won 4A, and 3A respectively, and Edmondson and Dunbar from Baltimore City won the 2A and 1A.

In 2005 it was Damascus 4A, Gwynn Park 3A (majority black), Potomac 2A (majority black), and Allegany 1A (majority white).

In 2004 4 majority black schools swept the state championships. In 2003 4 majority white schools swept it.

So in MD football in the last five years, 9 mostly white schools have won state titles, and 11 mostly black schools have won it. 6 from Prince George's County, 5 from Montgomery County, 4 from Baltimore City, 2 from Hartford County, and 1 each from Allegany, Frederick, and Howard Counties (there are 24 counties in MD).

So in football, it is a lot more evenly mixed than you stated. This is aside from the fact that, as I said in an earlier post, football is NOT all the big in MD, and a substantial number of white kids play other sports. From my experience most lacrosse kids don't play football.
The term "skill set" annoys me. I also don't like the way basketball players are now called "pieces". People just parrot what they hear on the boob tube way too often.Unrelated but even more stupid - I can't stand seeing a "guy's" section at a clothing store. We have been demoted from men to guys.

Another thing sportsfan, I don't understand white people who cheer for black teams. It's like they can argue with other stupid whites, "Ha, Our blacks beat your blacks". It's like seeing 80,000 whites pay for tickets to watch blacks play and watch the all white chearleaders cheering for them. It just looks weird seeing all of those whites watching those blacks like they're watching "their" heroes. Can you imagine seeing 20,000 blacks watching an all white hockey game? Wouldn't that be an unusual sight? They wouldn't do that. They know where their loyalties lie.Edited by: KG2422
Electric Slide, aren't facts amazing?

excellent post!
Good point KG, in fact that is basically what I've seen and heard from a lot of public school fans in the Deep South. "Who's got the best black players" seems to be the mantra because the teams are all black. One saying from the early days of integrated high school football was from one white man to another from a different town, "don't let your n's beat up on our colored boys."

Another state that provesour point about white dominated teams winning state titles is Illinois. The 7Arunners uplast year and also the 8A (biggest classification in the state) champs in 2006 was Wheaton, a majority white team near Chicago. The 7A champs last year was overwhelmingly whiteLake Zurich also a Chicago suburb, and they were the 7A runners up in 2006. The 8A champs last year was Naperville North, another suburban Chicago mostly white team. The 6A champ last year was Joliet Catholic a powerhouse almost 100% white team. Morris was the 6A champ in 2005 with almost 100% white starters. They moved down to 5A last year and were beaten by equally white Metamora 17-14.
Maryland had about 6 white starters today, including a white QB. So, not as bad as it seems (though still pretty bad).
I heard he had a "tremendous upside."Edited by: Colonel_Reb
Maryland beat Clemson in front of Clemson's drunk fans.

I can't stand the "histrionics" that emanate from the affletes on Clemson's defense.

Maryland LB, Alex Wujciak, had 16 tackles! A White athlete on defense, an idea whose time has come!! Brilliant move!

Here's a link to pictures...

[url]http://footballrecruiting.rivals.com/viewprospect.asp?pr_key =35797&sport=1[/url]

Great job Alex!
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