Ranger's Manager tested positive for Coke.


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
It's all over ESPN. For some reason they don't have an article out yet on their website. Looks like the Rangers will stand by this guy(black) for some odd reason. In my opinion that is not acceptable regardless of color!
The media will probably find some way to blame it on Josh Hamilton. They will say that he tempted the other guys in the clubhouse or something stupid like that.Edited by: green fire317
From the article:

Washington told the club he used cocaine and offered to resign as soon as he was randomly selected for a drug test by Major League Baseball. Club president Nolan Ryan, general manager Jon Daniels and other officials decided not to accept the offer after they were convinced that Washington had used only once.
Typical white naivete or just plain old bs (pandering).
Poor guy!!! Only uses coke once and it's at the exact time they decide to test him for drugs! What are the odds! Talk about your bad luck. You really have to feel for the guy.

On the bright side I read that his players were hoping he could score for them.

This is the type of thing the segregationists used to say about blacks not being allowed in organized ball. That they weren't able to control their impulses. Seems to me they"ve been proven correct over a long period of time, this only being the latest example.

Tom Iron...
You have to wonder how the manager scored the cocaine. It's not like your average waitress says coffee, tea, cocaine? This is probably a guy who used the drug on a semi-recreational basis in his younger days. Edited by: white is right
Ron Washington should not have offered to resign; he simply should have turned in his resignation.

Somehow I can see Bud Selig meddling in this behind the scenes to keep a black manager in his job.

Tim Johnson was fired by the Blue Jays in '98 because of his lies about service with the Marines in Vietnam when he stayed Stateside in the Reserves.

Ron Washington appears contrite about using illegal drugs and keeps his job.

I get it.
Ron Washington looks like one of those homeless blacks who ride city buses for no apparent reason. If you saw him out on the street you would probably think he was a crackhead.
Paleocon said:
Ron Washington looks like one of those homeless blacks who ride city buses for no apparent reason.  If you saw him out on the street you would probably think he was a crackhead.  

Had a good laugh on this one because it's true. Our nickname for him down here in Texas is "Shoeshine" because ... well, it's self-explanatory.
Go Rangers!
celticdb15 said:
It's all over ESPN. For some reason they don't have an article out yet on their website. Looks like the Rangers will stand by this guy(black) for some odd reason. In my opinion that is not acceptable regardless of color!

Yeah and why isn't it acceptable? Honestly if you ask me it's far more dangerous to go out get hammered on booze and drive a car than it is to snort a line of that white stuff. I'm sorry folks but the laws in this country are messed up! If you get caught with a teaspoon of coke you're labeled a felon lose your job and get your reputation tarnished, but if you get pulled over and blow over a 0.2 on the breathalyzer just make sure you're for work on Monday. Give me an F'in break.

Not sticking up for coccaine or endorsing its use but how many people die a year from coke compared to alcohol?? Yeah, my point exactly...
I have family members who are crack addicts. Seeing them now and seeing how they used to be is mostly why I feel it is not acceptable. I have low tolerance for hardcore drugs like that. That's all I'll say on the subject.
whiteCB said:
celticdb15 said:
It's all over ESPN. For some reason they don't have an article out yet on their website. Looks like the Rangers will stand by this guy(black) for some odd reason. In my opinion that is not acceptable regardless of color!

Yeah and why isn't it acceptable? Honestly if you ask me it's far more dangerous to go out get hammered on booze and drive a car than it is to snort a line of that white stuff. I'm sorry folks but the laws in this country are messed up! If you get caught with a teaspoon of coke you're labeled a felon lose your job and get your reputation tarnished, but if you get pulled over and blow over a 0.2 on the breathalyzer just make sure you're for work on Monday. Give me an F'in break.

Not sticking up for coccaine or endorsing its use but how many people die a year from coke compared to alcohol?? Yeah, my point exactly...
Yes if you are hammered on booze it's more dangerous than maybe a thin line of cocaine. But how many coke addicts do one line? I think if you took a DUI case or and more hardcore cocaine users you would have the same motor skills issues. Edited by: white is right
More ******* druggies in Baseball:
Good Ol' Elijah Dukes, that paragon of Black Virtue .... Got cut from the Devil Rays and the Nats, and a few other teams because, drum-roll please, he sucks! The guy struck out frequently, had low batting average, and couldn't field his position. A VERY forgettable player. Of course the puff article on Dukes today, in masnsports.com, give the obligatory "very talented" description of this complete bust. Now he whines that all his Black teammates on the Rays and Nats were potheads, just like him. Let's not leave out wife-beater, either. So without further ado, a typical Negro-worshiping article from mainstream sports media about a hideous Black criminal, who was a piss-poor ballplayer, and now makes money performing "rap" hiphop "music"

Elijah Dukes says he smoked marijuana while with Nationals
By Ben Goessling, February 12, 2011 11:04 AM | 11 Comments

Elijah Dukes, the troubled former Nationals outfielder cut by the team last spring, said in a Tampa Tribune interview this week that he smoked marijuana during his 2 1/2 seasons with the team. In the interview, Dukes blamed "peer pressure" from teammates and said he was blackballed by Major League Baseball after coming forward with his allegations of drug use by fellow players.

In the story, which profiles Dukes' new career as a hip-hop artist and reflects on his tumultuous turn from one of the game's top prospects to persona non grata, the 26-year-old said he smoked marijuana before home games and in hotels on road trips while he was with the Nationals. He also alleged fellow players were bringing drugs onto team charters and into hotel rooms.

Dukes said he brought his allegations to Dr. Lawrence Westreich, a MLB psychologist who provided counseling to the outfielder as part of baseball's employee assistance program. Dukes said he's failed to get a job because MLB didn't want to deal with his claims about players using marijuana. He said he told Westreich about the drugs because he was upset after having been drug tested for two years after being arrested for marijuana possession. But Rob Manfred, MLB's senior vice president for labor relations and human resources, told the Tribune that Dukes never brought forth allegations of drug use by other players.

"The allegations made by Mr. Dukes are false," Manfred said in an email to the Tribune. "Dr. Westreich did not communicate any information from his conversations with Mr. Dukes to the Nationals or any other club. Despite well reported issues surrounding Mr. Dukes, Commissioner Selig has taken no action that would have affected Mr. Dukes' ability to secure employment with a Major League Club. And, at no time did Mr. Dukes disclose to Dr. Westreich any information concerning drug use by other Major League players."

The Nationals declined to comment for the story, and have not responded to a request for comment this morning.

A talented outfielder with an impressive power stroke, Dukes was traded from the Rays to the Nationals before the 2008 season after he'd run into trouble with the law on several occasions. Though he was not arrested during his time with the Nationals, he narrowly beat a January 2009 deadline to pay child support; had Dukes not paid more than $40,000 to his estranged wife, he could have been arrested. He was finally arrested for the same crime last November.

Dukes is now rapping under the name Fly Eli, and is playing a series of shows around the Tampa area.

Edited by: Realgeorge
American Freedom News