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    NFL 2013-14 Playoff thread In regards to the Wilson Kaepernick debate... I'm no fan of Wilson but its undeniable that Kaepernick is an uber-douche.
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    NFL 2013-14 Playoff thread

    Alex Smith is playing the game of a lifetime right now at least. Hope Kaepernick loses and people may finally question the qb switch in SF.
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    Johnny Manziel In case anyone didn't see it.
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    The "new" Church? Sorry here's the link I'm using my phone
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    The "new" Church? In addition to the Pope’s sweeping calls for tolerance and a new progressive understanding of Catholicism, he condemned racism, raising his...
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    Do black athletes hate White fans ?

    I feel like most of them hate whites less than the common black. Once they make it their pastimes become "whiter" golfing and they spend more time with whites, etc. Of course some "keep it real." I'm sure they have almost no respect for dwf "superfans" as they shouldn't.
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    Black QBs in the NFL

    Every quarterback benefits from drops now days. Cam may be luckier than most and I don't doubt it, but DB's simply can't catch these days. In the Houston Jacksonville debacle there could have been at least a couple more int's.
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    Black QBs in the NFL

    Geno Smiff makes Wilson's success all the more palatable. I wouldn't mind a half way decent black qb once in a while if you also have the hysterically bad Smiff to make up for it. I haven't enjoyed watching the Jets this much in a long time.
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    Black QBs in the NFL

    Looks like ol Geno will get the start again this week. I can't help but laugh.
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    Black QBs in the NFL

    I'd really like Ponder to get one more year but I'm afraid you're probably right. I think Keenum might stick in Houston though.
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    What lefty could deny this? This country is twisted
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    Room Brightening Smiles

    Anyone have a link to the fight?
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    An Outsider's Perspective on this Website

    No the posting guidelines here are sufficient in my opinion. However, the more people to visit this site and read a little the better. This site is a "gateway" into bigger and more important issues. At least it was for me.
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    An Outsider's Perspective on this Website

    This is actually a pretty good thread. I agree with Jaxvid that this is basically just a fan site. Yeah sometimes people come across as "racist" but if you don't think DWFs don't say racist things all the time youre crazy. At least in closed company. "That n****a can run" etc. Anyway, as...
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    Black QBs in the NFL

    I couldn't agree more. His accuracy on the short to intermediate throws did not look good at all. Very little touch.
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    2013 NFL Season Week 11

    He really needs to play better on national tv to avoid his "game manager" label. I haven't watched thr whole game has anyone seen what's been happening? His numbers are less than impressive.
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    Commercials we HATE!!!!

    That was great Thrashen. As soon as I saw that commercial I knew you'd get around dissecting it. Well done as usual!
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    Black QBs in the NFL

    Buffalo fans turning on EJ already. From an article. "Here are Manuel’s real numbers, the pass statistics he assembled in the first 55 minutes and change, when it actually mattered: 11-of-25 passing for 79 yards. There was a pretty stiff wind at Heinz Field, but it’s pathetic to go...
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    2013 NFL Season Week 10

    Collinsworth giving some genuine praise to Sean Lee now that's he's out of the game. Saying he's the leader of the defense and great in coverage.
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    2013 NFL Season Week 10

    Why the cowboys don't feed the ball to Witten is beyond me. Zero passes his way so far. I hope they lose.
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    Pastor Manning found someone who actually knew Barry Soetoro in Hawaii!

    Here's what I meant. Things like 9-11, the boston bombing, sandy hook etc all have motives. Wars on end, police state, gun control etc. What would be the point of grooming Obama from birth?
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    Pastor Manning found someone who actually knew Barry Soetoro in Hawaii!

    Ww why did the CIA create him anyway? Can you break down the whole thing from the beginning? Or link somewhere that does? It sounds a bit far-fetched honestly but it doesn't hurt to check it out. A lot of things sound far-fetched at first so who knows?
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    Pastor Manning found someone who actually knew Barry Soetoro in Hawaii!

    Thrashen is right. I did look for pregnant pictures and didn't find any. I still don't think she's a man though. She just has a huge, penis-like cliterious...and maybe testicle shaped vulva.
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    "High Intensity" or "Heavy Duty" training

    Haha that last paragraph is excellent. Once you know their lingo it really does become hysterical how often its used. It can't be a coincidence.
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    2013 NFL Season Week 9

    I noticed that too.