Pastor Manning found someone who actually knew Barry Soetoro in Hawaii!

She says Obama lived a gay lifestyle in his late teens.

She says he hung around with older white gay men, bummed cigarettes, bragged about using cocaine and was a drag queen.
She says Obama lived a gay lifestyle in his late teens.

She says he hung around with older white gay men, bummed cigarettes, bragged about using cocaine and was a drag queen.

And a two faced back stabber, and an Indonesian "foreign exchange student" as he described himself, and a murderer, and later on a mass murderer (two of his former aides just wrote a book quoting him as saying, "I'm good at killing people"), and a pot head as well as a drug addict, and a homosexual male prostitute, and they can't find a single person at Columbia University where they say he attended, that can remember him, whereas the case with famous people is that everybody and his brother will say they remember him.

The punk was groomed to be president before he/she was even born. His whore mama was a CIA contractor and his step daddy, who used the alias Soetoto (it wasn't his real name - and that's the name that "Barak" used to go under and that's the name that girl knew his as in Hawaii) was the CIA's man in Indonesia.

I'm surprised that they haven't fosterized Pastor Manning yet - and the girl too - but they are brave people.
Yes, I've been a "fan" of Pastor Manning since 07. He's a good blend of book smart, street smart and old school common sense. He's been relentless in hammering Obama / Soetoro since he appeared on the national stage. Imagine being a black man who takes the stance against 99% of you "brothers and sisters" like Manning has. That takes courage, being almost universally hated in your own community and still speaking the truth. If more blacks were like Manning, maybe negros could finally elevate themselves from history's laughingstock.
and they can't find a single person at Columbia University where they say he attended, that can remember him, whereas the case with famous people is that everybody and his brother will say they remember him.

Last year, the New York Times wrote about Phil Boerner, who roomed with the future president during his first year at Columbia. The article included excerpts from the Columbia student directory, showing Obama living during his junior year at 142 West 109th Street near Columbia’s campus in New York City, and during his senior year at 339 East 94th Street. Boerner recalled that Obama sometimes wrapped himself in a sleeping bag to keep warm in the chilly apartment they shared, and that some nights he would cook chicken curry for dinner.

Obama even published an article in a school magazine called the Sundial. A reporter for the conservative Human Events magazine recently called it "a wholesale endorsement of all sorts of leftist claptrap fashionable at the time." The full article is available on the Web site of It was published in the issue dated March 10, 1983.
Trust Mister Political Correctness here to trot out a propaganda piece from the Ministry of Truth's main propaganda outlet, The NY Times! Wow, they suddenly came up with two alleged Columbia U pals who allegedly pal'd around with the punk when he-she was allegedly there, and they even include a couple of alleged photographs, one of which shows nothing but some weirdo with his hands on his thighs, and the other shows Barry snuggled up on a couch with someone even they say is an illegal immigrant and drug addict! And where are these alleged pals now, anyway?

Repeat: No real people at Columbia College remember the punk being there and there's no paper trail - the NY Times refers to an alleged leftist story that Barry wrote that's someplace...and that's the only paper trail they could come up with from his allegedly illustrious stint at Ivy League college Columbia, an alleged leftist story someplace!

OBVIOUSLY the controlled USSA media and political establishment have covered the ***'s ass every step of the way and installed her in power...and let me remind you THAT ALL OF HER RECORDS ARE SEALED UP TIGHT, and the ones that they've released, like that absurd ink jet printer birth certificate are as phony as a three dollar bill!

And Barry's husband, Michelle, formerly on the board of directors of the Chicago Council of Foreign Relations, AND A DISBARRED LAWYER JUST LIKE BARRY - THEY ARE BOTH DISBARRED LAWYERS! - and the details of their disbarment are likewise BOTH SEALED UP TIGHT. All of his/herBarry's historical records are sealed up tight, including her alleged college transcripts!

This following is from a guy who really was at Columbia at the same time that Barry was supposed to be there and majored in the same things that Barry was supposed to have majored in, except Barry really majored in snorting drugs and faggotry wherever she was:

"If anyone should have questions about Obama’s record at Columbia University, it’s me. We both graduated (according to Obama) Columbia University, Class of ’83. We were both (according to Obama) Pre-Law and Political Science majors. And I thought I knew most everyone at Columbia. I certainly thought I’d heard of all of my fellow Political Science majors. But not Obama (or as he was known then- Barry Soetoro). I never met him. Never saw him. Never even heard of him. And none of the classmates that I knew at Columbia have ever met him, saw him, or heard of him.

But don’t take my word for it. The Wall Street Journal reported in 2008 that Fox News randomly called 400 of our Columbia classmates and never found one who had ever met Obama.

Now all of this mystery could be easily and instantly dismissed if Obama released his Columbia transcripts to the media. But even after serving as President for 3 1/2 years he refuses to unseal his college records. Shouldn’t the media be as relentless in pursuit of Obama’s records as Romney’s? Shouldn’t they be digging into Obama’s past–beyond what he has written about himself–with the same boundless enthusiasm as Mitt’s?

The first question I’d ask is, if you had great grades, why would you seal your records? So let’s assume Obama got poor grades. Why not release the records? He’s president of the free world, for gosh sakes. He’s commander-in-chief of the U.S. military. Who’d care about some poor grades from three decades ago, right? So then what’s the problem? Doesn’t that make the media suspicious? Something doesn’t add up.

Secondly, if he had poor grades at Occidental, how did he get admitted to an Ivy League university in the first place? And if his grades at Columbia were awful, how’d he ever get into Harvard Law School? So again those grades must have been great, right? So why spend millions to keep them sealed?

Third, how did Obama pay for all these fancy schools without coming from a wealthy background? If he had student loans or scholarships, would he not have to maintain good grades?..."’s-college-classmate-the-obama-scandal-is-at-columbia/

Here's another one - there's plenty more investigative reporting available online exposing the lies of the "long legged mack daddy" and the controlled USSA media, like the NY Times here. that runs cover for him-her:

Obama’s Columbia 30th Reunion and NO Classmate Remembers Seeing Him
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Yes, I've been a "fan" of Pastor Manning since 07. He's a good blend of book smart, street smart and old school common sense. He's been relentless in hammering Obama / Soetoro since he appeared on the national stage. Imagine being a black man who takes the stance against 99% of you "brothers and sisters" like Manning has. That takes courage, being almost universally hated in your own community and still speaking the truth. If more blacks were like Manning, maybe negros could finally elevate themselves from history's laughingstock.

Pastor Manning was, however, a long time burglar and then a prison inmate. That's also a characteristic of Negroes, when they are young they like to sow their wild oats, which in their case means committing crimes, and when they become old they become "charming and lovable".
Trust Mister Political Correctness here to trot out a propaganda piece from the Ministry of Truth's main propaganda outlet, The NY Times! Wow, they suddenly came up with two alleged Columbia U pals who allegedly pal'd around with the punk when he-she was allegedly there, and they even include a couple of alleged photographs, one of which shows nothing but some weirdo with his hands on his thighs, and the other shows Barry snuggled up on a couch with someone even they say is an illegal immigrant and drug addict! And where are these alleged pals now, anyway?

Repeat: No real people at Columbia College remember the punk being there and there's no paper trail - the NY Times refers to an alleged leftist story that Barry wrote that's someplace...and that's the only paper trail they could come up with from his allegedly illustrious stint at Ivy League college Columbia, an alleged leftist story someplace!

OBVIOUSLY the controlled USSA media and political establishment have covered the ***'s ass every step of the way and installed her in power...and let me remind you THAT ALL OF HER RECORDS ARE SEALED UP TIGHT, and the ones that they've released, like that absurd ink jet printer birth certificate are as phony as a three dollar bill!

And Barry's husband, Michelle, formerly on the board of directors of the Chicago Council of Foreign Relations, AND A DISBARRED LAWYER JUST LIKE BARRY - THEY ARE BOTH DISBARRED LAWYERS! - and the details of their disbarment are likewise BOTH SEALED UP TIGHT. All of his/herBarry's historical records are sealed up tight, including her alleged college transcripts!

This following is from a guy who really was at Columbia at the same time that Barry was supposed to be there and majored in the same things that Barry was supposed to have majored in, except Barry really majored in snorting drugs and faggotry wherever she was:

"If anyone should have questions about Obama’s record at Columbia University, it’s me. We both graduated (according to Obama) Columbia University, Class of ’83. We were both (according to Obama) Pre-Law and Political Science majors. And I thought I knew most everyone at Columbia. I certainly thought I’d heard of all of my fellow Political Science majors. But not Obama (or as he was known then- Barry Soetoro). I never met him. Never saw him. Never even heard of him. And none of the classmates that I knew at Columbia have ever met him, saw him, or heard of him.

But don’t take my word for it. The Wall Street Journal reported in 2008 that Fox News randomly called 400 of our Columbia classmates and never found one who had ever met Obama.

Now all of this mystery could be easily and instantly dismissed if Obama released his Columbia transcripts to the media. But even after serving as President for 3 1/2 years he refuses to unseal his college records. Shouldn’t the media be as relentless in pursuit of Obama’s records as Romney’s? Shouldn’t they be digging into Obama’s past–beyond what he has written about himself–with the same boundless enthusiasm as Mitt’s?

The first question I’d ask is, if you had great grades, why would you seal your records? So let’s assume Obama got poor grades. Why not release the records? He’s president of the free world, for gosh sakes. He’s commander-in-chief of the U.S. military. Who’d care about some poor grades from three decades ago, right? So then what’s the problem? Doesn’t that make the media suspicious? Something doesn’t add up.

Secondly, if he had poor grades at Occidental, how did he get admitted to an Ivy League university in the first place? And if his grades at Columbia were awful, how’d he ever get into Harvard Law School? So again those grades must have been great, right? So why spend millions to keep them sealed?

Third, how did Obama pay for all these fancy schools without coming from a wealthy background? If he had student loans or scholarships, would he not have to maintain good grades?..."’s-college-classmate-the-obama-scandal-is-at-columbia/

Here's another one - there's plenty more investigative reporting available online exposing the lies of the "long legged mack daddy" and the controlled USSA media, like the NY Times here. that runs cover for him-her:

Obama’s Columbia 30th Reunion and NO Classmate Remembers Seeing Him

Ouch "Mister Political Correctness", that one stings, I may lose sleep over that one, it's the first time anyone has ever said that to me that's for sure. You said that "they can't find a single person at Columbia University where they say he attended, that can remember him" so I guess you are admitting you are wrong??

Someone did remember him, he did print an article in a student newspaper. Thus you are wrong. The fellow remembering him is pretty creditable but I understand that the only evidence you believe is the kind dug up by internet sleuths and conspiracy supporters, not actual historical written records and eyewitness testimony (which of course is always faked, phoney, and made up).

This goes back to the point I made about you being uncreditable because you will believe anything that suits your agenda and nothing that doesn't. For what it's worth I agree that his time at Columbia is very suspicious and poorly documented. I'm sure they are hiding something. It's obvious!!!

But most likely what they are hiding is that he was a poor student, didn't deserve to get into Harvard, and was give a free pass due to his skin color. Besides anyone that cares to know, knows he was a poor student, pretty lazy, has only a bare attachment to the US at all.

Your ranting about his sexuality, his private life, his citizen qualifications is useless. No one important cares!!! All of us who oppose him and his agenda know these things are more or less true and it makes no difference because a sizable amount of the population a) doesn't care, or b) thinks even more of him because of it.

You should stop calling him a drug using ******, if that gets out his poll numbers will rise.
"This goes back to the point I made about you being uncreditable because you will believe anything that suits your agenda and nothing that doesn't."

I am able to distinguish real evidence from false seeded evidence and you are not able to do that. You show that over and over. Your so-called credible witness is an illegal immigrant drug addict, that according to the NY Times itself, and another guy who the NY Times just trotted out in 2009 and shows a picture of himself standing someplace as if that were proof of anything, and an alleged teacher that suddenly remembers him being there and an alleged article that he wrote for some alleged magazine using the name Barak Obama even though he was supposed to be going under the name Barry Soetoro back then - and no one else remembers seeing him, especially those who majored in the same subject, and his name, under any of his various aliases, does not appear in the Columbia College yearbook, and ALL of his records are sealed up, not just his college records, but his school records, his employment records, his real birth records, his lawyer-disbarment records, his selective service records, everything, nothing about this manchurian acndidate checks out or computes, and he uses a phony social security number, and your statement about "nobody important cares" applies only to the so-called important people that manipulate this barely literate Kenyan marionette.

And as for this, "You should stop calling him a drug using ******, if that gets out his poll numbers will rise", I call him a drug using ****** because that is precisely what he is, and if his poll numbers rise (they don't) it's because their polls are as fake as their elections and as fake as this little junky ****** so-called president.

Imagine if I tried to get a job and they asked for my college transcript and I said, well, uh, I could show you an article I wrote for a magazine and have some guy from Pakistan tell you that he and I were roommates and gay lovers, would that do?
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Imagine if I tried to get a job and they asked for my college transcript and I said, well, uh, I could show you an article I wrote for a magazine and have some guy from Pakistan tell you that he and I were roommates and gay lovers, would that do?

The Zionists have so much dirt and scandals on Obama that they can bury him at any minute. So, when the Jew York times comes out with some dirt, it's a message to keep Obama in line with the Jewish agenda.
Jaxvid, the Revrin Manning has got that boy's number. The best I can figure it was orders were down from on high to hustle him right along, from even before he was born to his whore obamamama and Lolo Soetoro of Indonesia, both on the CIA payroll, so they sent him to that prestigious and very expensive school in Hawaii even though he had no money and was barely literate, and moving right along to prestigious Ivy League Columbia College that is extremely hard for a normal white goy to get into, and he would barely even cooperate, maybe swishing into a few classes stoned out of his mind. Then on to law school, hustled right through, zero records as usual, and then a bull**** professor gig teaching civil rights part time, then his first job with a CIA front outfit, of course - and then with all his protection he still managed to get himself disbarred as a lawyer, and so did his husband Michelle (check out the big bulge in the front of Michelle's dress - and Barry reportedly calls "her" Michael in private) and both their disbarments (they technically called it something else but it amounted to exactly the same thing, the taking away of their law licenses in Illinois) are sealed tight. Yep, Pastor Manning's got that "long legged mack daddy's:" number!
Jaxvid, the Revrin Manning has got that boy's number. The best I can figure it was orders were down from on high to hustle him right along, from even before he was born to his whore obamamama and Lolo Soetoro of Indonesia, both on the CIA payroll, so they sent him to that prestigious and very expensive school in Hawaii even though he had no money and was barely literate, and moving right along to prestigious Ivy League Columbia College that is extremely hard for a normal white goy to get into, and he would barely even cooperate, maybe swishing into a few classes stoned out of his mind. Then on to law school, hustled right through, zero records as usual, and then a bull**** professor gig teaching civil rights part time, then his first job with a CIA front outfit, of course - and then with all his protection he still managed to get himself disbarred as a lawyer, and so did his husband Michelle (check out the big bulge in the front of Michelle's dress - and Barry reportedly calls "her" Michael in private) and both their disbarments (they technically called it something else but it amounted to exactly the same thing, the taking away of their law licenses in Illinois) are sealed tight. Yep, Pastor Manning's got that "long legged mack daddy's:" number!

Much of what you say is true however you discredit it by adding stupid stuff like his wife is a man or some such thing you are insinuating. There is no question that Obama has been helped along by some people in powerful places but that just means that there are many others who received the same treatment and this guy lucked out to get where he is.

Furthermore I am disappointed by people who understand the reality of our upside down society yet continue to attempt to personalize it by acting as if one person is somehow the problem when the real problem is the regime and how it creates a situation that a lazy, stupid, african, with no accomplishments, can be elected king. The thing to focus on is the problem with the system and it's supporting cast, not the few figures that get the symbolic roles in the whole phony scam.

Obama-hate, while satisfying in many ways is a distraction and actually serves to polarize people to support him because they recoil from strong personal attacks that seem to be driven not by reason or truth but by malice.

I receive better attention from "obama supporters" by foregoing their affection with the cult of personality around him and instead pointing out the injustice and unfairness of the system, not the man.
That was an interesting video. The woman seems very believeable. But, at this point, I think we're just going to have to ride it out with Obama. Sure he's a liar and probably not a citizen and incompetent, etc. But this is what our countrymen want. So just watch and wait. Having just said what I did, he's still a black guy and at any given moment, could louse himself up. It's what they do.

Michelle Obama is a man?


This photograph was not photoshopped. It is an authentic photograph. Reportedly Barry calls "her" Michael in private. Another thing that Barry said was just revealed ina book written by two former aides. He said, "I'm good at killing people".
Furthermore I am disappointed by people who understand the reality of our upside down society yet continue to attempt to personalize it by acting as if one person is somehow the problem when the real problem is the regime and how it creates a situation that a lazy, stupid, african, with no accomplishments, can be elected king. The thing to focus on is the problem with the system and it's supporting cast, not the few figures that get the symbolic roles in the whole phony scam....

No argument there. Of course this POS that currently goes under the name "President Barak Hussein Obama" isn't actually the problem. He's a nothing, a tiny frail little homosexual drug addicted illiterate. According to insiders he spends his time in the White House with his feet up on his desk reading puff pieces about himself in crap like People magazine and supermarket tabloids, and watching basketball games his tv set. Check out videos that show him talking, and then his teleprompter shuts off for some reason, and suddenly he's going, "humma humma yeah dat rat," and sounding like a common street n'r. They trotted him out of nowhere a few years ago and then installed him in power by running him through their mock elections. Dubya Bush (also homosexual) was also a sock puppet. They all are. The last one who wasn't was JFK, and they "corrected" that anomaly.
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So is there any evidence that "he" was ever pregnant with their two daughters? Or is that another Columbia University-type mystery?
So is there any evidence that "he" was ever pregnant with their two daughters? Or is that another Columbia University-type mystery?

Like hospital records? Good question. I doubt it. All of "her" records are sealed up tight just like Barry's.

This photograph was not photoshopped. It is an authentic photograph. Reportedly Barry calls "her" Michael in private. Another thing that Barry said was just revealed ina book written by two former aides. He said, "I'm good at killing people".

I guess where one man sees camel toe another one see's something else. :biggrin:

Why do you think every politician is a homosexual? Because you hate homosexuals and want to associate your enemies with something you dislike? I think the odds are that a few of the major politicians may actually turn out to be heterosexual. I'm sure there are some closet cases though. But this is another name-calling habit of the conspiracy fringe that does them no favors in convincing others.

This photograph was not photoshopped. It is an authentic photograph. Reportedly Barry calls "her" Michael in private. Another thing that Barry said was just revealed ina book written by two former aides. He said, "I'm good at killing people".
That sure isn't a camel toe.

I alway thought Michael was post-op.
werewolf said:
Imagine if I tried to get a job and they asked for my college transcript and I said, well, uh, I could show you an article I wrote for a magazine and have some guy from Pakistan tell you that he and I were roommates and gay lovers, would that do?

I don’t normally laugh out loud while reading stuff on the internet, but I found this to be extremely humorous.

Michelle Obama allegedly gave birth to Malia and Sasha Obama in 1998 and 2001, when “it” was 34 and 37 years old, respectively. In my opinion, the older daughter does appear to resemble “Mike” (especially the primitive-looking protruding jaw), but the younger daughter doesn’t resemble either Mike or Little Barry...


CAPTION: Malia Appears Biological

If anyone is interested in searching for photos of “it” whilst pregnant, don’t waste your time, as the photos don’t exist. I used to read a very serious Obama “birther” website asserting that Barry was gay, his marriage was a sham, and the two kids were adopted (or weren't his). The posters on the site scoured every resource attempting to find proof that Mike was ever pregnant, but found nothing but a few photos of the girls posing with Barry when they were young…



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Thrashen is right. I did look for pregnant pictures and didn't find any. I still don't think she's a man though. She just has a huge, penis-like cliterious...and maybe testicle shaped vulva.
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