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  1. Paleocon

    zionism-what is caste footballs definition?

    There are really two issues in play here: race and culture. A person can be white, but if they are anti-Christian and hostile to European morals, institutions, traditions they are still culturally disruptive. The reason Zionism is disliked here is because Zionists take anti-Christian and...
  2. Paleocon

    justin bieber

    In pop music the performers are popular because people are told they are popular and they remain so until people are told something else is better. Because they generally lack talent they are easily replaceable. The girls are especially vulnerable. After they use up your youth and innocence they...
  3. Paleocon

    internation rugby stars to make NFL more white?

    The recruiting of rugby players would be even more caste-focused than normal college scouting because they wouldn't be looking for great rugby players, they would be looking for raw athletic talent. In their minds that talent would have to be non-white (even if it isn't the most athletic). If...
  4. Paleocon

    internation rugby stars to make NFL more white?

    He doesn't look white if this is the guy. I think he looks mixed, but in some pictures he looks white. It is hard to tell.,0.jpg...
  5. Paleocon

    "Machete" = Anti-White/Pro-Mex Propaganda

    Given the corruption in the Mexican government and law enforcement agencies they could actually make a pretty decent movie out of that concept. Sort of the lone cop battling against overwhelming odds. Yeah it's kind of cliche, but not terrible. Of course they won't because it would have to be...
  6. Paleocon


    Well add that to the Federal Reserve Act and the 16th Amendment and it makes one more reason the year 1913 was so awful.
  7. Paleocon

    Matt Jones

    I kind of suspect that Jones will play one year in Cincinnati and then move on because the team is committed to The Toddler and Bryant. It would be nice to dump one of those two and keep Jones though especially with Shipley in the slot, but the Bengals are a team that dumped Kevin Walter so two...
  8. Paleocon

    Ed Wang

    No doubt his fan section at games will consist of a group of DWFs dressed up like samurai, ninjas, and sumos. Yeah these are mostly associated with Japan, but what do the DWFs know.
  9. Paleocon

    Michael Savage

    I think we would be better off if we could get people to read old books rather than listen to current pundits. Punditry at its best is muckraking and at its worst is spin and manipulation. Generally pundits are mediocre minds who engage in endless "gotcha" politics distracting the masses with...
  10. Paleocon

    2009 Cincinnati Bengals

    To their credit most fans have Shipley ahead of Caldwell already. I was kind of surprised how excited they were about Shipley even if it was just for the slot role.
  11. Paleocon

    2009 Cincinnati Bengals

    It is funny how easily led around fans are. Just before this report came out the majority of fans (or close to it) were arguing that Jones wouldn't even make the team. For some reason they had their little hearts aflutter for Dezmon Briscoe and Andre Caldwell with a small minority still pleading...
  12. Paleocon

    "The Next Antonio Gates"

    The fact that every alleged next great (black) tight end is supposed to be the next Antonio Gates is stereotyping itself. How often do we hear about some player of any color becoming the next Jason Witten or Dallas Clark? It isn't like Gates is so statistically/physically superior to every other...
  13. Paleocon

    Ritz-Carlton bans "racist" family from hotel

    A black family would want to be served by whites. They know the service will be better and would enjoy having a white serve them (puffing up their racial ego). Lastly they could justify their usual practice of not tipping as part of their racial struggle (the whole sticking it to white people...
  14. Paleocon

    African Renaissance Statue

    The name African Renaissance makes me laugh. Obviously everyone involved doesn't realize that to have a renaissance you actually had to have some notable level of civilization before that. Compare Senegal to the real Renaissance. Culturally Senegal has never reached the level of the Roman...
  15. Paleocon

    Ranger's Manager tested positive for Coke.

    Ron Washington looks like one of those homeless blacks who ride city buses for no apparent reason. If you saw him out on the street you would probably think he was a crackhead.
  16. Paleocon

    Blacks Asked to Leave Walmart in NJ

    Shining shoes can be done outside and I can carry my own things so yes I agree. Anyway, that should be a signature quote; it is quite amusingly un-PC. It would horrify plenty of folks to hear it even if they secretly feel the same way.
  17. Paleocon

    Matt Jones Released

    I hope you are right. Personally I think Bryant sucks as he has only had one really good season in a nine year career, but he will get every chance and is probably guaranteed to start. Jones should beat out Caldwell, but everyone seems high on Caldwell in the slot (why, I have no clue). Also...
  18. Paleocon

    Matt Jones Released

    Well Matt Jones probably won't play much for the Bengals this year. The signing of Antonio Bryant likely just moved Jones from a chance at the two spot down to fourth on the depth chart. The fans will riot if the team starts anything other than Chad, Bryant, and Caldwell and a bunch of those...
  19. Paleocon

    Have they cancelled Black history month?

    Perhaps it was more subdued this year because every year the "history" becomes more trivial and irrelevant that it was getting embarrassing (well humorous for me that a whole race of people can't fill a month with relevant history). My own black history month contribution: In 1924 Amos...
  20. Paleocon

    Blacks Asked to Leave Walmart in NJ

    With the employment turnover rate and the likely number of current employees who hate Wal-Mart the number of people with knowledge of the PA system will be quite high. I suspect this was more about sabotaging Wal-Mart than anything to do with blacks. Nevertheless, it sounds like the Bias Crime...
  21. Paleocon

    Ahmadinejad Calls 9/11 "Fabricated"

    Unfortunately the link took me to a generic YouTube page; was the video taken down? My own view is that 9/11 was actual blowback which, of course, the neo-con propagandists used dupe the American people into supporting two wars. As far as conspiracies go I think that despite how they publicly...
  22. Paleocon

    Red China & USA Facing Showdown?

    I wrote a research paper a little less than two years ago and found that by applying a constitutional test to government agencies federal expenditures could be reduced nearly 50%. The Departments of Education, Energy, Health & Human Services, Homeland Security, and Housing & Urban...