why are all these greek athletes doping?



seems like a fair amount of greek athletes have been kicked out of beijing for doping offences. why is that?
Because their Jamaican drug supplier was supplying them with tainted roids........
Not as white as they once did before they bred with some of the conquered. They're still white enough for me.
Hey stop putting down the Greekos or you are going to come off as a Malaka...
Edited by: white is right
I think it was mostly Persians the Greeks bred with in the past wars at the time of Alexander the Great etc. (maybe a few Pashtuns too) The Persians are pretty closely related to Europeans. I like Greek culture and food, time to kick some Greek hater troll butt! But yeah, no one, at least I didn't say that there aren't as many white cheaters as blacks. We have just agreed that the Jamaican 100 meter runners are likely juiced to the gills to dominate and improve to that extreme level!
Bad egg plant jokes aside, some Greeks have Turkish blood, Persian blood and Phoenician blood(Phoenicians are ancient people that are from what is now Libya). Phoenicians were dark Caucasians. Most modern Libyans probably have some Sub-Saharan blood as they look much darker than the remaining works of art of the Phoenician ruling class.
They certainly were and still are. Some Greeks though can be swarthy and look Asian(Turkish)or partially Black looking because of the other ethnic groups that invaded Greece.
I am not the authority on ancient history by any means but it seems that their artwork suggests they where once much lighter during their era of greatness. Maybe they lost their dominance due to the seeds of lesser men. Like I said though, I am not anti-Greek.
There is certainly some Turkish blood in many Greeks, but the Turks are basically a white group. Of course their are Turks with Persian and Arab blood, but there has been a lot of mixing and mingling in Southern European groups because of invasions since the times of the Ancient Greek States.
I googled and I found out non caucasian admixture in greeks is only 2-3% mostly Mongolian and very little *******.8% has a haplotype that comes from the (cauasian) arabs.I have been a couples of times to Greece and after a week or so I was browner then the average Greek.So that Greeks are often tanned has to do with climate.
white is right said:
Bad egg plant jokes aside, some Greeks have Turkish blood, Persian blood and Phoenician blood(Phoenicians are ancient people that are from what is now Libya). Phoenicians were dark Caucasians. Most modern Libyans probably have some Sub-Saharan blood as they look much darker than the remaining works of art of the Phoenician ruling class.

The Phoenicians were from Lebanon, not Libya. They established colonies all over the Mediterranean including the great civilisation of Carthage, which is in modern day Tunisia, but they originated from Lebanon. It would seem unlikely that many Greeks would have that much Phoenician heritage as the Phoenicians settled mainly in North Africa, Spain, Sicily and Sardinia, while the Greeks controlled basically all of Greece and the West Coast of Anatolia.

Its also unlikely that there would be much Persian blood in Modern Greeks either, as the Persians favoured a loose form of centralised control in their empire, setting up local satraps to govern and collect tribute for the Empire, rather than transplanting indigenous Persians into conquered territories. In any case, They were only in Greece for a short time and mainly controlled lands in Anatolia.
Yes I was wrong they were from Lebanon and maybe Malta and Carthage was in Tunisia, maybe I went to the Teddy Atlas School of Geography.... Here is what Wilkapedia has to say... The question of the Phoenicians' origin persists. Archaeologists have pursued the origin of the Phoenicians for generations, basing their analyses on excavated sites, the remains of material culture, contemporary texts set into contemporary contexts, as well as linguistics. In some cases, the debate is characterized by modern cultural agendas. Ultimately, the origins of the Phoenicians are still unclear: where they came from and just when (or if) they arrived, and under what circumstances, are all still energetically disputed.

Spencer Wells of the Genographic Project has conducted genetic studies which demonstrate that male populations of Lebanon and Malta and other areas which are past Phoenician settlements, share a common m89 chromosome Y type,[6] while male populations which are related with the Minoans or with the Sea Peoples have completely different genetic markers. This implies that Minoans and Sea Peoples probably didn't have any ancestral relation with the Phoenicians.[2][3]

In 2004, two Harvard University educated geneticists and leading scientists of the National Geographic Genographic Project, Dr. Pierre Zalloua and Dr. Spencer Wells identified the haplogroup of the Phoenicians as haplogroup J2, with avenues open for future research.[7] As Dr. Wells commented, "The Phoenicians were the Canaanitesâ€â€￾and the ancestors of today's Lebanese."[8] The male populations of Tunisia and Malta were also included in this study and shown to share overwhelming genetic similarities with the Lebanese-Phoenicians. See Genetics of the Ancient World.
I wouldn't be surprised if the Phoenicians were of a similar cultural/genetic heritage as the the biblical Canaanites. If you read the Old Testament, God commanded the Israelites to take over the lands of Canaanites in what became the Kingdom of Israel but also the lands which contained the cities of Sidon and Tyre, two of the most prominent Phoenician cities. They pretty much wiped out the Canaanites in Israel but never managed to conquer what is now modern day Lebanon, where Sidon and Tyre were. The Bible also mentions that the Canaanites worshiped Baal and performed human sacrifices, a ritual which was also performed by the Phoenician colonists in Carthage.

Sorry to go a bit off topic but I'm a bit of a history nut so I find this stuff quite interesting
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