Hall of Famer
I'd also say Zionism is jewish nationalism in support of the jewish state above all else. It embraces NeoCON'd "Christians" that also blindly support it. IMO, the Hebrews (of the Old Testament era) were indeed God's chosen people. However, they broke the covenant (with God, not the other way around) when they rejected the Messiah (Christ Jesus). In that, they forwent their "chosen people" status. Only through the atoning blood of Yeshua can anyone enter Heaven..that also includes heathen muslims (who I'm no fan of). I don't care much about Israel (of modern day) having (or not having) their own land. Nor do I care about the "plight" of Palestine. My concern is NOT wasting U.S. taxpayer (fiat) $ in the middle east...supporting Israel OR the muhammedans. As for Iran, I say let Israel deal with them. As for America, we should avoid ALL foreign entanglements...especially the middle east. I believe in American for Americans...and NO other nations. Complete, unwavering sovereignty & a limited "foreign policy" is paramount for the good of the Republic.
Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Edited by: DixieDestroyer