The "new" Church?


Sep 2, 2012
http://diversitychronicle.wordpress...e-true-at-historic-third-vatican-council/ In addition to the Pope’s sweeping calls for tolerance and a new progressive understanding of Catholicism, he condemned racism, raising his voice and pounding the podium in front of him. Pope Francis spent over an hour castigating anti-immigrant politicians, parties and individuals. Wagging his finger sternly with righteous indignation, the Pope shouted “Racism today is the ultimate evil in the world. When Italians, Spanish or French turn back the boats of African migrants seeking a better life, are they not like the inn keeper who told Mary and Joseph that there was no room for them and the infant Christ? These migrants are children of God and we are commanded to love them!”

His voice loudly echoing through St. Peter’s basilica, the Pope stated “those who would dare to turn immigrants away, be they legal or undocumented, turn their backs on Christ himself! A racist is not a true Christian. A racist casts aside his humanity to become a beast, a demon! He is the embodiment and personification of evil, a Satan!”

To a chorus of thunderous applause, Pope Francis stated “because Muslims, Hindus and African Animists are also made in the very likeness and image of God, to hate them is to hate God! To reject them to is to reject God and the Gospel of Christ. Whether we worship at a church, a synagogue, a mosque or a mandir, it does not matter. Whether we call God, Jesus, Adonai, Allah or Krishna, we all worship the same God of love. This truth is self-evident to all who have love and humility in their hearts!”

In a announcement that shocked many people, Pope Francis warned that “those who seek to deny a home to the migrant, to the African and the Muslim, risk their membership in the church. We will consider excommunication for those whose souls willingly dwell in the darkness and evil of intolerance and racism. Satan himself is a metaphor or a personification, for the collective evils of mankind. Today, these evils manifest foremost as racism, intolerance, religious persecution and bigotries of all kinds.”

This is pathetic.
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Scroat, I appreciate this post..
Seems like illegal immigration has become a dilemma for the Catholic Church. Obviously followers of Christ are directed to love neighbors as ourselves, but abandoning all standards & reasonable expectations in that process is senseless suicide. I think Christians can help foreign 'neighbors' in need (thru prayer & foreign aid), while not allowing every single one of them to lawlessly destroy & invade host countries.
Allowing illegal immigrants to disregard reasonable immigration laws, allowing them to bankrupt social services, lowering social standards in schools to accommodate them, etc (to me) is not a form of love, it's a form of degrading patronage.. It degrades the society who does it & the illegals receiving it (who are reduced to obnoxious, childish dependents).

It's not cruel or immoral, asking ppl to follow reasonable immigration laws & screenings.. Disregarding them is hurting all parties, bcuz we're gonna turn the entire West into a lawless 3rd world wreck. Will the Church then own up to it's part in ruining the West for both it's natives & it's recent immigrants (?) Ironically, a Nigerian Cardinal, offered an intelligent rebuttal to the Pope's naivete',

“Islam has overrun my own country, and now it threatens to overrun Europe. Some parts of Nigeria now live under Islamic Sharia law. Catholics there are no longer free to practice their faith publicly. Francis is a fool if he thinks that his liberal immigration policy will end well.â€￾
Liberals like the Pope. Liberals worship Satan. What can we conclude from these facts?
The Catholic Church is dead above the equator. One of the best things about the collapse of "modern" Christianity, esp. Catholicism in the Western nations is that it no longer has any moral authority except amongst the very old and the few clinging to the myth of America 1.0. This new pope is the symbol of that collapse. He is oft quoted by the MSM and will be very popular when he spouts this garbage but his "flock" has long ago left him. He preaches to a secular press and a hedonistic public. Let him rant.

I could post thousands of pictures of abandoned and wrecked Catholic churches located in the inner cities of dying amerika, the falling down and broken temples are a testament to the death of that religion and those ideas. Those churches are remnants of a dead philosophy like Mayan temples covered with weeds and overgrowth.

Currently the Catholic church survives in amerika as a decent option of non-pubic schooling and a social club for suburbanites that vote Obama, use birth control, and divorce and have babies out of wedlock (when they bother to reproduce). The actual religion is meaningless and this new pope is more like Gorbachev surrendering the last vestige of his empire to his enemies.
When you factor in muslims did 9/11 and over 400 American Jews died in the world trade center (for those who think jews did it). Heres a short biography of 76 of them. link

Muslims do not belong in any non-muslim nation. They are only second to jews in their threat to humanity.
Ain't this pope something? Five years of Obama, now him to contend with.

I must admit though that the Catholic church can put on quite a show. All those fancy embroidered robes, gold and silver accessories. The incense and ringing of bells and many colored candles with their light flickering off those grim faces on the walls. You'd think you'd died and went to a better part of purgatory at least. Saw my first dead man at church, face up in a box. I'll bet he was the only one present who didn't think the service was overlong. One of the nuns, the one who looked tired all the time, told me once I was a very reverent altar boy. I didn't know what to say to that, but I know I did take my altar boy role very seriously at the time.

I personally think this guy is a homosexual. I saw some smirking priest in an interview who claimed to be in the know state that at least forty percent of Catholic priests are varying degrees of active homosexuals. And this pope is one of them. That's probably what drives a lot of his anger towards conventional morality and steered him into his militant Marxist outlook. Being a priest didn't help him and he's mad about it. Conjecture yes, but this is the Catholic clergy we're talking about, and The Hock did get a B- in psychology 101 thirty years ago.

So what does he want, anyway. Just let any African who wants into Europe? I think it's safe to say that the best part of Africa isn't as nice as the worst part of Europe. So that would be a hell of a lot of Africans coming ashore and any European with any common sense left if apprehensive about it.

If his Popeness is so adamant about letting them in, why doesn't he make the Vatican a safe haven for them? Hell just turn the place over to them. Replace all those obsolete old mostly white men with vibrant young Africans. Fit them for some fancy robes and put them in charge. When the rest of Europe sees how well it works maybe they'll warm up to the idea. Then again, the place might end up looking like another trashed Detroit housing project surrounded by Hardcore Pawn shops filled with some really bitchin' ass bling. That's what I would put my money on anyway.

When I was a kid I went to Mass every Sunday. My mother, staunch defender of the Church but non attender (to this day) would give me a dime to put in the collection basket. A dime. I was so embarrassed. But now, with the way the church has turned out, and with this guy in charge, I think I should get my money back.
Being a priest didn't help him and he's mad about it. Conjecture yes, but this is the Catholic clergy we're talking about,..

Hock.. I agree with your conjecture. The Catholic Church's commitment to clerical/priestly celibacy has always struck me as suspect. It has no scriptural foundation.. & I think has been a generations-long cloak for some perverts & deviants. Of course there are some normal priests who can swear off heterosexual relations for the sake of their position.. But if you are a pervert or predator, a life of Catholic celibacy is a perfect cover/explanation for choosing an adult life with no women. It seemed like the Catholic Church spent the entire 90s in the news, settling lawsuits & issuing public apologies for all the molesters they protected. Not an indictment of all Catholicism, but celibacy is bizarre discipline.. Especially since Paul implied in 1 Corinthians that the early apostles were rolling with wives :rockon:
His voice loudly echoing through St. Peter’s basilica, the Pope stated “those who would dare to turn immigrants away, be they legal or undocumented, turn their backs on Christ himself! A racist is not a true Christian. A racist casts aside his humanity to become a beast, a demon! He is the embodiment and personification of evil, a Satan!”

Such ironic audacity from the great high priest of the world’s preeminent child molestation consortium. As Jaxvid astutely noted…who in the Catholic Church is so “racist,” anyway? That materialistic, disgraced, soon-to-be-forsaken cult probably features a far lesser percentage of white “racists” than the Zionist Christian (Baptists, Lutheran, Methodist) Negro-lovers polluting the churches in which I was raised…which is no easy feat.

To a chorus of thunderous applause, Pope Francis stated “because Muslims, Hindus and African Animists are also made in the very likeness and image of God, to hate them is to hate God! To reject them to is to reject God and the Gospel of Christ. Whether we worship at a church, a synagogue, a mosque or a mandir, it does not matter. Whether we call God, Jesus, Adonai, Allah or Krishna, we all worship the same God of love. This truth is self-evident to all who have love and humility in their hearts!”

Clergymen are nothing more than corporate CEO’s. Like all Marxist corporations, their “brand” (religion) must undergo a constant metamorphosis in order to continue to reach their target audience and effectively peddle their “product” (heaven) and be relevant in the NWO.

In a announcement that shocked many people, Pope Francis warned that “those who seek to deny a home to the migrant, to the African and the Muslim, risk their membership in the church. We will consider excommunication for those whose souls willingly dwell in the darkness and evil of intolerance and racism. Satan himself is a metaphor or a personification, for the collective evils of mankind. Today, these evils manifest foremost as racism, intolerance, religious persecution and bigotries of all kinds.”

This anti-white urchin preaches his extreme brand of “tolerance,” yet he himself clearly has no tolerance for the opinions of the few racially-conscious Catholics still in existence. This is the archetypal liberal sentiment with regards to racially aware ideals, only in this instance it’s being whittled by an insidious craftsman operating under the feeble guise of a white robe, a silver crucifix, a gay little hat, and allegedly “intrinsic” piety. I wonder if this walking, talking, respiring excrement has ever once lived amongst the vile non-white beasts he so cherishes?


CAPTION: Dope Pope Smooches Negroes in Corporate Photo-Op
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Gentlemen, In my own case, I'm my wife's auxillary Catholic (my wife is devout and does church work). I do whatever physical work comes to hand. Ninety percent of the husbands of the other women involved are dead or infirm somehow and can't work. So, that leaves me. One thing I've noticed about priests in general from my perch, so to speak is their extreme laziness. Anytime there's any type of handson work to be done, they make themselves very scarce. If they get a chance, they always take advantage of the women volunteers of the church. The one guy asked my wife to do some ironing for him Christmas morning. I told my wife in no uncertain terms to say no or I'd get on the phone and give him hell. As far as their other nasty activities mentioned, agreed. But I do hate laziness above all sin, if there is any actual sin in the world.

Interesting point Joegoofinoff. Also an interesting contrast with the monasteries, where performing manual labor is thought to bring one closer to God. I don't know how that works, but some of the lazier priests might try mowing the lawn once in a while.
The Pope is now just a figurehead for another proxy. This is probably why the last one stepped down, he didn't want to be the one to have be such a bootlicking whore for Jews.
The Catholic Church hierarchy took a sharp leftward turn at the time of Vatican II, which not coincidentally was about the same time the top-down bottom-up Permanent Cultural Communist Revolution was unleashed in the U.S. and the West.

To me (a non-Catholic) the biggest problem with the Church is the requirement of celibacy for priests. The best and the brightest young White Catholic men often aspire(d) to be priests, but the inability to marry and reproduce has resulted in a double whammy of many capable would-be priests going in a different career direction; and more importantly dumbing down the race with so many intelligent priests dying childless. By contrast, rabbis are wisely encouraged to spread their seed. It's also resulted in the easy subversion of the priesthood by homosexuals and pedophiles, which in turn has been effortlessly exploited by professional anti-White, anti-Christian haters such as Bill Maher and a legion of others for endless jokes and mockery.
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Anti-Zionist is the politically correct way to say that one opposes Jewish behaviour: anti-Semite is the politically incorrect way of saying it.

Let us not forget that the Jews are the Synagogue of Satan and are just as virulently anti-white, anti-West as Pope Marx.
jaxvid, Thrashen, and Don, good points all! The "new" church can be delineated in a number of ways, and none of them are good. It is throughout all groups who claim to be Christian as well, and it sickens me to see it.
To a chorus of thunderous applause, Pope Francis stated “because Muslims, Hindus and African Animists are also made in the very likeness and image of God, to hate them is to hate God! To reject them to is to reject God and the Gospel of Christ. Whether we worship at a church, a synagogue, a mosque or a mandir, it does not matter. Whether we call God, Jesus, Adonai, Allah or Krishna, we all worship the same God of love. This truth is self-evident to all who have love and humility in their hearts!â€￾

This kind of thinking is what really made me realize that the Catholic Church was dead. The one thing you could be sure of as a Catholic was that the Church would do whatever was necessary to ensure its survival and success. Anti-birth control and anti-abortion, and anti-gay were ways of making sure that there would be plenty of new Catholics around in the future. It was all about filling the coffers.

This embrace of the "other" is suicide. I can only guess that the upper hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church has decided that the current version of the religion is going to fail especially among whites so they are gonna try and sell it to the idiots in the southern hemisphere as some quasi-pagan blend of mystical thinking that will appeal to the only groups left that do not use rational thinking when considering the larger questions.

I remember the nuns pounding the commandant "thou shalt not worship false idols", into me as a kid, the punishment was eternal damnation. But I guess now false idols is A-OK.
The Hock,
Interesting point Joegoofinoff. Also an interesting contrast with the monasteries, where performing manual labor is thought to bring one closer to God. I don't know how that works, but some of the lazier priests might try mowing the lawn once in a while.

Yes, the Trappist monks are famous for work. They get up 3AM and start their day. When their head hits the pillow at night, they're worked out. That's why they're able to "see & feel" God's presence in their day, unlike these turds at the local parish level and in the local diocese headquarters. We had one good Monsignor here for awhile and he was a top notch man. Out early every morning walking around the church and school picking up papers and trash. There wasn't anything he wouldn't put his hand to. Many times, he had to be stopped from doing some of the more physical work, but he attempted it. Everyone loved him - Good man. Of course, he was an older man and retired. Our loss. I even went to Mass with my wife when he said the Mass. I'm not going with these guys around.

The Hock,
Interesting point Joegoofinoff. Also an interesting contrast with the monasteries, where performing manual labor is thought to bring one closer to God. I don't know how that works, but some of the lazier priests might try mowing the lawn once in a while.

Yes, the Trappist monks are famous for work. They get up 3AM and start their day. When their head hits the pillow at night, they're worked out. That's why they're able to "see & feel" God's presence in their day, unlike these turds at the local parish level and in the local diocese headquarters. We had one good Monsignor here for awhile and he was a top notch man. Out early every morning walking around the church and school picking up papers and trash. There wasn't anything he wouldn't put his hand to. Many times, he had to be stopped from doing some of the more physical work, but he attempted it. Everyone loved him - Good man. Of course, he was an older man and retired. Our loss. I even went to Mass with my wife when he said the Mass. I'm not going with these guys around.


Joe, are you in the Knights of Columbus? I have a friend who is a member and the local parish priest uses them like his private service squad. I don't really have anything against that, if people want to volunteer their time in service of their church then that is a good thing.
Joe, are you in the Knights of Columbus? I have a friend who is a member and the local parish priest uses them like his private service squad. I don't really have anything against that, if people want to volunteer their time in service of their church then that is a good thing.

I was all set to be voted in a few years back , then I missed a fish fry where I was going to be doing all of the grunt work like hauling up the fish up the stairs etc. Declined and glad now, because yeah, its like you said, free labor and I don't mind helping out the church but its too much, I mean I have other obligations and to not make one thing get on their bad side? Its ridiculous.

At my parish its not just the women doing the work (although they do a fair share), its the Deacons, the married deacons, and they usually say a lot of stuff during mass as well (sometimes pretty much the entire service besides the whole communion stuff). I have more respect for them and know them much better than most of the priests.

One priest is super old and can barely walk so I understand why he can't do physical work, but there is one from some village in Africa that just got running water a few years back, always talking about how spoiled we are with how little work we have to do, yet he is young and doesn't do crap.

We had a cool young priest that did a lot of work, actually had a regular life that I could identify with (not as much as the Deacons but close) before deciding to become a priest, but he got moved to a bigger/more populated parish.

But in my parish, its pretty much married deacons running most of the stuff.

As far as Vatican II, I am guessing that is why Mel Gibson claims to be a "Vatican I Catholic"

Personally I like Eastern Orthodox Catholicism, its closer to the original church, but we don't have any churches like that around here. In Denver where I am visiting they do though.

However, today we went to a Roman Catholic church and had our son baptized, priest went on a long rant about homosexuality being a sin and talking about accepting it with the notion "oh were all sinners" is just leading to more decline in our morality. My liberal relatives looked pretty upset haha.
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In addition to the Pope’s sweeping calls for tolerance and a new progressive understanding of Catholicism, he condemned racism, raising his voice and pounding the podium in front of him. Pope Francis spent over an hour castigating anti-immigrant politicians, parties and individuals. Wagging his finger sternly with righteous indignation, the Pope shouted “Racism today is the ultimate evil in the world. When Italians, Spanish or French turn back the boats of African migrants seeking a better life, are they not like the inn keeper who told Mary and Joseph that there was no room for them and the infant Christ? These migrants are children of God and we are commanded to love them!â€

His voice loudly echoing through St. Peter’s basilica, the Pope stated “those who would dare to turn immigrants away, be they legal or undocumented, turn their backs on Christ himself! A racist is not a true Christian. A racist casts aside his humanity to become a beast, a demon! He is the embodiment and personification of evil, a Satan!â€

To a chorus of thunderous applause, Pope Francis stated “because Muslims, Hindus and African Animists are also made in the very likeness and image of God, to hate them is to hate God! To reject them to is to reject God and the Gospel of Christ. Whether we worship at a church, a synagogue, a mosque or a mandir, it does not matter. Whether we call God, Jesus, Adonai, Allah or Krishna, we all worship the same God of love. This truth is self-evident to all who have love and humility in their hearts!â€

In a announcement that shocked many people, Pope Francis warned that “those who seek to deny a home to the migrant, to the African and the Muslim, risk their membership in the church. We will consider excommunication for those whose souls willingly dwell in the darkness and evil of intolerance and racism. Satan himself is a metaphor or a personification, for the collective evils of mankind. Today, these evils manifest foremost as racism, intolerance, religious persecution and bigotries of all kinds.â€

This is pathetic.

Woe to you when all men speak well of you, for that is how their fathers treated false prophets. Luke 6:26

Then the Lord said to me, "The prophets are prophesying lies in my name. I have not sent them or appointed them or spoken to them. They are prophesying to you false visions, divinations, idolatries and delusions in their own minds.
Jeremiah 14:14

Read the Bible and follow Jesus, not what the "Pope," or some church or denomination says!
American Freedom News